Defender Won't Run At Startup

May 5, 2008

I've just noticed that Defender isn't running, even though the Registry key(HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun) is there. The path specified by this key (%ProgramFiles%Windows DefenderMSASCui.exe -hide) is valid. I can copy and paste it into a Run box and the process appears in the Task Manager (and stays there until I reboot). If I view the System Startup page in Spybot S&D the key exists. I've actually changed '%ProgramFiles%' to 'C:Program Files' (without the quotes) to see if it makes a difference - it doesn't. If I view the Startups tab in The Ultimate Troubleshooter it
finds the key but shows File Not Found in the Launch Command field.I'm at a bit of a loss. I thought perhaps the permissions had got screwed up for either the Windows Defender folder or the executable itself, but if that were the case, should I be able to run the command manually? In any case, the permissions can't be edited. Everything's greyed out.I'm quite happy to run without Defender; I'd just rather be the one who
decides. I'm concerned that to all intents and purposes it's supposed to be running but isn't.

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Windows Defender Not Loading At Startup

Jun 1, 2010

It's ticked in msconfig - Startup, but never loads Alert each time loaded manually and 'Turned-On' but never loads on reboot

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Defender Explorer Show Down Startup

Aug 18, 2008

My Gateway ML3109 runs lean and clean with only Office 2003 and no startup programs listed in Defender Explorer. Recently it has begun to slow down signifcantly on startup. I found errors logging in the Diagnostic-Performance>Operational Event Log, usually with a Critical 100 Event about startup degradation, accompanied by multiple Errors about indiviual apps/drivers taking longer to complete resulting in performance degradation in system start-up process. Most recent are Event 105 "Foreground optimizations (prefetching) took longer to complete, resulting in a performance degradation in the system start up process," Events 102 "This driver took longer to initialize, resulting in a performance degradation in the system start up process": HdAudAddService, PptpMinport, Ndistapi, NdisWan, AgereSoftModem; Events 101 "This application took longer than ususal to start up...": LogonUIxe, mmc.exe, svchost.exe, etc. Each time it seems to be different services, drivers and applications which are delayed and they individually troubleshoot ok. I was advised by Gateway to do a clean reinstall which I have done twice with no change in the situtation, leading me to believe it might be a setting in the Boot or BIOS which is incorrect. It is the same with or without my Avast antivirus.

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Prevent Defender Blocking Startup Program?

Aug 17, 2008

I run the Asus AI prpgram on startup. This is supposed to allow me to modify motherboard and CPU settings. However Defender will always prevent this program from running. There not appear to be any way to tell defender to stop blocking this program at startup.

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Windows Defender - Messenger Startup Block

May 27, 2008

i'm posting in the right place as i think Windows Defender is classified as a System/Security feature. Windows Defender is blocking my Yahoo Messenger 8.1 during startup. I keep getting the Startup Program blocked notification whenever i boot up Vista although i have already disabled the Windows Defender services. I've tried to uninstall and reinstall YM after restarting numerous times and the problems still persists. FYI, I did a installation of the YM for Vista version and encountered no problems.

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Windows Defender Startup Programs:"Remove, Disable And Enable" Grayed Out

May 18, 2008

My OS is Windows Vista Business and I am attempting to disable the auto startup of a program. I located the program in Windows Defender, Category: Startup Programs but all options to "Remove, Disable and Enable" are grayed out. I also noticed the majority though not all auto startup programs in the Startup Category are grayed out. Why is this? What other course of action may I take to disable the unneeded auto startup of unnecessary programs? Also, my inquiry pertains specifically to an HP Digital Camera software.

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Defender Disabling, Turn Off The Defender

Apr 21, 2009

I have to install AVG and they mention that Defender should be disabled. I have Vista Premium and when I searched the Internet for instructions on how to turn off the Defender, I am told to go to Defender and click on Tools and then Options and then go to: Administrator options. Deselect the Use Windows Defender box and press the Save button. My Options does not have Administrator Options at bottom (nor Use Windows Defender box). My Options has two categories: Automatic scanning AND Default actions.

1- Why don't I see/have "Administrator Options?

2- And, how can I disable Defender prior to installing AVG?

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Windows Defender Spyware: Open Internet Explorer, The Windows Defender Pops Up And Says That My IE Is Infected?

Feb 11, 2010

The computer has worked fine since then, I've used the internet at wi-fi hotspots around my city, with never a single problem...until last night. While I was on-line at home, I was checking a website that I have always checked before without issue when my Windows Defender suddenly popped open and said that my computer was under threat and blocked Internet Explorer from me and started running a diagnosic. Well apparently it said that I had like 26 infections in my computer. That I had worms, spyware, adware, that someone was watching my key logs, etc, etc, and it gave me the option to click on the remove all. So I clicked on it, but instead of doing anything, another message box appeared saying that my Windows Defender is not the full version and that I must either purchase the full version or enter my key code for it. I don't have a key code since I never bought this program, was pre-installed.

Anyways, now whenever I try to open Internet Explorer, the Windows Defender pops up and says that my IE is infected and asks if I would like to purchase the full Windows Defender. I have clicked on both options. If I say "no", the computer blocks my IE, if I say yes, it opens my IE, but instead of taking me to a Windows website, it takes me to, which my browser says does not exist and instead takes me to another page with a listing of anti-virus program sites to buy from. Well, all this seems fishy to me because I can't do anything with the Windows Defender program. I can't turn it off, I can't change its settings, or even look at other options it has. Instead whenever I try the message window of "would I like to buy the full version now?" appears and keeps appearing.

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Registry And Deleted The Item From The Startup Tab And Disabled Startup Tab

May 23, 2009

I am running Vista 64 and installed a program which apparently had a virus or I got it using IE8. I found an entry in the start up tab that was causing a problem. I went into the registry and deleted the item from the startup tab and I also disabled it in the startup tab. The startup tab still shows the item even though it is disabled and deleted from the registry. Why does it still show in MSCONFIG and how do I delete it from the start up entry

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Vista Startup: After Two Minutes I Get The Welcome Screen. Then The Monitor Goes Black For A Full Two Minutes Before Continuing The Startup Process

Mar 23, 2008

I have just puchased my first Windows Vista computer - an HP laptop. I have purchased at leat five laptops since 2000 so I am familiar with setup and
comfortable with installations etc. I have three questions here.

1. My last computer had Windows XP and an 80 gb hard drive with 70 gb full - After copying the data only (55 GB) to my new 250 gb hard drive I have only 107 GB remaining of the 222 GB C drive partition. I have not yet added many programs. That tells me that Vista must be using 50-60 GB or more of the drive. Can that be correct?

2. My new computer takes 5-6 minutes to start up. After two minutes I get the welcome screen. Then the monitor goes black for a full two minutes before continuing the startup process. Is this normal for Vista?

3. Occasionally the monitor goes dark for a few seconds and a window pops up saying the display driver has failed but is back. Is this normal?

I certainly gained no speed with this new computer. There are many things I like about Vista. Since I have no previous experience with owning it I am trying to sort out if this computer is a lemon that should be returned or if I should just put up with the downside.

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Startup Failure, Startup Recovery

Apr 27, 2008

The last couple of days I had a few times a startup error. It said something like Windows couldn't start normally. Run Startup Recovery (Recommended) Start Windows Normally. I did the Startup Recovery and then it worked again but the next day or so the same thing, otherwise my system runs fine.

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Win Defender Has Not Urn

Mar 23, 2008

Have been running Vista Home Basic since Mar 07, with updates on download and notify, all up to date, have just checked. Today noticed no icon for Defender in Quick Launch Toolbar, looked to change display view, no icon to select in list. Checked security centre, Defender not running. Used Start, All programmes to start defender. Opened Options, checked for Admin authority and all users, both ticked. Unticked the admin user, selected save change, then reversed the process to add tick, and saved, Defender icon appeared, and almost immediately started scanning system. Whats up doc?? I now suspect Defender hasn't run for a couple of days but not sure. Also, why no notification from Security centre? All the other ticks seem to be in place on the options screen, so just a little concerned about my security status.

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Do I Have To Keep Windows Defender?

May 29, 2008

I am not sure if i have to keep Window Defender in ON. It came with Windows Vista. I have already a antivirus AVG 8.0 with all options activate. Could you please tell me, if in some way the updates from microsoft (Windows Defender) could overload my computer's memory?. or make it slower?.

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Defender Turns Off

Jan 26, 2010

I use vista basic, I've recently had my computer took right back to factory settings as I've been havingso many problems with my lap top, then the registry was sorted out, I know I've not got any virus on the lap top, each time my computer is turned on, I'm told that defender is switched off and I've got to turn it on, I've even tried to start scanning, to see if that would stop it, but it still happens ...

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Defender Keeps Being Turned Off

Feb 6, 2009

Every time I boot up I get an alert telling me that Defender has is not turned on. I turn it on an everything is hunky dory until the next time I boot up and we have to go through the same process again. This is only a recent thing and as far as I can tell the system is clear of viruses and spyware. Can anyone offer me any insight? (It may or may not be relevant but anti-virus software (Kaspersky 7.0) is suddenly not visible to the Security Centre either. It runs ok but is Vista thinks I'm running without anti-virus software...)

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Defender Has Not Scanned

Mar 23, 2008

nearly everytime i start my pc i get the defender has not scanned for 11-15 days like today i was working this morning fired it back up tonight and it says defnder has not scanned for 10 days yet it was scanned yesterday quick and full scan as this problem happens every other day

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Windows Defender Enough To Protect?

Oct 19, 2009

Basically is this thing good enough to protect you like an AV program can?

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Smartdefender: Pop Ups For Smart Defender Pro Which I Can Not Get Rid Of

Aug 1, 2009

I recently got a pop ups for Smart Defender Pro which I can not get rid of. Can anyone tell me how to get rid of these annoying pop ups?

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Disabling Windows Defender

Jul 2, 2008

My Pavilion Vista laptop has been running slower and slower. Especially while on the web. Pages take forever to come up. Even program files or the All Programs menu. I have tried disabling Windows Defender thinking it might be scanning everything. Is this a possibility?

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Remove Windows Defender?

Jun 23, 2009

i have my own Security Set Up,how do i get rid of Windows Defender Permantly? i have never used it, i dont't seem to be able to remove it? is it part of Vista? also my startup programes are in it which seems to be the only way i can get to them is through Windows Defender?.

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Windows Defender Not Working ..

Aug 3, 2009

windows defender has stopped working, the pop up box gives an error # and also try restarting the pc, which i tried ...

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File From Defender Won't Start Or Run

Nov 30, 2009

My granddaughter's laptop got the eco (green) antivirus extortionware, and I manually removed it. It somehow removed the core files from Defender, and now it won't start or run. Suggestions? (besides a format please)

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Uninstalling Windows Defender

Jul 29, 2009

From the moment my new Vista Ultimate SP1 machine arrived, Defender hasn't worked. At first, it was crashing. Now it doesn't appear to be running, but MS Update wants to install an update that won't install.

Is there a way to uninstall Defender? I have other products that don't crash now and don't need Defender.

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Is Windows Defender Built-in To ?

Sep 30, 2009

I seem to have Windows defender running on my Vista Ultimate SP 2 laptop. This is despite the fact that I cannot see it in the list of installed programs, and my download archive does not have a version that runs in Vista. I used to have Windows Live OneCare installed, but I've uninstalled that and ran the cleanup tool, yet I still see Defender in my taskbar (although it complains that its definitions are out of date).

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Windows Defender-Turn Off

Aug 17, 2008

Windows Defender-Turn Off
I want to turn off Windows Defender in Vista. When I go to the Help page, the wording does not agree with my option. My Default actions allows me to Remove (or permanently uninstall Defender), which I would rather not do unless necessary.

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Windows Defender Switching Off.

Mar 10, 2009

I run Vista Premium using Word 2003 and Norton Internet security: Since updating Last months updates and the various ones since, every time I start up my computer it tells me that Windows Defender is not turned on; this is getting a bit much having to turn it on every time I start up my computer.

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Windows Defender And AVG Antivirus

Aug 30, 2009

In my security section in the control panel it says "Windows Defender and AVG antivirus both report they are turned on.

Note : Running two or more antispyware programs at the same time can cause your computer to run slowly.Which one should I disable? I don't see a way to disable AVG free

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Newsgroup For Windows Defender?

Apr 26, 2008

a. Is there a newsgroup for windows defender, similar to this newsgroup?

b. Also, are the windows defender definition updates accumulative (if updates are missed for two previous months, will the current update include the definition updates for the previous two months?

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How To Activate Windows Defender?

Jun 7, 2008

how to activate Windows Defender? I have tried all the assistance listed in this group and still cannot get Defender to work! One piece of advice was to log on to the C prompt as system administrator? I tried to right click on the prompt but there is nothing on the drop down menu that allows me to do this.

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How To Start Windows Defender?

Feb 8, 2009

I have just got myself a new computer and everything is working fine, except I cannot get Windows Defender to open. No matter what I try I get a message saying that the service has been prevented from starting and that I should start it manually. Can someone out there please tell me how I might do this?

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Windows Defender Turned Off

Mar 25, 2008

When I start up my computer, I get pop up saying Windows defender is turned off with the red shield with the X on the bar. I try to turn it on but search says no new definitions found. However, when I click on START button and programs and click on Windows defender, I get green shield with checkmark in it. Is it on or off? If off, how do I turn it on.

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