Event Viewer 1,000's Of Errors On It

Dec 3, 2008

I explored my Event Viewer for the first time and noticed 1,000's of errors on it.

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24 Errors Errors In Event Viewer

Jun 15, 2009

from the first day I have seen plenty of errors in Event Viewer Acer Support even sent me System and Recovery Disc,s. I did a Recovery to Factory Default and there are 24 errors Errors in Event Viewer right after the Recovery was done, BEFORE I connect to the Internet for Updates. The only options this disc,s give me is Recovery to Factory default or recovery from back up, I don't have besides what good is it to make a backup when the first install is full of errors and I don't get to chose which applications or program s to install. In my older Computer, Vista home basic I get to Install Windows with no errors and get to chose which application to Install.

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Looking Through Event Viewer

Sep 28, 2009

near the bottem i started and i have up 400 of the same errors. here is one going back to the start of the year. can anyone understand any of this? and also new critical errors just popes up saying something about my ipod.....its not plugged in

Log Name: Application
Source: Application Error
Date: 19/01/2009 9:32:34 AM
Event ID: 1000
Task Category: (100)
Level: Error
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: Harley

Faulting application powercfg.exe, version 6.0.6000.16386, time stamp 0x4549af7e, faulting module kernel32.dll, version 6.0.6001.18000, time stamp 0x4791a7a6, exception code 0xc0000142, fault offset 0x00009cac, process id 0x3b5a8, application start time 0x01c979bca88c8620.

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Enable Event Viewer

Mar 13, 2009

I already followed closely that tutorial Brink made, to boot on safe mode disable
WinMGMT, etc and it didn't work. I need Event Viewer to work so that Diskeeper works.

The following error i receive when trying to start the service by Services.MSC
Windows could not start the the Windows Event Log service on local Computer. Error 4201: The instance name passed was not recognized as valid by a WMI Data Provider. (The service is set to Automatic, tho)

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Event Viewer Not Start

Apr 7, 2008

I've been struggling with this for a couple of days now without any success, I noticed the the event viewer would not start, it reported that "Event Service is unavailable. Verify that the service is running" Well, the service was not running and my attempts to start Windows Event log result in an "Error 5: Access is denied"

So to Google I go. I tried several things that I found there, taking ownership of files, resetting the whole system to default permissions by using a Microsoft
utility. That reset everything except one folder that it reported as an error. That was the EtRTeventLog folder, this seems to locked out completely. I renamed the folder using Unlocker and Windows recreated a new folder but I still have the same problem.

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Event Viewer In Administrative Tools

Oct 17, 2009

I have a sound trigger for the 'Open program' event in Vista Basic sp2 x32 When my computer is idle and I "here" a program open the only thing I have to go by is the time it occurred. If I want to go to Event Viewer in Administrative Tools and see what this event was that triggered the event sound I'm overwhelmed with a bunch of categories and sub-categories. In order to find what opened at the specific time I need to check each category and sub-category. That is a real pain in the ass. I find no search capabilities in Event Viewer unless I've missed it. Is there some way of making a hunt for a specific time easier in Event Viewer? Or, is there some 3rd party software with the capability to sort all events by data and time??

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Way To Purge Events In Event Viewer?

Feb 5, 2010

I there a way to purge events in Event Viewer?

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Remove The 't', The Event Viewer Shortcut Comes Up?

Jul 30, 2008

Sometimes, when I search for items in the start menu, it gets iffy about using exact names. For example, if I type 'Event' (for Event Viewer), I get nothing. But, when I remove the 't', the Event Viewer shortcut comes up. The same thing happens when I search for the Task Scheduler (using 'Task' and removing the 'k')

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Install Vista 64 Event Log Errors

Sep 2, 2008

i have been getting issues with lock ups in vista, not sure what is causing the issue but suspect its driver related possibly with video drivers. I am sure this has been talked about previously but have tried lots of other peoples fixes but still get the same problem. Clean install vista 64 with no problems or event log errors, do a create system restore point. Install crucial updates only restart and check event viewer with no errors, create system restore.

Install latest Nvidia mobo drivers restart and check event viewer no errors, create a restore point. Install Nvidia beta drivers restart and check event viewer with lots of errors seemingly appear unrelated to driver so uninstall drivers and do a system restore point to before the install of drivers. Cleaned log of errors and restarted to make sure logs are still clean. Installed signed Nvidia drivers 177.41 and restarted and checked logs to find i still got some new errors but not as many, during the point of loading video drivers the first time i get errors and random lockups.

I was going to uninstall the drivers again but it locked up so after reboot when i got back to the desktop it was as if i didnt install the video drivers at all only the directory on C: was there but no interface or anything wierd? I then installed the drivers again and restarted, it seem to shut down and boot up much faster this time and seem to work fine at this point but still get random lock ups with no info in event viewer or BSOD?

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Windows Update: Event Viewer Won't Load

Jan 15, 2010

I've googled this probelm and seen many people with same/similar. i've been trying for days to fix it with no success. i'll provide as much info as i can after running windows update my event viewer won't load with this error message - mmc has detected an error in a snap in and will unload it and 2 options:

1) report error to microsoft and shut down mmc
2)unload snap in and continue running............................

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Event Viewer Time: System Freeze

Jul 29, 2009

here's the event: After uneventful computing for several hours this AM - I began to play Vista Spider Solitaire for some relaxation & the entire game/cursor - everything froze as I was about to win. Typical! Please note the time discrepancy below from the event log - indicating the correct date/time (7/21) from the log as opposed to the 'description' that indicates the wrong time and date from the previous day (7/20).

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Event Viewer Security Audit Failures

Oct 17, 2008

I was viewing the security logs in event viewer today (exciting I know!) when I noticed some audit failures. I like things running smoothly so this irked me a little. I have a number relating to tcp/ip: Code integrity determined that the image hash of a file is not valid. The file could be corrupt due to unauthorized modification or the invalid hash could indicate a potential disk device error.

File Name:DeviceHarddiskVolume1WindowsSystem32driversaswSP.sys Code integrity determined that the image hash of a file is not valid. The file could be corrupt due to unauthorized modification or the invalid hash could indicate a potential disk device error.......

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Event Viewer Wont Load / Explorer Crash

Sep 11, 2009

So I'm still chasing down why explorer keeps crashing, it's quite annoying. But I guess in doing so I messed with some setting (or maybe I didn't and this happened) and now my event viewer wont run, I even tried running it through cmd with the following commands: eventvwr.msc /s and just eventvwr.msc

I just tried to run event viewer to chase down my explorer crash, then that wont even run, I have no idea what the heck is going on... There's no "cause" except explorer usually crashes when I right click, or when I'm in my desktop folder. Those are the two main things. As far as the eventviewer, I'm clueless. If need be, I can do system restore, but more than likely that's an extreme measure for such a small issue. Its more an annoyance than anything else, it doesnt really bother me lol. Could it be AVG's context menu?

All I know is that this is really getting annoying, but anyway, if you guys have any suggestions that would be great. Do I need to post any screenshots of anything??? I can post them if needed. BTW I'm running Vista x64 SP2 on a HP dv4 lappy, the only taskbar items running are AVG, my pointer, and sound...

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Event Viewer - "unexpected Shutdowns"

May 9, 2009

My 'unexpected shutdowns' are random and occur -on average- once every session. They vary but usually go by two main scenarios: (1) Vista desktop and mouse cursor freezes - control/alt/delete and keyboard too - the only alternative is to push the PC restart button - or (2) the monitor goes black and Vista reboots on its own. What's usually happening when these scenarios occur? Well, I ought to keep a log ready to record these events. I'll soon have to try but as a student in a much earlier life - I took such bad lecture notes I could not read them after two class lectures. Here's what I can recall:1. I think most shutdowns have happened when either beginning to view a video or going to a new web page that pops up a streaming advertisement.

2. I recall one when I opened Windows Mail - but cannot say if I had clicked on anything yet or if mail was downloading at the time. So - it may not be Windows Mail but just the action of opening a new window? My Internet research indicates these 'unexpected shutdowns' have been frustrating Vista & earlier MS OS users for years. Rather surprisingly, I found no promising suggestions for troubleshooting or remedies - to date. For years the OS of my choice was W2K. If only Vista had W2K's reliability. I rarely - if ever- experienced such ongoing, unexpained W2K events.Perhaps I've missed some new info that addresses this issue - so that's the primary reason for this posting. Anything? I should add that upon rebooting after an unexpected shutdown - Vista asks if Safe Mode is desired during rebooting. I never benefited by going to Safe Mode - except that on the many occasions that I bypassed Safe Mode & choose normal rebooting - I would experience a variety of other issues soon afterwards. So - Safe Mode is probably the best way to go if one's patience permits - even if it avails few if any hints as to the specific shutdown

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Windows Mail Errors Occurred While Processing, But Show No Errors

Jul 4, 2008

I am having a problem with my Windows Mail. I have had to do a restore using the Packard Bell restore feature on the advice of my tech guy and have encountered a problem. Prior to the restore everything worked fine.

The problem is in the send/receiving of mail. When I press the Send/Receive button the Windows Mail dialogue box (showing the error tab) comes up a tells me;

Some errors occurred while processing the requested tasks. Please review the list of errors below for more details?

No errors are showing and at the bottom of the box it shows ?0 of 3 tasks completed successfully?.

At the bottom right hand corner of my screen it shows the number of the last messages received. I can still send messages if I go to; Tools, Send and Receive and Send.

On starting up my PC and Windows Mail, mail is received and sent in the normal way but when I try Send/Receive any time after that the problem occurs.

I have checked my ISP mailbox and there are no outstanding messages.

I have checked all my setting against my laptop and they match, I have three e-mail addresses and am operating Windows Vista Premium, all updates are downloaded automatically.

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XPS Viewer EP - How To Maximize The Viewer On Open

May 27, 2008

Both XP/Vista Concern: XPS Viewer EP (set as default, on opening XPS files) I can mazimise on open the shortcut XPS Viewer EP, however anytime I click on a XPS file, it opens in a normal windows. Moreover, Windows XP/Vista remember the last window size, XPS Viewer does not. Need opening XPS files in the XPS Viewer EP Maximized on Open (file option, registry?),

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PowerPoint Viewer

May 4, 2009

Can a 2007 PowerPoint presentation with the PowerPoint viewer be sent to someone by E-mail? If so, how is that done? I'm also using Vista.

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Having Errors And Bluescreens

Oct 7, 2009

I'm having errors and bluescreens with my computer recently. Sometimes it will run and operate normally, others it will stop running applications, and give a bluescreen then shutdown. From reading others posts I have learned I need to give a description and a dump file, so I hope I can do both correctly. If any solutions posted please give specific directions, I am pretty good with the operating system, but fixing problems can be troublesome for me.

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Spybot Doesn't Fix Errors

May 25, 2009

Have been using spybot S&D for a while now on my Vista Laptop, but lately it does not fix the errors it finds. Something to do with Administrator rights.

I am the only user and the administrator.

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Rundll32 Errors On Videos?

Oct 21, 2008

I have been living with rundll32 errors for a while on my video files, I upgraded from xp to vista. It has not caused any real problems. However a few months ago I seemed to lost ability to deal with windows personalization. Can not change anything in windows color, theme or icon's said admin had turned off.. I was logged in as admin. I could live with this also as I could change my background and had set the colors to what I liked.

Well now things are worse two days ago the rundll32 errors started to happen a lot, Firefox crashed completely, would not run.. windows problem reporting told me to upgrade would crash with rundll32 error. My recyle bin went away, and can not replace, change icon's causes rundll32 error. Yesterday vista would no start.. took two times of repairing with upgrade disk and now seems to be fine. Went to cmd.com in run to do a file check. got the error NTVDM.exe and command com will not load. NOw in personalize change color get rundll32 error. Checked event log they all seem to be the same error....

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Power Point Viewer

Jun 18, 2008

Not sure if this is the correct place to post, but I can not get PP viewer to work. New computer running Vista, I downloaded the viewer and when I click on a link it comes up with the message to make sure it is linked to the correct program. I have gone into default assoc and PPS is connected to Power Point Viewer. It worked on XP Pro computer, what do I need to do? Have restarted after downloading thinking maybe that would work.

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MS Office PowerPoint Viewer SP1.

Mar 23, 2009

I have Windows Vista Home Premium 32 bit SP1. Recently I installed Power Point Viewer 2007. Today an update is available. It is called MS Office Power Point Viewer SP1. The term SP1 confuses me. Do I need to install this update since I already have SP1

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Email Errors, Cannot Send

Mar 23, 2008

I've been battling an e-mail problem for quite some time, with little success. The below error presents itself, I've tried every available solution I ould find online, diabled firewalls, e-mail scanning, contacted my ISP etc..zero results. REcipt of e-mail is fine, I just cannot send, any thoughts out there?The connection to the server has failed. Subject 'test', Account: 'Home', Server: 'smtphm.sympatico.ca', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): Yes, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

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Ghost Getting Disk Errors

Sep 13, 2008

I went to perform a Norton Ghost backup of the Maxtor XP partion, with the destination of the WDC small partition, and ghost got disk errors somewhere, and so i have done chkdsk, crap cleaning and defragmentation to the Maxtor XP partition. when I tried a third ghost sesson, i got a BSOD, and now XP sees the WDC Vista partion as RAW. However, if I flip over to WDC Vista x64 partition and use that as the operating system, everything appears normal and runs normal. so what can i do to have XP see the WDC Vista partition as NOT RAW! (obviously, I can't format or reformat it from XP.) or do i just live with XP missing the Vista partion?

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Running Lcd The Keyboard Errors

Jun 29, 2009

I just built a new desktop, installed Windows Vista Ultimate x64, and then after installing the drivers for my Logitech G15 keyboard,the software for running the LCD on the keyboard errors out upon startup, showing a MS Visual C++ run-time error. What's really starting to tick me off is that once this started occurring, (about 3-5 days ago), I have emailed Logitech Technical support, but so far, NO response. Not even an automatic response acknowledging they got the email.......

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Apr 5, 2009

Some advise in how to build my i7 rig. Well a few things changed, and I don't have the i7. I got a few different parts here and there, and just finally put the rig together last night.

First thing is first. My computer is saying my CPU is only 2.0Ghz! It states the name of the chip, but in the bios and benchmark test, it says it's only running at 2.0Ghz. What is the deal there? How does that even happen? Do I have a bad chip? Or is my chip somehow being under clocked? Now for the FUN stuff. Ever since I first booted my computer up, I've had COUNTLESS BSOD errors here and there. By the way I'm running Vista Ultimate. As well as the errors I've encountered I've been having some odd graphic errors too. After around 20 minutes of use, all the images on my screen get changed back into like 1000 color mode (instead of Millions of Colors) so everything looks just horrible. And things like clicking on the Start Menu give me only half the menu. I thought maybe it was the Card overheating, so I downloaded Riva Tunner and cranked the fan up to 100% to test it out, and I still get the same issues. Then I figured it was my drivers, since the ones that were on the CD were obviously old. So when I try to go to Nvidia's site and download the correct drivers, and install them, Windows says that the .EXE is corrupt. And that happens no matter what, no matter how many times I download the proper drivers....................

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Lid Open Event

Mar 20, 2009

I've just got my new Alienware m17 and I can't find a way to disable the "Lid Open" event. I've disabled the lid from making the system go into stand-by, but the moment I open the lid, it wakes up again. I've tried using : Code: powercfg -devicedisablewake "ACPI Lid"
But all I get is "You do not have permission to enable or disable device wake", and yes... I am logged in as an Administrator.

All lid related articles on this site (and others) seem only to refer to problems with Closing the lid rather than Opening it. I know it's a minor issue, but I don't want to wake up my system until I press the power button. I've even checked the BIOS settings but there isn't even a Power section.

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Event Name: BlueScreen

Aug 26, 2009

I am a new Vista (x64) user and when I woke up this morning this was going on. Can someone please help me resolve this issue, I rely on my computer to run my home business. When I bring it up in safe mode and ask for the prompt to find solutions, nothing happens.

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Event Windows 32 Bit.

Jun 6, 2008

I have the 32bit Vista Home Premium version. I ran a performance related diagnostic scan and received the below mentioned error:

The results of running the Windows Memory Diagnostics Tool were submitted to Microsoft for analysis and product improvement

Problem signature
Problem Event Name: MemDiagV1
Range of memory size: 3072
Launch type: Manual
Schedule type: Immediate
Completion type: Aborted
Test type: Custom
Failed tests: 10
Range of number of bad pages: 5
Test duration in seconds: 480
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 1033

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Default Windows Picture Viewer?

Dec 15, 2008

Can anyone tell me what the default Vista picture viewer is and where the program folder is so i can make it the default picture viewer again?

I think it may be something like Windows Picture Viewer lol, but i need to find the program folder.

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Upgrade On The Forums Find Errors

May 23, 2008

I will be doing a few upgrade on the forums today....expect things to get funky. If you find any errors, please report them here so I can get them fixed.

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