Closing The Lid Does Not Enter Hibernate Or Sleep Mode

Mar 23, 2008

I've bought Dell XPS M 1530 recently. Earlier with bios version A_05 my notebook didnot detect wireless network if it became available while the computer was already On. The computer had to be waking up or restarting in the presence of network and then only it registered it. The Dell technician downloaded the latest bios (version A_07) and the wireless network problem got corrected. But the new problem thats comeup now is that closing the lid doesnt put the computer to sleep. I checked in the power options, thats correctly configured. Even changed it to hibernate when i close lid. That doesnt work either. One more thing i must add - that it's not like my computer doesnt get to know at all that the lid is closed. When i open the lid, everything is ON but the mouse arrow behaves 'drunk' for a while before becoming normal.

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Ultimate X64 Won't Enter Sleep Mode

May 6, 2008

I'm looking for some help here. I'm running Vista Ultimate x64. It no longer enters sleep mode on its own. It used to. I can force it into sleep mode by clicking on the Vista Orb and selecting "Sleep". It won't do it on its own - which is what I want it to.

I've run through the Control Panel/Power Mgt troubleshooter on these forums. All my settings seemed to be correct. Using the CMD prompt and powercfg -devicequery wake_armed yields one device: my logitech g15 keyboard. (Using powercfg -a shows that the only sleep state available is S3. That is correct for my motherboard, an Abit IP 35 pro.)

If forced into sleep, the keyboard will wake it up.

The problem, again, centers on the automatic sleep entrance. Currently set for 1 hour of idle.

It seems to me that the machine never thinks it's idle. Is that where I should start? Finding processes which are running in the background?

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Cannot Fully Enter Sleep

Sep 11, 2009

one day last week, my vista x64 machine stopped going into sleep mode. Whenever I select sleep, the screen goes black, but the system never powers off - it just sits there, still running. If i move the mouse, the screen comes back on, almost like it never went into sleep mode at all.

I've got all updated drivers & BIOS for the motherboard (Asus Crosshair II formula) It's really wierd - I can't think of anything I did to cause this. I'm actually kind of getting fed up with vista (this isn't the only "random" problem I've had with vista, and I'll tell you XP, for all its faults, ran perfectly fine)

I'd really like to get this working, as I have a ****tily-paying job and would like to reduce my power bill as much as I can. I know I could just power the entire computer down, but I'm lazy and, well, I guess I expect features that exist to, you know, work.

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Click Sleep Goes Into Hibernate

May 15, 2010

I looks as though Vista goes into hibernate even though I click on sleep. Up until now, Vista always went to sleep. What should I be checking?

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Lost The Sleep And Hibernate

May 19, 2009

I have an HP Pavilion and cannot get the machine to power down into Sleep Mode or Hibernation. When I first bought this PC the middle of last year I remember reading after my first Windows Update that the feature might be lost as a result of the Windows Updating process. However, as the months have gone by and more and more apps having been installed and loaded on to this machine, it now takes longer for it to boot up. I always liked the Hibernate feature on my old Windows XP machine, but since I lost the Sleep and Hibernation features on this machine and realized why they were gone shortly after having purchased it.

I just went ahead with complete shut downs and cold boots. At this point though I'm pretty tired of the extended waits for the machine to boot up all the time so I would like to know if it's possible, and if so, how, I might get the Sleep or Hibernate features back on this machine. I wasn’t sure what other Section to post this message in since I don’t see an applicable Heading, so I went with the General Folder.

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Hibernate / Sleep Restarts

Mar 23, 2008

This is the second time in the past year I had to do this and I cant remember what I did to fix it. When I click the "round circle" hibernate button it shuts down and the restarts again?

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Failing To Enter And Stay In Standby Mode

May 15, 2009

my computer has been failing to enter and stay in standby mode. I had set the power button to initiate hibernate, sleep button to initiate sleep and close the lid to turn the computer off. All was working fine and settings are all as they should be, to my knowlege nothing has been changed but when I press the power button or try to enter hibernate through the start menu, the computer enters hibernate and then instantly starts back up. I am able to turn the competer off completely but no luck with hibernate. System restore is failing to work also so I am not able to set the system back to an earlier state.

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Shut Down, Sleep, Hibernate: Which Is Recommended?

Jun 10, 2008

My Vista 32bit is used at home for a few hours daily. A comment in another group stated shutting down / starting back up is harder on the system over the years. True? Is there any difference between the button left of the lock symbol ('Saves session & puts comp. in low power state' and sleep? When I'm done for the day which is recommended by those who know?

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Need To Know Difference Between The Windows Vista Sleep And Hibernate

Nov 6, 2009

Could anyone explain to me from a theoretical or practical point of view what exactly is the difference between the Windows Vista Sleep and Hibernate options on the shutdown menu from the start button?

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Doesn't Sleep/hibernate When Music Playing

Jun 2, 2008

I'm using Vista as carpc operating system. My problem is that Vista doesn't sleep/hibernate when music is playing. I have set pc to hibernate after one minute when powerchord is not plugged. That is what it is suppose to do. Now my Vista thinks that "I'm playing music, so I don't go to hibernate-mode". Few guys have said that it should hibernate even if playing music, few guys says that computer shouldn't hibernate cause it's in use. Is there way to make computer hibernate when music/videos is on?

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Home Premium, Desktop: Sleep Is Really Hibernate

Mar 23, 2008

rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState Sleep, Creating a shortcut of this above mentioned routine causes a hibernate mode, similar or exactly same as rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState

Wanting to make a shortcut for a hot-button on my keyboard to create "sleep" mode -- that is, awake computer from keyboard of mouse movement, and am baffled. Must admit the hibernate mode is good for ending a days work, but often I wish to manually induce 'Sleep'.

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Aero Themes After Computer Resume Sleep/hibernate

Feb 22, 2010

I'm having problems with Aero themes in 32 bit colors after computer resume from sleep/hibernate. Screen is messed up (see screenshot at [url]). I have NVidia GForce 6200 chipset card, and now I have Windows 7 Ultimate x64, but I had the same problem in Vista x64. If I move to 16 bit colors it solves,also with basic theme without Aero. I tried many drivers updates but nothing changed.

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Windows Hibernate Sleep Wake Up Can't Working Properly

Feb 17, 2009

I pressed the circle button with the vertical lline in Vista (from pressing Start) This sent the computer to sleep or hibanate I dont know which. I cannot get the computer to come back on. The monitor remains black (no picture) and says no signal. I have deprived the computer of power. This was achieved by unplugging it from the wall, and removing the power cable also from the computer.

I have tried restarting the computer but to no avail. I have also removed the keyboard and mouse when I try starting up. I have also tried, holding in the power button and then restarting. No matter what I try still no joy. No signal on the monitor. The lights in all cases come on, on the base unit and I can hear fans spinning etc. I have read about this issue in round about ways but all of the fixes seem to rely on actually being in windows.

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Toshiba Does Not Recommend Using Hibernate Mode

Dec 29, 2009

Multiple support reps at Toshiba have told me that Toshiba does not recommend using the hibernate mode as it may damage the system board. They referred to it as "overhibernation" and they recommend only using the full shut down. Sounds screwy to me. Opinions please

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Hibernate Mode/option, Cannot Get Box Powers Options

Jun 29, 2008

I cannot get my Vista box powers options mode to go to hibernate. It's simply no longer listed as an option. It once was. Also no "Hybrid sleep mode" listed as well. Once was. Looking over the web I see people use the cmd line with:-

powercfg -h on

When I do this I get a message:- "You do not have permission to enable or disable the Hibernate feature." I am the only user and I have administer status. What gives?

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I Put My Computer To Sleep It Immediatley Wakes Up Without Pressing Any Keys Or Moving Mouse. Same With Hibernate

May 24, 2008

I put my computer to sleep it immediatley wakes up without pressing any keys or moving mouse. Same with Hibernate... I press hibernate it starts saving all info shuts off (power light off) within 5 seconds it is starting up again.

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Constant Reboot, Suspend/hibernate Or Power Saver Mode

Feb 11, 2009

I'm not sure exactly where to post, but I been getting constant reboot after bringing my system out of suspend/hibernate or power saver mode. It just reboots like its about to post, but then goes back down. It does this over 'n over until I cut the power and kill the PSU. I did have my system OC'ed, but at the moment I'm currently running at default settings.

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Sleep Mouse During Sleep Mode?

Oct 20, 2009

I would like to put my wireless mouse in inactive mode during sleep mode. As it is an mouse movement, usually accidental, wakes up the computer. I looked for a way but couldn't find this facility.

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Put In Sleep Mode?

Mar 24, 2008

I was wondering if and when Vista is put in sleep mode, does it continue to accept updates as is explained on the Microsoft website? If this is true, then will email also download from the server if the Windows Mail program is left on and maximized and the DSL modem is left on? Because the modem runs hot I usually turn it off at night, along with the computer, but I'm having problems with the server, who returns email to senders because the server only allows a small amount of bandwidth to collect in each user's webmail box.

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Sleep Mode Is Not Remains

Apr 11, 2008

When my computer goes to sleep mode it doesnt remain in sleep mode it comes out after a short time (say 20 mins). Is there a way to make it remain in sleep mode

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Sleep Mode Often Cause A Slow Down?

Jan 21, 2010

Would using sleep mode often cause a slow down? I don't want my computer to be noticeably slower. I have vista ult. 3 gig ram, 9800 GTX, Intel e6400.

also how can I make a shortcut for win key+s for example.

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Monitor Goes To Sleep Mode

Mar 11, 2010

It seems for maybe the past couple of weeks it seems that sometimes the screen saver doesn't kick in.

When the time for the monitor just goes right to sleep it does. W/o the screensaver kicking in, or after it runs maybe a minute.

The odd thing is after I go and check the power settings, which all look fine, it works as it should. I have tried different screen savers as well as changes the timers. I don't know if this is from 1 numerous amt of MS updates or is there maybe a corrupt file or something.

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How To Wake From Sleep Mode

Mar 29, 2009

Can someone tell me how to Wake my computer from Sleep Mode? When my computer goes into Sleep Mode, I can't wake it by hitting a key on the keyboard or by moving my mouse (like in XP). I have to push the power button on the computer. I've done some searches for the problem here and on Google but still can't find a good answer.

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Won't Stay In The Sleep Mode

Apr 11, 2008

I have Vista Home Basic SP1. Recently my computer won't stay in the sleep mode. After less than 1 minute the processor wakes itself up. Any thoughts as to what might be waking my computer? I have recently installed a new virus protection program. Could that be the culprit?

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Sleep Mode Failure

Jun 29, 2008

This is a very nice tutorial but unfortunately it did not help me. I have an HPdv9728cl laptop. Sleep works perfectly with the factory configuration but something added since seems to prevent it. I have no idea what but it is a real PITA. I tried the task manager and nothing significant seems to be running and also tried stopping all startup programs with no luck.

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What Is Downside To Sleep Mode?

Mar 16, 2009

I am considering using sleep mode on my laptop and even on my desktop. I nderstand that the CPU and RAM as well as some control circuits are still "on". I am concerned that my CPU and RAM will fail sooner if I do this. Running 24 hours a day has to have some bad effects. What is the downside of using the sleep mode on either a desktop or a laptop?

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How Sleep Mode Works

Feb 25, 2009

I recently installed Vista Ultimate x64, and I'm puzzled at how sleep mode works. It went into sleep mode, and neither keyboard nor mouse could wake it up again. I pressed sleep button again on keyboard, and computer went to hibernation, then tried to wake it up again but nothing. I finally had to push reset on the case itself.

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Freezes After Sleep Mode 1

Jul 29, 2009

My vista Home Premium computer Freezes after coming out of the sleep Mode 1. as attached to a wireless router, i have 2 gigs of memory, and everything seems to run fine until i put her to bed for the night?.

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Shutting Down The Pc Or Using The Sleep Mode?

Jun 13, 2009

What works better, shutting Vista down all the way or using the Sleep mode? I have been using sleep mode more often lately and have noticed more responsive programs but is it the right thing to do

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S3 Resume From Sleep Mode

Jun 25, 2008

My Vista 64 machine (Gigabyte GA-X48-DS5 mobo, Q6600 cpu, 8GB ram, Radeon HD2400 vga card) has a problem when it resumes from sleep. There is a protracted (3 seconds) buzzing noise and then the display shows a vertical pattern of narrow red and white stripes and the machine hangs. Only a reset will get it to reboot - the keyboard is completely dead.

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Sleep Mode: How To Find

May 30, 2008

when in sleep mode i sometimes come back to my computer and find it out of sleep mode. is this supposed to happen?

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