Explorer - Selecting Files Using CTRL Key Are Not Next To Each Other

Apr 4, 2009

Windows Vista Home Premium SP1 with 4gb memory,When inside explorer, I can select continuous files by selecting the first file and pressing the Shift key plus last file. However when I try to select files using CTRL key plus files that are not next to each other, the highlighting comes off and I am unable to select files properly.Is this a known bug with Vista?

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Selecting Files And Change Setting

May 6, 2008

I recently upgraded from XP to Vista and for the most I really like the improvements. One thing that is annoying me is that if your folder view is details and you have your mouse set to select when you hover your cursor over a file it will select the file even if you hover over the size column or the type column etc. In XP it would only select if you hovered over the name of the file. Is there anyway to change this setting?

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Selecting Files Not Displaying Detail

May 6, 2008

I recently upgraded from XP to Vista and for the most I really like the improvements. One thing that is annoying me is that if your folder view is details and you have your mouse set to select when you hover your cursor over a file it will select the file even if you hover over the size column or the type column etc.
In XP it would only select if you hovered over the name of the file. Is there anyway to change this setting?

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Ctrl-alt-1 Thru Ctrl-alt-9 Automatically

May 31, 2009

I thought ctrl-alt-1 through ctrl-alt-9 were automatically assigned as shortcuts to the first nine items on the quick start part of the taskbar.

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Selecting OS Always Counts Down And Opens Default

May 31, 2008

Recently Dual booted Vista Prem 64bit and Ultimate 32 bit, when it comes to the sceen for selecting OS it always counts down and opens Default. You should be able to use Up/Down arrow keys, to select required OS, and Enter should activate instantly. Anyone any ideas to stop the countdown and transfer activation to keyboard keys.

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Explorer Files Dont Work And Can't Delete Files

Jul 14, 2009

While installing a program, the process was interrupted and the install created 62000 files using 160gig in my syswow64 folder virtually using all my hd space. However when you go into the syswow64 folder, there is only about 2000 files and 1 gig of space used. I have set the folders to show all hidden files. When I go into the ms dos prompt and do a directory, the files match the 1 gig data.

I can't delete these 62000 files and free up the 160 gig space because I don't believe they are actually there on the hard drive but explorer thinks they are there. Is there any way to rebuild, sync, or otherwise get windows explorer to recognize the correct amount of files that are actually in my syswow64 folder.(2000files 1gig and not 62000files 160gig)

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Hidden Files In EXPLORER Only

Mar 23, 2008

Can someone explain why I can't see these files? See http://www.jamielawson.com/personal/VistaIssues/hidden_psc_files.jpg JPG for more information. If I can't attached I will have to post on my website and repost a link. running Vista Ultimate 64 If you feel this post would be better served elsewhere (security, network sharing).

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Cannot Delete Any Files In Windows Explorer (GUI)

Mar 31, 2008

Whenever I try to delete a file in the Windows GUI (either from the desktop or from an open window), the file is deleted (usually) but a window saying "Recycling 1 item" or "Deleting 1 item" stays on the screen forever, until I use Task Manager to kill Explorer.

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Windows Explorer Will Not Paste Files

Nov 21, 2009

Windows Explorer had been working fine but now it won't (1) resize to full screen, (2) paste any file anywhere or allow me to drag and drop files. This latter one also won't work on my desktop. What gives? Can I uninstall Windows Explorer and reinstall? Will the 'recovery disks' that came with the computer allow this to happen?

Also, I have a file I want to inspect, a CBS.log file, and it says I need the administrator permission to do this. How do I obtain this. I'm no dummy when it comes to computers but I cannot figure this one out on Vista.

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Drag And Drop Files From Explorer - 64-bit

Apr 24, 2008

I'm a desktop publisher/graphic designer by trade. and i damn well can't drag and drop files from explorer into photoshop or illustrator, or Filezilla for uploading. a quick fix i did was to give my major programs admin rights (*.exe > RMB > roperties > compatibility "run this program as an administrator")

this seems to work but it is fussy as to when it wants to work 100% of the time. Also any programs that need to run as xp compatible (eg: yz-dock) can not have the drag and drop ability as they in turn are running at xp compatible being a "child" as it were of yz-dock. once the same shortcut is on the desktop....it works ok. my design programs are in the task bar/quickstart area and not on yz-dock. hence my concerns.

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FTP Through Explorer Strips Content Of Some Files

Sep 12, 2009

I am having a weird problem when I try to ftp files through explorer - certain files are completely stripped of their content. I've attached some sample files to this message. The files that start with "doesnt_work" will get stripped when copied over ftp. The files that start with "works" will not get stripped. The only difference between the works and doesn’t_work is that I have removed some of the content for the works version.

Some facts:All the files are plain text. I've verified that this happens on multiple ftp servers. It happens regardless of the file extension. I've turned off antivirus and netnanny software and it still happens. If I use another ftp client such as CoreFTP lite, or ftp.exe from the command line, it doesn't happen- all files transfer properly This also happens with explorer-ftp transfers on windows XP.

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How To (re)associate JPEG Files With Explorer`s Preview?

Aug 22, 2008

I installed a program that I didn't like. I uninstalled it, but it didn't remove it's own association with JPG and other image files. I want to reassociate them with Explorer's Preview (which is still available on the rightclick context shell menu, but unavailable on any "open with" or "default programs" dialog).

Is there any way to do this? Maybe a explorer.exe command line parameter?

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Bug In Windows Explorer Can Result In Lost Files

Mar 23, 2008

I believe I've found a bug in Windows Explorer that I can reproduce reliably. If anyone can get this to a QA engineer in the Vista group at Microsoft

1. Open the Windows explorer browser (not Internet Explorer). Set it up so that you that you can see folders in the left-hand tree view panel and files in the right-hand list panel.

2. Create a new folder called "Test" and a subfolder below it called "TestSub".

3. In the SubTest folder, create three text files. Call them "Test1.txt", "Test2.txt" and "Test3.txt". Just to make the files non-empty, open them up and type a single character into each (I typed "x") and save.

4. In the left-hand tree view, click on any folder that is not in the Test -> SubTest hierarchy.

5. Again from the left-hand tree view, single click on the "TestSub" folder...........

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MP4 Video Files Crash Windows Explorer - Need Help!

Mar 29, 2008

"Jefferds44" schreef in bericht

put the mp4 files in a separate map

in mapoptions check>always show pictograms

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Windows Explorer Crashes When Moving Files

Dec 4, 2009

I'm trying to move files by dragging a folder from the right-hand pane in Windows Explorer (Vista Business) to a different folder in the left-hand 'Folders' pane and every time I try this, Explorer stops working and re-starts. If I copy and paste the folders it doesn't seem to cause this problem, although even then, I have to [right click and 'Paste'] twice in the new folder - the first 'Paste' instruction never produces any effect. Should I be able to drag them? Why does 'Paste' require two attempts every time?

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See Files In Command Prompt Not In Windows Explorer

Feb 20, 2009

HD crashed. Before I reformatted it, I went into the Command Prompt option from the Windows RE and copied all the files and folders to a usb harddrive. (I used the robocopy command from the command prompt.) Now, when I connect the hd to another machine, I cannot see and of the files or folders that I copied in Windows Explorer. I know the files are there becaue I can still see them from a command prompt and Windows (Vista) even reports that there are 27GB used on the disk. How can I see these files in Windows so that I can copy them back?

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How To Use Ctrl-Alt-Del In Win 7

Nov 5, 2009

I used to be able to hit Ctrl-Alt-Del in XP to end a program. How can I do that in Win 7?

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Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working When I Right Click .exe Files

Jul 31, 2008

I have vista home basic. My computer is a compaq presario sr2170nx. The last couple days I have been getting the following message when I right click on icons on my desktop or click on quick launch icons: Windows explorer has stopped working. It gives me the option to restart or search online for a solution. either one causes the icons in the system tray to go away and then reappear. this doesn't happen when i right click on folders on the desktop but any icons for applications it will. Also any icons in those folders will do the same thing. I have virus scanned with nothing found. I am currently scanning with adaware although i don't think it will find anything either. I have downloaded a few programs recently to convert portions of a dvd to mpeg for a class I'm taking but nothing else out of the ordinary.

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Windows Explorer Keeps Crashing When I Attemp To Move Files

Apr 15, 2009

Fully patched Vista - I can reproduce every time. When I attempt to move files by dragging from one folder to the next within Explorer, it crashes.

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Copying Files, Drag & Drop Using Windows Explorer

May 7, 2008

I just migrated from Windows XP Pro to Vista Ultimate (64bit). So far things have run *fairly* smoothly, but I am astonished at the length of time it is taking for me to copy files. For instance I want to copy 1/2 dozen folders from my "D" partition to my "C" partition (drag & drop using Windows Explorer - both partitions are NTFS, and I get the same result copying files on the same partition too). These files existed on my previous XP install, and when I copied them from D to C on XP it took around 2 minutes or so. Now the exact same files are taking upwards of 25+ minutes to copy in Vista! Is there some reason why Vista is acting like a decrepit 90 year old? :-)

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Extract Files:Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working

Oct 20, 2008

my computer new less then a year ago and use it for internet access, word processing, and a little gaming. recently i've had update issues, but even stranger when I attempt to extract a file using vista's in home extraction program(dont have a third party one) I get a message "Windows Explorer has stopped working" which then immediatly is followed by "Windows explorer is restarting." I can not extract files nor move files around that are in these files without this occuring. I went to the problem reports and solutions and get the following message:

Problem signature
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: explorer.exe
Application Version: 6.0.6000.16549
Application Timestamp: 46d230c5
Fault Module Name: avgoff2k.dll
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 4885e26d
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 000041e6
OS Version: 6.0.6000.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 8d13
Additional Information 2: cdca9b1d21d12b77d84f02df48e34311
Additional Information 3: 8d13
Additional Information 4: cdca9b1d21d12b77d84f02df48e34311
Extra information about the problem
Bucket ID: 858947222

Along with that I also got a COM surrogate error this morning when I tried to extact a file. I have no idea whats going on, I called Gateway support, and they are sending me a wipe disc but I'd prefer to just fix this.

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Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working: When Open Files Mp3, Rm, Wav

May 15, 2008

have a folder named "Mutimedia" its size is 3 GB and it contains a lot of files (mp3, rm, wav, ...).Many times when I open this folder, I got "Windows Explorer has stopped working" message and the folder stopped working.

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Deleted Files, Sidebar And Internet Explorer Not Found

Mar 29, 2008

i believe there have been some deleted folders from my windows folder, which is causing things like e.g the sidebar and internet explorer not being found, so i was wondering if my windows folder is possibly missing files, what can i get to start the computer from scratch

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Explorer Doesn't Show Temporary Internet Files

Mar 5, 2009

I have an email in my inbox with an attachment. When I open the attachment my text editor reports the following path :UsersMYNAMEAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5JTQYLO9PNathaniel Moore Descendants.txt If I try to open this directly in my text editor (EditPad Lite which stores recently visited documents) it reports that the file cannot be found. I have searched my computer and the search cannot find this document. Windows explorer doesn't even show a Temporary Internet Files subfolder in the Windows folder. Can anyone explain what is going on here? I don't appreciate Microsoft retaining information on my computer that I am unaware of. Can I get rid of this attachment without deleting the email?

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Where Did Windows Explorer: The Files And Folders For The Current User Can Be Explored?

Jun 16, 2008

What is now called Windows Explorer in Vista has been crippled so that only the files and folders for the current user can be explored. Where is the replacement for Windows Explorer in Vista? I am looking for the tool that will allow an administrator to explore the entire hard drive, create folders and copy files to wherever necessary. I need to create a folder that will contain some executable and configuration files in a location where users cannot accidently find them and delete them.

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Windows Explorer: Clumsy Way To Write Data Files To CD/DVDs

Jul 29, 2009

Windows Explorer in XP was a clumsy way to write data files to CD/DVDs. Is W.E. in Vista any better regarding this? If not, can you recommend free programs for writing data to DVDs?

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Disable Ctrl+F4?

Jun 4, 2008

I am currently doing an online course which includes some Flash animations. At one point, they want me to press Ctrl+F4 to proceed with the animations. However, this key combinations seems to have already been assigned to closing active window. How can I disable Ctrl+F4?

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Won't Respond To Ctrl-alt-del

Jun 5, 2007

I really had high hopes for x64 Vista. I put together a new system (specs below) that would be more than capable of handling the OS. I wanted to get the benefit of the full 4 GB of RAM as well as other potential benefits of x64. But it has really been a disappointment. If the computer is on screensaver for too long, it locks up and won't respond to ctrl-alt-del or anything but a hard reboot (no, it's not in hibernate mode). I've had driver problems and I can't even get Rome Total War, my favorite strategy game, to play. Is there any reason why I should keep x64 on?

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How Can Vista As With Ctrl-alt-del

Jan 4, 2010

1. how do I get same results in Vista as with "ctrl-alt-delete" in XP, ie get the windows task manager to delete stabourne progs.
2. operations in vista seem long winded, I click on something & a dozen windows, helps, warnings appear before (or if) I succeed to do what I wanted. Can I simplify/tweek vista to resemble XP workings?

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PC Freezing And Ctrl Alt Del Not Working

Mar 23, 2008

I have Vista on Inspiron 530 desktop. The PC is OK for about an hour then internet gets very slow, finally freezing. When I press ctrl alt del I get message "Logon process has failed to create the security options dialog" and below this "Failure - security options" . The only way out of this is to turn off the electricity to the pc.
Even if I don't get this error, I am seldom able to "shut down" the computer. I sometimes get the "logging off" message which changes to "shutting down" but even after waiting ages, it does not usually shut down so I just have to switch it off.

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CTRL+C Routinely Fails

May 1, 2008

Ever since I've had vista, CTRL+C routinely fails, and I'm not just imagining this. I don't get it happen once in XP, but in Vista it happens several times a day and is extremely frustrating. The only solution, do it again..."Do it twice incase it didn't work the first time"

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