A Long Pause / Delay While Creating A New Mail Or Select Addressees

Apr 21, 2008

I am encountering a long pause / delay while creating a new mail or selecting addressees. Does anyone having this problem?

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Long Delay In Recognizing USB Mass Storage Device

Mar 23, 2008

I have a USB mass storage device, and it takes vista around 30 minutes to recognize the two partitions (one is a 64 MB FAT32 partition and the other is a 111 GB FAT32 partition). On my old slow computer, XP will recognize the drive partitions within seconds. Is there some setting I need to change in vista to get this to work correctly? This is a drive for a digital music player, and I've tried different drives, so I know the drive itself isn't the problem.

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Long Delay When Displaying Icons In Start Menu Subfolders

Mar 21, 2009

The Start Menu is extremely long opening folders and sbfolders. The magnifying glass turns round and round. It can take over one minute; however, if closing the menu and coming back, I find the folder I tried to open already open; if I try to open one of its sufolders, the same happens again with the subfolder.

I've read the tutorial at Menu Show Delay Time, but that method doesn't solve my case.

I don't know if there is any coincidence, but when this problem appeared all programs started to stop responding from time to time, more often Firefox.

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Creating New E-mail

Apr 3, 2008

When using Windows XP, typing in the first 2-3 letters of an address enabled the whole address to appear in th "TO" line of a new e-mail. With Vista, I am having to type in the full address each time unless working from the contact list. Addresses are not kept in the memory more than a few hours. This means that each time I wish to forward an attachment, the whole e-mail address has to be typed in letter for letter.

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Creating Accounts With Windows Mail?

Jun 16, 2009

How do you create an account with your windows mail? I'm not talking about hotmail or anything like that, I'm talking about the program that comes with your computer, and registering your hotmail account onto that program. I got as far as entering your 'incoming mail server type' and 'outgoing mail server type.

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Creating Contact Groups In Windows Mail

Apr 4, 2008

I can create a contact group by clicking on the "New Contact Group" on the toolbar. Problem is there is no "New Contact Group" item on my Vista Mail toolbar when using the Windows explorer. Despite looking through all the discussion group replies, and going to the suggested tutorial, I STILL can not get the 'New Contact Group' button to appear.

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Creating New Contact Group In Windows Mail

Apr 8, 2009

I am unable to create a "new contact group" in windows mail. When I open the contacts file I am unable to locate any command to create a new group. I can create new contacts ok but not the group. I have createdgroups before but for some reason the "Create new Group" command has disappeared.

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X64 Pause During Boot

Jul 5, 2008

I'm wondering why Vista x64 takes sooooo loooong to boot, compare to my older 32bit system. My system is new and clean, and when I check all the logs, there are no error messages. But what I do find is this - a minute and a half gap where nothing seems to be happening (the below is from my system log):Information 7/5/2008 8:06:38 AM SRTSP Symantec Antivirus minfilter successfully loaded Information 7/5/2008 8:07:52 AM DistributedCOM DCOM started the service fdPHost with arguments "" in order to run the server So, does anyone have any idea why Windows is twiddling its thumbs for almost a minute and a half? Is there so other report or log I should be looking at?

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Pause After Welcome Screen

Oct 6, 2009

My HP pavilion laptop has developed a pause after I sign in to the Welcome screen. After I input my password, and hit enter, a 30 second pause occurs. The rest of the boot sequence seems to zip along quite nicely. Could this be due to my anti-virus program I recently installed (Shaw Secure which is related to F Secure)? Seems to be the only new thing I can think of....oh wait.....I also installed a network printer on a print server too.

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Vista System Pause

Mar 27, 2008

My Vista build pauses at random times. Generally the mouse can be moved and various windows can be minimized/maximized but that is about it.

I have tested the hard drives with chkdsk. I have tested the memory. I have disabled all startups in msconfig. All drivers are up to date. System is running Vista SP1.

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Mail Takes Long Time To Send With Attachment

Jun 6, 2008

my vista mail takes a very long time when I have something attached to the outgoing mail. Even a very small attachment of 9 kbytes takes about 30 seconds. I have vista ultimative 64 bit danish version sp1. I have tried to disable antivirus/firewall but it is still the same. Prolonging the servers responstime in account options to 1 minut..doesn? A mail with no attachment sends right away.

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Wireless Network Data Pause

Jun 13, 2009

what happens is on my main pc connected to sky's segam fast 2505 router every 45mins to hour the data stream will stop trasmitting IE msn signs out ,web stops,weather gagets disconnect etc BUT the wireless connection does not disconnect and WAN connection up an stable. i looked in event viewer and noticed that "The WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service service entered the stopped state." is within mins at the times of these "data pauses" i also getting alot of "Tcp ip 4227" errors too mainly when gaming and downloads of net.

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Delay When Shutting Down

Sep 7, 2009

I recently installed Vista Home Premium on my computer. I have no problem with start up but am experiencing a 3 to 5 minute delay when shutting down. Is there anyway to check in order to determine what is causing my shutdown to "hang"?

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30-Second Delay On Welcome Screen

Jul 17, 2008

I just loaded Vista Ultimate x64 on a new system (e7200, 4GB Ram, Gigabyte mobo, etc. - a fast system). It boots fine until after I enter my login password and the word "Welcome" appears. This lasts for exactly 30 seconds until the screen goes briefly black and the desktop (quickly) loads. This seems like a really long delay on the welcome screen. Is this normal Vista behavior?

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Delay At Startup

Oct 23, 2009

Although this isn't a major issue, I was wondering if there is an fix here. At startup, once past the BIOS screen and Windows Vista screen, it goes black with just the cursor showing for maybe 75-90 seconds. Then the desktop will appear. I am using Vista Ultimate 32 bit on a Dell D620.

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Startup Delay & 100% CPU Frequency

Jun 18, 2006

The first issue is that Vista hangs for about 1 minute just after it's prepared the desktop before it allowing avast! and msn to run in the system tray. Just after msn / avast are allowed to run the wireless network icon appears in the system tray. I should just clarify, when I say "hangs" the OS doesn't freeze, there's just a minute or so delay before avast and msn are allowed to run - very annoying! I've disabled the onboard wired lan because I thought that it was perhaps trying to obtain an ip by dhcp, but that made no difference. The other issue is that my Intel Pentium M 1.7Ghz processor seems to be stuck at 100% Maximum Frequency and does't scale back to 600Mhz like it did under XP.

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Computer Delay In Shutting Down

Aug 21, 2009

I have a Vista 64 system and everything works just fine, problem is when I shut down the computer Vista will shut down and the computer will keep running for 10 to 15 min before it shuts down. Running AMD 4000 cpu I know that none of the programs in the computer are running during this shut down. It's almost like something in Vista forgot to tell the hard ware to quit. One other thing, I can change the hard drive with to one with windows xp on it and this computer will shut down just like it is suppose to.

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How To Reset Delay Choosing Default

Aug 23, 2009

Have Vista 64 Home Premium on a Toshiba A505 S6960. Need to know how to reset the time delay -currently about 4 seconds- that Vista pauses before choosing default from menu choices. Sometimes can't get there with this built in mouse in that time period. Can't find any setting for it in the Mouse in Control Panel or in the Toshiba settings.

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Delay Accessing Toolbars Or Start

Jan 14, 2010

The system is a vista x64, Dell machine with Vista pre-installed. I had trouble and had to re-install the Vista from their supplied disk. The system appears to boot up and run normally, EXCEPT that most of the time when I move the cursor over the taskbar none of the items will highlight and cannot be accessed. This can take up to 10 seconds or so of waiting for them to activate. It happens about 75% of the time that I try to activate something fro the taskbar. This involves the entire taskbar including quickstart, start and any active programs. If I hit the "CTL-ALT-DLT" and cancel it becomes active immediately.

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Startup Script Loading Registry Delay

Mar 23, 2008

I have a VBS startup script that works fine with Win 2000, XP, 2003 but will not function properly on Vista. The startup script's purpose is to load the registry hive of the Default User (Default for Vista) profile, make a change and unload the hive. If I manually run the VBS script on Vista it works fine, however when I run it as a startup script it fails. Specifically the startup script is failing at loading the default user profile hive.

Does anyone know what has changed in Windows Vista that prevents the loading of a registry hive durring a startup script? I have tried putting in a delay, however this didn't correct the issue. I am using reg.exe to load the hive.

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Mysterious Delay Entering Logon Password

Mar 23, 2008

We're a 2 person office on a little network. My partner's Vista laptop just started to pause for about 20 secs after she types in her password and hits enter to logon... after a period of no use. What might cause this?

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Delay In Startup - Black Screen & Mouse Pointer

Sep 28, 2009

My girlfriend has recently (August 09) purchased a Dell Inspiron 15 laptop with Windows Vista Home Premium x64 edition pre-installed. Everything was absolutely fine for a week or so, but now whenever the computer starts up, it goes through the welcome screen etc in normal time, then the screen goes black with a mouse pointer (which one can move freely), for about 1 - 2 minutes. After these few minutes, the desktop loads perfectly fine. It would be okay, but it's a really new laptop and it's a little bit annoying. I've tried everything I can think of to sort it out, but I'm getting sick of it.

Here's a list of what I've tried: Had a play with services.msc (I'm not an idiot, I know what I'm doing). Had a play with the msconfig startup services to remove AVG watchdog. Tried to load 'last known good configuration'. Tried some bootup stuff. Installed some original Dell software which I had removed. There's still nothing and I'm starting to stress out. My girlfriend is at university now, and she's patient but it's not really fair on her to have to wait too long for her laptop to startup, because it's an amazing laptop!

Here are the specifications: Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium 64-Bit Edition (Service Pack 1) Intel Pentium Dual Core CPU T4200 (2.0GHz) 4Gb DDR2 RAM ATi Mobility Radeon HD4570 (512mb Dedicated)

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Drawing With Graphic Tablet, Delay To Appear Line On Screen

Nov 26, 2007

I recently installed Vista ultimate x64 (previously i used xp sp2) because i upgraded to 4gb of ram and xp doesn't recognize more than 3gb of ram. I'm a digital artist and i heavily use graphic tablet (Genius MousePen 8x6) for drawing in Photoshop CS3. I found x64 drivers for the tablet and i installed them and everything appeared to be ok. But when i draw for example a simple line, there is a delay to appear the line on screen. I mean delay in miliseconds, but is very annoying and it makes difficult to draw. In XP this was not happens, the line appeared in real time. I noticed when i plug the tablet that there is an annoying window called "Tablet PC Input Panel", this could be the problem? If yes how do i disable it?

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How Can Access Center Delay Setting Change To Increase

Oct 24, 2008

im using the mouse hover activate feature in the ease of access center, i like it but the delay isnt long enough for me. Is there a registry setting i could change to increase it?

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Auto Select New Folder

Jun 7, 2008

Before SP1 was installed, whenever I created a new folder, and then clicked on the folder icon while I was changing the name from "New Folder" to whatever (or pressed <ENTER>), I would immediately go into that folder, so that I would not have to double-click it to go in. Since I installed SP1, this is not happening. Is there any way of re-enabling this feature?

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Multiple Select Inability

Mar 23, 2008

a solution to the "multiple select" problem in Vista? I'm referring to the inability to use "Shift-Select" and "Control-Select" on groups of names or files in Vista without loosing some of the selections.

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Is There Easy Way To Select More Than One Item?

Apr 28, 2008

Is there an easy way to select more than one item when trying to copy picture files to an email or website for sending over the internet? I remember I used to be able to select the first item and hold down the ctl or shift key select the end item and all the items inbetween would be highlighted for copy? Now, with windows vista, I have to click each one and sometimes it won't even let me do that, I have to do one at a time, depending on what I am doing.

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Not Able To Select Native Resolution

Apr 9, 2008

I have bought a Vista x64 approximately one week ago. Actually I had no problem with the WinXP Professional however the Dx10 and the 64-bit issue caught me and here I am with my problems. I have Samsung 931nwplus monitor and my video card is Palit 9600 GT SONIC. The native resolution of my monitor is 1440x900. On Winxp I had no problems and was able to set the native resolution. However, after I installed Vista x64 I am not able to select the native resolution. I tried it from nvidia panel (custom resolution) power-strip and so on but I the max resolution I can select is 1280x1024. I have installed the final drivers of nvidia. However, I am not sure I have the latest drivers for my monitor. On the web page it says that the said driver is for vista but not sure if it is also ok for x64?

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Can Not Select Text In Wordpad

Jun 11, 2008

i dont suppose anyone else has had vista mouse issues? It's only in certain programs and it's only when attempting to left-click drag.80% of the time i can not select text in Wordpad. And some other programs have behaved bad with left-click drag too. I have a Logitech MX510 mouse. I do not think they give drivers away online for x64 because they are assumed to come with Vista.

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Checkbox Select Alternative

Aug 23, 2005

Windows Vista includes a new method to select files when using explorer. Instead of holding down CTRL and then clicking on all the files you want to select, Vista includes the option to check boxes to select items instead.  This new feature can be a little hard to get used to at first, but after you use it for a little while, it will be helpful if you were a big user of the CTRL method.

This feature has helped me in situations where I had to select dozens of files or folders and would accidentally click in the wrong area and then I would loose all of my selections, forcing me to start over selecting folders. With the check box feature enabled, accidental clicks that lead to mass de-selection are no longer possible.

Enabling the new feature is very easy, just about anyone could do it. To get started, follow the steps below:

In order to begin, you will need to use the Tools menu. In Windows Vista the menu-bar is hidden by default in most windows. Just hit ALT on your keyboard to bring it back. Now that you can see it again, click on Tools and then select Folder Options.
Once the Folder Options dialog is displayed, click on the View tab....

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Rename Or Move Select Folders

Apr 19, 2009

Running Vista32 Home Prem, SP1. I run as administrator. I do NOT use any registry cleaners. I am not able to rename or move select folders. Even though they have been shared (as described below), the renaming and moving attempts have been only from the computer and account that initially created them. Have a folder (with many sub-folders) that I have been sharing without problem across my home network (don't know if the sharing is related to the renaming issue). A few weeks ago I found that the root shared folder and one of its sub-folders could not be renamed or moved, though I can still rename sub-sub-folders and create and modify files contained in any. I don't know if this is a recent development; it may be that that was the first time I felt the need to rename of more them.

I applied the "Take Ownership" merge from this forum to add take ownership to the context menu. I then applied the 'take ownership' at the root of the share. Even though the command window showed activity (and I could see 'success' or 'successful' repeatedly), afterward I still was not able to rename the root share or that one sub-folder. I then did 'take ownership' again for just the sub-folder; again the command window showed activity, but afterward still could not rename the sub-folder. And just to repeat, I was and am still ABLE to rename the sub-sub-folder. Thinking that maybe the network sharing was impacting this, I then removed the share capability AND the security settings from the shared root. Repeated take ownership; but no change. I then downloaded from this forum the "Fix_Rename_32_Bit_ Vista" registry merge and applied it. Tried again to rename the root share and the its sub-folder; again failed.

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