Network Failure: Get Firefox Or Internet Explorer To Work

Dec 13, 2009

Every morning I wake up, I have to re-start my computer in order to get Firefox or Internet explorer to work. Have tried all below with both wired and wireless connection. All other functions, icons and various do-dads work, just connecting. If I happen to pass out and forget to logout of either Mozilla or IE, the screen I was on stays up but when I hit re-fresh(IE) or reload (mozilla) the problem pops up.

1. Wake up and touch mouse, desktop comes up, no problem

2. Check network connection, all seems good. Network icon shows full connection, you see the globe symbol, all good.

3. Try to access either Internet Explorer, or Mozilla Firefox.

4. I.E. says it cannot connect and Mozilla says, well it says nothing at all except for "done" in bottom left corner of screen, but leaves a blank screen.

5. Have checked my power settings, and have made sure that both plugged in and on battery that the computer is not set to sleep. Never sleep............

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Firefox V3 Internet Explorer Not Run

Apr 26, 2009

Firefox v3 internet explorer does not run Some vista setting prevents it of opening, it seems like is trying to open the cursor goes on and off but nothing happens. I see it at the task manager processes using CPU but nothing. I have unistalled and reinstalled the program with no success. I can open it in safe mode.

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Internet Explorer & Firefox Use Outlook 2007 It Possible

May 11, 2010

I am using firefox 3.6.3 and internet explorer 8. for firefox i am using gmail as my client, i also have windows live mail for internet explore,the question i am asking is this. I want to scrap windows live mail and use outlook 2007,is it possible? i have not set it up yet as i am unsure if it will work with internet explorer?i do not like live mail so i want to change..

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Fix For Home Premium: Firefox (preferred) Or Internet Explorer

Apr 23, 2009

I have been having more or less continuing problems with my HP OEM Vista Home Premium. Several times a day it has been hanging up whether I am using Firefox (preferred) or Internet Explorer. I have checked with every tool I can put my hands on but with no positive results. I am now looking at: Reinstalling Vista OEM (would loose all my data information, bookmarks, purchased tools, etc). Buying a copy of Vista Home Premium Upgrade for about $60 or so on Ebay. By doing this could I do a repair on Vista without loosing all my info? Buying Norton Internet Security or a version that hones in on Vista.

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Internet Explorer Does Not Work

Apr 9, 2008

To give a link (like "http://...") as a command line does not work anymore. Actually it was a standard since Win 98 and now Windows Vista displays the message "Application not found." My question: How to open link in Windows Vista using a command line? Should one use a new command like prefix like "mailto:"? These feature from Windows was really very practice for the developers. I link could be opened without being necessary to search for the default browser, an so on. Does anybody know how it can be done now?

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Can't Work Internet Explorer 7

Jan 20, 2009

How do I customise the Firefox 3 Browser to open each time as per Screenshot 3? At Screenshot 1: When I was using Internet Explorer 7 as my main Browser, I was able to customise the opening page so that it was 'clean' of all the 'flotsam and jetsam' rubbish that I had no interest in. My Customised Page in IE7 looked like this; screenshot 1:

At Screenshot 2: Now when I open Firefox 3, this is what I get........a page of 'stuff' that I neither need. nor want; Screenshot 2: At Screenshot 3:I have managed to customise and clean up the FF3 page as at Screen-shot 3 below,and it remains like this each time I open the Browser while I stay in session, however, if I log off or close and shut-down, it reverts to display like Screenshot 2, the next time I open up the FF3 Browser.

Screenshot 3: To keep my FF3 Browser opening page 'clean' as in the above Screenshot, what settings should I apply, to make it appear this way each time I open the Browser.

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Internet Explorer 7 Can't Work

Aug 10, 2008

I have two machines running Vista Home Premium x64. but use 32bit IE. I am having trouble with one machine when opening IE that it always comes up in full screen mode and you cannot see the tool bar on the bottom. How can I change the setting so that when it comes up it is not full screen. I always have to either go into tools and uncheck it or launch another screen to get the tool bar on the bottom to come up.

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Print Preview In Internet Explorer 7 Can't Work

Dec 27, 2009

I have windows vvista home premium. whenever I try to print preview, i get the error message D/Temp/Low/Ft4xevu htm make sure the path or internet address is ccorrect

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Antivirus Program: Internet Explorer Refuses To Work

Aug 20, 2008

So I accidentally downloaded an antivirus program that is really a virus. It really sucks. Internet explorer refuses to work. Task manager has been disabled by the administrator. Any program that operates under windows explorer fails to run properly. This makes it very difficult to use the computer. What exactly is wrong? Do I need to repair the registry? What if I did not make a backup?

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Open Firefox: Component Returned Failure Code:0x80520012

Oct 16, 2009

when I was trying to open Firefox v3.5 I've got message : Component returned failure code:0x80520012 (NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) [nsIFileInputStream.init] and when I press OK this website tries to open few times - Real Soon......

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Windows Explorer Stopped Working, Internet Explorer Stopped Working, What DOES Work?

Jul 25, 2008

Lately when I've tried looking at different folders and files on my hard drives I keep getting "Windows Explorer has stopped working and will restart." It's driving me nuts, I can barely do anything.
Also, same thing with Internet Explorer...I'm getting real sick of Vista's shoddiness..

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Explorer Works, But Firefox Doesn't

Jul 29, 2008

I recently had my computer fixed, and when I got it back, Internet explorer works, though firefox somehow can't connect.

Also (Not sure if it's relevent, but) i tried to install Java, but it says It couldnt download with the current connection settings. I tried allowing firefox through my windows firewall, but it's still not working. I'm pretty sure I don't have any other firewalls.

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IE Does Not Work Through Firefox

Jul 19, 2009

I have just downloaded Kodak Easy share from Kodak's website and each time I click on the kodak setup zip file it trys to intall Fraps instead. This happens on all the setup zip fles I downloaded from Kodaks website. Any ideas on how to fix this problem? Edit got it working now using IE. Still strange though how come it does not work through Firefox.

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Internet Is Working But IE Or Firefox Is Not.

Oct 16, 2009

This is really weird, my intenet is working and i know this because i play pc games that require internet (Wow) but neither internet explorer or firefox is working. It is driving me crazy. INFO OS: Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit. I am connecting through netgear router. (although it does not matter because internet is working) I have tried system restore and re-downloading IE and firefiox. No new updates have been made that i know of.

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Foxit Work With IE7, Not With Firefox.

Apr 5, 2008

On my XP machines I have Firefox and foxit reader installed. When I launch a pdf file while in Firefox, foxit reader displays the pdf file as a new tab. I can't seem to get the same thing to work on my Vista machine. I did find a firefox extension called PDF Download but I don't like the advertisement from the supplier. How do I get this to work in Vista without the need for an extension. Foxit does seem to work with IE7 but not with Firefox.

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How To Set Windows Sidebar To Open Internet Links In Firefox

Sep 5, 2008

How to set windows sidebar to open internet links in Firefox? I really really hate IE

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Loss Of Internet Connectivity With IE And Firefox Whilst Mail Can Still Update

Sep 21, 2009

Having surveyed numerous similar posts I am at a loss as to how to resolve this issue, hence posting my specifics...all help greatly appreciated.

I am running Vista Home premium, IE8, Firefox 3.5.3, AVG free and Zonealarm. On starting the PC there is no problem connecting to the internet through either browser or updating email (Windows Mail).


Loss of internet connection via IE and/or Firefox whilst Mail can still send/receive. I have tried clearing the cache etc but the only thing that works is re-booting the laptop (Dell XPS 1330).

I mainly browse with IE but downloaded Firefox in case IE was the problem. One or the other will lose connection first then the other will follow.

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Downloaded Mozilla Firefox Internet Browser Ask Permission To Continue

Dec 2, 2007

I downloaded Mozilla Firefox Internet Browser a short while ago and it was working fine. But then my Vista automatically updated and I think that was where the problem started. I think in the update it heightened the security on my computer, not necessarily a bad thing but annoying because every time I launch Firefox it has to ask my permission to continue.

I think this is because it is trying to access the internet and is not microsoft software. I have looked it up in windows help and have a slight suspicion that it might be to do with something called "user account control". It helps stop unauthorized changes to your computer. Is there any way to convince it that Firefox isn't harmful and make an exception for it?

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Network Access Failure

May 15, 2009

I recently upgraded from xp to Vista. Now I am having problems with my network access. It keeps dropping from local & internet, to local, to no connection at all. There is no problem with my internet connection or cables, etc. I know that this is a problem in Vista, but I do not know how to fix it. This is driving me crazy. Please someone help me with this problem!

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Network Connection Failure

Jun 11, 2008

I am running Vista x86 Business edition andhave a rater irritating problem with the network. Every time I try to browse the Network folder from within Vista, it seems to reset that LAN connection to all machines on the network. It only seems to happen when I try to access the network though, I have not experienced this problem anywhere else. It is also worth noting that browsing the vista shares from another PC on the LAN works fine. I read up on what this guy did ( Random disconnects while browsing - Microsoft Windows Vista Community Forums - Vistaheads ) and disabled TCP/IP 6 and TCP autotuning but am still getting the problem. I have a feeling that it may be something to do with our old(ish) Belkin router; however, according to the Internet Connectivity Evaluation Tool from MS, my router is all set to go with Vistas new networking features.

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Startup Failure: Windows Explorer Not Responding

May 1, 2009

Having a massive problem here with vista! Windows explorer decided not to respond and then said that it required restart, while in the process of restart explorer the laptop crashed with blue stop error screen. Afterwards, new startup screen came on saying the vista is unable to load and to chose either Startup repair or Resume Windows normally

now when I tried to use startup repair it was unable to fix problem and then tried to resume normally but this showed only a blank black screen. What is happening and how can I fix this?! Im trying to do this without formatting if possible since there are still important documents and programs that I need to backup!

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Internet Connection Failure

Aug 16, 2007

In January I bought a Dell Dimension E551(2.60 GHz AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 320 gig hard drive). This came with XP installed and a free Vista Home Premium upgrade when it became available. It was after installing this that my troubles began.

1. I discovered that my M-audio delta sound card is not yet compatible with Vista. Obviously I should have checked this out before install, but as a non-techie I naively assumed Microsoft would have issues like this covered before releasing their OS. Also, Dell supplied an additional disc with Vista which supposedly checks for conflicts before upgrade, but nothing came up about the sound card, hence I presumed it would work. I since moved the card to my other computer but I am now left with an m-audio control panel which I am unable to install (does not appear on add/remove program list).

2. My broadband Internet connection has failed. It worked for a few weeks, then became unreliable and now can't get online at all. My ISP (tiscali) claim it should work with their service, but none of their staff have been trained in Vista and can’t advise. I did eventually manage to get online by installing Virtual PC and running XP on that, so obviously it’s a Vista conflict somewhere and not the connection or hardware.

3. Windows Explorer seems to dislike certain files and will often crash and restart when attempting to access these files. Example: I created a folder and moved a zipped file into it (which was working fine from the desktop). Clicking on this file now instantly causes windows explorer to crash. I cannot now move or delete this file.

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Intermittent Failure: Not Connect To The Network

Oct 3, 2009

I have a four machine network. Two laptops running Windows XP Pro SP2. One laptop running Vista Home Basic. One laptop running Visa Home Premium. Both the Vista machines are up-to-date using Windows update. The machine which runs Vista Home Pr mium is on almost all the time - sleeping at night and being woken up In the morning. The other threelog in for a few hours daily.

The modem/router is a brand new Netgear DG834GT, firmware version 1.02.19. The Vista machines each have Atheros AR5007EG wireless adapters, both running with the very latest driver dated 5 Sep 2009. The network name is "Netgear". All machines are configured to obtain IP addresses from the router, which has the correct address range settings (i.e. excluding its own address)..............

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Internet Explorer Has Stopped Working: 'Internet' Icon

Apr 1, 2008

After fighting to get rid of a Trojan horse virus, I am missing the internet browser. E-mail works OK. Clicking 'Internet' icon gets me the message 'Internet Explorer has stopped working:". I tried 'restore' but it is not working either. I get the message 'an unspecified error occurred during system restore'. I scanned with AVG and the files it scanned are clean. I have a 'restore' DVD made by the computer vendor but when I stick it in the CD drive nothing happens. The computer is a 1 year old ACER with VISTA home premium preinstalled. How do I proceed from here? I have no idea what to do.

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Internet Explorer 8 In Vista Causes Windows Explorer

Mar 21, 2009

I wasn't quite sure if IE8 was the culprit, but it became apparent once I removed it. Internet Explorer 8 interferes with the functionality in Windows Explorer for Vista. Say for example: With IE8 installed, open up "Computer". Close it, then open it again. It should be instantaneous. But its not. A window will take over to 10 seconds to show its initial contents. Once its open though, its very fast because the instance is already running. But once it closes it will take another 10 seconds to open again. Internet Explorer 8 itself opens up very slowly even after the first opening. Can any Vista users verify this?

1. Install IE8

2. Go: Start > click Computer

3. Close that Window.

4. Repeat step 2.

Is it an instantaneous opening or does the window take more than 5 seconds to populate? Repeat those steps with opening Internet Explorer. Is it the same? If so, welcome to the club. Does Microsoft have any way to report this bug to developers?

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Internet Connection Sharing Failure

May 1, 2008

when I enter network properties for my primary connection and I try to enable network connection sharing a window pops up and tells me this: An error occured while Internet Connection Sharing was being enabled. The dependency service or group failed to start. I've tried enabling some services I found in another guide but that didn't help me. I've tried updating my windows, network drivers, starting every network related service inservices.msc, it seems like I've done everything.

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Mar 23, 2008

1. My network has ALWAYS failed upon RESUME FROM SLEEP using a WIRELESS connection via a NETGEAR WN121T wireless-N USB 2.0 adapter, but NOT when using a wired Ethernet connection.

2. It also works perfectly from BOOT via the WN121T wireless connection with my NETGEAR DG834N draft 802.11n (and another 802.11g) wireless modem/router on Windows Vista Ultimate, both with and without the SP1 Release Candidate.

3. But upon resumption from SLEEP, the wireless n/w connection has ALWAYS failed: attempting to re-connect to the network fails, and Device Manager reports for the WN121T that ???Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems (code 43)???.

4. The only remedy is to REBOOT.

5. The consequences of this are twofold:.........

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Go-slow Or Failure To Connect To XP Network Machines

Jun 9, 2008

I am connected to the network using a wired connection and have the same workgroup name as the XP machines on the network. My files are stored on an XP machine that is used almost exclusively for this purpose - we call this the 'server'. I also run a couple of programs remotely from that machine, notably my mail program (Pegasus Mail).

on this Vista machine for a reason that I cannot fathom I am having a very slow connection to the files on the XP machine on the network. (Other XP machines on the network have no trouble accessing these same files quickly and effortlessly, though they are much older rickety machines by comparison with this one.) Some of these files are on the 'server' machine itself (on a Raid 5 system) others are on a Mybook external hard drive which I have removed from this Vista machine and connected to the XP one - in case this was causing the problems. I am not able to access my email program except painfully slowly and with frequent crashes or messages of 'not responding' though eventually the program catches itself and recovers. But obviously this is not workable.

I have tried to remove all sorts of devices in case they have suddenly caused conflicts (webcam, removed the Mybook from my own computer etc.). also replaced the network cable. I have also reset the router and restarted the computer. After reading a post on here I have also disabled the IpV6 on this. not able to access them using programs such as Breezebrowser or Photoshop Bridge.

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Home Premium Network Failure After Recent Upgrade!

Dec 17, 2008

I had a nice network set up allowing my Laptop and Main PC to communicate both ways and transfer Video recordings from my Main to Laptop to play on the main TV running as a PC Monitor. Come the most recent set of Upgrades and Fixes last week I found that my network had died. Luckily I subscribe to Windows Secrets and last week they listed this Tech Net Article on DHCP.

Article ID: 928233 - Last Review: June 17, 2008 - Revision: 3.1Windows Vista cannot obtain an IP address from certain routers or from certain non-Microsoft DHCP servers..........

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Backup Failure: Check Disk Not Work

Jan 9, 2008

Automatic backup worked fine until December 26 (daily). Since that date it has failed. T'he error code is as follows: Catastrophic Failure, 0x8000FFFF. Also, check disk will not work.

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Takes 3 Seconds To Display Things Like The Windows Explorer Window Or About 6 Or 7 Seconds To Bring Up Firefox Or IE

Mar 23, 2008

I have a totally top of the range laptop, I am not running any of the things like Norton that are known to cause performance problems (I use AVG anti-virus). I have heaps of RAM and disk-space, a fast Intel Core2 Duo chip, yet my computer is slower than my previous seven year old one (that was running XP). It takes about 3 seconds to display things like the Windows Explorer window or about 6 or 7 seconds to bring up Firefox or IE. and about 10 or 11 seconds the first time I open Outlook. That is not taking into account the
time it takes to download the web page or retieve my mail. I am using the default settings in Vista, are there features in Vista (I know it monitors everything) that could be slowing me down this much?

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