Where Did Windows Explorer: The Files And Folders For The Current User Can Be Explored?

Jun 16, 2008

What is now called Windows Explorer in Vista has been crippled so that only the files and folders for the current user can be explored. Where is the replacement for Windows Explorer in Vista? I am looking for the tool that will allow an administrator to explore the entire hard drive, create folders and copy files to wherever necessary. I need to create a folder that will contain some executable and configuration files in a location where users cannot accidently find them and delete them.

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Unrelated Folders/files Are Blurred In User Folder

Sep 4, 2009

As you can see, there are two "Pictures" folders, and two "Music" folders. They do not contain the same contents; only one Pictures folder contains all my pictures and only one Music folder contains all my music. The "new" Music folder contains the "Sample Music" folder, and the "new Pictures folder contains all of what is in my original Pictures folder, in addition to same strange things which are shown in screen shot 2. These folders are not deletable, and probably related to the ntuser.dat.LOG2 file you can see at the bottom of the user folder. I think this is probably the cause of something going wrong in the registry, which I haven't a clue of how to edit.

Upon opening the new Pictures folder, this is shown (unrelated folders/files are blurred):

For some reason, the same default Music folder as well as an entirely new (third) Pictures folder is also present here.

If I open the third Pictures folder here, this is shown:

The new Music folders in all cases (except for the original in my user folder) only contain the default Sample Music folder, so I didn't post a screen shot of that.

Deleting any of these unneeded folders is impossible, as Vista will either prevent me from doing so or just creating a new one immediately after it is deleted.

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Word Not Installed For Current User

Jan 24, 2008

Here's the deal. Office 2007 was installed and working fine I used the Microsoft Cleanup Utility to remove a stubborn non-Office App. All Office 2007 apps now claim they have "Not Been Installed for the Current User" I can work around this by elevating to Admin ("Run as Administrator" - obviously this is undesireable for security reasons) I have tried repairing/uninstalling automatically & manually (i.e. deleting files and registry settings), altering permissions on setting files and registry nodes but nothing has worked.

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Upgrade Current XP With Old CD: Date Version Of XP To A 2+ Year Old Version Of Vista Which Would Require Many Updates To Bring Up To The Current Level

Aug 26, 2009

I purchased a new PC in early 2007 that came with XP. A month or so later I received the Vista upgrade CD which I have never installed. I intend to buy Windows 7 when it becomes available and wish to minimize my system upgrade problems as much as possible. Based on my understanding I would have to do a complete harddrive erase to install Win 7 and then reinstall all my applications. If possible and practical I'd like to upgrade XP to Vista and then Vista to Windows 7. My question am I likely to have problems going from a current up to date version of XP to a 2+ year old version of Vista which would require many updates to bring up to the current level?.

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Disappearing Folders Bar In Windows Explorer

Apr 3, 2009

I don't have this problem, presumably due to my using Classic view in Windows Explorer. But a lady whose machine I help with has a behavior that I find infuriating. I think she has a default setup except she uses the single-click setting. The behavior is that I start Windows Explorer, in "explorer view", naturally. But when I click on a drive or folder in the left-hand "folders" column, the folder opens but the left-hand column disappears! Of course, I'm sure you all know that in Vista, in the View menu of Windows Explorer, in the "Explorer bar" sub-menu, there is no longer any "Folders" item to select like there has been for a few previous versions of Windows. Is there some replacement mechanism I can use to restore the column, some mechanism that is so well hidden that this seasoned Windows user can't find it? And is there some way to prevent the column from disappearing?

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Windows Explorer User Not Show Up

Aug 17, 2009

HP repaired my desktop and sent it back with a re-installed Windows. The named the owner of the pc HP. I changed this to my own name, say XXX. I made a user's account for XXX. In Windows Explorer my user XXX does not show up. User HP does, and it has all my documents. I don't want the path to all my stuff to go like "C:UsersHPDocuments" , I want it to be "C:UsersXXXDocuments". When I go to user account through Control Panel > User accounts the user HP is *not* shown, user XXX *is shown*. User HP is not visible either if I go to "manage other accounts"

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Special Folders Duplicated In Windows Explorer

Jan 26, 2008

I have moved my Users directory to a separate drive as described here. I did not encounter any serious issue, however my special folders are duplicated in the Windows Explorer. For instance in my user folder I have two Documents folder, one pointing to C:UsersyannickDocuments and the other to D:UsersyannickDocuments. C:Users is a junction that points to D:Users. My media files are duplicated as well in Windows Media Player.

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Windows Explorer: Folders Open Instantly

Apr 26, 2008

Vista had a freeze up when trying to transfer files from a USB stick - however all seemed normal after a restart. I also "upgraded" to AVG v8.01 (free) I have no idea if either of these actions have caused my problem. Now whenever I open 'any' folder it takes several seconds before the contents appear. After this all other folders open instantly. If I then close all the open folders - this behaviour repeats with the first folder to be opened taking time to open.

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Renaming User Not Reflected In Windows Explorer

Jun 5, 2009

Vista Home Premium SP1. I don't know if this occurred in XP or not. I have renamed a user, but when I use Windows Explorer, the old user name shows up instead of the new one, even after a restart. What can I do to get consistency?

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Opening Folders: Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working

Apr 7, 2010

S.O. Vista Home Premium SP2 Problem: opening folders. For some time it is impossible to open the folder double click, crashes with error message: Windows Explorer has stopped working .... I can only open them with right-click Explorer, while right click Open gives me the same problem. I tried, in vain, downloading ShellExView and disabling all non-Microsoft items.

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Cannot Delete Any Files In Windows Explorer (GUI)

Mar 31, 2008

Whenever I try to delete a file in the Windows GUI (either from the desktop or from an open window), the file is deleted (usually) but a window saying "Recycling 1 item" or "Deleting 1 item" stays on the screen forever, until I use Task Manager to kill Explorer.

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Windows Explorer Will Not Paste Files

Nov 21, 2009

Windows Explorer had been working fine but now it won't (1) resize to full screen, (2) paste any file anywhere or allow me to drag and drop files. This latter one also won't work on my desktop. What gives? Can I uninstall Windows Explorer and reinstall? Will the 'recovery disks' that came with the computer allow this to happen?

Also, I have a file I want to inspect, a CBS.log file, and it says I need the administrator permission to do this. How do I obtain this. I'm no dummy when it comes to computers but I cannot figure this one out on Vista.

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Cloning A Drive: Tranfer Entire Drive Incuding All Files And The Operating System From Current IDE HDD To A New SATA Drive

May 2, 2008

I am Using Vista Ultimate 64. I would like to tranfer my entire drive incuding all files and the Operating system From my current IDE HDD to a new SATA Drive of the sames size (500 Gig) I need the IDE Drive for an older computer ( The 40 Gig IBM Deathstar still functions great, but all programs seem more bloated these Days)

Anyway I went to Administrative Tools and Formated the New Drive NFTS with no Drive Letter. But I cannot get it recognized as a transfer device when I go to system backup. Can I use 'C' on the second and soon to be only drive? If I have to use E or F for now can I change it back later. would that affect the file system? I intend to Low level Format the IDE and try cloning the old machine's XP Drive (32 bit) to it in the second place.

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Bug In Windows Explorer Can Result In Lost Files

Mar 23, 2008

I believe I've found a bug in Windows Explorer that I can reproduce reliably. If anyone can get this to a QA engineer in the Vista group at Microsoft

1. Open the Windows explorer browser (not Internet Explorer). Set it up so that you that you can see folders in the left-hand tree view panel and files in the right-hand list panel.

2. Create a new folder called "Test" and a subfolder below it called "TestSub".

3. In the SubTest folder, create three text files. Call them "Test1.txt", "Test2.txt" and "Test3.txt". Just to make the files non-empty, open them up and type a single character into each (I typed "x") and save.

4. In the left-hand tree view, click on any folder that is not in the Test -> SubTest hierarchy.

5. Again from the left-hand tree view, single click on the "TestSub" folder...........

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MP4 Video Files Crash Windows Explorer - Need Help!

Mar 29, 2008

"Jefferds44" schreef in bericht

put the mp4 files in a separate map

in mapoptions check>always show pictograms

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Windows Explorer Crashes When Moving Files

Dec 4, 2009

I'm trying to move files by dragging a folder from the right-hand pane in Windows Explorer (Vista Business) to a different folder in the left-hand 'Folders' pane and every time I try this, Explorer stops working and re-starts. If I copy and paste the folders it doesn't seem to cause this problem, although even then, I have to [right click and 'Paste'] twice in the new folder - the first 'Paste' instruction never produces any effect. Should I be able to drag them? Why does 'Paste' require two attempts every time?

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See Files In Command Prompt Not In Windows Explorer

Feb 20, 2009

HD crashed. Before I reformatted it, I went into the Command Prompt option from the Windows RE and copied all the files and folders to a usb harddrive. (I used the robocopy command from the command prompt.) Now, when I connect the hd to another machine, I cannot see and of the files or folders that I copied in Windows Explorer. I know the files are there becaue I can still see them from a command prompt and Windows (Vista) even reports that there are 27GB used on the disk. How can I see these files in Windows so that I can copy them back?

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Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working When I Right Click .exe Files

Jul 31, 2008

I have vista home basic. My computer is a compaq presario sr2170nx. The last couple days I have been getting the following message when I right click on icons on my desktop or click on quick launch icons: Windows explorer has stopped working. It gives me the option to restart or search online for a solution. either one causes the icons in the system tray to go away and then reappear. this doesn't happen when i right click on folders on the desktop but any icons for applications it will. Also any icons in those folders will do the same thing. I have virus scanned with nothing found. I am currently scanning with adaware although i don't think it will find anything either. I have downloaded a few programs recently to convert portions of a dvd to mpeg for a class I'm taking but nothing else out of the ordinary.

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Windows Explorer Keeps Crashing When I Attemp To Move Files

Apr 15, 2009

Fully patched Vista - I can reproduce every time. When I attempt to move files by dragging from one folder to the next within Explorer, it crashes.

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Copying Files, Drag & Drop Using Windows Explorer

May 7, 2008

I just migrated from Windows XP Pro to Vista Ultimate (64bit). So far things have run *fairly* smoothly, but I am astonished at the length of time it is taking for me to copy files. For instance I want to copy 1/2 dozen folders from my "D" partition to my "C" partition (drag & drop using Windows Explorer - both partitions are NTFS, and I get the same result copying files on the same partition too). These files existed on my previous XP install, and when I copied them from D to C on XP it took around 2 minutes or so. Now the exact same files are taking upwards of 25+ minutes to copy in Vista! Is there some reason why Vista is acting like a decrepit 90 year old? :-)

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Extract Files:Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working

Oct 20, 2008

my computer new less then a year ago and use it for internet access, word processing, and a little gaming. recently i've had update issues, but even stranger when I attempt to extract a file using vista's in home extraction program(dont have a third party one) I get a message "Windows Explorer has stopped working" which then immediatly is followed by "Windows explorer is restarting." I can not extract files nor move files around that are in these files without this occuring. I went to the problem reports and solutions and get the following message:

Problem signature
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: explorer.exe
Application Version: 6.0.6000.16549
Application Timestamp: 46d230c5
Fault Module Name: avgoff2k.dll
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 4885e26d
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 000041e6
OS Version: 6.0.6000.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 8d13
Additional Information 2: cdca9b1d21d12b77d84f02df48e34311
Additional Information 3: 8d13
Additional Information 4: cdca9b1d21d12b77d84f02df48e34311
Extra information about the problem
Bucket ID: 858947222

Along with that I also got a COM surrogate error this morning when I tried to extact a file. I have no idea whats going on, I called Gateway support, and they are sending me a wipe disc but I'd prefer to just fix this.

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Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working: When Open Files Mp3, Rm, Wav

May 15, 2008

have a folder named "Mutimedia" its size is 3 GB and it contains a lot of files (mp3, rm, wav, ...).Many times when I open this folder, I got "Windows Explorer has stopped working" message and the folder stopped working.

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Windows Explorer: Clumsy Way To Write Data Files To CD/DVDs

Jul 29, 2009

Windows Explorer in XP was a clumsy way to write data files to CD/DVDs. Is W.E. in Vista any better regarding this? If not, can you recommend free programs for writing data to DVDs?

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Moving A Few Files Around And Organising My Folders When I Lost A Few Files From A Folder

Sep 16, 2009

I was working on my laptop earlier this evening moving a few files around and organising my folders when I lost a few files from a folder. I don't know exactly what happened, I probably mashed the touch pad. Anyway, now I can't find the files anymore. I've tried running a search but it has come to no avail. How do I find my files? If it makes any difference the files were on a memory stick.

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Changing User Folders Icons

Apr 27, 2009

My icons are perfectly fine, there are no problems. However, I have these super cute PINK folder icons that I am dying to use instead of the way *yawning* boring blue icons.

Now I imagine there is way to change these icons, or new ones would not be available for use. I feel about my computer the way I feel about my home. It is a reflection of me, and I am not a "default" or "standard" person .

Even if it is complicated I want to know how. Please, Please help me. I don't want to die of computer bordom.

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Sharing Folders Between User Accounts

Feb 10, 2009

i've created multiple user accounts for my kids, but now i need to share the music folder from my administrator account to all of theirs.

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Deleting Virtual Folders In The User Profile?

Mar 29, 2008

Does anyone know of a way to remove the virtual folder links that appear under your username in Explorer? I mean the folders like "Videos", "Searches" and "Links". I know some of these folders serve an important purpose(like "Links", "Favorites", "Contacts", "Desktop"), but I'd like to move them somewhere
else and not have them clutter up the tree view when I'm trying to navigate around my files in Explorer.

I can move them to another physical location (using the Location tab on the properties window), but when I go back to Explorer, links to them appear as sub-folders as though they were still in my userprofile directory. This really winds me up -- I think I should be allowed to organise my own file system, without Microsoft deciding what folders I need!

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Moving User Folders To A Portable Drive

May 21, 2008

I'm going to send my laptop to HP for repair. So I thought I should remove all my documents and other data before that. I did a Ctrl-X on all the folders under User (such as Documents, Pictures, etc) and a Ctrl-V on my portable harddrive. I suppose that was a mistake for now, Vista always looks for that drive. How do I undo my stupid mistake?

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Resolved User Profile Cannot Be Loaded, But Folders Missing

Mar 23, 2008

I received the 'user profile cannot be loaded' message and completed option one at the below link. I now am able to log into my user account which is great, but all my document folders and files are missing. Is there a way I can restore these.

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Deleted User Accounts And Files But Still See Files

Feb 24, 2009

When I go to C:Users I see "mine", public, and the other I deleted named "test" ....I'm positive that deleted the account and all files but I could be mistaken. Is there a fix for this? I want it deleted.

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Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working: When Access "Network And Sharing Center" /"User Accounts"

Oct 17, 2008

The control panel opens fine. I can access all items in the control panel except "Network and sharing center" and the "User accounts" (I can't access this sections via the taskbar either). What happens when I open one of the two items is I get a popup saying the following; WINDOWS EXPLORER HAS STOPPED WORKING. I used to be able to access these items. And one day, I just coulodn't anymore... I'm using Vista Ultimate x64

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