Wireless Network Data Pause

Jun 13, 2009

what happens is on my main pc connected to sky's segam fast 2505 router every 45mins to hour the data stream will stop trasmitting IE msn signs out ,web stops,weather gagets disconnect etc BUT the wireless connection does not disconnect and WAN connection up an stable. i looked in event viewer and noticed that "The WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service service entered the stopped state." is within mins at the times of these "data pauses" i also getting alot of "Tcp ip 4227" errors too mainly when gaming and downloads of net.

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Connecting A Sony Vaio To Wireless Network: Switch On Wireless Adaptor Capability

Mar 23, 2008

a friend has a new sony vaio with vista home premium installed. For some reason it will not connect to my netgear router wirelessly. I have tried everything. I am however not too hot on Vista as this is my first time with it. The adaptor says its on, but when you interegate it and ask why it wont connect it keeps telling me "switch on wireless adaptor capability". In the network connections it is on, the switch on the front right is swiitched on and the wireless network light on the front is on. The network is fine and working as i have my laptop connected to it. All security is present and entered. It seems to be the computer as it doesnt find any networks when there are loads in the area. Am i missing something exceptionally obvious? Does Vista have another "on" switch for this adaptor?

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WRT54GS Wireless Linksys Router: Reset Button On The Back Of The Wireless Router But Will This Reset My Wireless Network

Dec 11, 2009

I have forgotten the Username and Password for the Login ID... and it is not the default (Username: *blank* Password: admin). I have heard you can hold the reset button on the back of the wireless router but will this reset my wireless network? By that i mean... will i be able to connect with my laptop still through that wireless network or will i have to set it up again?

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Not Finding Wireless Network: Network Cable Is Nplugged

Nov 27, 2008

I have bought DD a laptop for Christmas and thought I'd get it all set up beforehand. I already have a wireless network here at home, with 2 desktops running xp) and a macbook, they connect via a belkin wireless modem router. Vista however, doesn't even find a network, I get a message saying the network cable is nplugged. Its wireless enabled and the switch is on

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Vsta Network: The Vista PC Will Transfer Data To WHS Or XP With Very Low Bandwidth

Apr 3, 2009

I am running a small home network. Configuration: My DSL WLAN router Zyxel Prestige 660HW-67 acts also as a 4-Port switch with 100 Mbits/s. Attached to this router are

1. Vista Business x86 SP1 with RTL8139/810x-Family onboard
2. Dell T105 server running Windows Home Server SP2 (Windows 2003)
3. Windows XP SP3 using WLAN

Problem: The Vista PC will transfer data to WHS or XP with very low bandwidth (150 kbits/s) The other way round will work with more than 10 Mbits/s from the WHS. Transfering data betwee WHS and XP will work fine in bot directions. So it looks like Vista is blocking outbound traffic. The Vista PC also runs F-Secure Internet Security 2009. But te firewall allows all traffic in my home domain (mask I uninstalled the network adapter, installed the newest driver from Realtek but no change in the low outbound traffic.

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X64 Pause During Boot

Jul 5, 2008

I'm wondering why Vista x64 takes sooooo loooong to boot, compare to my older 32bit system. My system is new and clean, and when I check all the logs, there are no error messages. But what I do find is this - a minute and a half gap where nothing seems to be happening (the below is from my system log):Information 7/5/2008 8:06:38 AM SRTSP Symantec Antivirus minfilter successfully loaded Information 7/5/2008 8:07:52 AM DistributedCOM DCOM started the service fdPHost with arguments "" in order to run the server So, does anyone have any idea why Windows is twiddling its thumbs for almost a minute and a half? Is there so other report or log I should be looking at?

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Pause After Welcome Screen

Oct 6, 2009

My HP pavilion laptop has developed a pause after I sign in to the Welcome screen. After I input my password, and hit enter, a 30 second pause occurs. The rest of the boot sequence seems to zip along quite nicely. Could this be due to my anti-virus program I recently installed (Shaw Secure which is related to F Secure)? Seems to be the only new thing I can think of....oh wait.....I also installed a network printer on a print server too.

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Vista System Pause

Mar 27, 2008

My Vista build pauses at random times. Generally the mouse can be moved and various windows can be minimized/maximized but that is about it.

I have tested the hard drives with chkdsk. I have tested the memory. I have disabled all startups in msconfig. All drivers are up to date. System is running Vista SP1.

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Wireless Not Working. Wireless Network Detection Has Stopped Working

Apr 11, 2009

I am using a windows Vista 32 bit home premium notebook computer for which the wireless network detection has stopped working. I updated the driver for the built in wireless card with out any results. I also tried a plug in wireless card which windows detected and said was working properly and this did not work either. This leaves me to believe that something is wrong with the OS. I can get on the internet via dialup modem and also by the ethernet connection with a DSL modem. I have been to several hotspots that I know have wifi and no networks show up. All critical windows updates have been installed.

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Cant See Wireless Network

Mar 23, 2008

I have a wireless router on a cable modem and works OK with XP but I can't see the network using my new machine with Vista. I can see my neighbours networks and I can connect to the unsecured ones but my own network does not apear on the available networks list on the Vista machine.

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Set Up Wireless Network

Nov 5, 2009

I have a set of 10 wireless laptops (no 1 - 10) and i would like them to be able to share files on any one of the laptops What's the best way to set that up?

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A Long Pause / Delay While Creating A New Mail Or Select Addressees

Apr 21, 2008

I am encountering a long pause / delay while creating a new mail or selecting addressees. Does anyone having this problem?

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Cannot Find Wireless Network ..

Mar 29, 2010

I have 2 laptops and a ipod touch which are all wireless conected to my main computer which runs with windows 7.

The problem I have is that one of my laptops today decided not to connect anymore!!

This laptop runs on windows Vista Basic and was working fine this morning but as of this afternoon cannot connect to internet or email.

I have tried to re-connect but I keep on receivibg the error page stating that " windows cannot find any networks "

When I click on the link below this message which is " diagnose why windows cant find any networks" a window named windows network diagnostics appears stating " this computer does not have a wireless network adapter installed and configured "

Does anyone have any solutions to this problem as it was working fine ( wireless ) this morning and now not?

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Multiple Wireless Network Of The Same Name

Jul 24, 2008

I connect my laptop (Thinkpad X60S on Vista Business) to a WRT54G linksys wireless router and let's say my SSID is HOME.

My problem is this: When I try to connect Vista sees 3 and sometimes 4 networks of the same SSID, e.g. HOME, HOME (2), HOME (3) and HOME (4). It is the same network. Why is this happening and how do I solve it?

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Not Picking Up Wireless Network

Mar 23, 2008

l've just recently bought a new laptop with Vista installed on it. I've since been trying to connect it to my wireless network, however it seems that Vista cannot find the network. I have another laptop running on Xp and its fine the network is visible on Xp.
I'm currently using the ADSL2+ Modem with wireless-G router and I've already tried updating the firmware. I have also connected the Vista laptop via LAN to install the Windows Updates and still it cannot detect the wireless .

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Wireless Network And Sleep

Mar 23, 2008

when my laptop goes to sleep, the network connection is lost, is there any way i can stop i from doing this so that i still have access to my home network when it is in sleep mode.

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Not Accessing Wireless Network

May 15, 2008

I am trying to connect a Dell Inspiron 1501 laptop, running Vista Business, to a wireless network set up on a desktop running XP(sp2). I have previously connected the lappie to similar networks without problem. However... The network shows up as 'available'. When I click on 'connect', it says it can't, because it is not automatically configured to do so. So I manually set up a profile for the connection under the list of sutomatic connections.

It then said it couldn't connect because the security settings were wrong. Now, if you hover the mouse over the network in 'available connections', it says the security type is WEP-PSK. This is not an option under the security types listed under connection properties. I've tried using all the WEP options available, with no success. The thing always says that the security details are wrong. Incidentally, as an experiment, I tried disabling all the security on the network and then connecting. It said it had connected, but with 'limited connectivity', and wouldn't let me access the network. Don't know if that problem is connected...

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Could Print Over The Wireless Network

Mar 23, 2008

I have a desktop running XP with a Canon MP160 hardwired to it. I also have a laptop running Vista. When I first hooked up my router to the desktop computer with XP, verything was working fine. I could share files back and forth between the two computers and I could print over the wireless network. But for some reason now I can't print. I can't even find the printer through the add printer thing.

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Wireless Network Seen But No Speed

Jul 30, 2009

I have a siemens Amilo laptop with a built in wireless card. It can see the network and asks for the network key but doesn't connect. It just times out. Although it finds all the networks available in the area they all display without any green bars in the speed bars. It seems to have no wireless power. The green bars are all grey instead of green even when the laptop is stood next to the router. I have another laptop that connects without any problems. I have removed the drivers from device manager and reinstalled them from the
drivers folder. This made no difference.

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Best Wireless PCI Network Card?

Mar 29, 2009

let me pick everyone's brain here. Can you guys tell me what the best wireless network card is vista 64 compatible? I play a lot of FPS'es online and want to try to find the best one for me. I just moved and right now I am running a 50ft wire from the living to the second room of the house (so I'm basically 40ft away). Also, how bad will my lag be for games like COD5 with a wireless card? I've only ever hardwired my rig to the router and never gone wireless before. So I'm leary of this move in fear of completely destroying my online playing.

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Wireless Network Faliure

Jun 7, 2009

The network icon (two small computers with a blue world in the middle) on the information task bar located in the lower right corner. Well I was online and a myspace link popped up, after closing it the same link popped up over and over again as it has before, so as I have done before I restarted my computer. When I restated my computer the network icon had an 'x' where the earth would be if the wireless was on. I went to click on the icon and it wouldn't open. I had to right click to log into my wireless. I wasn't so worried until my computer was telling me 'yes i was connected to my wireless' but the icon was saying 'no you're not'. I went to the properties, and removed the icon then replaced it. Same thing. I even shut down my computer, waited, restarted. Same thing.

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Can't Find Wireless Network

Jun 5, 2008

Can't find a network ng for vista. If this is not the proper ng, point me to the proper one. I admit it, I'm not a computer guy. I recently bought a new (Vista Home Premium) PC to replace my XP PC. On the XP PC I had a wireless network I could access with my PDA and laptop from almost anywhere in my house. With the Vista PC I fail constantly. I have read a handful of web articles on how to accomplish this but I apparently am missing a step.The Netgear router is working on the Vista PC. Firewall on the laptop is (when I'm trying to get a connection) disabled. The Network status on the laptop and PDA show a good signal. How do I troubleshoot this?FWIW,'Connect to a Network' on the Vista PC and laptop show 2 networks - one secured and one unsecured. I don't know why. All I want is the secured. Can I uninstall these wireless networks and create a new one? The Vista PC also has a wired?/cabled? network to access the cable modem and NAS. Does this make a difference?

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Wireless Network Security

Mar 23, 2008

I have a Toshiba laptop that is connected to a wireless network in my home. My concern is security for this computer. I have been reading alot of articles on the internet concerning security, and most suggest several things, one being encryption, The others are enabeling static ip address and wireless mac address filtering. I contacted Verizon and asked them to help me secure this connection to my laptop and they enabled WEP and assigned a key. I then asked about the other two options mentioned above and they said all i needed was WEP enabled. Finally my question: Is that enough?

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Can Find Every Wireless Network

Jun 16, 2009

Im currently traveling and living at my uncle's house abroad. My uncle has a wireless network, but my laptop can sense every other network BUT their's.....I even got connected to wireless via my own ipod touch, my uncle's laptop (window XP).

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Not Connecting To Wireless Network

Mar 23, 2008

i have a wireless router set up which is connected with a wire to my PC. my brother has just brought a brand new laptop. he has full signal to the network however he cannot connect to it. i have turned off all the security encriptions and what not but it still says "cannot connect" ive tried everything i can think of but still nothing. but not nothing connects to it except the mentioned wired PC. ive tried a nintendo DS and a sony PSP bt they get the same error.

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Wireless Network Not Reconnect

Apr 20, 2008

The connection is hit and miss. When initially setting up the profile I have to try 5 or 6 times before the connection set up correctly. Although Vista is making a connection, for some reason it keeps thinking that the 'new network' is a public network, and listed it as an 'Unidentified Network (SSID)'. No internet access is permitted. Customising the network to make it private does not let Vista see the internet. You have to totally delete the Wireless Connection, and repeat the setup until an attempt actually works (no obvious reason why an attempt works or doesn't, it seems random).

Now I have got it such that it automatically connects most times on restart. However, if I do anything during the session to alter the router settings, or of the PC goes to standby, on restart I have the same problem with Vista identifying the WiFi as a 'Public Network' and not permitting internet access. I have an XP laptop connected to the same router, which has no problems reconnecting automatically. Anyone have any ideas how to make the Vista machines automatic reconnect more reliable?

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Wireless Network Can't Connected

Mar 4, 2009

I've got a problem with my wireless network, I've got a dlink adsl2+ router 604gt or something (not at home ATM) it was working fine last night not a problem at all, had dinner then went back to the Internet and it wouldn't work page could not be displayed etc, logged into modem all is good it's got internet acces and working fine. So I left it for the night and this morning I tried again and windows can't seem to get an ip address from the router it comes up with the 169.254 etc etc takes agesbto identify the network and then finally displays limited connectivity. Tried manual settings to no avail, tried restarting both computers and still doesn't work, I just don't know what could have changed in the 45min that I was away from it. modem still registers inter access and looks to be I'm full working order just the computers have a coniption when trying to be friends with it.

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Wireless Network Can't Connect

Jan 23, 2008

When I take the laptop to work I can see the wireless network but can't connect. After trying to diagnose the problem, it says it can't and I should see if I'm in range (I am), or if I have permission (I do).

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Wireless Network Can't Working

Mar 28, 2008

I had a network setup running well, consisting of 3 computers with each one running XP. I replaced my "main" desktop with a new Acer 5100 unit running Vista Premium. It is the only one connected to the router/DSL modem (Westell 327w). Even after reading all the previous posts and responses, I can't get this darned Vista box to see the two XP's that are also on the same network. Only the Windows firewalls (with sharing excepted) are turned on, same workgroup, passwords' use turned off. REGARDLESS OF SHARING SETTINGS, DRIVE PROPERTIES SHOW THAT THE DRIVES are "NOT SHARED." The two XP units show each other but not the Vista box. Vista shows only Vista. 'Bout ready to strip Vista off and reload XP

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Wireless: No Network Found

Apr 17, 2008

I am having problems connecting to my router. Vista will not find my network, even though im sat in the same room as it, about 2 metres away. It finds everything else in the street except mine. All the settings are correct for sure, but vista will not find my internet connection at all! I had XP and it worked perfecrt on start up everytime

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How Can Wireless Network Settings?

Jun 6, 2008

have a new laptop trying to set it up with our wireless interenet on our desktop. it is asking for a passkey. i have a network key but that doesn't seem to be working. where can i find my wireless network settings on my desktop to put into my laptop.

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