Antivirus Program: Internet Explorer Refuses To Work

Aug 20, 2008

So I accidentally downloaded an antivirus program that is really a virus. It really sucks. Internet explorer refuses to work. Task manager has been disabled by the administrator. Any program that operates under windows explorer fails to run properly. This makes it very difficult to use the computer. What exactly is wrong? Do I need to repair the registry? What if I did not make a backup?

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Internet Explorer: Terminate The Program

Jun 12, 2009

I launch IE8 the error msgs appear. "The instruction at 0x00968a08 referenced memory at 0x0000000. The memory could not be written. Click ok to terminate the program" "Exeption EAccessviolation in module shellEh440.dll at 00008A08. Access violation at address 00968A08 in module ' ShellEh440.dll'. Write of address 0000000."

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Associate .png Icons With A Program Or File The System Refuses

Nov 8, 2009

All the cool icons I find on the internet seem to be in the .png form and supposedly work with/on MS systems. But whenever I try to associate one of these .png icons with a program or file the system refuses to let me. Is there some setting in Vista that I need to set in order to use these icons?

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Internet Explorer Does Not Work

Apr 9, 2008

To give a link (like "http://...") as a command line does not work anymore. Actually it was a standard since Win 98 and now Windows Vista displays the message "Application not found." My question: How to open link in Windows Vista using a command line? Should one use a new command like prefix like "mailto:"? These feature from Windows was really very practice for the developers. I link could be opened without being necessary to search for the default browser, an so on. Does anybody know how it can be done now?

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Can't Work Internet Explorer 7

Jan 20, 2009

How do I customise the Firefox 3 Browser to open each time as per Screenshot 3? At Screenshot 1: When I was using Internet Explorer 7 as my main Browser, I was able to customise the opening page so that it was 'clean' of all the 'flotsam and jetsam' rubbish that I had no interest in. My Customised Page in IE7 looked like this; screenshot 1:

At Screenshot 2: Now when I open Firefox 3, this is what I get........a page of 'stuff' that I neither need. nor want; Screenshot 2: At Screenshot 3:I have managed to customise and clean up the FF3 page as at Screen-shot 3 below,and it remains like this each time I open the Browser while I stay in session, however, if I log off or close and shut-down, it reverts to display like Screenshot 2, the next time I open up the FF3 Browser.

Screenshot 3: To keep my FF3 Browser opening page 'clean' as in the above Screenshot, what settings should I apply, to make it appear this way each time I open the Browser.

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Internet Explorer 7 Can't Work

Aug 10, 2008

I have two machines running Vista Home Premium x64. but use 32bit IE. I am having trouble with one machine when opening IE that it always comes up in full screen mode and you cannot see the tool bar on the bottom. How can I change the setting so that when it comes up it is not full screen. I always have to either go into tools and uncheck it or launch another screen to get the tool bar on the bottom to come up.

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PS/2 Mouse Refuses To Work Under

Sep 22, 2008

Like the title says, my PS/2 mouse refuses to work under Vista Home Premium 32bit. The same mouse works fine under Windows 2000 and Windows XP, but under Vista the mouse gets detected but I get the "Code 10", "This device cannot start." in the device manager.

I checked and there are no resource conflicts, or any other outstanding driver or hardware issues in the system. Also, the proper IRQ is assigned and everything looks fine, except for the fact that it does NOT work and I get the Code 10 code.

Like I said, the mouse works fine in Windows 2000/XP. Right now I'm using a spare wireless USB mouse under Vista until I get this figured out. There are no special drivers or software for this mouse since it's just a simple PS/2 mouse.

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Windows Email Refuses To Work At All

Apr 14, 2008

TIME WARNER, my cable isp.but nomatter what, they did not fix it they gave up, told me to call microsoft...well, then I typed in the problem, got softie instructions online....they say download this new easy windows email program...I did...still will not work this is Vista Home Premium on a 9 month old Dell, in fact, all I get is a full
blue screen noting errors but it vanishes too fast to print or copyanything then the machine goes into safe mode then it rebootsitself by majic and it signs on again I have AVG and spysweeper zonealarall I wanted to do it email a scanned photo I can scan machine accepts it but forget about emailing it anywhere windows email is dead on my Vista.

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Print Preview In Internet Explorer 7 Can't Work

Dec 27, 2009

I have windows vvista home premium. whenever I try to print preview, i get the error message D/Temp/Low/Ft4xevu htm make sure the path or internet address is ccorrect

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Network Failure: Get Firefox Or Internet Explorer To Work

Dec 13, 2009

Every morning I wake up, I have to re-start my computer in order to get Firefox or Internet explorer to work. Have tried all below with both wired and wireless connection. All other functions, icons and various do-dads work, just connecting. If I happen to pass out and forget to logout of either Mozilla or IE, the screen I was on stays up but when I hit re-fresh(IE) or reload (mozilla) the problem pops up.

1. Wake up and touch mouse, desktop comes up, no problem

2. Check network connection, all seems good. Network icon shows full connection, you see the globe symbol, all good.

3. Try to access either Internet Explorer, or Mozilla Firefox.

4. I.E. says it cannot connect and Mozilla says, well it says nothing at all except for "done" in bottom left corner of screen, but leaves a blank screen.

5. Have checked my power settings, and have made sure that both plugged in and on battery that the computer is not set to sleep. Never sleep............

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Free Antivirus Program?

May 24, 2009

As soon as i got my custom HP laptop, i unstalled Norton anti-virus, it is a total piece of crap that eats up my ram etc, etc... But, i do need an anti-virus program

To stop the little bubble thing to stop coming out from the taskbar at start up, i selected the option thati would monitor my own systesm secruity.. All i really have as a sure way of defense is Windows Defender. it is worling great so-far, worst thing i've gotten was a Trojan Downloader, quickley removed, and i only got it from a fake website that looked like Adobe Flash-Player Updater's site But, i need something that is free, and wont demolish my computer speed, But can get the job done!

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Antivirus Program For Vista?

May 1, 2009

Do someone here have any suggestions for a good antivirus program for Vista? Something that does not use soo much system resources and at the same time is good for detections?

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Windows Explorer Stopped Working, Internet Explorer Stopped Working, What DOES Work?

Jul 25, 2008

Lately when I've tried looking at different folders and files on my hard drives I keep getting "Windows Explorer has stopped working and will restart." It's driving me nuts, I can barely do anything.
Also, same thing with Internet Explorer...I'm getting real sick of Vista's shoddiness..

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About The Change Of Antivirus Program: Remove The Preinstalled Mcafee For Avg

Apr 29, 2009

i bought a laptop acer aspire 4930g before six months. it previously contained the mcafee antivirus as the security. so i was ok then. now it is asking me to renew the mcafee. but i want to put avg. i can not put avg without uninstalling the mcafee. now i am having trouble deciding that what should i do. which is the better ? can i remove the preinstalled mcafee for avg? because i am getting avg for free. will avg do the same job ? may be mcafee was giving the full protection and avg may not give the same? i am using windows vista premium. please tell me that if it is ok to install avg and remove the mcafee for the full internet security.

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Can You Recommend A Good Security Program (antivirus, Etc.) For My Dell Laptop?

Apr 14, 2007

I have a Dell Inspiron 1501 laptop that runs Vista. Can you recommend Norton Security or McAfee?

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Symantec Antivirus Does'nt Work

Oct 17, 2009

Keeps saying I don't have Admin rights when this is the first freaking account made on it (also an admin account) and I also edited the relevant registry key about asking for admin rights and set it to zero to fix this problem.

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Symantec Antivirus 10.2 Work On A X64 Machine?

Mar 19, 2009

I just recently purchased this laptop HP Pavilion and I have the corporate Symantec Antivirus 10.2. The laptop is the x64 but will the Antivirus work on a x64 machine?

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Antivirus Scanners & Internet Security Tools

Jun 19, 2008

Full Antivirus Programs. Avira Antivir (downloadable free software) Avira is one of the best Antivirus vendors on the market. ((AV-comparative 2008) Avast! (Alwil) (downloadable free software) Free Home Edition antimalware progam. AVG Antivirus (downloadable free software) Free home Edition single computer use-non commercial use Not free, but highly recommended ( free 30 day trials)

Eset NOD32 4.0
Avira Premium/Pro
Norton 2009................

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Internet Explorer Has Stopped Working: 'Internet' Icon

Apr 1, 2008

After fighting to get rid of a Trojan horse virus, I am missing the internet browser. E-mail works OK. Clicking 'Internet' icon gets me the message 'Internet Explorer has stopped working:". I tried 'restore' but it is not working either. I get the message 'an unspecified error occurred during system restore'. I scanned with AVG and the files it scanned are clean. I have a 'restore' DVD made by the computer vendor but when I stick it in the CD drive nothing happens. The computer is a 1 year old ACER with VISTA home premium preinstalled. How do I proceed from here? I have no idea what to do.

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Internet Explorer 8 In Vista Causes Windows Explorer

Mar 21, 2009

I wasn't quite sure if IE8 was the culprit, but it became apparent once I removed it. Internet Explorer 8 interferes with the functionality in Windows Explorer for Vista. Say for example: With IE8 installed, open up "Computer". Close it, then open it again. It should be instantaneous. But its not. A window will take over to 10 seconds to show its initial contents. Once its open though, its very fast because the instance is already running. But once it closes it will take another 10 seconds to open again. Internet Explorer 8 itself opens up very slowly even after the first opening. Can any Vista users verify this?

1. Install IE8

2. Go: Start > click Computer

3. Close that Window.

4. Repeat step 2.

Is it an instantaneous opening or does the window take more than 5 seconds to populate? Repeat those steps with opening Internet Explorer. Is it the same? If so, welcome to the club. Does Microsoft have any way to report this bug to developers?

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Cant Download Anything Internet Program

Mar 5, 2010

I am having trouble downloading anything new onto my computer. And also when I open any program it always asks me what program to use to open it. I can download programs to my computer from the internet just fine but I cant open them because of the what program to use message I have to use everytime.

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AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 9.0 (Not Recommend): AVG Antivirus And Security Software - Download Free Antivirus

Apr 26, 2010

1. AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 9.0 (Not Recommend): AVG Antivirus and Security Software - Download Free Antivirus

2. avast! Free Anti-Virus Edition: avast! Free Antivirus - Download Software for Virus Protection

3. Avira AntiVir Personal: Avira AntiVir Personal - FREE Antivirus

Please post if there are anymore free anti-virus editions. For #5 (Comodo Internet Security Suite), there is a bug. If you click the link, it will go to Comodo Anti-Virus, you can use Anti-Virus. If you want Internet Security, click it on the left side panel.

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Program To Internet Link Broken?

Aug 5, 2008

Many programs have links embedded to allow an internet address to be opened e.g. a clickable button to open Internet Explorer (or other browser) and go to the program writer's site, or a button to look for updates. I've only just realised after a couple of months with Vista, that these don't work any more

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Click On Program In Start Menu, Explorer Shuts Down And Restarts

Oct 29, 2009

When a click on a program in the start menu, explorer shuts down and restarts. However, if I drag the program to the desktop and click on it the program opens just fine. If I open windows explorer and right click on a file, explorer shuts down and restarts. Have there lost all context item availability.

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Block Full Internet Access To A Program

Jun 2, 2008

How do I completely block internet access for a program on Windows Vista? Is it possible? I have already tried creating a rule on the Firewall With Advanced Security for both inbound and outbound access using the "New Rule..." wizard. I choose "Program", next I choose the program's location, next I choose "Block the connection", then I check all three profiles and finally a name for the rule. I have created testing rules for both IE and Firefox but they could still access the internet (i.e, the webpages were still loading).

The columns on the firewall control panel show that the rules are enabled, the action is block and all other columns are "Any". I thought it would completely prevent the program from accessing the internet, but it doesn't. Could you guys give me a hand? Is there a way I could make a program to not see the internet (or any network for that matter) at all?

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Mail Program Not Detect Internet Connection

Aug 5, 2009

Whenever I go into windows mail a window pops up asking about my dial-up connection. It says select the service you want to connect to. There's nothing in the drop down box. When I go to settings... it says you are already connected to the internet - which I am. I'm on a wireless connection at home that works no problem but the mail program doesn't seem to detect any internet connection.

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VISTA Program Alteration Not Work

Jun 1, 2008

My wife atempted to install an eGame program disk that apparently did not work with Vista. Since then We have received error messages that the Vista program has been altered, the system is running extremely slowly, and can not print to the local USB Printer and the attempting to open the control panel result in a window flashing up for a second then disapearing. I have attempted several of the recommended remedies and still can not get the Vista program validated again, or print.

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Delete A Program Or File , A Popup Comes On Saying Windows Explorer Has Stopped Responding

Jan 3, 2009

When ever i try to delete a program or some file types off my computer, a popup comes on saying Windows explorer has stopped responding, and it closes all my windows and freezes my computer for a couple minutes. This has become very annoying as i am trying to clean up old files on my computer.

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DOS Program Doesn't Appear To Work Properly In Vista

Mar 26, 2008

using an old DOS program that worked under XP, but doesn't appear to work properly in Vista. When I execute the program, it comes up with the error message "This system does not support fullscreen mode. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application." My choices then are "Close" or "Ignore". Whichever option I click on, the program will then run, but in a miniscule window that I can't alter. how to get this to run in fullscreen like it did before? I'm working on getting him to join the 21st century, but in the interim, I'd like to make this least temporarily.

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Internet Explorer (64 Bit)

Nov 11, 2009

A freind of mine is having a few problems with her laptop..

She has a link in the start menu that says (internet explorer 64 bit)

This is what she clicks to go on the internet, Now when she visits or clicks on links, she will sometimes get a message that she needs to install flash player.

She already has the latest flash player installed, but apparently this does not work on this "internet explorer 64 bit"

I diden't even know there was a 64 bit internet explorer.

And it goes on to say something like flash player is for 32 bit browsers, for flash player to work on 64 bit browsers search online for help, or it directs you to microsoft help and support.

I don't really like to go messing around on someone elses laptop

so i thought i would just ask to see if there is one thing i could follow to fix this problem..

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Internet Explorer (7) Won't Run

Mar 8, 2010

Internet explorer (7) won't run. I found that the IEXPLORER.exe is not in the directory. I have tried to install IE8 but it fails on configuring every time. Same happens when I try to install the cummulative IE7 updates (she's not good at installing updates). Everytime I try any kind of install or update concerned with IE it fails at the configuration phase. Other problems are that she can no longer use windows messenger. This connects but terminates in failure almost instantly.

I've ran a Norton Security scan which has found 144 tracking cookies but nothing more. The fix now button produces fail to lauch link which may well have something to do with the IE problem. Google Chrome is installed and works OK. I don't know what the last good restart point is. I've tried going into the repair feature on windows live essentials through the programs and features in the control panel but I just get a fatal error 0x8007007. Can't even look at internet options in control panel. That won't open either.

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