Intermittent Failure: Not Connect To The Network

Oct 3, 2009

I have a four machine network. Two laptops running Windows XP Pro SP2. One laptop running Vista Home Basic. One laptop running Visa Home Premium. Both the Vista machines are up-to-date using Windows update. The machine which runs Vista Home Pr mium is on almost all the time - sleeping at night and being woken up In the morning. The other threelog in for a few hours daily.

The modem/router is a brand new Netgear DG834GT, firmware version 1.02.19. The Vista machines each have Atheros AR5007EG wireless adapters, both running with the very latest driver dated 5 Sep 2009. The network name is "Netgear". All machines are configured to obtain IP addresses from the router, which has the correct address range settings (i.e. excluding its own address)..............

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Go-slow Or Failure To Connect To XP Network Machines

Jun 9, 2008

I am connected to the network using a wired connection and have the same workgroup name as the XP machines on the network. My files are stored on an XP machine that is used almost exclusively for this purpose - we call this the 'server'. I also run a couple of programs remotely from that machine, notably my mail program (Pegasus Mail).

on this Vista machine for a reason that I cannot fathom I am having a very slow connection to the files on the XP machine on the network. (Other XP machines on the network have no trouble accessing these same files quickly and effortlessly, though they are much older rickety machines by comparison with this one.) Some of these files are on the 'server' machine itself (on a Raid 5 system) others are on a Mybook external hard drive which I have removed from this Vista machine and connected to the XP one - in case this was causing the problems. I am not able to access my email program except painfully slowly and with frequent crashes or messages of 'not responding' though eventually the program catches itself and recovers. But obviously this is not workable.

I have tried to remove all sorts of devices in case they have suddenly caused conflicts (webcam, removed the Mybook from my own computer etc.). also replaced the network cable. I have also reset the router and restarted the computer. After reading a post on here I have also disabled the IpV6 on this. not able to access them using programs such as Breezebrowser or Photoshop Bridge.

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Intermittent Loss Of Network Connection

Apr 26, 2008

I am connected to the Internet through and SMC Barricade G router. The computer is hardwired Ethernet to the router. A second computer in my office is also connected via Ethernet to the router. The connection is lost for several minutes, and then it restores itself automatically. The Vista Event Viewer shows several events which may have initiated the loss of communication.

1. Event ID 27; Intel(R) PRO/1000 PM Network Connection Link has been disconnected.

2. Event ID 2505; The server could not bind to the transport DeviceNetBT_Tcpip_{737A72A7-5D80-4E6B-B2B4-1F599399F2E5} because another computer on the network has the same name. The server could not start.

3. Event ID 4321; The name "NEWTECHFX530:20" could not be registered on the interface with IP address The computer with the IP address did not allow the name to be claimed by this computer.

4. Event ID 1003;Your computer was not able to renew its address from the network (from the DHCP Server) for the Network Card with network address 0019D16D7512. The following error occurred: The operation was canceled by the user.. Your computer will continue to try and obtain an address on its own from the network address (DHCP) server.

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Dialup Failure To Connect

Mar 23, 2008

Like many on this forum, for several months I experienced random connection failures and/or loss of connection while browsing. (This did not happen on the two betas but only after upgrading from Beta 2 to VHP). Tried all the obvious things but nothing helped. Finally did what I should have done in the first place....went to the MS Knowledge Base and found two articles that seemed to apply (KB 936213 and 936214). These articles concern IE optimizing, resetting, and troubleshooting compatibility problems, and consist of many involved methods and steps. I ran through all the methods and steps, and nothing seemed to change. However, when I rebooted, a popup appeared stating that "Windows has blocked some startup programs" and

inviting me to click to see list of blocked programs. The list shows 7 MS programs and Avast Antivirus.(If anyone is interested, I can give you the list of programs). All show classification of "Permitted" The results: My dialup connection has worked flawlessly with no connection failures or disconnects for over two weeks. An added bonus: The popup asking "Do you want to disconnect" when closing IE is back (it had disappeared on VHP installation). Don't know exactly what I did, since I did not choose to disable any startup programs when going through the KB steps. Only know that it worked and there seems to be no other problems.

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Network Access Failure

May 15, 2009

I recently upgraded from xp to Vista. Now I am having problems with my network access. It keeps dropping from local & internet, to local, to no connection at all. There is no problem with my internet connection or cables, etc. I know that this is a problem in Vista, but I do not know how to fix it. This is driving me crazy. Please someone help me with this problem!

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Network Connection Failure

Jun 11, 2008

I am running Vista x86 Business edition andhave a rater irritating problem with the network. Every time I try to browse the Network folder from within Vista, it seems to reset that LAN connection to all machines on the network. It only seems to happen when I try to access the network though, I have not experienced this problem anywhere else. It is also worth noting that browsing the vista shares from another PC on the LAN works fine. I read up on what this guy did ( Random disconnects while browsing - Microsoft Windows Vista Community Forums - Vistaheads ) and disabled TCP/IP 6 and TCP autotuning but am still getting the problem. I have a feeling that it may be something to do with our old(ish) Belkin router; however, according to the Internet Connectivity Evaluation Tool from MS, my router is all set to go with Vistas new networking features.

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Mar 23, 2008

1. My network has ALWAYS failed upon RESUME FROM SLEEP using a WIRELESS connection via a NETGEAR WN121T wireless-N USB 2.0 adapter, but NOT when using a wired Ethernet connection.

2. It also works perfectly from BOOT via the WN121T wireless connection with my NETGEAR DG834N draft 802.11n (and another 802.11g) wireless modem/router on Windows Vista Ultimate, both with and without the SP1 Release Candidate.

3. But upon resumption from SLEEP, the wireless n/w connection has ALWAYS failed: attempting to re-connect to the network fails, and Device Manager reports for the WN121T that ???Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems (code 43)???.

4. The only remedy is to REBOOT.

5. The consequences of this are twofold:.........

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Network Failure: Get Firefox Or Internet Explorer To Work

Dec 13, 2009

Every morning I wake up, I have to re-start my computer in order to get Firefox or Internet explorer to work. Have tried all below with both wired and wireless connection. All other functions, icons and various do-dads work, just connecting. If I happen to pass out and forget to logout of either Mozilla or IE, the screen I was on stays up but when I hit re-fresh(IE) or reload (mozilla) the problem pops up.

1. Wake up and touch mouse, desktop comes up, no problem

2. Check network connection, all seems good. Network icon shows full connection, you see the globe symbol, all good.

3. Try to access either Internet Explorer, or Mozilla Firefox.

4. I.E. says it cannot connect and Mozilla says, well it says nothing at all except for "done" in bottom left corner of screen, but leaves a blank screen.

5. Have checked my power settings, and have made sure that both plugged in and on battery that the computer is not set to sleep. Never sleep............

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Home Premium Network Failure After Recent Upgrade!

Dec 17, 2008

I had a nice network set up allowing my Laptop and Main PC to communicate both ways and transfer Video recordings from my Main to Laptop to play on the main TV running as a PC Monitor. Come the most recent set of Upgrades and Fixes last week I found that my network had died. Luckily I subscribe to Windows Secrets and last week they listed this Tech Net Article on DHCP.

Article ID: 928233 - Last Review: June 17, 2008 - Revision: 3.1Windows Vista cannot obtain an IP address from certain routers or from certain non-Microsoft DHCP servers..........

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Can't Connect To Network

May 3, 2010

I moved into a new house and for some reason my computer won't recognize any networks.
All the obvious things have been taken care of (my computer is on etc etc, the wireless light is on etc etc I have other computers woring wirelessly on the same connection and so forth) and it just won't recognize any networks. I went into device manager to see what was going on with the WiFi. It tells me that I need to turn on my wireless, but it is on. I went in and tried to disable it and reenable it. My computer promptly froze. After I forced it to end task I went back to look at it. It tells me that my no drivers are installed for this device, but when I look at the drivers they are there. It also tells me that my invisible drivers are up to date. Little lost as to what is wrong with this piece of machinery.

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Connect XP With On A Network?

Mar 31, 2009

I While ago i connected My xp pc [client] to my vista pc, but just recently my xp PC just disappeared from the network, i tried reconnecting it back by following some guides that i found on Google but still i got nothing, So far My Vista pc can only see the xp PC trough the network map, but when i click on network it doesn't appear at all. I dont know if im doing something wrong or if one of my PC's is causing it. This is what i tried to reconnect them again so far:

1. Control panel > Network and internet connections > set up or change your home or small office network > run trough wizard name my PC and Workgroup name.

2. Right click my C: drive > sharing and security.. > select* share this folder.

1. Turn on: Network discovery, File sharing, public folder sharing.
Turn off: Password protected sharing.

2. Right click* Computer > properties > change settings [under "PC name, domain...] > change workgroup name to same name as XP's.

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Can't Connect Network

Mar 27, 2008

I have just installed vista ultimate onto an internal sata HDD and followed my ISP's instructions to the latter___now what I have is that I can connect to my ISP's server but cannot go any further__which means I cannot connect to my home page or to email___I could at one point connect to my AVG update__but not now , I have turned off windows firewall _____have been on the Internet since1998 and was connected to Microsoft's network , so I do have a good perspective of how to setup and connect_____but this is baffling me____am using my old and trusted XP Pro at this time on a different HDD on the same computer.

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Connect To The Network Manually

Sep 12, 2009

i have a different case. I have a wireless modem that is capable of wl and wired. i am fine with the wl part, but when whenever i just plug in the lan cable, it connects me to the internet without asking for the user name and password. can anybody give me the steps on how to change the settings for me so that the com will request for a password and username before connecting to the internet.

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Network Between XP & Can't Connect To The Desktop

Mar 30, 2008

I am a novice with computers and am having problems setting up a home network. My desktop is running XP and is cabled to a Netgear wireless router. My wireless laptop is running vista. I can access the internet without any problems on my laptop through the router, but can't connect to the desktop. It would come in handy to access files, but the main reason is i want to use the printer that is connected to the desktop. My router does not have a USB, or flash port. During my fumblings I have had the laptop appear on the desktop and vice versa in workgroup computers, but I can,t access the computer once it appears.

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No Longer Connect To Network

Jan 28, 2010

I have a dell inspiron 1545. This morning i was connected to my home wireless network no problem as i do everyday. A technician came out and installed new cable and new internet today. He tried to set up the internet on my laptop but it will not connect to any net works not even my old network that i used problem free this morning. My other computer is connecting no problem to both the new network and the old network. I can see all the networks in the area but when i click connect the box just dissapears. when he took my laptop to set it up it was connected to the old network connection and immediately after he disconnected me from the old one i could then no longer connect to any network.

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Cannot Connect To Wifi Network

Mar 31, 2008

I have a problem with connecting Vista 64 Home Premium to wireless network. Hardware - tried D-Link DWL-G510 and Edimax 7128 adapters with newest Vista drivers I have 2 wifi networks broadcasted by Linksys WRT54G and Airlive WP-5460AP (latest firmware) - different channels set, both with WPA TKIP. Vista connects from time to time to Linksys but either only locally with no internet acces or with very poor internet transmission and then dropping connection. Connection to Airlive is rejected as wrong passphrase (although its correct). With no encryption only local connection to Airlive is possible. XP computers work with no problems with both devices.

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Internet Connect To Another Network

Jun 21, 2009

My internet has been turning off on me randomly for a good 5 seconds, and it happens daily. I figure it was my internet I set up at home, so I'd connect to another network. Same thing happens. The little internet icon, with the two computers and a picture of the world, the world would randomly disappear which causes my computer to not respond to the internet.

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Cant Connect To Internet Via Mac Network

Jun 21, 2008

where they have wireless set up. It works fine on my gf's mac (all the comps on the network are macs) but my PC cant connect. It connects with the network (after a good couple of mins identifying) but not with the internet.

Now i have unchecked TCP/Ipv6 I have disabled the DHCP Broadcast flag on all 4 subkeys i could find. What country are you located in. - US Name of your ISP (Internet Service Provider). - Its my landlords connection so not sure What is the expected Upstream / Downstream speed for your ISP Connection? - erm.. 54mbps Make and exact model of the broadband modem. - Not sure Make and exact model and hardware version of the router (if a separate unit). -Apple Base Station v5.6 Connection type, wired or wireless. - Wireless Ethernet If wireless, encryption used, (none, WEP, WPA, or WPA2) - WPA2 Make and model of your computer. - Dell Vostro 1500 Version and patch level of Windows on all affected machines, i.e. XP-Home (or XP-Pro), SP1-SP2, Vista, etc. - Vista 34 The Internet Browser in use, IE, Firefox, Opera, etc. - Opera My ipconfig comes up with this.......

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Cannot Create Connect To Ad Hoc Network

Mar 23, 2008

This related to a Toshiba Satellite U305-S5077 laptop running Vista Home Premium with an Atheros AR5007EG Wireless Network Adapter. Trying to create an ad hoc network fails with no indication of the reason. Trying to connect to an existing network fails with an Error log entry of "failed due to an unknown reason". I have been using ad hoc networking between two other Vista systems without any problems. The wireless adapter works and has current drivers.........

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Cannot Connect To Home Network

Mar 24, 2007

I cannot connect to my existing small home network unless I plug directly into the cable modem. Three other PC's in the house connect properly via the router/switch (all XP machines) but I cannot. I have disabled firewall, have no AV or other security software installed yet, have checked all settings

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Connect To Network, But No Networks

May 29, 2009

everything is working wirelessly. 1 desktop is wireless and working fine, my iphone is connected and working fine, the Nintendo Wii is working fine, i just brought my laptop over from my house and no network is showing up, and i know that last time i brought it it connected fine and other networks around us also showed up. How can i reset the network adapter. completely back to factory settings, i know my cousin messed with it to get better. download speeds and ever since then it has been giving me issues.

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How Connect To Network Of Several Computers?

Feb 7, 2009

How do I connect a laptop running Windows Vista Home Premium to a network of several computers running Windows XP Professional using network cables? When I select "Connect to" in the start menu, set up a "connection or network", the available options include:

1. "Connect to the internet", but the laptop is already connected to the internet
2. "Set up a wireless router or access point" - I don't want this
3. "Manually connect to a wireless network" - I want to connect to a non-wireless network
4. "Set up a wireless ad hoc network" - I use wires!
5. "Set up a dial up connection" - I have a broadband connection already working
6. "Connect to a workplace" - I want to make the laptop part of the home network

Which of these options should I choose, or should I do something totally different?

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Cannot Connect To The Undientified Network

Mar 23, 2008

I am a tech for an isp company. I have had several customers call in and have different issues with Vista. One is that the network is not recgonizing the network. It is with different routers since we service different ISPs. It works for a bit then it doesnt. Vista says that it cannot connect to the undientified network. I also have a problem with windows mail. It prompts for username and password. they are correctly entered. and when you reenterthem it pops back up to have you put in the username and password. The only time that the recgonizing the network, saying it was an undentified network. So one customer i had made a home network then Vista recgonized the
private network. Is this standard for Vista?

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Wireless Network Can't Connect

Jan 23, 2008

When I take the laptop to work I can see the wireless network but can't connect. After trying to diagnose the problem, it says it can't and I should see if I'm in range (I am), or if I have permission (I do).

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Wireless Network, Can't Connect Router

Mar 25, 2009

I have a BIG problem with my wireless network. I have two PC, one with vista ultimate X64 sp1 and another with both the same vista version plus XP sp3 X86 installed. my wireless network is based on ASUS, one router (with vista support) and another WIFI adapter installed on my second PC and as you might guess my main PC is connected to the router via the standard cable. I using WPA2 with a 63 ASCII PSK and it just works well with my XP sp3 but simply when I log in to vista it can't connect to my router, Vista can find my WIFI singal and say that it has a Good-Excellent signal. I downloaded and installed the x64 version of driver for my WIFI Adapter from ASUS website and it seems it should work. I tried everything. checking password...make it shorter reading articles about netWORKING.

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Connect To Network For Printer From Laptop

Mar 23, 2008

I do an add printer on my wireless connected laptop. It finds the printer on my XP desktop but when I click OK it say it cannot connect, access denied. This works fine on my other desktop and I am stumped. The printer works fine directly connected to this VISTA laptop as does file sharing.

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Network In XP Working But Cannot Connect To The Vista

Mar 23, 2008

This should not be this difficult! However, 3 weeks later and I'm still not connecting. It seems I've tried about every suggestion I can find. I will attempt to recapitulate in brief but I'm sure I have forgotten things I've tried. I have 2 and printer to a router. One wireless one direct. Another wireless xp occasionally. Works great no problem. I am trying to get just one to connect to the Vista. The Vista has been tried both wireless and cable to router.

Installed the XP responder patch. Created users with identical names and passwords. Configured NetBios on Vista. Turned off and on TCP layer 6. Re-setup networking, same workgroup. Enabled sharing, etc. Only windows firewall, tried both off and on. There is likely more but I have forgotten now. They are visible on each others full maps and they ping each other fine. On the XP when I select the Vista pc I get not accessible, no permission. On Vista I cannot see the XP except in full map view. Maybe it's something simple but I am stumped.

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Network Connection: Occasionally Not Connect

Mar 23, 2008

I got a new computer which I successfully connected to my home network. However, occasionally it does not connect. If I restart the computer and reset the router it works fine, but in a few days it crops up again. The technique I am using at the moment works fine, but gets a bit wearing. Is there a solution to this short of hibernating the computer instead of shutting it down.

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Connect Laptop To Mac Wireless Network

May 18, 2008

My vista laptop originally connected to the internet through a mac wireless network, but once i restarted, it will now only connect as a local network and I can't access the internet. If I look at the 'Network and Sharing Center' on the Vista laptop it says that the laptop is connected to the network, which is connected to the gateway, but the gateway is not connected to the internet. At the same time, I have an XP desktop with the same problem, but 3 mac computers can connect to the internet with no problems.

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Computer Trying To Connect To Xp Printer On Xp Network

Feb 6, 2009

i have 2 computers and one laptop in my home the main computer is xp, laptop is xp. the hp printer is attached to main computer. my daughters computer is vista. i can see all computers on the network and had no problem in adding the printer to my xp laptop, but cannot add the printer to the vista computer. i have norton on all computers and have removed it and still same problem. when adding the printer on the vista computer, i can see the printer but when i add it produces this error "Windows cannot connect to the printer. Operation could not be completed (error 0x0000046a)"

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Unable To Connect Network And Sharing..

Aug 23, 2008

ave had a this acer lap top for 2 months.. using charter cable for internet access.. ethernet cable cannection.. 3 weeks ago stopped being able to to connect to the internet... charter says it is the computer.. i am able to user the wireless connection fine.. have taken the laptop to the electronics store and it connects to their lan good and surfs.. but at home it will not get a valid ip addresss. per the cable company, the problem is the computer.. also when connected i am not able to select private network in network and sharing..

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