After Updating Got Large Number Of DCOM Errors

Aug 25, 2008

I came into the office this morning to find my computer (Toshiba Portege, M700) in a state that seemed to be hung up in the midst of a windows update reboot. So I waited for a while, and nothing happened. The last normal reboot seems to have taken place sometime prior to about 3am Central time Sunday morning, when a Windows update was done (so it seems from Event Viewer). After that time, there are a large number of DCOM errors - things like WSearch failing to start, etc. A half hour later, tired of waiting, I decided to hard reset. Once I did that, the machine has yet to come up to a running state outside of safe mode. Among the things (I didn't catalog each and every reboot, etc.) tried were reboots into normal mode with just about every non-essential piece of software disabled, uninstallation of Sophos antivirus and Adobe Acrobat Pro and other biggies, etc. Never did I get a "normal mode" reboot to work. I've also restored the system to several set points prior to the weekend, to no avail. I will post some event viewer text when I have the chance tomorrow, but I'm totally dead in the water. I'm posting this note just in case this happened to anyone else this weekend or at their last Windows Update.

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Large Number Of Systems Infected With W32/Conficker

Jan 20, 2009

If computer is infected with this worm, Customer may not experience any symptoms, or you may experience any of the following symptoms: Account lockout policies are being tripped. Automatic Updates, Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS), Windows Defender, and Error Reporting Services are disabled. Domain controllers respond slowly to client requests. The network is congested. Various security-related Web sites cannot be accessed.............

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Windows Mail Errors Occurred While Processing, But Show No Errors

Jul 4, 2008

I am having a problem with my Windows Mail. I have had to do a restore using the Packard Bell restore feature on the advice of my tech guy and have encountered a problem. Prior to the restore everything worked fine.

The problem is in the send/receiving of mail. When I press the Send/Receive button the Windows Mail dialogue box (showing the error tab) comes up a tells me;

Some errors occurred while processing the requested tasks. Please review the list of errors below for more details?

No errors are showing and at the bottom of the box it shows ?0 of 3 tasks completed successfully?.

At the bottom right hand corner of my screen it shows the number of the last messages received. I can still send messages if I go to; Tools, Send and Receive and Send.

On starting up my PC and Windows Mail, mail is received and sent in the normal way but when I try Send/Receive any time after that the problem occurs.

I have checked my ISP mailbox and there are no outstanding messages.

I have checked all my setting against my laptop and they match, I have three e-mail addresses and am operating Windows Vista Premium, all updates are downloaded automatically.

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24 Errors Errors In Event Viewer

Jun 15, 2009

from the first day I have seen plenty of errors in Event Viewer Acer Support even sent me System and Recovery Disc,s. I did a Recovery to Factory Default and there are 24 errors Errors in Event Viewer right after the Recovery was done, BEFORE I connect to the Internet for Updates. The only options this disc,s give me is Recovery to Factory default or recovery from back up, I don't have besides what good is it to make a backup when the first install is full of errors and I don't get to chose which applications or program s to install. In my older Computer, Vista home basic I get to Install Windows with no errors and get to chose which application to Install.

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Number Of Linux Distributions Surpasses Number Of Users

Apr 5, 2008

"Somewhere in California - At 8:30 PDT with the release of Snoopy Linux 2.1 and Goober Linux 1.0, the number of Linux distributions finally surpassed the number of actual Linux users." "We've been expecting it for some time," Merrill Lynch technology analyst Tom Shayes said, "but this is a little sooner than most expected. We've seen explosive growth in the number of Linux distributions, in fact my nephew just put out LittleLinux Chart Tommy Linux 1.1 last week."

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Having Errors And Bluescreens

Oct 7, 2009

I'm having errors and bluescreens with my computer recently. Sometimes it will run and operate normally, others it will stop running applications, and give a bluescreen then shutdown. From reading others posts I have learned I need to give a description and a dump file, so I hope I can do both correctly. If any solutions posted please give specific directions, I am pretty good with the operating system, but fixing problems can be troublesome for me.

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Spybot Doesn't Fix Errors

May 25, 2009

Have been using spybot S&D for a while now on my Vista Laptop, but lately it does not fix the errors it finds. Something to do with Administrator rights.

I am the only user and the administrator.

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Rundll32 Errors On Videos?

Oct 21, 2008

I have been living with rundll32 errors for a while on my video files, I upgraded from xp to vista. It has not caused any real problems. However a few months ago I seemed to lost ability to deal with windows personalization. Can not change anything in windows color, theme or icon's said admin had turned off.. I was logged in as admin. I could live with this also as I could change my background and had set the colors to what I liked.

Well now things are worse two days ago the rundll32 errors started to happen a lot, Firefox crashed completely, would not run.. windows problem reporting told me to upgrade would crash with rundll32 error. My recyle bin went away, and can not replace, change icon's causes rundll32 error. Yesterday vista would no start.. took two times of repairing with upgrade disk and now seems to be fine. Went to in run to do a file check. got the error NTVDM.exe and command com will not load. NOw in personalize change color get rundll32 error. Checked event log they all seem to be the same error....

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Event Viewer 1,000's Of Errors On It

Dec 3, 2008

I explored my Event Viewer for the first time and noticed 1,000's of errors on it.

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Email Errors, Cannot Send

Mar 23, 2008

I've been battling an e-mail problem for quite some time, with little success. The below error presents itself, I've tried every available solution I ould find online, diabled firewalls, e-mail scanning, contacted my ISP results. REcipt of e-mail is fine, I just cannot send, any thoughts out there?The connection to the server has failed. Subject 'test', Account: 'Home', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): Yes, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

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Ghost Getting Disk Errors

Sep 13, 2008

I went to perform a Norton Ghost backup of the Maxtor XP partion, with the destination of the WDC small partition, and ghost got disk errors somewhere, and so i have done chkdsk, crap cleaning and defragmentation to the Maxtor XP partition. when I tried a third ghost sesson, i got a BSOD, and now XP sees the WDC Vista partion as RAW. However, if I flip over to WDC Vista x64 partition and use that as the operating system, everything appears normal and runs normal. so what can i do to have XP see the WDC Vista partition as NOT RAW! (obviously, I can't format or reformat it from XP.) or do i just live with XP missing the Vista partion?

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Running Lcd The Keyboard Errors

Jun 29, 2009

I just built a new desktop, installed Windows Vista Ultimate x64, and then after installing the drivers for my Logitech G15 keyboard,the software for running the LCD on the keyboard errors out upon startup, showing a MS Visual C++ run-time error. What's really starting to tick me off is that once this started occurring, (about 3-5 days ago), I have emailed Logitech Technical support, but so far, NO response. Not even an automatic response acknowledging they got the email.......

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Apr 5, 2009

Some advise in how to build my i7 rig. Well a few things changed, and I don't have the i7. I got a few different parts here and there, and just finally put the rig together last night.

First thing is first. My computer is saying my CPU is only 2.0Ghz! It states the name of the chip, but in the bios and benchmark test, it says it's only running at 2.0Ghz. What is the deal there? How does that even happen? Do I have a bad chip? Or is my chip somehow being under clocked? Now for the FUN stuff. Ever since I first booted my computer up, I've had COUNTLESS BSOD errors here and there. By the way I'm running Vista Ultimate. As well as the errors I've encountered I've been having some odd graphic errors too. After around 20 minutes of use, all the images on my screen get changed back into like 1000 color mode (instead of Millions of Colors) so everything looks just horrible. And things like clicking on the Start Menu give me only half the menu. I thought maybe it was the Card overheating, so I downloaded Riva Tunner and cranked the fan up to 100% to test it out, and I still get the same issues. Then I figured it was my drivers, since the ones that were on the CD were obviously old. So when I try to go to Nvidia's site and download the correct drivers, and install them, Windows says that the .EXE is corrupt. And that happens no matter what, no matter how many times I download the proper drivers....................

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Updating To X64 SP1

May 31, 2008

I have a fairly new comp (2 months old) running under X64 and running well. I had some trouble setting up my Sound Blaster Live but finally managed to get everything going using a file I found on this forum. After doing some reading here I find I should be updating to SP1 and that there might be issues with Creative drivers while doing so.

So before I attempt the download and install, I would be grateful for any advice. Like... should I remove my Sound Blaster? Do I need to un-install the creative driver? Can I just disable that piece of hardware in the device manager? Can I leave everything the way it is and attempt the download/install? Or is there something completely different I should be doing to make this the least painful possible.

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Updating ....

Jan 14, 2010

I've had a few problem's with my computer since building it a few years ago and i've managed to bear the brunt of them, but the one that I've never been able to fix has finally got me. I can't seem to update Vista! I got a new game today Order of War, which requires Service Pack One, so I did the what was needed, I went into my Windows Update and asked the program to update my computer, 106 important updates downloaded and installing, then comes the part I didn't want to see, it tells me the updates were downloaded but not all were able to be installed, about 2 of them got installed! So I restarted, and done it again and still nothing

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Upgrade On The Forums Find Errors

May 23, 2008

I will be doing a few upgrade on the forums today....expect things to get funky. If you find any errors, please report them here so I can get them fixed.

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Can Not Find Ext Hard Drive Errors

Feb 21, 2009

I thought I saw a post from someone who was having this same issue but couldn't find it. I am trying to check an ext hard drive for errors and when I try to "safely remove it" and keep getting the message that it is still in use when there is nothing using it, the light is steady. This happens for both my drives often. What gives?

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Vista 64 Goes To Sleep: Tcpip.sys Errors

Aug 26, 2008

Vista 64 goes to sleep or coma while on the web using various bit torrent clients. Always requires a hard reboot. Happens even at night when unattended. Goes in spurts, OK for a couple of weeks and then quite often. Flashget is the worst, tried just about all the bit torrent clients available. Something has to present a conflict or it has something to do withh ATT Dsl (maybe). Had a lot of tcpip.sys errors in event viewer. There are ways to patch this but it is not something I want to do. I would just like to prevent these errors, if they really precipitated the coma.

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Install Vista 64 Event Log Errors

Sep 2, 2008

i have been getting issues with lock ups in vista, not sure what is causing the issue but suspect its driver related possibly with video drivers. I am sure this has been talked about previously but have tried lots of other peoples fixes but still get the same problem. Clean install vista 64 with no problems or event log errors, do a create system restore point. Install crucial updates only restart and check event viewer with no errors, create system restore.

Install latest Nvidia mobo drivers restart and check event viewer no errors, create a restore point. Install Nvidia beta drivers restart and check event viewer with lots of errors seemingly appear unrelated to driver so uninstall drivers and do a system restore point to before the install of drivers. Cleaned log of errors and restarted to make sure logs are still clean. Installed signed Nvidia drivers 177.41 and restarted and checked logs to find i still got some new errors but not as many, during the point of loading video drivers the first time i get errors and random lockups.

I was going to uninstall the drivers again but it locked up so after reboot when i got back to the desktop it was as if i didnt install the video drivers at all only the directory on C: was there but no interface or anything wierd? I then installed the drivers again and restarted, it seem to shut down and boot up much faster this time and seem to work fine at this point but still get random lock ups with no info in event viewer or BSOD?

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Installing SP1: Get Numerous Visual C Errors

Apr 23, 2008

i had to upgrade my PC's so much to get it to work well, but it worked and the office 2007, amazing!, not once have I spent hours arguing with customers about why things that worked amazingly well in office 97 no longer work or having to explain the layout change... It really make's my life so much easier.. God bless Microsoft.. but after installing SP1 on my notebook I get numerous Visual C errors..I do however notice like 1000% performance gain in copy files over the network..Cause I was bored, I installed Windows 3.1 on a virtual machine (VMWARE).. And OH MY GOD! i think we've forgotten... On new hardware it loaded instantly.. It takes you longer to double click than it does to load the programs.. I'm starting to wonder if I should suggest DOS and Windows 3.1 to customers because it performs amazingly on current hardware.

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MS - Setup, Errors In Device Management

Mar 23, 2008

I have installed Vista Ultimate. I've networked it and loaded Office 2007, adobe, cuteFTP and AutoCAD 2008. Everything worked great. I moved it to the work station area, and the only thing different I connect was a new 24" HP monitor. I found and installed the drivers for the monitor. I get no ? or errors in device management. But upon bootup every time I get this error message. "This computer must be restarted before updating can continue. Would you like to restart now." All of the MS updates have been done. I can still access the network, all programs seem to run correctly. I can surf the internet with no problems.

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System Restore Can't C Drive Errors

Oct 14, 2009

First off, after restarting my computer one day, I found it to either not get past the loading screen or freeze 5 minutes after if i could log on. I tried a few things that did not work and went to do a system restore from the windows repair tools upon booting up. When i tried to restore i get the message that a system restore cannot be done because the C drive had errors. It prompted me to do a disk consistency check upon restart which i did. After trying a few times i find that it always freezes at 7% through, and will not move. Finally, i tried booting into safe mode, only to find that it too freezes when it is loading files, always at windows/system32/drivers/crcdisk.sys. The computer is only 2 months old, bought brand new at best buy. A rocketfish 550watt power supply and Geforce 9800 video card were installed by the employees, but no other hardware was replaced or tampered with.

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Updating To Vista SP1

Feb 14, 2009

I can not update to windows vista SP1 with windows update; therefore, I decided to download SP1. I download SP1 64bet and my PC did not support it. Then, I downloaded the 32bet. Unfortunately both of them did not work. I found out that my system is X86-based PC.

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Auto Updating

Apr 12, 2008

everytime i start up my laptop it just gets to the part where u have to put ur password but instead it says its installing updates it got stuck on update number 3 of 3 at 0% and it wont move it left it on for like 2 hours straight and it just stays like that after like a few minutes it just says shutting down. and the cycle starts over again it keeps doing that never any change anyone knows whats wrong with it and what i can do to fix it the laptop is a Toshiba Satellite.

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Updating The BIOS

Sep 7, 2009

Hi i have just bought a new laptop as i fried the MoBo in my last one which i bought in the early days of Vista, not realising what system requirements were for Vista i landed up with a very under resourced in the hardware dept. laptop and i am shure my constant tinkering with the hardware caused the death of it.

Which brings me to my query (now that i am overly paranoid about tinkering with hardware) i have been researching and have found there is very mixed opinion on applying Bios updates and was wondering what people here thoughts. I have two pending Bios updates 1st addresses better support for SP2 and the 2nd improves system performance & LCD panel brightness.

and if i apply these updates do i need to do both updates or just apply the current one, any opinions would be greatfully received.

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How Can I Stop IE8 From Updating?

Jul 29, 2009

I use Firefox and I would like IE8 to stop showing up as a critical update.

Here is a screen shot of the update options Window.s When I uncheck the box I can't continue - the continue button is grayed out.I would like to keep Auto Update on, but I don't want IE8 to install.

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Fingerprint Can't Updating

Dec 30, 2009

I recently updated a bunch of drivers on my Inspiron 1525 with Vista Home Premium 64bit; and, now the Fingerprint logon icon is on my login screen. It wasn't there before and I don't believe it was a part of my updating. I have searched everywhere for the Fingerprint Driver and have not found it or anything that could be linked to it. I wish to remove its annoying presence from my computer.

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Errors At Boot-up, Reformat, Or New Hard Drive?

Jan 6, 2009

I noticed my system getting rather sluggish over the past several days and giving errors at boot-up. I ran a disk cleanup and Check Disk with both options selected. The problem persisted, and CPU utilization was normal, so I started going through the event logs and found a slew of the following errors even after having done everything above:

Log Name: System
Source: disk
Date: 1/6/2009 2:13:54 PM
Event ID: 7
Task Category: None
Level: Error...............

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IMAP Command Not Sent To The Server Due To Non-network Errors

Jun 24, 2008

I get this error...Your IMAP command could not be sent to the server due to non-network errors. This could for example indicate a lack of memory on your system. How do I find out if it is a lack of memory issue? How do I resolve this?

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Hardware Config Smoothly And Errors Can Expect

Aug 21, 2009

I'm considering a motherboards swap on my current computer and do not want to reformat and reinstall vista home premium 32bit(oem) plus all my programs. I currently have a G-B p35-ds4 board and would swap to a gb p45 ds4 board. I intend to keep cpu,hdds, gpu and ram all the same and i only have sata drives (no ide drives). I am asking advice on wheather it will work fine due to the simular chipsets, and what i would need to uninstall so that it transitions to the new hardware config smoothly and what errors I can expect to pop up.

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Boot Failure, Having Blue Screen Errors

Jun 6, 2009

I run vista 32 home premium. My Pc was having blue screen errors. I ran every test that my pc could run ad everything passed. I was still having crashes so I decided to do a system recovery hoping that it would fix the problem. After doing a back up and system recovery the pc restarted and reformated the disk for windows. Everything was fine for about 2 minutes after the desk top loaded. Anoter blue screen and when it went to boot i got a boot failure please insert disk and press enter. I created a boot disk because i do not have the software for my pc because it got lost in a move. Anyway the boot up disk booted to pc doctor. I did every test that it would do everything is passing but i still get the boot error.

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