Loss Of Internet Connectivity With IE And Firefox Whilst Mail Can Still Update

Sep 21, 2009

Having surveyed numerous similar posts I am at a loss as to how to resolve this issue, hence posting my specifics...all help greatly appreciated.

I am running Vista Home premium, IE8, Firefox 3.5.3, AVG free and Zonealarm. On starting the PC there is no problem connecting to the internet through either browser or updating email (Windows Mail).


Loss of internet connection via IE and/or Firefox whilst Mail can still send/receive. I have tried clearing the cache etc but the only thing that works is re-booting the laptop (Dell XPS 1330).

I mainly browse with IE but downloaded Firefox in case IE was the problem. One or the other will lose connection first then the other will follow.

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Loss Of HTTP Connectivity Going Out

Apr 10, 2009

My wife's computer is running Windows Vista. The system works fine for almost all purposes. It accesses the Internet successfully through a wireless network card to our home WiFi router. The WiFi connection is fine with a high signal strength. It's connecting to an old DLink 802.11b router using WEP encryption, which is all the router supports. Periodically, on average every few days, she will lose HTTP connectivity. This happens in both IE7 and Firefox 3.08. She can still send and receive email and still use a web browser via HTTPS, but she cannot connect to ordinary web pages on port 80. The problem normally persists until she reboots, at which time connectivity is restored. Two other computers on my home network (one Linux, one XP) are unaffected. They work fine through the same wireless network while my wife's Vista computer is not connecting...............

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My Internet Drops & Loss Of Home Network In Vista

Mar 23, 2008

loss of Internet Connection in Vista; completely loosing my Home Network; random

Internet Lags and Drops; and it seemed the only solution was to Reboot my

Computer to get an Active Internet connection. I applied many of the

Hotfixes; and used all of the Suggestions but nothing seemed to work. The

one thing that did seem to make sense though was the Tech advice here and

their that would say it was a Hardware Issue with Routers, etc.

So this is what I did; I went out and Bought the D-Link DIR-655 which is

Certified to work with Vista. It arrived last week; hooked it up and since

then I have not had 1 Internet Drop; or have I lost my Home Network. Now my

Computer can stay on; go to sleep; and when it wakes I have an immediate

Internet Connection. On the Upside the speeds are much faster as well

instead of your basic 100mbps; im getting 300mbps. So it was well worth the

Upgrade to me. It actually made sense that to take advantage of some of the

new options with Vista Networking that you would need a New Certified Vista

Router. Im actually very glad I did it; no more headaches and reboots. Hope

this helps anyone who was going thru the same Issues I was.

Oh and by the way just so you know here is what I have going on with my

Network: My New PC; 2 Mac Books; 1 older PC; 1 Xbox; 1 PS3; and 1 Wii; and

the VOIP.

I also used to use the Hawking Booster on my Network to help with VOIP lag

and arranging packets; but I also elminate that now because this new Router

arranges the packets and no Lag on the VOIP.

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Connectivity Frequently To Internet

Mar 23, 2010

I'm using windows vista home premium 32bit on my HP dv6226tx with latest updates installed. I'm having strange problem of connectivity frequently. After i browse for some duration or open more tabs, i dont know which reason, i can't open any website other then google,gmail.. Though i can connect and browse any site at same time on my ipodtouch. Both interner explorer as well as google chrome doesnt open any site when such happens but google,gmail works.. After i restart pc, it works again.. sometimes if i wait and dont restart, it starts working and again stops mostly.

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Limited Connectivity Or No Internet

Mar 23, 2008

I have 2 laptops that are running Vista and get this message numerious times. I also have 2 Windows XP pc's on the same network. Why do the Vista pc's keep having this issue. My Linksys wireless router is setup with no restictions so I can get this problem fixed.

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Internet Connectivity Is Intermittent

Jul 29, 2009

I am facing a strange problem with my HP Dv6705 laptop running on Vista Professional. I have a Wi-fi router configured for internet access. Now, the internet connectivity is intermittent i.e. I am connected to the internet for about 5 seconds before it gets disconnected. I get the connectivity again after a few seconds before it gets disconnected.

Now, I started using the uTorrent application after which I got prolonged connectivity. From the past few days, whenever I need uninterrupted internet I need to turn on the uTorrent application. It is quite strange that I am the only one who needs to do this while the others in my house (who have similar laptops) do not face any problem. Is there any way to detect what exactly is happening and how I can resolve this uTorrent workaround?

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Limited Internet Connectivity Via ICS

Mar 23, 2008

I m trying to resolve limited internet connectivity via ICS. My Vista 64bit Ultimate notebook connects directly to a wireless network, from which it gets internet connectivity. I can visit any webpage and see all network devices, so things seem to be working great on the server side.

My other computer, the ICS client, runs 32bit XP pro and is set up to connect to the internet through my notebook. Between the two PCs is a spare buffalo WHR-HP-G54. I can see all network devices, but it fails to connect to most websites. It will display Google and *some* pages from Time Warner Cable, but I cannot get to Wiki pages, my favorite forums, or download updates for anything on my desktop PC. Based on the status bar of my browser, which usually gets as far as "Transferring data from ", it seems the communication problem is limited to incoming streams........

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No Internet Connectivity On Ultimate 64 Bit

Jun 26, 2008

I have been having a problem for a couple of weeks now. Everything on my other computer was working fine, when all of a sudden, there wasn't any connectivity on my other computer. When I checked the connection status, it had the red X but gave me an Error 1068 (Dependency service or group failed to start). The strange thing is that it happened now, since before I still had that red X displayed, but I got connectivity. But now, on to the real concern.

I have tried many methods on the Internet with no success. I have gone to services and tried to start the Network Awareness Locator Service to no avail. I have run the SFC checker and if flagged on file (npmproxy.dll). When I found an "updated" version that was supposed to be fine, it did absolutely nothing. I have tried replacing that file with no avail. What is the latest version of this file and why is my connectivity not back?

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Limited Connectivity Can't Connect Internet

Sep 24, 2009

I'm facing problems with my internet connection in my vista. I'm trying to connect internet thro usb cable of my mobile as i've taken subscription of mobile connect. It used to work fine but now it shows as limited connectivity. In pc suite it shows as connected but cant connect to internet. I've tried all best possible options to check the connectivity.

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Need Firefox 3.6.x Update?

Apr 1, 2010

Every time an update comes out for FF 3.6, even though I have Firefox unchecked in the Update settings, it will ask me to update. Not just on startup, but just any old time. It's gettin' old fast!

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Internet Is Working But IE Or Firefox Is Not.

Oct 16, 2009

This is really weird, my intenet is working and i know this because i play pc games that require internet (Wow) but neither internet explorer or firefox is working. It is driving me crazy. INFO OS: Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit. I am connecting through netgear router. (although it does not matter because internet is working) I have tried system restore and re-downloading IE and firefiox. No new updates have been made that i know of.

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Firefox V3 Internet Explorer Not Run

Apr 26, 2009

Firefox v3 internet explorer does not run Some vista setting prevents it of opening, it seems like is trying to open the cursor goes on and off but nothing happens. I see it at the task manager processes using CPU but nothing. I have unistalled and reinstalled the program with no success. I can open it in safe mode.

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MS09-054 Patch And Firefox, Security Update For IE8- KB974455

Oct 17, 2009

I found this interesting. It seems those of us who have the .NET framework add-on installed in Firefox will have trouble with this Windows Update. It's listed on my Updates as a security update for IE8- KB974455

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Internet Explorer & Firefox Use Outlook 2007 It Possible

May 11, 2010

I am using firefox 3.6.3 and internet explorer 8. for firefox i am using gmail as my client, i also have windows live mail for internet explore,the question i am asking is this. I want to scrap windows live mail and use outlook 2007,is it possible? i have not set it up yet as i am unsure if it will work with internet explorer?i do not like live mail so i want to change..

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Fix For Home Premium: Firefox (preferred) Or Internet Explorer

Apr 23, 2009

I have been having more or less continuing problems with my HP OEM Vista Home Premium. Several times a day it has been hanging up whether I am using Firefox (preferred) or Internet Explorer. I have checked with every tool I can put my hands on but with no positive results. I am now looking at: Reinstalling Vista OEM (would loose all my data information, bookmarks, purchased tools, etc). Buying a copy of Vista Home Premium Upgrade for about $60 or so on Ebay. By doing this could I do a repair on Vista without loosing all my info? Buying Norton Internet Security or a version that hones in on Vista.

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Network Failure: Get Firefox Or Internet Explorer To Work

Dec 13, 2009

Every morning I wake up, I have to re-start my computer in order to get Firefox or Internet explorer to work. Have tried all below with both wired and wireless connection. All other functions, icons and various do-dads work, just connecting. If I happen to pass out and forget to logout of either Mozilla or IE, the screen I was on stays up but when I hit re-fresh(IE) or reload (mozilla) the problem pops up.

1. Wake up and touch mouse, desktop comes up, no problem

2. Check network connection, all seems good. Network icon shows full connection, you see the globe symbol, all good.

3. Try to access either Internet Explorer, or Mozilla Firefox.

4. I.E. says it cannot connect and Mozilla says, well it says nothing at all except for "done" in bottom left corner of screen, but leaves a blank screen.

5. Have checked my power settings, and have made sure that both plugged in and on battery that the computer is not set to sleep. Never sleep............

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How To Set Windows Sidebar To Open Internet Links In Firefox

Sep 5, 2008

How to set windows sidebar to open internet links in Firefox? I really really hate IE

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IE7 Disappears Whilst Browsing

Jun 19, 2008

I dont think this problem has been posted before. i used to have the same problem with IE7 on XP so i moved to firefox but now if i use firefox on Vista 64, (my current OS) any downloads i do go missing (this seems to be a common problem with no solution). aside from that annoyance i now find that whilst i am browsing using IE7 it all of a sudden decides to disappear. i cant even bloody decribe it. imagine you have 3-4 tabs open in 1 window and whilst your checking something on a website IE7 just decides to close. when you open it you have to load everything again. does anyone know how to get rid of this bug because its happening at least once a day! i only chose Vista 64 due to wanting directx 10 and more then 4gb recognition now im thinking twice, hass it been worth it?!

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Downloaded Mozilla Firefox Internet Browser Ask Permission To Continue

Dec 2, 2007

I downloaded Mozilla Firefox Internet Browser a short while ago and it was working fine. But then my Vista automatically updated and I think that was where the problem started. I think in the update it heightened the security on my computer, not necessarily a bad thing but annoying because every time I launch Firefox it has to ask my permission to continue.

I think this is because it is trying to access the internet and is not microsoft software. I have looked it up in windows help and have a slight suspicion that it might be to do with something called "user account control". It helps stop unauthorized changes to your computer. Is there any way to convince it that Firefox isn't harmful and make an exception for it?

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Internet Connectivity: "web Site Cannot Be Found"

Feb 15, 2009

I am using Windows Vista Home Premium SP1. I am connecting to the internet through a router with one other computer connected to the router as well. I am having a problem in that after the computer has been on for a few hours it will no longer connect to web sites. Either the progress bar stops or I get the "web site cannot be found" type of message. I usually use IE7 but when this start I find that Firefox cannot connect either.
After rebooting the computer all is OK again for a few hours. After the problem starts I can ping the web sites with OK responses and the other computer on the router has no problems connecting to the same web sites. HijackThis, spyware and virus checker all show no apparent infestations. Nothing untoward in the hosts file.

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Installation On 5270: An Error Occurred Whilst Copying Files

Feb 20, 2006

Im having some problems installing vista 5270. It will start the installation, do its first reboot, then when it goes to install the rest, it comes up with an error says: An error occurred whilst copying files. I have tried installing at first the 64-bit version, then the 32-bit version, and still the same error!? I have also tried burning both versions to DVD, and installing them, installing them off a virtual drive by mounting them, extracting all the files to a folder and installing them, and still come up with the same error!!

I have also tried to install it on another machine, but coming up with the same problem?! I got both copies of Vista (32 bit version and 64 bit) from different sources.

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Firefox Tweaks: Get Vista's Glass Effect In Firefox

Jul 17, 2008

For all you people who have been looking for a way to get Vista's glass effect in Firefox, look no further. Here is an extension for Firefox 3 that will do it. (supports 32bit and 64bit FF versions) Information Here: [Ext] Glasser 1.0.16 (BETA) - Add Vista Glass to Firefox • mozillaZine Forums. Menubar Addon: This Addon hides the File/Edit/View/tools menu using the ALT key to show it temporarily.

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Wireless: "local And Internet" To "limited Connectivity"

Feb 18, 2009

The computer starts up with wireless networking and wireless connection working fine. At some seemingly random time (usually a few hours) my connection status will go from "local and internet" to "limited connectivity" with the little yellow warning icon. I try disconnecting and reconnecting, it can't connect. I turn off and on the adapter using the on-keyboard button, it says it is going "off" then "on" but connection is not restored. "Repair" attempts fail immediately, with no explanation given, it just says it can't connect.

I can't ping any IP address or websites, I get "host unreachable" messages. The only solution is to restart, at which point everything is fine. Note that in this time when the wireless is not functioning, I can plug in an ethernet cable and be connected to the internet just fine. I did IPCONFIG/ALL in the connected state, and the 'after' disconnected state. In the connected state: Wireless LAN adapter Wireless Network Connection:........

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Slow Internet Since Last Update

Sep 18, 2009

Last Thursday my pc downloaded and installed the latest set of updates and since then the Internet speed has been sluggish at best and non-existant at worst.

I contacted my ISP and they did all their tests and announced that the signal was good and I might have a virus, so I got a bit paranoid and ran scan after scan (after the nightmare of trying to get the latest updates). I ran these with Zone Alarm Extreme and Spyware Doctor (but not together) and all the results were clean.

So I'm wondering if the latest Updates are to blame; one of the kids' laptops has exactly the same problem (he uses a router while I use a cable) and he downloaded the updates at the same time.

Interestingly the other kid's laptop seems to be untouched, but he has 32 bit Vista as opposed to our 64 bit, and it appears that we're all using different browsers (IE8, Mozilla and Chrome)

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Preformance Loss With X64 Vs XP

Nov 3, 2007

When i upgraded to Vista x64 it felt like i lost preformance and when i tested 3Dmark06 again i end up with more than 1000p less 12300p. I have tried both unclocked and overclocked and Vista keeps giving less scores in benchmarks than XP.
Anyone got a clue why?

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Microsoft Update KB905866 And Internet Connection

Sep 23, 2009

My PC had been working fine until 10th Sept when I downloaded some new updates from Microsoft, at once the internet connection slowed to a trickle.

I contacted my ISP but after running some tests they said their signal strength was good and suggested I had a virus or a trojan. Cue outbreak of paranoia and much scanning with various programmes (which all had extreme trouble downloading their updates), after they all came up clean - apart from a few minor trackers - I posted a thread in the 'Network and Internet' forum and was advised to check the Events Viewer.

This showed a flurry (about 50 or so) Yellow Flags saying that the last updates may not have been applicable to my system, after some Google searching about these updates and the internet I narrowed it down to KB905866, but even after uninstalling the internet connection is still a trickle.

I tried uninstalling all the 10th Sept updates but that made the IE8 very unstable (sudden crashes and hanging), so put them back on just to get back to where I was.

I thought I'd set the PC to create Restore points but there were none, but one of the posts on another Forum about this update says it can wipe Restore points.

I was using ZoneAlarmExtreme when this started, but have now uninstalled it and am running Kaspersky 2010 and there are no conflicts of firewalls etc.

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Update, Internet Explorer 8, Security Updates?

Jun 28, 2009

I am running Windows Vista 64bit edition on an Asus P5Q Deluxe motherboard, Intel Q9540 2.66gz Quadcore processor with 4gb RAM. My system has been running fine for the last year and just last night (27th June 2009) windows told me there were 3 updates that should be installed. I only noticed one of the update names which was Internet Explorer 8, the other 2 were security updates or something - really not sure though. The total of the downloaded updates was around 280mb.

Anyway... So I started installing the updates and walked away. When I came back there was a Terms & Agreement box for Internet Explorer 8 which I agreed to. Once that finished it came back to my desktop and said "windows needs to restart to configure the updates, please restart now."..........

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Security Update For IE7 Kills Internet Access

Jun 13, 2008

Dell forward a bunch of updates from Microsoft yesterday. One was Security Update KB950759. After this was installed I couldn't access the internet. After I uninstalled it everything worked. Again today it was sent by Dell and installed-same thing, couldn't access internet until I uninstalled it.

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Loss Of Restore Points

May 14, 2009

I am loosing restore points and my tick to view more than 5 days box disappeared.

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Full Hard Disk Can't Update OS Can't Do Nothing Except Browsing The Internet

Mar 7, 2009

I Hav a 40 gb hard disk full of nothin:S lol No software installed except microsoft office and adobe photoshop. My Os is taking like 35 GB:S mostly winsxs folder(18 gb) I removed the restore points a while ago. I removed the temp sp1 files. Now i hav a full hard disk can't update my os can't do nothing except browsing the internet lol I feel like I'm using knoppix. What can I do in order to get back a normal pc :S All my pc specifications are well tuned for nothin.

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Clock Syncronization With Internet - Change Update Frequency?

Apr 1, 2009

In the information on computer clock syncronization with an internet time server I read: "Your clock is typically updated once a week". Is there any way I can change this interval? My computer clock isn't too accurate so I should like to syncronize say at least daily instead of once a week.

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