Changing User Folders Icons

Apr 27, 2009

My icons are perfectly fine, there are no problems. However, I have these super cute PINK folder icons that I am dying to use instead of the way *yawning* boring blue icons.

Now I imagine there is way to change these icons, or new ones would not be available for use. I feel about my computer the way I feel about my home. It is a reflection of me, and I am not a "default" or "standard" person .

Even if it is complicated I want to know how. Please, Please help me. I don't want to die of computer bordom.

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Can't Icons Changing

May 1, 2009

I have a problem with my icons changing at will. Does anyone have a fix for this.

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Changing Drive Icons

Aug 8, 2009

I have been following the steps in some of the tutorials on how to change a drive's icon. I can get get all of my drives to change to what I want, except for my SD card reader, Drive G. I have restarted the computer several times. The default blue SD icon never changes, unless i remove the card. When i insert the card, it returns of course, but with the default blue SD icon. Any ideas out there?

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Folder Icons Constantly Changing

Dec 10, 2009

I have a folder for all of my music and then subfolders for each type (country, random, etc).

When I go into one of the subfolders, my music is always listed in details.

I dont want it to, so I change it to view small icons.

If I then close the folder for several hours or even shut down/reboot, it goes back to the details.

I have since figured out how to change this by customizing the main folder, but it is now showing them in LARGE icons, which is just as annoying and keeps changing them back to large ones even after I switch it to small ones.

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Resizing The Icons Changing Resoultions

Aug 29, 2008

Some of my Desktop items have been overlay with a generic icon, Yes I have been all over this site and tried everything possible to resolve it, yes i have googled it and tried everything there as well, resetting the iconcache, resizing the icons, changing resolutions, everything, changing the icons back to default, nothing. First here is a snip of my desktop notice that computer is okay, I added the network, control panel and my folder, to show that they are okay as well also my quick launch has nothing but generic icons My start menu is the same, its about 50% generic When i try to change the icon back manually through the properties I get this the only one that does not give me this problem is impulse, but it still has the generic icon overlaying it. Rosetta stone gives me the same problem but still has its normal icon underneath the generic ones the icons will change, but the overlay is still there this happened when i installed an intel temerature moniter, i uninstalled the program, still there, did a system restore,...................

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NVIDIA Changing Desktop Icons Position

Apr 3, 2010

BTW - My system is Vista Home Premium 64-bit NVIDIA was randomly changing the placement of my desktop icons. UNTIL, I updated the drivers to 191.07. After that, the desktop stabilized and I didn't have an issue. NOTE: My version of NVIDIA is 8500 GT/9200 (not sure why it has two?) I just updated the drivers today to 197.13 and sure enough . . . during installation, it took my desktop icons, rearranged them, and shoved them all to the left. I cannot tell you how irritating this is to me.

I have read some of the other threads and the general concensus then, was that there is no way to lock the desktop. Has anyone found a way to either lock the desktop or resolve this issue? I assume I'm not alone in this. Course the "easy" fix would be to just restore back to the earlier drivers, but . . . I'm thinking that it's really best to have the most up-to-date ones - yes??

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Stop A Admin User Changing?

Oct 3, 2009

Stop a admin user changing another admin users password or deleting their account? Anyone know if this is possible?.

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Did Not Back Up Bookmarks Changing User Name

May 13, 2010

I screwed up - did not back up bookmarks before changing user name..... all else is fine - is there a way/place to locate the old bookmarks from the old user nameed account?

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Changing Folders View When Opening A File

Jun 10, 2009

I'm working in InDesign. I prefer for all my windows to come up in Detail view. When I "Open a File," the window comes up in List view. I can change that specific window to Detail, and it will stay that way, but I can't figure out how to universally change all such windows to open in Detail. Anybody know?

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Changing Folders Displayed In Media Centre

Oct 29, 2008

Originally my intention was to go the whole nine yards with WMC, ie, the dual digital TV tuners/PVR thing etc etc. However, I ended up getting a deal on a Sky+ box, so, long story short, I really just use it to play music and movies. I don't have an extensive picture library and so on, so I just get it to watch the Music and Movie directories. All the others have been removed from the watch-list and now I would like these other folders to die with dignity as far as the main interface is concerned. I don't want to have to go up (to Pictures) then across to Videos. I know this may seem as if I would be interested in hiring someone to do my breathing for me, and maybe I won't lose any sleep over it, but I would like to slim down the primary interface if it can be done.

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Stopping User Changing The Auto-hide Taskbar Setting

Sep 21, 2009

I want to be able to stop users being able to change the auto-hide setting of the taskbar on a windows vista machine. Anyone any ideas how to do this? I want it to be set to always auto-hide so the solution either wants to stop the user being able to change this or maybe as a second solution if they do change it then i want it to be reset when the machine is rebooted.

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All Folders Icons Changed To Recycle Bin?

Apr 15, 2009

The folder icons on my windows vista have all turned to recycle bin icons for some reason!

I cant do a system restore as the problem has been on the system for a while now.

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Desktop Icons And Folders Freeze Up

Aug 4, 2009

Since I built my new PC and loaded Vista64 in Feb/09 about 2 times per mth my desk top icons/folders freeze up and I have to re-boot my PC to get them to open again. Is there a fix for this or is it inherent due to web sites I visit/spyware?

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No Text For Icons In User Folder

Jan 8, 2009

I've been away from the computer for the past three weeks, and when I got home I discovered everything in perfect working order. Everything, that is, except for my User Folder. None of the subfolders (Music, Videos, Pictures, etc.) have text beneath the icons. This only happens if I have the folder in icon view, no matter the size. List, Details, and Tiles all show the appropriate information, but the names of the folders disappear as soon as I slide the view to Small Icons.

This is true for anything else in the User Folder. For example, I tried moving a file there from the desktop, only to have that file's name disappear. Removing it back to the desktop confirmed that the file still had its original title. Creating a new file in the folder yields the same result. The subfolders themselves still have their names, and I can see them if click "Rename" on any of the folders.

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User Icons/ Desktop Backgrounds

May 15, 2010

i am an average user. i have vista home premium, and want to find my 1) user icon pictures, and 2) my desktop background pictures. in XP they were under documents & settings. I can't find them in vista. i realize that this is ridiculous, but i like my pictures to come up as if they were part of the original os. once i find out where they go, i will crop etc., then place my pictures in the correct folder.

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Make All The Folders Into Medium Sized Icons?

Jun 1, 2008

How to make all the folders into medium sized icons. i mean i don't want windows to remember folder settings separately. and i have tried removing this (remember each folder view setting) like in XP but it didnt help. and also if i reset everything in >views reset folder. all icons turns into detailed view but i want them to be medium sized.. is there any possibility to turn all into medium sized icons??

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Restore Default User Folder Icons

Mar 12, 2009

(i'm running vista 32bit SP1, i hope its not too out of place to ask a question in a 64bit forum)

this looks like the closest i've found to a forum w/ my prob.

essentially i backed up my HD on an external (western digital) using "second backup" as the backup software.

i noticed after backing up that all my folder icons (favorites, contacts, music, pictures, etc...) reverted to the generic yellow folder.

i was able to change one or two (and only those in the shortcuts in "favorite links" heading of a windows explorer window) by right click -> properties -> change icon but all the folders (in their actual location eg. c:users"username") remain the ugly yellow folder.

changing them one by one seems inefficient and if annoying if it were to occur again.

i've done the right-click on destop -> personalize -> change desktop icon -> restore default, no result (tho i didnt really expect one since the desktop icons arent really the issue)

i've rebuilt the icon cache, no luck.

i've re-written the desktop.ini for a couple of them, no result (tho i didnt really expect one)

system restore isn't an option, i dont have an old enough restore point (hense the need for backing up).

i'm wondering of a systemic way to essentially restore the default icons for all these folders (music, video, downloads, etc...) and their respective shortcuts.

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Sharing Folders Between User Accounts

Feb 10, 2009

i've created multiple user accounts for my kids, but now i need to share the music folder from my administrator account to all of theirs.

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Deleting Virtual Folders In The User Profile?

Mar 29, 2008

Does anyone know of a way to remove the virtual folder links that appear under your username in Explorer? I mean the folders like "Videos", "Searches" and "Links". I know some of these folders serve an important purpose(like "Links", "Favorites", "Contacts", "Desktop"), but I'd like to move them somewhere
else and not have them clutter up the tree view when I'm trying to navigate around my files in Explorer.

I can move them to another physical location (using the Location tab on the properties window), but when I go back to Explorer, links to them appear as sub-folders as though they were still in my userprofile directory. This really winds me up -- I think I should be allowed to organise my own file system, without Microsoft deciding what folders I need!

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Moving User Folders To A Portable Drive

May 21, 2008

I'm going to send my laptop to HP for repair. So I thought I should remove all my documents and other data before that. I did a Ctrl-X on all the folders under User (such as Documents, Pictures, etc) and a Ctrl-V on my portable harddrive. I suppose that was a mistake for now, Vista always looks for that drive. How do I undo my stupid mistake?

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Unrelated Folders/files Are Blurred In User Folder

Sep 4, 2009

As you can see, there are two "Pictures" folders, and two "Music" folders. They do not contain the same contents; only one Pictures folder contains all my pictures and only one Music folder contains all my music. The "new" Music folder contains the "Sample Music" folder, and the "new Pictures folder contains all of what is in my original Pictures folder, in addition to same strange things which are shown in screen shot 2. These folders are not deletable, and probably related to the ntuser.dat.LOG2 file you can see at the bottom of the user folder. I think this is probably the cause of something going wrong in the registry, which I haven't a clue of how to edit.

Upon opening the new Pictures folder, this is shown (unrelated folders/files are blurred):

For some reason, the same default Music folder as well as an entirely new (third) Pictures folder is also present here.

If I open the third Pictures folder here, this is shown:

The new Music folders in all cases (except for the original in my user folder) only contain the default Sample Music folder, so I didn't post a screen shot of that.

Deleting any of these unneeded folders is impossible, as Vista will either prevent me from doing so or just creating a new one immediately after it is deleted.

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Resolved User Profile Cannot Be Loaded, But Folders Missing

Mar 23, 2008

I received the 'user profile cannot be loaded' message and completed option one at the below link. I now am able to log into my user account which is great, but all my document folders and files are missing. Is there a way I can restore these.

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Where Did Windows Explorer: The Files And Folders For The Current User Can Be Explored?

Jun 16, 2008

What is now called Windows Explorer in Vista has been crippled so that only the files and folders for the current user can be explored. Where is the replacement for Windows Explorer in Vista? I am looking for the tool that will allow an administrator to explore the entire hard drive, create folders and copy files to wherever necessary. I need to create a folder that will contain some executable and configuration files in a location where users cannot accidently find them and delete them.

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Icons/Files From User Folder Showing Up In Computer Folder

Nov 26, 2009

I have several icons/files from my "User" folder showing up in the "Computer" folder (several in duplicate), PLUS numerous blank icons. This seems to have occurred after the Common Files folder became corrupted, after I somewhat riskily decided to power off while Vista was attempting to come out of Sleep mode - it had already taken about 3 mins and I was in a hurry - bad move, I know. That delay appears to have been due to an old version of Online Armor, and has now been fixed (by an update). Chkdsk scanned and (apparently) corrected some errors, and I also ran SFC which said it had corrected some errors but had also found some that it couldn't correct.

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Desktop Icons Got Suddenly Changed To Internet Explorer Icons

May 26, 2009

all my desktop icons got suddenly changed to internet explorer icons,after (i opened some program in the internet,) then i did some personalisation then it changed to my adobe photoshop icon, all the desktop icons now shows the adobe,, all my programs which was earlier like (yahoo msngr, msn mesengr,windows vista programs,almost all other programs) and my internet wireless stopped working. i have a vista home premium 32. and my comp is asus f3t series. i was trying to do the icon cache, but couldnt find. tried restarting but couldnt trying to run my antivirus scan Mcafee. if anybody knows the solution to restore my earlier icons.

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Picture Icons Changed To Standard-generic Icons

Mar 23, 2008

All of my picture icons were changed to standard-generic icons when I had my computer restored to the factory direct setting. Now they don't display anything except a flower, house, ect. My question is: How do I change the picture icon setting back so I can see a tiny preview thingy for each icon, instead of having to click on each one to see what they really are?

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Desktop Icons Bug (duplicate Icons After Update)

Mar 6, 2009

Desktop icons overwritten. After a recent automatic update it appears my desktop icons have two icons on top of each other. Visible on top is the "default" icon and slightly visible underneath is the original icon. I use Firefox and Vista Ultimate 32.

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Live Icons Covering 9 Dead Icons

May 12, 2009

A Vista SP1 Home Premium problem - 9 live icons covering 9 dead icons: Several days ago I had a desktop with 9 live, working icons at the bottom of the desktop. ie: recycle bin, computer, network, control panel, etc. The 9th icon was a folder called 'powershell'.

Several days ago I deleted the 'powershell' folder, and, underneath that folder, was surprised to find a dead copy of the 'powershell' folder. The deleted 'powershell' folder was in the recycle bin, and an undeleted dead copy on the desktop. This dead copy cannot be accessed with selection, left-click, or right-click operations - so the 'Properties' info cannot be displayed.........

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Desktop Icons: How To Lock Icons In Place?

Aug 8, 2009

Everytime I restart my PC, my desktop icons go where ever they want each time. What is causing this and is their a way to lock the icons in place?

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How To Change The Folder Standard Green Folders To New Pink Folders

Aug 19, 2009

Awhile back I was given instructions on how to change the folder standard green folders to new pink folders. Well, my computer crashed out and I had to get a new hard drive. I tried to follow the instructions from the previously solved thread, but I can not find the "desktop.ini". When I go to the users folder inside my choices are Administrator and Public and I can not find the "desktop.ini" file. I have windows vista.

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How To Delete Folders, Stop Renewing Folders

Oct 5, 2007

i have two folders in my startup menue that i want to delete:



i tried to delete them (right click > delete). but when i restart my computer the folders are there again: how can i get vista to stop renewing those damn folders.

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