Need To Know Difference Between The Windows Vista Sleep And Hibernate

Nov 6, 2009

Could anyone explain to me from a theoretical or practical point of view what exactly is the difference between the Windows Vista Sleep and Hibernate options on the shutdown menu from the start button?

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Windows Hibernate Sleep Wake Up Can't Working Properly

Feb 17, 2009

I pressed the circle button with the vertical lline in Vista (from pressing Start) This sent the computer to sleep or hibanate I dont know which. I cannot get the computer to come back on. The monitor remains black (no picture) and says no signal. I have deprived the computer of power. This was achieved by unplugging it from the wall, and removing the power cable also from the computer.

I have tried restarting the computer but to no avail. I have also removed the keyboard and mouse when I try starting up. I have also tried, holding in the power button and then restarting. No matter what I try still no joy. No signal on the monitor. The lights in all cases come on, on the base unit and I can hear fans spinning etc. I have read about this issue in round about ways but all of the fixes seem to rely on actually being in windows.

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Click Sleep Goes Into Hibernate

May 15, 2010

I looks as though Vista goes into hibernate even though I click on sleep. Up until now, Vista always went to sleep. What should I be checking?

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Lost The Sleep And Hibernate

May 19, 2009

I have an HP Pavilion and cannot get the machine to power down into Sleep Mode or Hibernation. When I first bought this PC the middle of last year I remember reading after my first Windows Update that the feature might be lost as a result of the Windows Updating process. However, as the months have gone by and more and more apps having been installed and loaded on to this machine, it now takes longer for it to boot up. I always liked the Hibernate feature on my old Windows XP machine, but since I lost the Sleep and Hibernation features on this machine and realized why they were gone shortly after having purchased it.

I just went ahead with complete shut downs and cold boots. At this point though I'm pretty tired of the extended waits for the machine to boot up all the time so I would like to know if it's possible, and if so, how, I might get the Sleep or Hibernate features back on this machine. I wasn’t sure what other Section to post this message in since I don’t see an applicable Heading, so I went with the General Folder.

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Hibernate / Sleep Restarts

Mar 23, 2008

This is the second time in the past year I had to do this and I cant remember what I did to fix it. When I click the "round circle" hibernate button it shuts down and the restarts again?

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Shut Down, Sleep, Hibernate: Which Is Recommended?

Jun 10, 2008

My Vista 32bit is used at home for a few hours daily. A comment in another group stated shutting down / starting back up is harder on the system over the years. True? Is there any difference between the button left of the lock symbol ('Saves session & puts comp. in low power state' and sleep? When I'm done for the day which is recommended by those who know?

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Closing The Lid Does Not Enter Hibernate Or Sleep Mode

Mar 23, 2008

I've bought Dell XPS M 1530 recently. Earlier with bios version A_05 my notebook didnot detect wireless network if it became available while the computer was already On. The computer had to be waking up or restarting in the presence of network and then only it registered it. The Dell technician downloaded the latest bios (version A_07) and the wireless network problem got corrected. But the new problem thats comeup now is that closing the lid doesnt put the computer to sleep. I checked in the power options, thats correctly configured. Even changed it to hibernate when i close lid. That doesnt work either. One more thing i must add - that it's not like my computer doesnt get to know at all that the lid is closed. When i open the lid, everything is ON but the mouse arrow behaves 'drunk' for a while before becoming normal.

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Doesn't Sleep/hibernate When Music Playing

Jun 2, 2008

I'm using Vista as carpc operating system. My problem is that Vista doesn't sleep/hibernate when music is playing. I have set pc to hibernate after one minute when powerchord is not plugged. That is what it is suppose to do. Now my Vista thinks that "I'm playing music, so I don't go to hibernate-mode". Few guys have said that it should hibernate even if playing music, few guys says that computer shouldn't hibernate cause it's in use. Is there way to make computer hibernate when music/videos is on?

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Home Premium, Desktop: Sleep Is Really Hibernate

Mar 23, 2008

rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState Sleep, Creating a shortcut of this above mentioned routine causes a hibernate mode, similar or exactly same as rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState

Wanting to make a shortcut for a hot-button on my keyboard to create "sleep" mode -- that is, awake computer from keyboard of mouse movement, and am baffled. Must admit the hibernate mode is good for ending a days work, but often I wish to manually induce 'Sleep'.

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Aero Themes After Computer Resume Sleep/hibernate

Feb 22, 2010

I'm having problems with Aero themes in 32 bit colors after computer resume from sleep/hibernate. Screen is messed up (see screenshot at [url]). I have NVidia GForce 6200 chipset card, and now I have Windows 7 Ultimate x64, but I had the same problem in Vista x64. If I move to 16 bit colors it solves,also with basic theme without Aero. I tried many drivers updates but nothing changed.

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Go Into Standby Or Hibernate Modes Using Windows Vista?

May 28, 2008

Is there any way I can get my computer to go into standby or hibernate modes using Windows Vista. I've been to your web sites for help but I'm still not able to get standby or hibernate modes, in Windows XP there was never any kind of problem. My motherboard can use S1 or S3 setting but I've tired both setting and its just the same. The computer will start to go into hibernate mode for only five or six seconds then is will just restart.

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I Put My Computer To Sleep It Immediatley Wakes Up Without Pressing Any Keys Or Moving Mouse. Same With Hibernate

May 24, 2008

I put my computer to sleep it immediatley wakes up without pressing any keys or moving mouse. Same with Hibernate... I press hibernate it starts saving all info shuts off (power light off) within 5 seconds it is starting up again.

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Freezes And How To Re-enable Missing Hibernate Option In Windows Vista?

Apr 30, 2010

This could start at any time apparently but once it does my whole computer freezes up for 9 seconds exactly, then it's fine for about 50 seconds or so, then frozen for 9 seconds, etc. This will repeat until I reboot the computer. I somehow manged to fix the problem and had completely forgotten about it until the other day.

I wanted to hibernate my computer but the options weren't there so I found this page and entered the commands into the Command Prompt: How to Re-enable Missing Hibernate Option in Windows Vista? - Tweaking with Vishal

It sort of fixed my hibernation, now the Start Menu power button would hibernate, but more importantly the 9 second freezes started up again. I quickly ran the Hibernation File Cleaner in Disk Cleanup which is apparently what removed the hibernation option in the first place, but no luck, hibernation was now gone and the freezes still continued....................

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Difference Between Xp And Drives Of Xp Don't Work With Vista

May 12, 2008

What the difference between Win XP and Win Vista? whai the drives of xp don't work with Vista?

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Difference Between OEM And Retail Version Of Vista?

Nov 9, 2008

What's the difference between an OEM and Retail version of Vista? I know that an OEM version is the one the computer manufactor gives to you, but is there a real difference?

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Difference Using 32bit Vista Over 64bit Version?

Apr 24, 2008

Ive gotten tired of looking so Ill just ask here. Whats the difference in using the 32bit vista over the 64bit version?

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To Resume Vista From Hibernate Without Having Disconnect External HD?

Mar 21, 2008

I have my computer run an automatic backup each night to my USB connected external hard drive then automatically hibernate. However, I always need to remove the USB connection to my external HD before turning my computer on in the morning, or else it would just display a blinking dot when turned on. When I do forget about removing the external hd, I am forced to manually shutdown the computer. Once its turned back on, I get a message saying the resume from hibernate wasn't successful, and it asks me if I want to retry or delete the hibernation file. I choose to retry (having already disconnected the HD) and Vista resumes fine. I'm wondering how to resume Vista from hibernate without having to always disconnect my external HD prior to turning it on. The external hard drive is Western Digital and I'm using Vista Service Pack 1. Also, my sister's laptop resumes fine from hibernate with the external HD plugged in. One last thing, my computer resumes fine when put to sleep with the external HD plugged, its only hibernate that this happens.

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Windows Mail Version, Difference

Aug 4, 2009

From the Help Menu of Windows Mail in Vista Premium SP2 I see that the version is 6.0.6000.16386. When I send a message I see in the headers that the version is 6.0.6002.18005. Why this difference?

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Vista Goes To Sleep While Burning DVD

Apr 15, 2009

I have the computer set to sleep after 5 minutes, needs to be that way for various reasons. The burning and verification of a DVD take over 20 minutes. Is there a way to prevent sleep during this process, since it aborts the burn process?

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Vista Hybrid Sleep

Apr 11, 2009

My machine is having some problems with Vista's hybrid sleep. When it wakes up my partitioning software (True Image) fails to read the partitions on my external USB drives correctly. The last time it woke up, Windows Mail hung while booting up and had to be restarted, and my sidebar clock had stopped. Is it best to avoid hybrid sleep?

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Vista Ultimate Sleep

Aug 17, 2008

I really like the vista sleep mode, but I have a question. Would using sleep mode often cause a slow down? I don't want my computer to be noticeably slower. I have vista ult. 3 gig ram, 9800 GTX, Intel e6400. also how can I make a shortcut for win key+s for example.

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Vista 64 Goes To Sleep: Tcpip.sys Errors

Aug 26, 2008

Vista 64 goes to sleep or coma while on the web using various bit torrent clients. Always requires a hard reboot. Happens even at night when unattended. Goes in spurts, OK for a couple of weeks and then quite often. Flashget is the worst, tried just about all the bit torrent clients available. Something has to present a conflict or it has something to do withh ATT Dsl (maybe). Had a lot of tcpip.sys errors in event viewer. There are ways to patch this but it is not something I want to do. I would just like to prevent these errors, if they really precipitated the coma.

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Vista 64bit Sleep Mode

Mar 23, 2008

I have both Vista 64 Home Premium and Vista 64 Ultimate )on two exactly the same Asus computers. After I have put the computers into the sleep mode they immediately restart.::

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Router Shuts Down In Sleep Mode Vista 64

Oct 5, 2009

I have our wireless router hooked up to my computer at home. When I shut down my computer, the router stays up and working fine, allowing our wireless laptops access to the internet. The ethernet light stays lit and everything is fine. However, when I put my computer in sleep mode - something I would prefer to do rather than shutting it down when I'm not using it - the ethernet light goes out and the laptops can't connect to the internet. It even says no network connection is available. Does anyone know if there is something I can do? Change a setting in Vista or in the system BIOS ? Is it something to do with the router? The router is pretty old - Actiontec (GT704WG) but we've never had any problems with it. I'm running Vista Home Premium 64 bit on a custom built system with an E8500 @ 4.0 Ghz and 8 megs of RAM Motherboard - Gigabyte GA-X48-DS4

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Sleep Crashes Windows

Mar 26, 2008

If I let the Vista power management put the computer to sleep, it?s slow to wake up, then gives me a message saying that Windows didn?t shut down properly, and will reboot.

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Sleep: Crashes Windows

Mar 23, 2008

If I let the Vista power management put the computer to sleep, it? slow to wake up, then gives me a message saying that Windows didn?t shut down properly, and will reboot.

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X86 Vs X64 Difference

Mar 30, 2008

I have tried both and really can't tell the difference when up and running. I am using the 64 bit drivers for my devices and have NO 64 bit programs. My machine has an AMD64x2 4800 running 4 gig ram and a 500 gig drive. When I switched from Vista 32 bit to the 64 I thought I was going to see dramatic results but no... Have followed the tutorials to adjust as needed/wanted still not difference. So, unless doing some graphic intensive or mathematically intensive work utilizing a 64 bit program when will I and others ever see any advantage to keeping the 64 bit os?

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Difference Between 32 & 64?

Aug 21, 2007

I just signed up today. I was just wondering what the difference between 32 and 64 was? Better performance in some way?

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What Is Difference Between 32 And 64

Mar 26, 2008

I have 2 computers. One has Vista Home Premium and the other has Ultimate. Today, after being advised by Update that SP1 is available to me, I have downloaded and saved both versions from the Microsoft site; 32 and 64. BUT I really do not understand the difference between 32 and 64. To me it seems like Vista should be Vista, like XP was XP. which version of SP1 I need to put into my individual Vista installations of Home Premium and then Ultimate.

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Difference Is There Between The Gtx 280 And The 260 Other Than Money And RAM

Oct 1, 2008

I'm looking to invest in some extra graphics power. Don't get me 8800gt is great, but lacks some for cerain games.. The two choices I have decided on are selling my current 8800gt for $100 to a friend and using that money to go toward a gtx 260 OR putting another 8800gt in SLI with my current one. Also, how big of a difference is there between the gtx 280 and the 260 other than money and RAM?

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Difference Between 32 And 64bit...

Mar 16, 2008

I don't mean to sound like a total newb (which I am not, I am quite familliar with hacking my PSP and it's games and also my iPod so I know a little bit about computers) but I always wondered what the difference is between Windows Vista 32bit and Windows Vista 64bit. It would be nice to know but I don't entirely need t know.

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