Mar 23, 2008

1. My network has ALWAYS failed upon RESUME FROM SLEEP using a WIRELESS connection via a NETGEAR WN121T wireless-N USB 2.0 adapter, but NOT when using a wired Ethernet connection.

2. It also works perfectly from BOOT via the WN121T wireless connection with my NETGEAR DG834N draft 802.11n (and another 802.11g) wireless modem/router on Windows Vista Ultimate, both with and without the SP1 Release Candidate.

3. But upon resumption from SLEEP, the wireless n/w connection has ALWAYS failed: attempting to re-connect to the network fails, and Device Manager reports for the WN121T that ???Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems (code 43)???.

4. The only remedy is to REBOOT.

5. The consequences of this are twofold:.........

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Wireless Network Adapter Installed

May 15, 2010

So I turned my laptop on today and for some reason it would not connect to the internet. I thought it might be the router so I rebooted that and still no luck. When troubleshooting it says; "This computer does not have a wireless network adapter installed and configured" So immediately I think the driver or my adapter has been uninstalled. If your wondering what my adapter was its; Nvidia nForce Networking Controller (x64 Windows Ultimate) I went on there website and found the driver, installed it and still nothing. I also found another program that was installed; Broadcom 802.11 Uninstaller I really need this fixed ,

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Wireless Network And Sleep

Mar 23, 2008

when my laptop goes to sleep, the network connection is lost, is there any way i can stop i from doing this so that i still have access to my home network when it is in sleep mode.

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Linksys Wireless G USB Adapter: Lose Internet And USB Adapter Itself

Feb 9, 2009

I have a issue with my Linksys wireless USB adapter. I am trying to use it with Vista Home Premium. After installing software... I plug the adapter in (like directions say) and windows update goes to work. It updates the driver, installs correctly, I then connect to my home network and all is good. My prob is for some reason I lose internet and the USB adapter itself. One time I switched users and lost all. I have tried uninstalling adapter and tried reinstalling by pointing to my D drive (install CD) in hopes of using the driver that's on the installation CD. as soon as it saw everything.. windows update once again gave me the same buggy driver. I have tried to install with UAC disabled... no luck... the Linksys website/support for drivers has the same updated driver. I tried to use an older one but Windows keeps forcing this updated one down my

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2 Network Adapters And Become Default Network Adapter?

Mar 16, 2009

One usb ethernet adapter for internet connection through an old router, one for a Linksys Wireless G router hard wired to remote security cameras sums up the problem where one cancels the other out. This is a problem for XP, Vista, and even 7 beta while the primary system still runs XP. The dsl connection is through an old dsl setup using a usb adapter while the Linksys pci adapter card or usb adapter once installed becomes the default network adapter.

The wireless router itself is plugged with the RJ-45 ethernet adapter directly into the main controller/dvr box for live wireless feed to the main XP system or this one as a second means along with direct plug in to a tv set in the room where the main box is located. In XP, Vista, and even the later 7 beta the same problem of running two adapters without conflict is the main question needing a working solution. This thread is intended to tax the most network familar people here.

The landlord runs the main XP system with eventual plans to upgrade to Vista while this system serves as a testing machine a good deal of the time explaining multiple OSs as a rule. The router and adapters are in working order not seeing any defects while canceling the original dsl adapter out when installed. That takes out the online connection in the process.

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Wireless Adapter Keeps Disconnecting

Mar 23, 2008

I recenctly bought a new machine that has Vista Basic installed on it. I installed the latest drivers for my Netgear wireless adapter which are supposed to be Vista compatible. However, although I can get connected, I often have to mess around with the networking settings first and then the connection will only last around 15 minutes before the adapters led stops flashing. I then have to reboot to get a connection again. I tried the adapter back n my old XP machine and it is fine. As soon as the XP machine boots, the led indicator starts flashing and it doesn't stop until you shut down. With the Vista machine, the adapter often doesn't start flashing until you actually connect and then it will just stop after a short while. I've been messing around with this for weeks now and got nowhere. I would have suspected the adapter drivers, but it seems as though there are a lot of other people with the same problem on different adapters.

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Recommendations Of Wireless Adapter

Jan 25, 2007

I have a WG111v2 which I bought just to be able to use Vista x64. It doesn't work well with games though, so I need an adapter with no dropouts and x64 support. Would be nice with some recommendations.

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Wireless Will Not Work With Any Adapter

Jul 2, 2008

I have a compaq presario desktop that I am trying to connect to a dlink wireless system. I have tried trendnet, linksys, and now Dlink usb wireless adapters but none will connect. They show up in the device manager as fine and dandy but will not enable. I am now trying the dlink WUA 1340 and downloaded the drivers from the dlink website.

I have also did a netsh wlan show settings and it says the autoconfig is disabled. Not sure if it should be enabled and have yet to find out how to enable it on this desktop. I have already tried the to do set autoconfig enabled=yes interface="?" as per technet instructions but just says wlansvc is not running. I am very frustrated and have had to drag the dlink router and dsl to telus to my computer so I can hook up by ethernet.

I have ran the gammut on this as I have even went through all the usb plugs and all are working and detect the wireless device. I have removed everything a few times and reinstalled without the dlink software etc. etc. etc.

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Wireless Adapter Not Enable

Apr 9, 2009

I went to a wired connection instead of wireless, and then decided to go back to wired. Since my wireless connection is through a linksys WUSB600N and it has known problems with skipping when playing games like World of Warcraft I turned off WLAN and had disabled my wireless adapter, then installed another program to run the connection (Which I had done previously though the last time I didn't turn off WLAN or disable my adapter). Then I went to enable the adapater and it wouldn't enable. I also turned back on WLAN and restarted. It still won't work. At this point nothing I do will enable my wireless adapater. It shows it is enabling but then it just keeps saying disabled. The light on the WUSB600N doesn't even turn on when I plug it in now, and it just worked less then 24 hours ago.

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Wireless USB Adapter Not Working

Oct 18, 2007

I've recently installed Vista Business on a new Dell PC. I've had problems installing the wireless adapter but in the end, Vista itself installed drivers for it though now the utility provided with the adapter doesn't work at all. The connection works fine until you try and download large files/use more bandwidth. For example; using a download manager like Flashget to download several files. From then it dwindles straight to 0kbps and then the whole connection dies, disconnects and the router is no longer available, according to Vista and yet the router is running fine with other computers on the network going strong. I've tried installing, updating, reinstalling drivers, altering the power settings and other internet settings to no avail.

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PC Won't Boot After Installing PCI Wireless Adapter

Mar 16, 2009

I am new to Vista and my o/s is telling me I have Vista Home Premium (64 bit Operating System).

My PC is a Packard Bell iPower X9810. Motherboard is MS-7380

I wanted to insert a wireless PCI adapter into one of the vacant slots in my machine.

I purchased an Edimax wireless 802.11n 32 bit PCI adapter (model = EW-7728in).

I thought, after reading countless reviews this was going to be easy

So I popped it in and switched my machine back on (holding my breath). I saw the initial Packard Bell splash screen then was presented with a black empty screen with a flashing cursor in the top left hand corner

At this point I was rather concerned because I could hear my machine making a whiring noise (it didn't sound good).

After administering some smelling salts I proceeded to re-start crossing my fingers and it happened again. On the 3rd attempt I eventually got a sort of recovery screen that gave me one of two options 1) attempt a repair or 2) continue trying to load windows. I selected the first option and again held my breath.

After roughly 10 mins it had performed a system restore and I had turned back the clock to a previously known good state.

For the life of me I cannot understand why this happened. The manual that came with the card said to pop the adapter in the slot > boot up > run CD-ROM and hey presto but that did not happen.

When I looked at the mobo inside the machine the 2 PCI slots are ever so slightly offset and don't align tru with the covers you ping off the back of the tower. However, I must advise that the adapter went in without much of a struggle but must of " slightly " been on the wonk as I have already said the slots are not 100% in line with were the aerials stick out the back.

I'm scared to death now of breaking my machine and don't know what to do? The Edimax website says this is compatible with my 64 bit Vista so what gives?

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Edimax 7728in Wireless Adapter

Apr 8, 2010

This product is on the market and has not got a decent driver for Vista or 7. Edimax need their buts kicked for selling a product that is useless.

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Optical Drives Dissapeared Wireless Adapter

Mar 13, 2009

I think it was after the updates loaded for windows incl. sp1 or after the vista patch for the game witcher which came from the microsoft site. Problem is that my optical drives dissappeared and the wireless adapter seemed to become D drive. Device manager says drivers missing but windows says has latest drivers. Have disk for both LG drives but computer cant see drive to be able to run.

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Belkin Wireless Adapter: Windows Does Not Pick Up Any Networks At All

Sep 17, 2007

It works fine except when I have tried to install my Belkin USB wireless adapter. I went to Belkins site and it told me to download the Ralink drivers, which I did. Nothing. Vista tells me that the device is working properly, but the light on the adapter is not lighting up, and Windows does not pick up any networks at all. I tried the PC with a second, identical adapter to see if it was the device causing the problem, but I have gotten the same response, which lead me to think it was an issue with Vista.

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Router,and Netgear WG111 Wireless Adapter Not Working

Aug 31, 2008

Have Netgear WGR614 v7 router,and Netgear WG111 wireless adapter. My PC is Vista 32bit, and my wifes's new one is Vista 64bit. Mine is direct and connection fine. My wife's PC connects but the connection is not steady and at times intermittent. I suspect I have purchase wrong hardware. The router was supplied by Time Warner, and their techs set it up. The have been back six times, and do not know what the answer is.

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Wireless Not Working ISATAP And 6T04 Adapter Faults

Dec 2, 2009

i have a sony Vaio VGN-Z12GN running windows vista. i turned the computer on today and the wireless is not working at all. i chk the network adaptors and both:

Microsoft ISATAP adapter 4


6T04 Adapter

have faults next to them. When i update them it states that they are already up to date. Also when i turn the wireless button on then off and the box appears on the screen showing: Vaio Smart Network, it shows - bluetooth, LAN and Modem ONLY. Even wireless has disappeared from here.

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Sleep Mode Failure

Jun 29, 2008

This is a very nice tutorial but unfortunately it did not help me. I have an HPdv9728cl laptop. Sleep works perfectly with the factory configuration but something added since seems to prevent it. I have no idea what but it is a real PITA. I tried the task manager and nothing significant seems to be running and also tried stopping all startup programs with no luck.

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Network Adapter

Jul 8, 2009

window vista home premium 32 bitand not long ago i had connected a wireless router to it.
shortly after my network sharing did not work any more there was a ! on the on the network adapter symbol. code error 31

i uninstalled it and wanted to reinstalle it but i did not copy down which one it was,
i did researse on my computer and foud four intel (R)/pro wireless 2200BG nectwok connection and others .

my question is which was the one a deleted or which is the one i need to reinstall to be compatible with my pc.

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Hard Drive Failure After Sleep

Aug 14, 2009

1. Put computer to sleep. (iffy - sometimes resets resolution, 1-2 times caused harmless BSOD)
2. On wake up, computer shows distorted image and then BSODs.
3. resets to bios, but doesn't complete the bios progressbar (not sure if this is for POST)
4. Hard Drive(s) start to click.

I may be wrong, but seems like a simple case of hard drive failure, but it was directly caused by Vista, which has been known to have problems with Sleep. I don't remember checking/signing any Vista-hardware liability waiver, so is Microsoft liable for the hard drive failure since the risk was not eliminated by a critical update?

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Network Adapters And 6 To 4 Adapter

Mar 23, 2008

I am still trying to get some help for this. In Device Manager, under Network Adapters I get a list of 20 approx items all with yellow triangle warnings (apart from 2). The first ones are Microsoft 6to4 Adapters. Info says drivers are up to date,but I get an error code 31. Details: Message "This device is not working properly because windows cannot load the drivers required for this device" (Code 31). Have checked for solutions, but says there are none. I get similar warnings for the other 20 items shown. What do I do now please? (I am using an Acer laptop, with Vista Ultimate OS)

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Resetting Network Adapter

Jun 21, 2008

It seems many people have problems with Internet connections in Vista. I am one of them and have gone through all the discussions looking for a solution - nothing so far!! What seems to work is a script that automatically resets the adapter on
start up

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Automatically Get New IP Settings For The Network Adapter

Mar 23, 2008

Everytime I reboot the laptop I loose the ability to connect to the internet although the laptop confirms a connection to the wireless network router.I click "Diagnose this connection" and choose "Automatically get new IP Settings for the network adapter" I have internet connectivity restored.

The laptop is an HP dv6755ca, less then one week old, and has been checked to be sure all drivers and updates have been installed. I have run anti-virus and checked for malware/spyware. The network setup is 1. PC connected via ethernet, 1. wireless laptop and 1. smc8014w-g wireless gateway.

Although the setup was walked through with me by the technician (over the phone) I'm not yet ruling out a faulty set-up in the site [except that I have had no issues with the wired connection].

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Reset Network Adapter After Wake Up

Oct 7, 2009

I have several notebooks with Windows Vista Business 32 installed. After wakeup from sleeping mode, is necessary to reset network adapter to get to the internet. Otherwise only local network is reachable. I disabled power off of network adapter during sleep mode, Disabled IP6. I tried to install KB933872 but installation end because KB is not for my operating system.

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Disabled Network Adapter And Freeze Up

May 10, 2008

My computer will load up normally the way until it reaches the screen with the green bar and black screen. The green bar will cycle through about two to three times, but then it stops moving. It moves forward just a little bit every 5 minutes though, so if I leave it like that for about 40 minutes then Vista will be able to boot to my desktop. And when I try to restart my computer, it just stays at the 'Shutting Down" screen forever. The longest I've let the shutting down screen just stay there was 20 minutes. I had to cut the power. Anything that has to do with networking seems to make my computer freeze up. I can start up in Safe Mode but not Safe Mode with Networking. And when I waited the 40 minutes start my comp up, the Vista said the the "Network cable is unplugged", but it wasn't.

When I disabled the network adapter, my computer froze again.My computer will load up normally the way until it reaches the screen with the green bar and black screen. The green bar will cycle through about two to three times, but then it stops moving. It moves forward just a little bit every 5 minutes though, so if I leave it like that for about 40 minutes then Vista will be able to boot to my desktop. And when I try to restart my computer, it just stays at the 'Shutting Down" screen forever. The longest I've let the shutting down screen just stay there was 20 minutes. I had to cut the power. Anything that has to do with networking seems to make my computer freeze up. I can start up in Safe Mode but not Safe Mode with Networking. And when I waited the 40 minutes start my comp up, the Vista said the the "Network cable is unplugged", but it wasn't. When I disabled the network adapter, my computer froze again.

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Realtek Network Adapter Update

Jul 28, 2009

Is there a way to delete "failed install of updates" I have the most updated version of the driver. it installed a few times B4; now it won't, error code states already installed or not compatible

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How Do Enable DHCP Network Adapter

Mar 23, 2008

When I check the status of my network adapter, it says that DHCP is not enabled. How do I enable it in Windows Vista Ultimate? I'm trying to enable it for ICS to/with a windows XP Pro computer. The other computer (XP) is not auto configuring itself with the right type of network settings. (IP, Subnet mask, & Gateway) For instance: it will configure itself to use, instead of 192.168.0.(2-255),, and Default Gateway of

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Added A Second Monitor To The GeForce 7100 GS Using A DVI-VGA Adapter And For The Life Of Me Cannot Get It To Display Anything, The Monitor Is Just In Sleep Mode

Apr 23, 2010

I added a second monitor to the GeForce 7100 GS using a DVI-VGA adapter and for the life of me cannot get it to display anything, the monitor is just in sleep mode. I've got the latest driver, Windows is up to date, checked the cables, tried another adapter, tried everything but, still nothing. The second monitor shows up in the device manager and in the Nvidia control panel. It's enabled and set to extend desktops. It seems the system knows it's there because I can move the mouse over, but cannot see anything. The power light on the second monitor just flashes. I've swapped monitors over, to make sure there's not a problem with the display and it's fine. When I do that, the main monitor is then plugged in to the DVI adapter and then that one goes to sleep. Just seems whichever monitor is plugged in to the DVI-VGA adapter just doesn't want to work........

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Integrated Realtek Network Adapter Does Not Recognize

May 18, 2008

Everything is working fine (so far) except that it does not recognize integrated Ethernet adapter at all. On advise of support guys did driver reinstall several time including while in Safe Mode. Even restored factory settings i.e. reinstalled OS. If I run "pnputil -e" then the adapter package is listed but the adapter just does not show up in Device Manager.

Already verified that it is enabled in BIOS. Netgear USB adapter worked just fine after installing vista driver for it. Thinking of putting in a PCI card but that will occupy one slot. Only 3 PCI slots are available - standard, Express 1 and Express 16.

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Blue Screen: Realtek Network Adapter?

Jan 20, 2010

I have been getting the BSOD for like a year now, but only frequently has it really been bothering me, it has happened 4 times today...

The error is consistant. Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.0.6002.
Locale ID: 1033

Additional information about the problem:.........

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Connecting A Sony Vaio To Wireless Network: Switch On Wireless Adaptor Capability

Mar 23, 2008

a friend has a new sony vaio with vista home premium installed. For some reason it will not connect to my netgear router wirelessly. I have tried everything. I am however not too hot on Vista as this is my first time with it. The adaptor says its on, but when you interegate it and ask why it wont connect it keeps telling me "switch on wireless adaptor capability". In the network connections it is on, the switch on the front right is swiitched on and the wireless network light on the front is on. The network is fine and working as i have my laptop connected to it. All security is present and entered. It seems to be the computer as it doesnt find any networks when there are loads in the area. Am i missing something exceptionally obvious? Does Vista have another "on" switch for this adaptor?

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Not Displaying Option, Network Adapter Not Function Properly

Apr 4, 2009

My board is an Asus P5QC...the most unstable board I have ever owned... Anyway, I got this board since November and it was not running it's best but the I had the basics running. In the past 3 months, I have re-installed Vista 9 times I was blaming Vista, but I notice that my BIOS for some weird reason is not displaying some option that I had before. Now my network adapter will not function properly. I tried my old driver and the latest drivers, I installed it the way it is suppose to be installed and well...no success.
I tested all my cat 5 and they are all in good condition. My router is functionning well, seeing that my other computers are working.

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