Cant Connect To Internet Via Mac Network

Jun 21, 2008

where they have wireless set up. It works fine on my gf's mac (all the comps on the network are macs) but my PC cant connect. It connects with the network (after a good couple of mins identifying) but not with the internet.

Now i have unchecked TCP/Ipv6 I have disabled the DHCP Broadcast flag on all 4 subkeys i could find. What country are you located in. - US Name of your ISP (Internet Service Provider). - Its my landlords connection so not sure What is the expected Upstream / Downstream speed for your ISP Connection? - erm.. 54mbps Make and exact model of the broadband modem. - Not sure Make and exact model and hardware version of the router (if a separate unit). -Apple Base Station v5.6 Connection type, wired or wireless. - Wireless Ethernet If wireless, encryption used, (none, WEP, WPA, or WPA2) - WPA2 Make and model of your computer. - Dell Vostro 1500 Version and patch level of Windows on all affected machines, i.e. XP-Home (or XP-Pro), SP1-SP2, Vista, etc. - Vista 34 The Internet Browser in use, IE, Firefox, Opera, etc. - Opera My ipconfig comes up with this.......

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Internet Connect To Another Network

Jun 21, 2009

My internet has been turning off on me randomly for a good 5 seconds, and it happens daily. I figure it was my internet I set up at home, so I'd connect to another network. Same thing happens. The little internet icon, with the two computers and a picture of the world, the world would randomly disappear which causes my computer to not respond to the internet.

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Network Sharing, Unable To Connect To The Internet

Apr 6, 2009

I'm running a visa 32 bit laptop and a Windows xp PC on a network and im trying to send files from the laptop to the PC. My laptop is unable to connect to the internet and I think the problem is that I have a virus so I'm just going to reformat the whole thing. I want to send my laptop files to my PC, but when I go to the network and sharing center on the laptop to turn public folder sharing on, the whole window just freezes when I apply the setting. The workgroup names are the same. Is there anything else that I have to do to be able to share the files?

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Cannot Connect To Internet Via Wireless Secure Network

Mar 23, 2008

I have 3 computers in home: 1 is connected via Ethernet to DSL and D-Link wireless router, and is running Vista Home Premium. I can connect to Internet fine on 1.

2 is on my wireless network running XP. It connects to Internet just fine.

3 runs Vista Home Premium, but I cannot connect to the Internet. You can see the wireless network with a strong signal, but the connection is Local. If I remove WPA and make the network unsecured, I can connect to the Internet. If I plug in an Ethernet cable in this computer and into a port on the router, I can connect to the Internet. I checked ipconfig and it shows for the wireless network that there is no default gateway, and the user ID does not show like it does when I run ipconfig with the network unsecured.

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Cannot Connect To Network Share But Reach Internet

Mar 23, 2008

I have a laptop with Vista business edition connected to a domain. I have installed it with no problems. Now when my user got it she cannot reach the shares or connect to the server with \servernameshare I get the message 0x80070035 I logged in with my domain admin user but i have the same problem. We can reach websites and ping the servers works. What can I do to solve the problem. I have bought 4 laptops but only 1 have this problem.

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Windows Networking / Internet, Connect To Network

Mar 23, 2008

I have started to notice a lot of vista systems that are connected direct to cable modems saying not connected to internet or showing unidentified network. You cannot create a new connection, because the create a connection is for PPPoE only, (which is not very smart). And when the browser gives you the option to connect, it asks for name/password for a PPPoE connection.

1. How do I get the Vista networking to recognize the fact is has a direct connection to the Internet?

2. How can you create a new connection without it defaulting to PPPoE?

3. Is there any way to force Vista to simply connect to a network, if the network is available, and has been checked with other computers as working properly, and Network discovery is on, and vista simply says unknown network?........

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Wireless Broadband: Connect To Internet Lose Network

Jul 5, 2008

I have VIRGIN wireless broadband with a Huwai e220 modem. It is connected to my Windows Vista Ultimate desktop PC via USB. I also have a small network comprising 1 x Linux Mandriva PC, 1 x Linux Mint PC, and an old desktop without g/card, monitor, mouse or k/board that I use to store files. My problem is that whenever I connect to the internet I lose my network. When I try to change the settings in the "network and sharing centre" i can get my network but no internet! I hav etried every possible combination of settings that i can do without being able to have both. The strange ting is that sometimes when I connect it all works for about 3 minutes then it falls over!

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Connect To Internet "unidentified" Network

Apr 21, 2008

My PC runs Windows Vista and I am on an ADSL plan (for broadband internet). I turn my modem on and off before and after each internet session for security reasons. Recently, my computer seems to connect to two networks - "Public network" (which is the internet gateway) and another "unidentified" network. I don't know how this network came about and this seems to preclude me from using the internet. I am being forced to disable my networks and re-enable them again, after which only the Public Network re-appears. Then, I am able to use the internet as per normal. Is there a way of getting rid of this "unidentified" network? so that I can connect to the intenet seamlessly, as I was able to do before?

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Can't Connect To Network

May 3, 2010

I moved into a new house and for some reason my computer won't recognize any networks.
All the obvious things have been taken care of (my computer is on etc etc, the wireless light is on etc etc I have other computers woring wirelessly on the same connection and so forth) and it just won't recognize any networks. I went into device manager to see what was going on with the WiFi. It tells me that I need to turn on my wireless, but it is on. I went in and tried to disable it and reenable it. My computer promptly froze. After I forced it to end task I went back to look at it. It tells me that my no drivers are installed for this device, but when I look at the drivers they are there. It also tells me that my invisible drivers are up to date. Little lost as to what is wrong with this piece of machinery.

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Connect XP With On A Network?

Mar 31, 2009

I While ago i connected My xp pc [client] to my vista pc, but just recently my xp PC just disappeared from the network, i tried reconnecting it back by following some guides that i found on Google but still i got nothing, So far My Vista pc can only see the xp PC trough the network map, but when i click on network it doesn't appear at all. I dont know if im doing something wrong or if one of my PC's is causing it. This is what i tried to reconnect them again so far:

1. Control panel > Network and internet connections > set up or change your home or small office network > run trough wizard name my PC and Workgroup name.

2. Right click my C: drive > sharing and security.. > select* share this folder.

1. Turn on: Network discovery, File sharing, public folder sharing.
Turn off: Password protected sharing.

2. Right click* Computer > properties > change settings [under "PC name, domain...] > change workgroup name to same name as XP's.

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Can't Connect Network

Mar 27, 2008

I have just installed vista ultimate onto an internal sata HDD and followed my ISP's instructions to the latter___now what I have is that I can connect to my ISP's server but cannot go any further__which means I cannot connect to my home page or to email___I could at one point connect to my AVG update__but not now , I have turned off windows firewall _____have been on the Internet since1998 and was connected to Microsoft's network , so I do have a good perspective of how to setup and connect_____but this is baffling me____am using my old and trusted XP Pro at this time on a different HDD on the same computer.

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Cannot Connect To Internet

Sep 29, 2008

We bought a new dlink Gigabyte unmanaged switch,installed it and now the vista machines connects fine to the network but not to the internet. if i go ipconfig /release and /renew it works for a bit but then goes down again. The Windows XP machines are working perfect to the network and internet. What Can cause this problem with vista.

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Cannot Connect To The Internet

Aug 18, 2009

My laptop (gateway) can connect to any network (public, private, wired or wireless) with no problem but no matter what it cannot connect to the internet. I've tried as much as possible but nothing resolves this error and my isp says because my other computers work fine they can't help me. I've recycled the router and the modem, tried to ping the router (unsuccessful), tried manually setting up my connection (ip address, dns, gateway), bought a new router (belkin enhanced wireless), bought a express card ethernet port, reset winsock, but nothing works! I honestly don't know what to do since this laptop didn't include a vista disc so i don't think i can wipe the hard drive and reinstall windows without paying for something i already have. If you need any further info just let me know i'll be checking my internet every hour as i'm at the end of my rope!

On the network connections page it shows an uninterrupted line to the network which it always says is unidentified (even networks with names) but there's always a red x preventing me from getting to the internet and when i do the auto repair and diagnose it tells me to call the isp or get help from a network administrator. This problem occured shortly after my norton 360 subscription ran out and i uninstalled it to install avira in it's place.

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Not Connect To Internet

May 15, 2010

I have a Inspiron 350 and the Router is NETGEAR G-Wireless WGR61v10. My problem is since I had a reformat on the computer. It would not connect to the internet in fact it said Local or limited connection before I changed the channel where now lets me go on Google and surf is very limited and very slow. I can't log into my programs like MSN and Skype and only logs in when I restart the computer and drops the connection again. I would like to know how to unblock the connection so I can do everything again. I am just really frustrated and would like to know if there is a solution to get the net up and running again.

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Internet Won't Connect

Aug 14, 2009

Bare with me, I am a bit computer illiterate. . .I use a linksys router (I don't exactly know what type/version, but I doubt that matters when I have connected to older models, I believe). However, the only reason why my internet will not connect seems to be that I have encrypted my router with a WEP key! I say this because I can connect to unsecured routers just fine.

I have tried connecting manually, and it will accept the WEP key I type in (well, it doesn't tell me I'm wrong). . . But once I finish typing in the WEP and checking the two option boxes (start this connection automatically, connect even if the network is not roadcasting) and try and connect (to the existing network), it says I cannot connect. I am just wondering if it's something simple. . . Making a new WEP key, perhaps? I really have no clue and I would like to figure this out soon.

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Not Able To Connect To The Internet

Aug 22, 2009

1) I was online and suddenly I wasnt able to connect to the internet. I called my IP provider and they told me that I could "ping" but couldn't connect to the domain name, I have run a dianostic tool which said I had no dial tone but had local area connection. I went step by step with my IP provider and we still couldnt get it to work.

2) Last night I went to open a zip file using Zipeg (never had any problems til then) and now on the desktop all my programs are opening with notepad, I cannot access my files on the desktop. When I open the files, I get a notepad with all these symbols and numbers and thats it!

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Cant Connect To Internet

May 26, 2009

I had someone move into my old office & his computer (Dell, Vista Home, 1gbRam, 160GBhd, nVidia network controller) is now going to be the one wired directly into the router & modem with the rest of the 3 comps in the house getting wireless signal as they had been for the past 2 years. When I first plugged his comp in & installed the Netgear router from the disk, the install screwed up in that his comp was getting the internet cause it was plugged via ethernet, but the rest of the house couldn't cause there was no wireless signal. Also shown by the wireless light not being on on the router, but all the other were, power, LAN port4, & internet.

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Not Able To Connect To Internet

Mar 25, 2010

My laptop (Vista Ultimate x64) got hit by a malware recently, removed it and is now clean. But after cleaning (malwarebytes) and doing a registry repair (using advanced systemcare pro), i was not able to connect to the internet. When i checked Device, the "Realtek RTL8168/8111 Family PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC (NDIS 6.0)" had a yellow astrix to it. I tried uninstalling the driver and re-installing the driver from the cd. But still the yellow astrix remains and the internet does not work. I tried uninstalling the driver - rebooting - reinstalling - rebooting - still same result. let me know what i should do to make the internet work. I really don't want to do a reinstall of the OS again - have a lot of programs and would be a pain to reinstall each of them.

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Cannot Connect To Internet...

Jan 5, 2009

i have purchased a laptop and recently taken an internet connection (tata indicom). My OS is vista i am not able to connect to the internet, the same internet connections works on a laptop which has XP. The error i get is " firewall is running between the 2 computers and is blocking the domain. Windows firewall on this computer is correctly configured to allow this connection, however a remote firewall might be blocking ur connectioin"

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Cannot Connect To Internet, IE7

Mar 23, 2008

Once I open IE7 or FF it will not connect to the internet. No other apps work via internet either. I've disconnected the cable modem and rebooted and still get the same thing. Once I hit the "check for solution" on the IE screen, it says my connection is fine. I've tried this setup on my 2nd HD on the computer (XP) and it works great. Why is it my Vista 64 setup isn't working correctly. I've looked through my ipconfig/all command. I've virus checked (and safe boot w/check). I am in serious debt to whomever can help me. I've looked and looked and I haven't found anything that helps. I really do not want to format just for this one issue. Is there something in the Event Viewer I could pull up and see what's going on, or post my config?

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Does Not Connect The Internet

Mar 23, 2008

I wish to replace the computer I use for valued data. To protect this data I will not connect it to the internet. From what I read, if I buy a computer running Windows Vista where Vista is pre-activated by the retailer, then Vista may still try periodically to re-validate on line. If it fails then the computer will be made unusable by nag messages or worse. In other words Vista, including Vista SP1, is not usable on a computer that does not connect to the internet. Shop assistants have told me otherwise. Please can you clarify because I can afford neither the time nor money involved in choosing the wrong operating system.

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Cannot Connect Internet

Mar 23, 2008

I recently got a new computer with Vista Home Premium 32 bit. The main problem is I can't go on the internet but when I am browsing my network I can see my other computers shared folders. Every computers are connected through my Linksys wrt54g v.5 wireless router and all of them, except for my new one, can go on the internet.(I have 2 desktops, one running with win98 and the other with winXP and they are connected directly with cables on my router. Also, I have a laptop with winXP using the router wireless.)
Here are my ipconfig/all:

Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : Andy-PC
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast........

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Can't Connect The Internet

Dec 23, 2008

I either cannot connect to the internet or lose my connection. I use Earthlink dial up. I have two icons on the taskbar. An eartlink icon indicating a connection and a double monitor with the globe on it.That one indicates access local and internet. The earthlink icon indicates that I have a connection but the other one indicates limited connectivity. It says I have a network connection that is not connected.There are no network connections on my PC.It seems to be pointing to Windows Media Center. I have Vista Home Premium SP1, 2 GB of RAM, AMD Athlon 64X2 Dual Core Processor 4400+ 2.30 GHz and a 250 GB HDD. I had this problem when I first got this PC about 14 months ago. Then, for no reason I can tell it just stopped. IT seems to have started again when I installed Zone Alarm Internet Security Suite. I then uninstalled and installed basic Zone Alarm. I then uninstalled that and just used the Windows firewall. Through all this the ability to connect to the internet comes and goes. In the network and sharing center when it's not working there is a connection from the internet icon to the earthlink@username Earthlink icon but no link from there to username-PC this PC icon.

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Can't Connect To Internet

Jul 1, 2008

Not PC savvy, so words of less than one syllable Existing desktop (PC1) runs XP, and was connected to internet by cable modem, and ethernet cable networked to other desktop (PC2). Recently got a new laptop, running Vista. Was able to network this to PC1, files were transferred, and the laptop could access the internet through its network connection via PC1. PC1 was then moved to the other office, taking the place of PC2, and the laptop became the internet connected computer. Still using the ethernet cable, the laptop can see PC1 on the network, but cannot acces it.

PC1 cannot see the laptop, or connect to the internet, and says that there is limited or no connectivity on the local area connection, even after trying to use the network wizard. ipconfig shows that there is no gateway IP address. I've looked through all the previous threads, and the only thing that might help is the Network Magic, but PC1 currently can't connect to the internet.I'm sure all my firewalls are off. Have I missed something ?

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Connect To The Network Manually

Sep 12, 2009

i have a different case. I have a wireless modem that is capable of wl and wired. i am fine with the wl part, but when whenever i just plug in the lan cable, it connects me to the internet without asking for the user name and password. can anybody give me the steps on how to change the settings for me so that the com will request for a password and username before connecting to the internet.

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Network Between XP & Can't Connect To The Desktop

Mar 30, 2008

I am a novice with computers and am having problems setting up a home network. My desktop is running XP and is cabled to a Netgear wireless router. My wireless laptop is running vista. I can access the internet without any problems on my laptop through the router, but can't connect to the desktop. It would come in handy to access files, but the main reason is i want to use the printer that is connected to the desktop. My router does not have a USB, or flash port. During my fumblings I have had the laptop appear on the desktop and vice versa in workgroup computers, but I can,t access the computer once it appears.

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No Longer Connect To Network

Jan 28, 2010

I have a dell inspiron 1545. This morning i was connected to my home wireless network no problem as i do everyday. A technician came out and installed new cable and new internet today. He tried to set up the internet on my laptop but it will not connect to any net works not even my old network that i used problem free this morning. My other computer is connecting no problem to both the new network and the old network. I can see all the networks in the area but when i click connect the box just dissapears. when he took my laptop to set it up it was connected to the old network connection and immediately after he disconnected me from the old one i could then no longer connect to any network.

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Cannot Connect To Wifi Network

Mar 31, 2008

I have a problem with connecting Vista 64 Home Premium to wireless network. Hardware - tried D-Link DWL-G510 and Edimax 7128 adapters with newest Vista drivers I have 2 wifi networks broadcasted by Linksys WRT54G and Airlive WP-5460AP (latest firmware) - different channels set, both with WPA TKIP. Vista connects from time to time to Linksys but either only locally with no internet acces or with very poor internet transmission and then dropping connection. Connection to Airlive is rejected as wrong passphrase (although its correct). With no encryption only local connection to Airlive is possible. XP computers work with no problems with both devices.

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Cannot Create Connect To Ad Hoc Network

Mar 23, 2008

This related to a Toshiba Satellite U305-S5077 laptop running Vista Home Premium with an Atheros AR5007EG Wireless Network Adapter. Trying to create an ad hoc network fails with no indication of the reason. Trying to connect to an existing network fails with an Error log entry of "failed due to an unknown reason". I have been using ad hoc networking between two other Vista systems without any problems. The wireless adapter works and has current drivers.........

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Cannot Connect To Home Network

Mar 24, 2007

I cannot connect to my existing small home network unless I plug directly into the cable modem. Three other PC's in the house connect properly via the router/switch (all XP machines) but I cannot. I have disabled firewall, have no AV or other security software installed yet, have checked all settings

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Connect To Network, But No Networks

May 29, 2009

everything is working wirelessly. 1 desktop is wireless and working fine, my iphone is connected and working fine, the Nintendo Wii is working fine, i just brought my laptop over from my house and no network is showing up, and i know that last time i brought it it connected fine and other networks around us also showed up. How can i reset the network adapter. completely back to factory settings, i know my cousin messed with it to get better. download speeds and ever since then it has been giving me issues.

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