Large Number Of Systems Infected With W32/Conficker

Jan 20, 2009

If computer is infected with this worm, Customer may not experience any symptoms, or you may experience any of the following symptoms: Account lockout policies are being tripped. Automatic Updates, Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS), Windows Defender, and Error Reporting Services are disabled. Domain controllers respond slowly to client requests. The network is congested. Various security-related Web sites cannot be accessed.............

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After Updating Got Large Number Of DCOM Errors

Aug 25, 2008

I came into the office this morning to find my computer (Toshiba Portege, M700) in a state that seemed to be hung up in the midst of a windows update reboot. So I waited for a while, and nothing happened. The last normal reboot seems to have taken place sometime prior to about 3am Central time Sunday morning, when a Windows update was done (so it seems from Event Viewer). After that time, there are a large number of DCOM errors - things like WSearch failing to start, etc. A half hour later, tired of waiting, I decided to hard reset. Once I did that, the machine has yet to come up to a running state outside of safe mode. Among the things (I didn't catalog each and every reboot, etc.) tried were reboots into normal mode with just about every non-essential piece of software disabled, uninstallation of Sophos antivirus and Adobe Acrobat Pro and other biggies, etc. Never did I get a "normal mode" reboot to work. I've also restored the system to several set points prior to the weekend, to no avail. I will post some event viewer text when I have the chance tomorrow, but I'm totally dead in the water. I'm posting this note just in case this happened to anyone else this weekend or at their last Windows Update.

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Number Of Linux Distributions Surpasses Number Of Users

Apr 5, 2008

"Somewhere in California - At 8:30 PDT with the release of Snoopy Linux 2.1 and Goober Linux 1.0, the number of Linux distributions finally surpassed the number of actual Linux users." "We've been expecting it for some time," Merrill Lynch technology analyst Tom Shayes said, "but this is a little sooner than most expected. We've seen explosive growth in the number of Linux distributions, in fact my nephew just put out LittleLinux Chart Tommy Linux 1.1 last week."

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Conficker Apocalypse

Mar 30, 2009

Quote: Will the Conficker worm, expected to activate on April 1, set off viral destruction or be a dud?

Security experts say Conficker.C (also called Downadup) presents a serious threat. Infected machines -- said to number from 3 million to 10 million globally, depending on estimates -- could be activated for data destruction and theft or espionage, spam relays or denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. While a "doomsday scenario" on April 1 seems unlikely, many security professionals regard Conficker.C as the malware fruit of a disciplined criminal operation out to make money off it.

More here: Conficker on April 1st: Eve of destruction or big joke? - Network World

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Conficker.C, WORM, Serious Threat!!

Mar 25, 2009

Just when you might have thought it was safe to start using USB flash drives at work again, the third, and by all accounts, most fiendish version of the Conficker worm that's infected millions of PCs already is set to attack on April 1st, Ars Technica reports. Conficker.C's designed to hide itself even more thoroughly than its older siblings Conficker.A and Conficker.B, using tricks such as:

•Inserting itself into as many as five Windows-related folders such as System, Movie Maker, Internet Explorer, and others (under a random name, of course)
•Creating access control entries and locking the file(s)
•Registers dummy services using a "one (name) from column A, one from column B, and two from column C" method
To find out what happens when Conficker.C strikes, join us after the jump.

Conficker.C's payload makes it harder than ever to recover from being infected:

•Deactivates Windows Security Center notifications
•Prevents restart in Safe Mode
•Prevents Windows Defender from running at system startup
•Deletes all system restore points
•Disables various error-reporting and security services
•Terminates over twenty security-related processes
•Blocks DNS queries
•Blocks access to security and antivirus websites
•And, to top it all off, Conficker.C can choose from a list of 500 domains to contact out of a pool of 50,000 (way up from Conficker.B's 32 out of 250).

Link:This is No Joke: Conficker.C to Strike on April Fools' Day | Maximum PC

Removal Tool: How to use the Downadup removal tools -


I can't say much else, as I don't know much else, though I read about this on another Forum I belong to. I have all my Updates in place as always, ran MS Malware Removal Tool, Ran complete system Scan, my PC turned up clean of
Conflicker A and B as well as C, but then C has not been released as yet.


I do know MS has a bounty out on the individual responsible, $250,000 BUCKS!!

That should give you guys an Idea of how SERIOUS this THREAT is!!

I am not sure about the removal tool either, but that's the only one I found.
Thus far.

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Conficker Worm Gets An Upgrade

Feb 26, 2009

Conficker worm gets an upgrade. The Conficker worm, which infected millions of PCs last month, has received an upgrade which makes it much more effective. The new variant, dubbed Conficker B++, has been redesigned to get around attempts to shut it down. Previous versions checked for software updates from a list of 250 randomly generated URLs. But security companies managed to reverse engineer the algorithm that generated the URLs and design a way to block the software from updating. The new variant now uses a new set of backdoors to update itself.

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BitDefender Has A Cure For Conficker

Mar 16, 2009

"BitDefender has released what it claims is the first vaccination tool to remove the notorious Conficker virus that infected some 9 million Windows machines in about three months.The worm, also known as Downadup, exploits a bug in the Windows Server service used by Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Server 2003 and Server 2008.

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Experts Warn Of Imminent Conficker Attack

Apr 9, 2009

Experts warn of imminent Conficker attack. Security experts have uncovered new Conficker activity which could indicate that the hackers behind the worm are finally gearing up for an assault. Researchers at Trend Micro discovered a new variant of Downad/Conficker last night, called Worm_Downad.E, which is spreading over the peer-to-peer network of infected PCs created by the previous version.

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System Infected?

Jun 21, 2008

I've been infected with Winspyprotect on one of my networked machines which is a rogue anti-spyware program similar to Spy Axe. I tells you falsely that your system is infected and then try's to coerce you into buying the program by continuous pop-ups.I've done a bit of research on the net on the other machine and found several sites which claim they can remove it, but as they're all .exe files I have no way of knowing if they're genuine or if they're a trick which will infect the other machine.

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Infected And Deleted .dll

Jun 2, 2008

I manually deleted an .dll which was infected (according to my anti virus software), the file was somewhere in AppData/Local, and its tag was "byXPGWpn.dll". Now every time I log on to Windows Vista a warning dialog appears informing that the file wasn't found. I restore the system to a previous point, but nothing happened. What does this file do? Should I replace it? If so: Ho do I get it?

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Back Up Pictures Infected?

May 26, 2008

if i backed up my pictures on DVD at a time when i was infected with malware and I then clean install vista, will i reinfect myself if i try to put pictures back on my computer from that DVD?

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Infected Virus And Recovery Explorer

Jan 9, 2010

recently my pc was infected with a virus that kept opening pop-ups saying i had virus' and to remove it, i had to buy their software, i ignored all that stuff and i have HOPEFULLY removed it all.but now.. my explorer.exe doesn't open when i start my computer, this happened to me before , but i forgot how to do it, all i remember was something on regedit and renaming or chaning something...

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Still Infected With Trojan After Complete Reinstall

Apr 7, 2010

I've been trying to remove a trojan horse generic14.ADOZ for a while. I've tried scanning with malwarebytes, AVG, VIPRE. That didn't work so I backed up my data and did a complete reinstall. Upon startup, I performed an AVG scan and it came up with the same unremovable trojans I had before reinstallation.

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Lost Admin Privilege Infected Account

Aug 11, 2008

I got my laptop from my school, and it's Windows Vista Business. After 4 months using my laptop and using internet explorer, IE started to mess up! Everytime i opened my homepage: Google, it will redirect to a dating site. And every sort of pop ups appeared... the pop up blocker were turned on, homepage was set to, security setting was at the highest, blocked all cookies, and all sort of things i did. Also, it makes my startup , and performance become 6X time slower than usual. After doing some searching on google, i found this tutorial site, there's a tutorial that exactly i have, it says that my User Account/profile is infected or something, it says to delete the account that's infected. I backed up all my files, and created a new admin account, and deleted that "infected" account.

It really worked, IE was fine, performance and such. But that was just temporarily, after 2 days, All the pop ups and stuff come back. So, i deleted the admin account i'am using, BUT I FORGOT TO MAKE ANOTHER ADMIN ACCOUNT!! And i'am still using a guest account. I can't install, create a user account, use windows update, and all the admin Privileges. There is one Administrator account, but i don't know the password. Oh the laptops is Toshiba, and i think the admin account is created by toshiba. Is there another way of retrieving, or whatever method to be an admin for my laptop again WITHOUT reinstalling my Windows Vista.

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Infected Hard Drive Can Be Attached To XP To Clean Virus?

Aug 19, 2009

Can I attach my infected Vista HDD into an XP set and do a Virus/Malware scan? Will it find and clean Registry items as well as files?

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High Jack Entry, Registry Data Items Infected?

Feb 8, 2009

This keeps reappearing when I scan with "Malwarebytes:"

"Registry Data Items Infected:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorerNoActiveDesktopChanges (Hijack.DisplayProperties) -> Bad: (1) Good: (0) -> No action taken."

I remove it and it will appear aging some time later??

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User Got Infected With Malware/virus It Don't Propagate On The Rest Of The Users

Mar 28, 2008

Is this true behaviour of Vista that if one user got infected with malware/virus it don't propagate on the rest of the users? I already fixed two vista computer with the same behaviour, the other users are not infected.

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Infected Files With Virus Named Trojan-Downloader.Win32.VB.dck

Jan 10, 2009

I turned on my computer the other day and an automatic download started to update my Verizon Internet Security Suiter (FIOS). I started a scan of my computer with the update. The new Security Suite update supposedly found 29,000+ infected files with a virus named Trojan-Downloader.Win32.VB.dck? The weird thing is - When I look for the files that are supposedly infected - or the folder that these files supposedly exist in I can't find it. The virus appears to have created a folder named " ' " on my hard drive - but when I look for this folder I can't find it. Even if I view hidden folders. My computer doesn't appear to be running strangly like it is infected. But the virus scan says it is.

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When Will New Systems Ship With X64

Nov 19, 2007

I've had waiting for XP x64 & finally Vista x64 Drivers to be released to take advantage of my dual core 64 bit hardware after XP x64 became orphaned by the hardware manufacturers it's occurred to me to ask; when will PC manufacturers finally ship new systems with Vista x64 or any 64 bit OS for that matter.......

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How To Delete Systems Folder

Feb 27, 2009

I have just re-install Windows Vista Home Premium 32Bits and during the installation the system made a partition of the documnets in the previous version or settings of Vista. It create a folder called "Windows.Old". previously in another installations appered the same folder and I got deleted, but now I can't. It takes me about 22GB of my hard disk and I really need that space, but now I don't know what happen because I can't delete the folder.. It says: "you need premission for perform this action". I am log on as Adminisrator and I tried to delete it in Safe Mode.

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How Do Run Multiple Operating Systems

Nov 16, 2009

How do i run multiple operating systems in one pc? Without virtual machines & will that effect/affect me?

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Uninstalling Screensaver Without Having To Do A Systems Restore

Apr 15, 2008

I recently installed a screensaver and now wish to uninstall it, but when I click on Control Panel and "Uninstall a Program" it isn't in the list. I'm unable to uninstall it from the Screensavers screen as well. How can I uninstall this screensaver without having to do a systems restore?

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Login: Same User Id Password On Both Systems?

Mar 23, 2008

In order to understand my problem first let me describe wonderful world I was in XP professional.

1. I had two laptops running XP professional. They were member of domain say XXX.

2. In both laptops on Cdrive I had shared folder myPrivateData

3. In office (while connected to domain) both laptop could see shared folders of each other.

4. In home I signed on with cashed credentials of domain and could operate as peer to peer network without any problem. (i.e. I signed on using domainnameuserid profile)


My problem started when I replaced one laptop with new laptop installed with vista business 64............

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Configuring New Gaming With 32 Bit And 64bit Systems

Jan 7, 2009

I am currently in the process of configuring a new Dell XPS 630. I want the system to be primarily for gaming. I have yet to use a PC with Vista, so needless to say I am not familiar with it, let alone the difference between Vista 32-bit and 64 bit systems. The price difference between the 32- and 64-bit systems that I am debating between is very small. Anyway, my questions and concerns are. Is there an advantage to having a 62-bit version over a 32-bit version of vista when it comes to gaming? Any performance problems/issues of one or the other?

If I get the 64-bit version, will 4GB of RAM be enough for gaming or do I need more? Which processor will be better... Intel® Core™2 Q6600 Quad-Core (8MB L2 cache,2.40GHz,1066FSB) or Intel® Core™2 E8500 (6MB,3.16 GHz, 1333FSB)? How much hard drive space does the OS take up? Would a 500GB hard drive be a decent size. (assuming I plan to remove most games after they are completed)Here is the configuration Im looking at. Price with shipping comes to $1216 USD. Plus I have $550 worth of Dell gift cards I've been saving. Nice thing is 19in monitor is included.........

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Disabled DELL Support On 64 Bit Systems

Apr 22, 2009

This is a very interesting release. It adds full support for a lot of new hardware. AMCC/3WARE users will be happy to see SMART data for all of their EIDE/SATA hard disks. Full Intel QST support has been added too (you need to RUN AS ADMIN on some OS). Support for new SMBuses (like nVidia MCP79 and SiS968) is there. New chips (like the ADT7470 and the ADT7462) have been added and support has been improved for some others. ITET8720 identification has been greatly improved. DELL support is now tested on more chipsets. Windows7 32 and 64 bit has been added and verified. Both the installer and the executable are now digitally signed. A lot of refinements, improvements and bug fixes were applied. Quote: 4.38
added full support for AMCC/3ware SMART readings
added full support for Intel QST
added full support for ADT7470
added full support for ADT7462....
disabled DELL support on 64 bit systems
added /NODELLSCAN command line parameter
fixed daylight saving time handling in event emails
added full support for Windows 7 32 and 64 bit
fixed a minor bug that caused the main window to be minimized when clicked
CONFIGURATION / SPEEDS SpinBoxes now allow manual edit...

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Vista Systems Tools Defragmenter

Nov 23, 2008

I have disc defragmenter to run at a certain time, say I am away from my pc and my screen saver comes on does it still work? as in run disc defrag still?

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Search Engines, Systems Change Things

Jun 9, 2009

I had Google as my Search Engine. Reset my computer and wound up with someting called "Bing" by MSN. How can I get rid of it and back to where I was? Hate it when these systems change things. What I DON"T know about computers would fill a swimming pool.

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Operating Systems, Excel Thumbnails Have Never Worked

May 16, 2009

I've been using Vista Ultimate for a while, now Windows 7 7100(Which is awesome). In both operating systems, Excel thumbnails have never worked, only for the other office 2007 applications. Anyone know why this is?

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Triple-booting - What Order To Install The Operating Systems

May 12, 2008

I've been using WinXP Pro since it was first released and I'm very happy with it. However, I have a requirement to learn about Vista and Linux so I recently bought a 500GB hard drive and intend to partition it in the following way: three partitions, each 50GB in size, one for XP, one for Vista Ultimate and one for Linux (probably Ubuntu) with the remainder of the disc probably split into either two or three partitions for music, photos and user documents/data. My question is, in what order do I install the operating systems, so that when I power up the machine, I'm presented with the choice of which OS to boot into?

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The ATI Catalyst Control Centre Will Not Run Properly With Vista X64 Systems

Dec 24, 2008

Like many other users I see on this forum, which I think is great by the way, I am new to the game of Vista and find that i have much to learn. I have a question regarding Graohics cards for someone to answer. I am running an ATI (POwerColor) 4850 and the local company that built the computer for me claims that the ATI Catalyst Control Centre will not run properly with Vista x64 systems. The card itself is running fine, but I began qustioning them on this when I found no control centre installed. The CCC apparently causes the card to crash quite often, so they suggested I only install the driver and not the CCC the next time I update. Makes me a little nervous to install the 8.12 driver now!!

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How To Get Windows Media Centre To Play AVI & MKV Files On X32 & X64 Systems.

Aug 13, 2008

How to get AVI files to play on Windows Media Centre on x32 & x64 systems.


1st Uninstall all codecs first.

2nd Then use this codec cleaner :: Download Vidc.Cleaner 09.03.2004 : If you don't see all codecs in VirtualDub, VirtualdubMod or other programs try Vidc.Cleaner

3rd And now reinstall the codecs. Use these VistaCodecs x64Components Download - Softpedia


How to get Windows Media Centre to play MKV files on x32 & x64 systems.

How to get MKV files to play on Windows Media Centre on x32 & x64 systems.

1st Open up a notepad!

2nd Copy the text below that is between the lines and paste into the notepad:-

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"Content Type"="video/mkv"


3rd Then save notepad as MKV to documents folder.

4th Then double-click on it to activate the device.
at this point you should be able to watch AVI and MKV files on your WMC

There you go!

All tried & trusted.

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