Go Into Standby Or Hibernate Modes Using Windows Vista?

May 28, 2008

Is there any way I can get my computer to go into standby or hibernate modes using Windows Vista. I've been to your web sites for help but I'm still not able to get standby or hibernate modes, in Windows XP there was never any kind of problem. My motherboard can use S1 or S3 setting but I've tired both setting and its just the same. The computer will start to go into hibernate mode for only five or six seconds then is will just restart.

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Need To Know Difference Between The Windows Vista Sleep And Hibernate

Nov 6, 2009

Could anyone explain to me from a theoretical or practical point of view what exactly is the difference between the Windows Vista Sleep and Hibernate options on the shutdown menu from the start button?

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Freezes And How To Re-enable Missing Hibernate Option In Windows Vista?

Apr 30, 2010

This could start at any time apparently but once it does my whole computer freezes up for 9 seconds exactly, then it's fine for about 50 seconds or so, then frozen for 9 seconds, etc. This will repeat until I reboot the computer. I somehow manged to fix the problem and had completely forgotten about it until the other day.

I wanted to hibernate my computer but the options weren't there so I found this page and entered the commands into the Command Prompt: How to Re-enable Missing Hibernate Option in Windows Vista? - Tweaking with Vishal

It sort of fixed my hibernation, now the Start Menu power button would hibernate, but more importantly the 9 second freezes started up again. I quickly ran the Hibernation File Cleaner in Disk Cleanup which is apparently what removed the hibernation option in the first place, but no luck, hibernation was now gone and the freezes still continued....................

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Vista Machine Won't Stay In Standby

Mar 23, 2008

My wife's desktop machine is a HP a1730n running Vista Home Premium. After
putting it in standby, after a short while, it comes back up to operation.
Most of the time it does this but sometimes, it will go all night staying in
standby. I asked this group about this and got the advice to go to advanced
settings in Power Options and change the multimedia setting "when showing
multimedia" to "allow the computer to sleep". This seemed to fix it for a
short while and then it reverted back to not staying in standby. I am
looking for some more advanced wisdom on this problem and hope for a

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Hard Drives - DMA And PIO Modes

May 2, 2008

I have recently upgraded to an Asus P5K-E motherboard. It support AHCPI SATA. I'm running Vista x64 on a Samsung HD753LJ 750GB drive. Shortly after installing I checked the Device Manager which showed the drive running in PIO Mode 4. I kept trying to set it back to DMA mode but to no avail. However, using HD Tune 2.55 it says my drive is running in UDMA Mode 8. I never knew it went that high.

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To Resume Vista From Hibernate Without Having Disconnect External HD?

Mar 21, 2008

I have my computer run an automatic backup each night to my USB connected external hard drive then automatically hibernate. However, I always need to remove the USB connection to my external HD before turning my computer on in the morning, or else it would just display a blinking dot when turned on. When I do forget about removing the external hd, I am forced to manually shutdown the computer. Once its turned back on, I get a message saying the resume from hibernate wasn't successful, and it asks me if I want to retry or delete the hibernation file. I choose to retry (having already disconnected the HD) and Vista resumes fine. I'm wondering how to resume Vista from hibernate without having to always disconnect my external HD prior to turning it on. The external hard drive is Western Digital and I'm using Vista Service Pack 1. Also, my sister's laptop resumes fine from hibernate with the external HD plugged in. One last thing, my computer resumes fine when put to sleep with the external HD plugged, its only hibernate that this happens.

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Windows Hibernate Sleep Wake Up Can't Working Properly

Feb 17, 2009

I pressed the circle button with the vertical lline in Vista (from pressing Start) This sent the computer to sleep or hibanate I dont know which. I cannot get the computer to come back on. The monitor remains black (no picture) and says no signal. I have deprived the computer of power. This was achieved by unplugging it from the wall, and removing the power cable also from the computer.

I have tried restarting the computer but to no avail. I have also removed the keyboard and mouse when I try starting up. I have also tried, holding in the power button and then restarting. No matter what I try still no joy. No signal on the monitor. The lights in all cases come on, on the base unit and I can hear fans spinning etc. I have read about this issue in round about ways but all of the fixes seem to rely on actually being in windows.

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Won't Go Into Standby/Sleep

Aug 5, 2009

My laptop wont go into standby/sleep all of a sudden. I click the button, screen goes black, sound turns off but all the lights stay on and dont go into that "blinking" status as it used to. Even the HP logo on the outside is still it up when it used to turn off when going into Sleep/Standby. Does anyone have any ideas what could be causing this? I have no active programs running, just on the desktop, with no HDD access occurring.

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Still Freezes From Standby With SP1 Installed.

Mar 23, 2008

Installed SP!. Had to go to work. Let it do it;s thing. Cam home, computer in standby, pushed button, upcame display. Right clicked on computer icon for properties. Damned rotating circle! After a while proprties did come up but nothing else would work. Had to power off via power button and power up again. I still think this is a piece of c-rap.

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Computer Won't Stay In Standby

Aug 29, 2009

Usually people want to get their computer to go to sleep or get their keyboard to wake up from sleep. Well my problem is that all devices other than my keyboard are set NOT to wake computer up from sleep but when I sleep my keyboard automatically wakes it up.

Can anyone help me figure out why my keyboard keeps waking up my computer automatically. Its a Dell SK-8135. I just want to be able to send my computer to sleep and wake it with the keyboard under normal situations.

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Computer Keeps Going Into A Standby Mode?

Jul 29, 2009

I have a Sony Vaio. I just bought it a week ago. Model PCG-3G5L. At random intervals I get a black screen, like a standby mode, and I have to press the power button or tap a bucnh of keys to turn it back on. I did a virus sweep and I have no viruses. Sleep mode is disabled. It was working FINE yesterday.

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Computer Standby And Won't Turn On Or Off

Aug 5, 2009

I just recently turned off my laptop by pressing the off button and not the proper way on the start menu ( I know I'm an idiot) and now it won't turn on or off. It is now a black screen and when I press the on button it blinks purple and then red. I am currently using my friend's computer to post this. Does anyone have any advice as to what I should do in order for it to wake up?

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Resume From Standby Doesnt Work

Jan 4, 2010

Vista x64 SP2 with 500GB Seagate SATA HDD. I can resume from standby, but it can take up to 10 minutes for it to work again. I believe it's the HDD not waking up (powering up) immediately when it resumes (S3 Hybrid Sleep).

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Standby Or Power Saving Mode

Oct 11, 2009

I have a computer which runs Windows Vista 32 bit and I have a problem with it. When my computer its turned on and I leave eat(because eating and so) it goes to standby or power saving mode. And when I come back and move the mouse or pressing enter it will not start again!!? and the mouse, the keyboard, my external sound card and my monitor is not powered. its simply dead. (the power button on my computer (the harddisk) is blue and it means that the pc is turned on but the monitor is just going to sleep. To shut down and restart the pc I need to hold down the power button. After that I restart the pc by pressing power button again and all the thing works again and windows says: continues windows and then I am where it went to standby or power saving mode ?

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Transfer All Files Onto Standby Computer

Apr 27, 2009

I want to transfer all my files ect onto a standby computer, to have a fallback onto the information contained in them. I was under the impression that the necessary software for the transfer and Synchronization was in Vista Windows, but having connected the computers with a transfer cable (which was installed as new hardware on both computers) nothing further happened although I was supposed to get instructions on the Standby computer how to proceed with the transfers.

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Failing To Enter And Stay In Standby Mode

May 15, 2009

my computer has been failing to enter and stay in standby mode. I had set the power button to initiate hibernate, sleep button to initiate sleep and close the lid to turn the computer off. All was working fine and settings are all as they should be, to my knowlege nothing has been changed but when I press the power button or try to enter hibernate through the start menu, the computer enters hibernate and then instantly starts back up. I am able to turn the competer off completely but no luck with hibernate. System restore is failing to work also so I am not able to set the system back to an earlier state.

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Wireless Router: Wont Reconnect To The Internet After Going Into Standby Mode

May 12, 2008

I am currently researching into upgrading the telecommunications scene in our house satrting with replacing my current router which is driving me insane. The signal strenght is totally erratic & it often wont reconnect to the internet after going into standby mode.

Belkin : Wireless G+ Modem Router

I am totally noob when it comes to wireless, do all routers produce basically the same strength signal? Are some more long range than others?

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To Hibernate Or Not To Hibernate?

Jun 7, 2009

Vista Home Premium SP1 (and WinXP Home SP3). After Best Buy "optimized" my new Toshiba laptop, the Hibernate option was nowhere to be found. Then, after going through World War III, erasing the disk, and re-installing Vista to factory-fresh standards, it was there. This time it even stuck around after Best Buy did their thing again. I decided to ask some questions. It seemed that if I didn't like one answer, all I had to do to get a second (and guaranteed different) opinion was to ask a different employee. I thought I liked Hibernate under XP. I was leery of Standby, probably because of my mainframe days when memory was *really* temporary. I had no trouble with Hibernate, and it was a faster restart than Shut Down. Now I'm told to use Sleep (the old Standby) because Hibernate is fraught with problems. Not only that, but I was told that Hibernate wasn't removed by Best Buy, but by Windows Update! Actually, if I could feel comfortable with
Sleep, I like the idea of, say, dozing off after 10 minutes of inactivity, but waking up instantly when necessary, combined with invoking a Shut Down (or Hibernate) only when I close the lid. I look forward to getting a variety of opinions here.

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Not Come Out Of Hibernate

Dec 16, 2007

I installed Vista Ultimate x64 in March and had had no system problems until last week. Last week I put my PC into hibernate as I always do. When I came back to my machine it would not come out of hibernate and I had to do a hard reset. From this point onwards it would spontaneously freeze (normally after about 10 minutes of normal use) where a hard reset would be required.

The only change in my system configuration at this point was a game update for Call Of Duty 4. However I used the same installer on 2 other Vista 64 machines (home editions) with identical specs (ones I built for my folks (both keen gamers )) and had no problems.

What I have tried so far:...........

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Hibernate Missing

Jul 8, 2008

i cleaned up the disk and i can not recuperate the file from hibernate option, i have tried downloading the file from main page but it impossibles i have follow all the rules.

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Where Is My Option To Hibernate

Feb 15, 2009

I'm wanting to put my computer in hibernate and I click on the start menue but the option is no longer there. I have the option to sleep, shut down, lock and so on but no longer have hibernate. Whats up with that ? Does anyone have a clue?

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Hibernate Itself Again After Resume

Aug 8, 2008

got a real annoying problem - searched over inet and found no solution :((When my Vista resume from hibernate my LCD goes off and i have about two minutes window to move mouse, press key, etc or vista ITSELF goes to hibernate again.

Thats really annoying to sit in front of the resuming computer and try to catch that 2mins window every day, when i hibernate. Is a feature or bug? Can it be overcome somehow?....Ive got Vista 64, all updates, Rad4870, Asus M3A78-EH mobo, 5000+BE, hybrid sleep off.

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Hibernate Vs Shutdown

Jul 2, 2008

i use the sleep function a lot because i like to get straight back into whatever i was doing. I was wondering if i could use hibernate instead of shutdown on my pc so i can come straight back in the morning & carry on with whatever i was doing. Is it safe to do this? And can i turn off my mains supply without affecting my hibernated pc?

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Click Sleep Goes Into Hibernate

May 15, 2010

I looks as though Vista goes into hibernate even though I click on sleep. Up until now, Vista always went to sleep. What should I be checking?

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Hibernate, How To Remove Suspend

Mar 26, 2008

I don't want suspend, it does not even work. I do how ever want Hibernate. My Question is how do i remove suspend?

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Hibernate: Screen Turns Off

Feb 23, 2009

I recently installed SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10.2 and now when I go into Vista and click the hibernate feature, my screen turns off for about a minute, lights stay on, then my log on screen comes, just as it would if I turned my computer on after hibernation. Also, when GRUB boot loader gives me the OS Choices, how can I set "Windows" as default? Right now, SLED is default.

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Hibernate Warning. How Do Generate One?

Jul 29, 2009

When my battery runs low I usually don't notice it's happening until it's too late. On my last laptop under XP I was given a screen pop-up warning to plug in my power adaptor before it was too late. I've searched all over the Power Management section in Vista and cannot find this ability even though I'm sure it's there. Where is it?

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Lost The Sleep And Hibernate

May 19, 2009

I have an HP Pavilion and cannot get the machine to power down into Sleep Mode or Hibernation. When I first bought this PC the middle of last year I remember reading after my first Windows Update that the feature might be lost as a result of the Windows Updating process. However, as the months have gone by and more and more apps having been installed and loaded on to this machine, it now takes longer for it to boot up. I always liked the Hibernate feature on my old Windows XP machine, but since I lost the Sleep and Hibernation features on this machine and realized why they were gone shortly after having purchased it.

I just went ahead with complete shut downs and cold boots. At this point though I'm pretty tired of the extended waits for the machine to boot up all the time so I would like to know if it's possible, and if so, how, I might get the Sleep or Hibernate features back on this machine. I wasn’t sure what other Section to post this message in since I don’t see an applicable Heading, so I went with the General Folder.

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Hibernate / Sleep Restarts

Mar 23, 2008

This is the second time in the past year I had to do this and I cant remember what I did to fix it. When I click the "round circle" hibernate button it shuts down and the restarts again?

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Toshiba Does Not Recommend Using Hibernate Mode

Dec 29, 2009

Multiple support reps at Toshiba have told me that Toshiba does not recommend using the hibernate mode as it may damage the system board. They referred to it as "overhibernation" and they recommend only using the full shut down. Sounds screwy to me. Opinions please

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Shut Down, Sleep, Hibernate: Which Is Recommended?

Jun 10, 2008

My Vista 32bit is used at home for a few hours daily. A comment in another group stated shutting down / starting back up is harder on the system over the years. True? Is there any difference between the button left of the lock symbol ('Saves session & puts comp. in low power state' and sleep? When I'm done for the day which is recommended by those who know?

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