Click On Program In Start Menu, Explorer Shuts Down And Restarts

Oct 29, 2009

When a click on a program in the start menu, explorer shuts down and restarts. However, if I drag the program to the desktop and click on it the program opens just fine. If I open windows explorer and right click on a file, explorer shuts down and restarts. Have there lost all context item availability.

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Explorer Shuts Down And Restarts Error Message

Mar 23, 2008

I own a Windows Vista Premium pc and every time I open a folder. For example "My Computer" the explorer shuts down and restarts without any error messages or warnings. I thought this was very strange as it usually gives error messages. I cannot open any folders.

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Start Menu :: Click On The Document And Nothing Happens

Aug 5, 2008

On my start menu, I click on the Document and nothing happens. How can I open it?

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Vista Start Menu Click Email Opens With IE7

Jul 4, 2008

I recently switched from IE7 to FireFox 3(Should have done it A LOT sooner!!!). I love the program except for one thing. In the Vista Start Menu when I click on my email button it still opens with IE7. Is there a way to fix this so that it uses FireFox instead?

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Computer Shuts Down With No Warning, Then Restarts

May 24, 2008

I am using Vista Ultimate and am on a fairly new computer, does anyone know what is causing this? I've ruled out overheating and energy problems. I set windows to not automatically restart and give me a blue screen on crashing, but it still shuts down and restarts with no warning. Is this a hardware issue? It's done this since I've gotten the computer but it seems to be getting worse now.

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Computer Shuts Down With No Warning And Then Restarts

May 23, 2008

I am using Vista Ultimate and am on a fairly new computer, does anyone know what is causing this?

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Windows Mail Shuts Down Restarts

Mar 23, 2008

when I try to print an email, windows mail shuts down and then restarts. Of course I send the information when that pop up window appears. As yet, I have not received a reponse from Microsoft. I am running Vista Home Premium on a gateway laptop.

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Not All Program Will Run From Start Menu

Apr 14, 2008

Not all programs listed in the pinned area and recently run area of the Start Menu will run when you click on them.This is true particularly of MS Office programs.Some programs will run when clicked on, but not others.With those that won't run, you have to go to "All Programs" and select them from there.This is very annoying, because you never know which programs will run.In Windows XP, you never had this problem.I was hoping that SP-1 would fix this, but it didn't.Do others have this problem? Can it be fixed?

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Start Menu Doesn't Recognize The Program

Feb 16, 2010

Two days ago I deleted a few shortcuts from my desktop, now everytime I even try to go to IE, a windows pops up asking me which program do I want to use to open IE - this is happening everytime I try to open a new window and for exapmple i want to go to Google... Also, one of the shortcuts i deleted is Skype, now if I try to open Skype from the icon I have on the bottom toolbar or form the Start menu, a window pops up saying that it doesn't recognise the program - any ideas of what I've done wrong and if there is a solution??

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Start Menu Program Folders Not Open

Aug 28, 2008

For some reason, In my start menu programs list, i have the programs folder in it with all the other programs in it aswell.

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Program Data Microsoft Windows Do Not Contain Start Menu

Aug 21, 2008

all of the sudden (i havent noticed when it happend as i mainly use desktop icons) the programs have disapeared totally from the "All Programs". Most of the oem ones are there and i saw the thread to restore those, no biggy there, but the programs that i installed are gone now too, like Office, flight sim x, wow, quickbooks, etc. is there a way i can restore or retrieve those without reinstalling? i dont really want to go and copy shortcuts manually. the Programdatamicro softwindows does not contain Start Menu?

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Window Explorer, Start Menu

Jun 7, 2008

I can change windows explorer to open at the local disc "c" with out going through 'computer", etc.? Whenever I delete an item from the start button, it is back next time I power up....................

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Starting Without Explorer.exe, Have To Run Manually From Start Menu

Oct 15, 2009

vista starting without explorer.exe, so have to run explorer.exe manually from the task manager to get start menu and everything running normally.... I am not sure of the right category, because this may be is related to virus, driver and system restore issues, please move in the right section, following is the system configuration and the history: also sorry for the long message, but I am really stuck here and if you could spare some time to look into this issue, I tried to provide as much history and details on the issue not just to help you understand my problem but also as a warning for other users who may run into this issue in the future.. it may be a known issue and I just happen to run into it still I would like to provide details and history of what happened, if you help me I will be in your dept for sure!! and you may ask my help anytime if you need something System configuration: my friend has a toshiba satellite latop, with vista premuim. it can preloaded on the laptop. I am not sure of the exact system model and processor but if it's relevant I can provide that info, but I suspect there is some ASUS components/drivers in the system, later I will explain why I think so, as I said I can provide system model or CPU or hardisk space but at this point I feel it's not relivant, cause it's an issue with explorer.exe right now but if you think it's required I will ask for that info, please understand I am giving support over seas from this user but we are in touch via msn and phone so if you want any additional info, even screen shots I will try to provide. History: the Problem started when she called me, and showed me a screen shot of AVG anti-virus free edition trying to remove some virususes off her computer. she said the virus came from a USB driver she borrowed from a friend. and AVG was complaining that it is not able to remove the virus because she has to buy the full AVG version. this sounded wierd, I tried to verify she is using the free AVG but I am not sure, so I ask her to uninstall AVG and try another anti-virus, first thing came to mind is avast, so I asked her to install the latest free version I think it's 4.8, but it turns out it's not compatabile with vista or her system and after some searching on the net I discover a known issue with avast/vista conflicting with some asus drivers and I suspect it is the same case, because she is also like the others reported, getting a blank screen and not able to logon. but before uninstalling avast from safe mode, I tried another suggestion ( I was not aware that avast was responsible at that point in time yet ) so I suggested she try last known good configuration. did that, but still she got blank screen again ( because avast was still there ) so I suggested she go to safe mode and try to uninstall avast ( this is after I found the issue with avast conflicing with asus drivers on some machines with vista ), after going into safe mode, she gets a view of her documents and no start button, after some questions on the phone I figured out that explorer.exe is not running, so asked her to try to run explorer.exe from the task manager, when she did that she got the start button, and was able to goto control panel and uninstall avast and then she rebooted vista. after reboot she was able to go into vista, but explorer.exe again won't run, unless she goto task manager and run it manualy everytime she reboots. I thought I'd do some research why is explorer.exe not running when the system is restarting, I thought maybe I could add it to the system startup or something, but not sure where would be the best place do to that, msconfig? or startup folder for that user? if someone can give me some advice that would be great. she already backed up her files now and ready for a re-format but I am really embarased would like to find a solution to this problem anyway, as now she think I might be an idiot for my poor selection of antivurs software, It's strange I never heard of this compatability issues and I installed avast on vista on other toshiba latops and many systems and I never had this issue ever, I suggested she try another anti-virus but she is afraid now and wants to re-format... and take her time which I understand, but in the mean time I want to try and fix this explorer.exe not runing.

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Get The Email Link In The Start Menu Not To Use Explorer

Oct 17, 2008

First question, Is there a way to get the email link in the start menu not to use explorer?? Second Question, Why are my only two options Windows Mail or Live Mail?? Out of a billion different mail servers used by their customers and they pull that kind of crap?? (we'll make Windows "easy to use" except if you want to use someone else's software.

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Explorer.exe Taskbar Restarts

Aug 18, 2009

I been having my taskbar restart when I open something like a folder or program and I get a message saying explorer has to restart.

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Pasting Document Into E-mail Program Shuts Down

May 6, 2009

When I copy a document from Works and try to paste into a new e-mail the e-mail program shuts down. This procedure used to work okay but no longer does. I am using Vista basic.

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Computer Shuts Down At Start-Up

Mar 23, 2008

I have a new Acer Aspire computer running on Windows Vista. I've had it set up for a week now, running every day without any problems. Today, I switched on the computer and before Vista loaded, the computer shut down on its own. I tried again and this time got a screen asking if I want to run a start-up diagnostic. I chose that and the computer shut down again. I switched on again and this time Vista loaded and everything was ok. Apart from installing daily important Window Vista updates, I haven't changed anything on the system.

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No Right-Click Menu In 64

Nov 2, 2008

Although most of my XP/Vista 32 bit apps work fine in Vista 64, many do not show their right-click context menus even though I have enabled them. There are a few that appear but the majority do not. Is there some way to correct this?

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Starwars Battlefront 2: Start Game And Shuts Down

Mar 23, 2008

on starwars battlefront 2 when trying to play the game it lets me get all the way to trying to start a game and then it shuts down, it doesnt give me any errors or anything and im running it in compatability mode but it just wont run the games when i try to play them does anyone know if its just that vista doesnt allow it or is there something else i need to do (i even run it as admin)

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Winzip Right Click Menu

Aug 22, 2009

I have Ultimate 64.

I have just installed Winzip 10 and there is no right click menu in explorer except for the usual Open/Send to etc, there is not "extract to here" Add to archive etc.

These are all selected in options/context menu commands.

Is there something in Vista 64 that is stopping it.

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Search In Right Click Menu

Jun 10, 2008

Noticed that when we right click on a folder, we do not see the search option anymore in Vista. Instead, we can see a search bar on the top right hand side in Windows Explorer (After opening the Folder/drive contents) Is there a setting/registry tweak?

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New Menu Right Click Items

May 11, 2009

I want to delete a few items from my vista new menu right click but have no idea how to do this tru the registry or if there is a utility program that will make this easier.. i want to remove adobe life cycle, windows call,adobe 3d reviewer, contact..

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Changing Right Click Menu Options?

May 15, 2010

I did it a while ago, but I have completely forgotten how to do it? Perhaps somebody could enlighten me?

To be more precise, I recently installed the K-Lite codec pack, and it has added an option on my right click menu, which is displayed when right clicking on any file, called "Media Info". This is quite annoying because I don't use the program often enough for it to be on my right click menu. So I would like that to be deleted.

I would also like to add an option to my right click menu that is displayed with any file called, "Scan with Spybot - Search & Destroy". And this should obviously scan with spybot. The directory for Spybot is the default:

C:Program FilesSpybot - Search & DestroySpybotSD.exe

Preferably, it should have the spybot logo next to the scan option, but I don't know whether this is asking alot.

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Missing Context Menu/right Click

Mar 23, 2008

i have loads of items missing from my right click menu when i click on files the run as has gone also the open and install have all gone a few winrar have gone even though i have uninstalled it then reinstalled it. I'm running vista ultimate i have 1535mb ram with a 512ddr2 graphics card please help or i'm going back to xp

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Items Removed From Right-click Menu?

Oct 29, 2009

It's time to take care of another issue. How are items removed from the right-click menu? There's a "Scan with Spybot" on the menu and it's been uninstalled months ago. Also, how are things added to the right-click menu? The PC = HP Pavilion/VistaHomePremium SP/2 w/all updates. 500G HD, 3G Ram, AMD dual-processor.

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Mail: No Option For Delete In The Right Click Menu

Nov 23, 2009

In the folder "indexed file locations" there are a lot of old emails I thought were deleted from my system. When I try to delete one or more of them, there is no option for delete in the right click menu. How can I get rid of the old emails as none of them have any importance to me?

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Lost Special Attributes Right Click Menu

May 7, 2008

Most of the items on the right of the Start Menu have special attributes, in that they show an info tooltip on mouseover and have specially tailored right-click menus. My Recent Files item seems to have lost its special attributes and the right-click menu is now just a standard one, with no option to clear the list (if I want to do this, I now have to go to my roaming profile and delete the shortcuts manually). What caused this, and how do I fix it? (I searched for a sample of tooltip text like 'See the disk drives' in the registry, but nothing came up)

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Right Click Menu On Drive Open Option Is Not Default

Jun 27, 2009

When I right click a drive on my shows explore as the default option and is highlighted than the open....I check for trojans and viru but none were found.

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Start Computer Get Nothing No Icons Start Menu

May 11, 2008

when i start my computer i get nothing no icons start menu or anything but i do get a my documents window and from there i have to ctrl alt delete then go to file run and run explorer does anyone know how to make it to where i dont have to do all that stuff to run explorer basically does anyone know how to make it where when i start my computer it is normal with explorer running?

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Play Games In Either Dx9 Or Dx10 When You Right Click On Shortcut And Select It From The Menu

Apr 21, 2008

I hear you can choose to play games in either dx9 or dx10 when you right click on shortcut and select it from the menu. When i do this for instance i dont see the option available, once i saw with crysis launching analysis then it went away.

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Right-click Certain Files Desktop Context Menu Loads Slow

Oct 8, 2008

Recently I've noticed that when I right click on certain files or the desktop, that it would load the context menu after about 1 second. I know this isn't much but it should not take that long for something that small. I went ahead and removed many items from the context menu and the desktop and all other files load the context menu almost instantly. My problem is that .exe files still take 1-2 seconds to load their context menu. I tried removing almost ALL the options in the context menu.

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