Moving User Folders To A Portable Drive

May 21, 2008

I'm going to send my laptop to HP for repair. So I thought I should remove all my documents and other data before that. I did a Ctrl-X on all the folders under User (such as Documents, Pictures, etc) and a Ctrl-V on my portable harddrive. I suppose that was a mistake for now, Vista always looks for that drive. How do I undo my stupid mistake?

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Portable Hard Drive Unrecognize

Apr 6, 2009

I have a brand new WD portable hard drive that my Vista computer will not recognize.
When I try to mive files to it, it says there is not enough room in an empty drive.

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Moving File Folders To New HD

Mar 11, 2009

Is it possible without screwing windows Vista 64 up, to move a folder from one spot to another. Explenation: I added a second HD to my laptop(it holds 2). Iwant to move all my Games to that drive, I moved one and edit the shortcuts in Star menu. Now I was wondering is this going to screw up the registry or anything? I just Dragged the folder from Programs Folder to new Game folder on other HD. I do not want to have to reload it all. I mean i Have LotRo and Age of Conan bothe with at least an Hour of patchs I'd have to do again!

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Moving Desktop Files & Folders...

Mar 6, 2010

I have googled this to death and I have also search here and I have not found an answer. I am ready to migrate to Windows 7 and I am trying to move my wife's desktop items to another folder on another drive but I am finding this simple task annoying and impossible since all it wants to do is place shortcuts on the target folder.

I am trying to do this as an Administrator but no matter what I try, I get the same results. I am sure there is a simpler way to go about doing this but... I am also sure I can't find it!

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Your Thoughts: Moving User Data Folder To A Different Partition

Apr 20, 2009

I have purchased a new desktop (a 64 bit Dell XPS 430)that will come with a Vista Home Premium. The desktop will have one user.

I plan to partition its HD using a tool like pmagic. Partition C will have the OS. The new partition D will be for user data.

I would like to move the /user folder that contains users files (e.g., documents, audio, video, downloads, etc) to the new partition D. (This is how I maintained my many XP systems: alluser data, except settings, were on partition D).

What is the most optimal approach? I have read Microsoft article73760 entitled "Managing Roaming User Data Deployment Guide."

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When Started Moving/ Downloading Files I Had To Change My UAC (user Account Control) Settings Lower, Or Remove Them All Together

Aug 13, 2008

When I got started moving/ downloading files I had to change my UAC (user account control) settings lower, or remove them all together. Will this have an adverse effect to my lap top? Note: I don't have the site up yet.

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Moving Programs From C Drive To D Drive

May 24, 2009

I have problem with my laptop with vista home premium 32bit. My C drive is full and I have lot of space(80 GB) left on D drive. Is there any way to move programs from C drive to D drive? I want to move microsoft office and other programs which occupy more space on C drive.

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Moving From D To Vista To The C Drive?

Mar 30, 2008

I just upgraded my system to Vista on a separate hard drive (D). I left my XP installation on the C drive. When I'm ready to wipe out that C drive, how do I/Can I move my Vista to the C drive?

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Moving Personal Files To D Drive

Mar 10, 2009

I have all of my personal folders on the D drive. Following a reinstall of Vista64 I again pointed the location of my personal folders back to the D drive (where the folders remained). I was able to take care of all of them except the Downloads folder which does not have a location tab. I am sure it was there on previous installs. What can I do?

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Moving A Few Files Around And Organising My Folders When I Lost A Few Files From A Folder

Sep 16, 2009

I was working on my laptop earlier this evening moving a few files around and organising my folders when I lost a few files from a folder. I don't know exactly what happened, I probably mashed the touch pad. Anyway, now I can't find the files anymore. I've tried running a search but it has come to no avail. How do I find my files? If it makes any difference the files were on a memory stick.

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Changing User Folders Icons

Apr 27, 2009

My icons are perfectly fine, there are no problems. However, I have these super cute PINK folder icons that I am dying to use instead of the way *yawning* boring blue icons.

Now I imagine there is way to change these icons, or new ones would not be available for use. I feel about my computer the way I feel about my home. It is a reflection of me, and I am not a "default" or "standard" person .

Even if it is complicated I want to know how. Please, Please help me. I don't want to die of computer bordom.

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Sharing Folders Between User Accounts

Feb 10, 2009

i've created multiple user accounts for my kids, but now i need to share the music folder from my administrator account to all of theirs.

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Deleting Virtual Folders In The User Profile?

Mar 29, 2008

Does anyone know of a way to remove the virtual folder links that appear under your username in Explorer? I mean the folders like "Videos", "Searches" and "Links". I know some of these folders serve an important purpose(like "Links", "Favorites", "Contacts", "Desktop"), but I'd like to move them somewhere
else and not have them clutter up the tree view when I'm trying to navigate around my files in Explorer.

I can move them to another physical location (using the Location tab on the properties window), but when I go back to Explorer, links to them appear as sub-folders as though they were still in my userprofile directory. This really winds me up -- I think I should be allowed to organise my own file system, without Microsoft deciding what folders I need!

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Unrelated Folders/files Are Blurred In User Folder

Sep 4, 2009

As you can see, there are two "Pictures" folders, and two "Music" folders. They do not contain the same contents; only one Pictures folder contains all my pictures and only one Music folder contains all my music. The "new" Music folder contains the "Sample Music" folder, and the "new Pictures folder contains all of what is in my original Pictures folder, in addition to same strange things which are shown in screen shot 2. These folders are not deletable, and probably related to the ntuser.dat.LOG2 file you can see at the bottom of the user folder. I think this is probably the cause of something going wrong in the registry, which I haven't a clue of how to edit.

Upon opening the new Pictures folder, this is shown (unrelated folders/files are blurred):

For some reason, the same default Music folder as well as an entirely new (third) Pictures folder is also present here.

If I open the third Pictures folder here, this is shown:

The new Music folders in all cases (except for the original in my user folder) only contain the default Sample Music folder, so I didn't post a screen shot of that.

Deleting any of these unneeded folders is impossible, as Vista will either prevent me from doing so or just creating a new one immediately after it is deleted.

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Resolved User Profile Cannot Be Loaded, But Folders Missing

Mar 23, 2008

I received the 'user profile cannot be loaded' message and completed option one at the below link. I now am able to log into my user account which is great, but all my document folders and files are missing. Is there a way I can restore these.

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Where Did Windows Explorer: The Files And Folders For The Current User Can Be Explored?

Jun 16, 2008

What is now called Windows Explorer in Vista has been crippled so that only the files and folders for the current user can be explored. Where is the replacement for Windows Explorer in Vista? I am looking for the tool that will allow an administrator to explore the entire hard drive, create folders and copy files to wherever necessary. I need to create a folder that will contain some executable and configuration files in a location where users cannot accidently find them and delete them.

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Lock A Drive And Folders

Aug 5, 2009

i have some private data in my pc and my cosins r visiting us in few days i dont want to show my private data to them can i lock my drive or folders by cmd or some other method?

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Reorganize Files, Folders, And New Drive

Oct 3, 2009

I'm trying to reorganize files, folders, and new drive and cannot find any way to move files from one drive to the new one. I've tried everything and a couple of new little programs that are supposed to give me "ownership". Nothing will work for me. Right now I'm trying to move my Audible Books from old to new drive and cannot. I can't even delete them! I've turned UAC off and no change. Vista has me stumped.

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New Drive: Pictures/folders Not Stay

Jul 29, 2009

I like to put pictures on all my folders for videos and music. I just got an external hard drive because I need more space, so I moved the videos onto the new drive. The pictures did not stay on the folders when moved them to the new drive, and no matter how many times I try, I can't get them to show up on the folders. I tried saving a picture I want to use as "folder.jpg" within one of the folders, but that doesn't work.

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Files/folders Missing From C Drive

Jul 11, 2009

this is driving me crazy! I have now experienced this 3-4 times. It happens all of a sudden, and is scary. Some or most of my data suddenly disappears from my user folder (C:/users/username). First time it happened immediately after I installed Spyware Doctor, back in April, when they first released the x64 version. I have since restored all the data, and uninstalled Spyware Doctor. However, it happened again. The last two times, it just happened. I simply noticed that I had much more free space on my C drive (40GB more than the day before).

Last weekend, it mostly affected my photos, but other folders were missing also. I am running x64, on a HP machine with 6GB RAM. Luckaly, I perform multiple backups (TrueImage and Ghost), as well as Mozy. In each case I was able to restore all data, but it takes time, and more importantly, I don't trust my computer. I live in a fear - will my data be there tomorrow??? Or, has anyone else experienced anything similar?

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Safe Compress Folders C Drive

Oct 21, 2008

Is it safe, or possible to compress the Programs folder in my C drive??.

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Drive Letter & User Temporary Suggestions Only

Dec 16, 2008

Like with most other settings in Vista 64 Bit, ...Windows starts loosing it mind/(memory). Windows takes the meaning of "settings" to mean, "user temporary suggestions only". I'm sure somewhere in the fine print of "The Window's Handbook" it somewhat clearly states: Window's settings are subject to change at "any" given moment, time or place . (Period) Settings will change clearly at whim of... well,...just about "most any" given reason or causation, usually when you least expect it, and surly to extract the most pain & suffering.

I just went though a series of reboots working "other" problems,...when my external hard drives or "Mass Storage Units" along with all my flash "thumb" drives... got scrambled. I mean I'm down to L, M, and/or N clearly on how Vista shuffles them. Based on weather or not my printer is turned on or not. When you have certain programs writing to fixed drive letters ...

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How To Give Non-admin User Ability To Chkdsk Drive?

Jun 19, 2008

On some Vista Business systems I deploy, I need to be able to give non-admin uers the ability to chkdsk drives. I found the "Perform volume maintenance tasks" user rights policy, but that isn't doing it. Anyone know if it is even possible (I know some things can only be done by Administrators), and if so, how?

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Responded As Possible: What Are The Benefits Of Mapped Drive And Sharing Folders In A Home Network

Oct 8, 2009

Responded as possible?!

1)what are the benefits of mapped drive and sharing folders in a home network?

2)which folder cannot be shared? can you think of reason why an operating system might not allow certain types of folders to be shared ?

3)Amapped drive provides apointer to a network resourse,but mapped drive letters are said to be locally signification only.what do you think is meant by locally significant ?

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How To Change The Folder Standard Green Folders To New Pink Folders

Aug 19, 2009

Awhile back I was given instructions on how to change the folder standard green folders to new pink folders. Well, my computer crashed out and I had to get a new hard drive. I tried to follow the instructions from the previously solved thread, but I can not find the "desktop.ini". When I go to the users folder inside my choices are Administrator and Public and I can not find the "desktop.ini" file. I have windows vista.

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How To Delete Folders, Stop Renewing Folders

Oct 5, 2007

i have two folders in my startup menue that i want to delete:



i tried to delete them (right click > delete). but when i restart my computer the folders are there again: how can i get vista to stop renewing those damn folders.

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User Admin Previous User Missing

Mar 26, 2008

[This is my second post on the same subject. The first thread died] I had this Vista Home Basic machine working okay, but the power went out and then another person who was high used the machine. They named a new user as administrator. I don't know what else they did.

Now I have a new user as administrator and the previous users are gone. I still see evidence of them in the file tree but the old programs are gone and the documents are buried in C > Users > Admin (that was a name of a previous user that I had named when I first got the machine) I've gradually installed some of my old programs and I'm currently
just rebuilding everything, but it would be a lot easier if I could revert to the old user system. The Control Panel > add or remove user accounts is useless. I only have two icons there So is there anyway to return to the original condition? How can I recover the missing users?

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GUI Boot: No Moving Bar

May 31, 2009

I wanted to see what kinda the other vista boot screen would be if you untick the "No GUI boot" thing from msconfig. However, when I booted Vista loads that picture (there is no moving bar or anything) and suddenly gives me this error code: 0xc0000225: NLS data is missing or corrupt, vista cannot boot, contact system administrator, blah blah blah.

is Vista really this kinda OS? You disable GUI boot and you need to reinstall the whole OS? I really need to know how I can fix this. I also have ubuntu on this same pc and I can fully access vista files with it. Safe mode also gives that error.

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Moving To The Next Folder Above

Oct 8, 2009

Is there a way to move up a folder like there was in XP? In XP there was this icon Clicking it moved you to the folder above. Is there such a feature in Vista? I've been unable to find one. To be certain we are talking about the same thing. Double click and enter a folder on your Desktop. Once there, how do you move to the folder above that folder?

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Copying And Moving : 2mb Per Second?

Jun 8, 2008

However, I now cannot backup my email. Before I would copy the dbx files and it would take about 10 minutes to do 5gb. Now however - I have 400,000 eml files (I have a lot of email from my web businesses). These eml files are all small. So my problem is that windows first of all takes approx. 2 hours just to calculate the damn size. Then when it eventually starts to copy the files from one location to another (Either on the same RAIDed sata drives, or to another) it estimates days of transfer time left. And I know the calculations are never right, so I left my PC on for 9 hours one night and it wasn't even half way through! It was transferring at 2mb per second! I can upload the data to the internet and back faster than that!

I mean - what the hell? If 98 can do it, me, 2000, xp... what's gone wrong with Vista? So far it's been a pile of junk and it's driving me mad! I'm really trying to like it and make it work, but it's about to be sent back to the shop. So folks - can you tell me why this nonsense? How do i get around it? How can I backup these thousands of tiny files without leaving my PC on for days (I want to do a 10 min backup each day to another sata drive, simple task).

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Moving ANY From One Machine To Another.

Apr 20, 2008

I had my own motherboard start playing up on a machine I use with Vista Business on it.I upgraded it from XP Pro Feb 2007. When it started playing up I changed the motherboard and CPU and thought that I would have to do a repair install, then install motherboard drivers and possibly have to activate all over again the same as you do with XP in this situation.Nope.I could NOT do a repair install on it and in fact had to lose the whole thing and install fresh!I have my own image backup using True Image 10 Home version so can get data back from there but it isnt the ideal setup.What happens, in the future, when a business with Vista has the motherboard go bang? They have to lose everything the way I did and start again? Talk about a BIG problem for Microsoft if so.So, after I quietened down I thought - no it must just be my mistake. I looked around and I cannot prove I was wrong.If there is a way to repair install so you can move everything to a new machine the same as you could for XP.

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