How To Run Windows 2003 Server 64bit:

Jun 28, 2009

How to run windows 2003 server 64bit: everytime i try and install windows server 2003 enterprise edition on vista through any vmware. How to run windows 2003 server 64bit: I am having OS vista home edition 32 bit. I want to run windows 2003 server 64bit edition through any VMware. is there any way?? it gives me the error " setup cannot run on 32 bit system". that is because Vista is 32 bit.

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Cant Install Windows Server 2003 On

Jun 6, 2008

everytime i try and install windows server 2003 enterprise edition on vista. it gives me the error " setup cannot run in program compatibility mode". ive tried installing from the disk when booting but it wont work since i dont have hard disk drive every time i think i get anywhere i get the same error. is there a way to disablle compatibility mode cause even when i use it i stilll get errors.

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Connection To Windows Server 2003 R2

Mar 23, 2008

I have a brand new Dell laptop with Windows Vista Business. I've installed SP1 as well. I have a VPN setup to connect to various customer servers for support purposes. I can connect remotely to Windows Server 2003 but I cannot connect to Windows Server 2003 R2 servers from my Vista laptop. I can connect perfectly with my older XP Pro laptop.

I have connection problems to the 2003 R2 servers using the following software:...........

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Install Windows 2003 Server On Computer

Dec 16, 2009

I have a laptop running Vista ultimate. I want to create a dual boot with win2003 server so that I can install MOSS 2007 on it (studying for certification). Tried using the disk management utility in Vista to create partition for this and it doesn't let me shrink a partition in order to create a new partition for Win 2003. There are 60gb available for this new partition but when I go to 'shrink' I get a zero for available mb. I know there are some issues regarding the loader. Any advice in how to do this successfully? I dont want to lose any data on the vista O/S part of the box.

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A Bug In Remote Desktop Connection Of Windows Server 2003 R2

Aug 27, 2009

A Bug in Remote Desktop Connection of Windows Server 2003 R2. There are two servers. Both are running the "Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard x64 Edition, SP2" system. I login to the servers with "remote desktop connection" tool, with a thinkpad. Then someone took my cable away and when the battery run out, the thinkpad slept. When I restores the thinkpad, something is wrong with the two servers:

**** For oneserver:
I can login, but for any window:
(1) When I press 'b', the current window loses focus;
(2) When I press 'd', the system turns to the desktop;
(3) When I press 'e', "My computer" is opened with "System resource...........

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Copy A File From The Windows 2003 Server To The Vista Machines

Mar 23, 2008

I have a Windows 2003 R2 x64 (all current SPs and updates installed) and 3 Windows Vista machines (also al X64 versions). When trying to copy a (large - maybe 50MB +) file from the Windows 2003 Server to the Vista Machines (the Server Shared folder is mapped to a drive in Vista) - I will get an error like "There is a problem access I:igfile.txt - make sure you are connected to the Network and try again" Once in a while I will see "Error 0x8007003A" I can copy those files just fine from Windows 2003 to another Windows 2003 machine or Windows XP machines...

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Can Run Office 2003 On Vista Home Premium 64bit

Sep 29, 2009

Can I run Office 2003 on Vista Home Premium 64bit??

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Cannot Connect To 2003 Server

May 29, 2008

Hope this is the right newsgroup.

Have a weird situation. On my first Vista pc i cannot authenticate to a 2003
server. YET i can map drives, nslookup is fine, i can ping everything, and
XP pcs log on with no problem (and have been for years).

The actual error is that the DNS of the DC in the domain has failed. I don't
think this has anything to do with DNS based on what i said. Regardless, i
have deleted, reinstalled,,

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Cannot RDP Connect From To Server 2003

Feb 24, 2009

When I attempt to make an RDP connection from Vista to a remote machine running Windows Server 2003, it seems to partially connect. It displays a 'Log On To Windows Server' dialog window, but it is blank. the fields where I would normally type in my credentials are not displayed. After about a minute, I get the following message:, "Your Remote session has ended. The connection to the remote computer was lost, possiblly due to connectivity problems."

However, on other PCs running Windows XP, I can consistently RDP connect to this same remote machine which is running Windows Server 2003. Why is Windows Vista unable to make a RDP connection to Windows Server 2003? Is there something that needs to be configured differently on the Windows Server 2003 machine to allow Vista RDP connections? Also I can successfully make RDP connections from Vista to machines running Windows XP. It appears the problem is just when making a RDP connection from Vista to Server 2003

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Cannot Connect To Server 2003 Domain

Apr 1, 2008

I'm currently trying to connect my laptop which has Vista Business 32-bit to my Poweredge T105 which is running Server 2003 RC2. I get this error when running Network ID:

"Your computer could not be joined to the domain because the following error occured:
An attempt to resolve the DNS name of a DC in the domain being joined has failed. Please verify this client is configured to reach a DNS server thatcan resolve DNS names in the target domain."

The domain name I'm using is a live domain and worked fine when I connected my XP desktop to it. Not sure why it won't connect. Although it is on a different network (name) it can see the shared folder on the

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All Home Folder On Server 2003 With Same Name

Sep 29, 2008

I got a problem with a Server 2003 and computer with Vista Business 32bit. Situation: All user have a home folder on a Windows 2003 Server and I redirect the "My Documents" folder from Vista on this folder. Problem: When I look on the server the folder where the home folder are store, I see all folder for all user with the same name "Documents" and not the logon name from my user. Sample in the attached file. If I rename the folder "Documents" with something other all folder have after the same name again. All computer with Windows XP do not make this problem, the folder name stay with the user logon name.

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Connect Vista Fax To Server 2003 Cannot Create Fax Account

Apr 16, 2008

I am running Vista Business, and am trying to setup faxing with Vista's built-in Windows Fax and Scan. I do not have a modem, and so I'm trying to connect to the fax on a Windows Server 2003 R2 server. This is a "standard" Server 2003, that is, it is *not* SBS (Small Business Server).

The server is a domain controller, but the Vista PC is not on the domain. However, both computers are on the same local network/subnet. On Vista I can map a drive that's on the server (providing the proper server credentials). I can even "Add new printer" to Vista by selecting network printer and entering the server address & shared fax name, then entering the proper server credentials. So this rules out any network issues, and at least mostly rules out authentication issues (since I'm able to connect to the server disk and printer resources if I provide a server administrator logon).

However, from Vista's "Windows Fax and Scan", when I try to create a fax account, it prompts me for the server name, and when I enter the server, it tells me that I don't have the appropriate permissions and to contact the fax administrator. This happens whether I enter \servername, \servernamefaxname, servername, faxname, \faxname. Also, I have made sure to run Windows Fax and Scan as an administrator, that is, right-click/run as administrator.

If I try to print to the fax printer that seemed to have been mapped successfully (that was mapped with "add printer" as described above), it basically takes me to the same step to add a fax account, at which point it tells me I don't have the appropriate permissions when I enter the server name. Note that when I "added" the printer, it prompted me for the credentials, and then successfully mapped the printer. Now in trying to use it to print (fax) something, it behaves as if I still need to create a fax account and tells me I have no permissions (and there is no option to enter a user/password).

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Upgrade Windows 64bit From XP 64bit Trial Error: 0x8007000D

Mar 26, 2008

I purchased a digital update of Windows Vista Premium upgrade and the download won't load. I am useing a trial version of Windows XP 64-bit. I first used the digital locker a few times and it would stop at 99 percent and give a validation error. I figured it the locker was having a problem so i manual downloaded the three files through my internet browser. They downloaded fine without problems, but when I tried to run the Vista setup I ran into another error: 0x8007000D Windows was unable to create a required installation folder.

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Micorosoft Exchange 2003 & Outlook 2003

Mar 23, 2008

My office run XP, Outlook 2003 on the Exchange server no problem. I have bought a new machine with Vista and cannot access my mail. I am connected to the office domain and Outlook can find me on the domain but Outlook will not connect any further, keeps asking for a password

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Joined To Windows 2003 Domain?

Mar 29, 2008

which edition of Vista is for networks and can be joined to windows 2003 domain?

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Transferred From Outlook 2003 To Windows Mail

Mar 23, 2008

I got everything transferred from Outlook 2003 to Windows Mail. Everything went very well. I set up my e-mail accounts with all the correct data. Even with this I do not seem to be able to send or receive mail.

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Running Power Point 2003 In Windows Premium Home

Mar 27, 2008

I have been using this set up for almost a year. Today Power Point 2003 started closeing constantly! It says check for updates I did that installed them and rebooted no change. Then I ran error checking with repair on the hard drive no change. Then I did a repair on Power Point thru the Control Panel, still no change.

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Upgrade To 64bit, Hardware Does Support 64bit?

Mar 23, 2008

I'm running vista ultimate 32bit. Given that the hardware I have does support 64bit can I upgrade my installation with vista ultimate 64bit?

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Windows Marketplace, 64bit Disk

Mar 23, 2008

I purchased the business version of vista from Windows marketplace, then I performed an anytime upgrade to Ultimate, now I would like to change to vista 64 but I don't have a disk and I am not sure that my current key will work. I called Microsoft about obtaining alternate media (64 bit disk) however they informed me that I couldn't get a dish through the alternate media plan because I bought from marketplace and not a retail canter. This is nuts to me. There must be some reasonable way to get a 64 bit disk in which my key will work without purchasing an entirely new version of vista. I mean dang I paid a ton for this, and now with me still playing fair they won't send me a 64 bit disk or let me purchase one for a minimal fee.

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Windows 64bit SP2 Beta Into An Eval Copy?

Feb 26, 2009

in the bottom right hand corner. on my desktop, it says. Windows Vista (TM) Evaluation Copy. Build 6002 Did SP2 beta just turn my owned vista ultimate 64bit into an eval copy?

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Sixaxis On Windows Haven't Found In 64Bit?

Aug 8, 2008

I want to use my PS3 controller, aka my Sixaxis, on my computer. I know there are drivers for it, but I haven't found any for Vista x64.

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Windows 7 Retail Vs OEM: Run 64bit If I Fromat And Fresh Inatall

Nov 6, 2009

im hving sever isues with my pc and thinking about geting Winows 7 to see if it helps. what is the difrnce between OEM 64bit And retail??? also is ultimate worth the money for it??? or is home preum good. i used the compatabilty tool and say i can run 64bit if i fromat and fresh inatall.

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Play (avi) Movies On Windows Media Center (64bit)

Aug 14, 2007

will trying to play (avi) movies on Windows Media Center (64bit) i get a error that one or more codes are missing to play the video? now today i tryed it and i get the audio but still no video?

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Blue Screens: Windows Home Premium 64bit

Dec 31, 2008

I was having constant blue screens in my new Gateway comp. Its a laptop, M Series, 15.4 inch screen. It brought along the Windows Vista Home Premium 64bit OS with SP1. Dual processors, 4GB of memory. After countless of blue screens, they seemed to come and go, I figured the comp was just being dumb. I unistalled all the things I had placed on it [which really wasn't much] so the laptop was running with all the things it brought from scratch only. Blue screens disappeared for a day or so, and then came again, though with less frequency. I was using it today, left it for a few minutes, and when I returned it had gone to the usual stand by mode.

Moved the cursor so it would restore, but after twenty minutes of a blank black screen I decided to turn it off and on again. And that's when it started to refuse to boot. Whenever it tries the bar appears for a minute or so, and afterwards it's replaced by the BSOD. To my disdain they always disappear quickly, so the most I can read on it is something about a driver malfunction, or whatever, and the error code 0x0000007E. So yeah, if anyone has a clue as to why it won't boot, and how to fix it, I'd be grateful. Of course, I could just re-format it -- but I want to leave that option as a last case scenario.

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Service Pack 2 For Windows Vista And Windows Server 2008, Hit An Important Milestone In Development

Feb 25, 2009

Just had this in my RSS Feed, thought it would be interesting. Announcing the Service Pack 2 for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 RC - Windows Vista Team Blog - The Windows Blog Quote: This week we are announcing that Service Pack 2 for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 has hit an important milestone in development: Release Candidate (RC).

Starting today, the RC of SP2 for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 will be available to TechNet and MSDN subscribers to test prior to final release. In the very near future, we will be making the RC broadly available for anyone to download and test. You can expect another blog post from me when that happens. SP2 for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 include updates that have been delivered since the release of SP1, as well as support for new types of hardware and emerging standards. As we’ve described since we first talked about SP2, we’ve taken your feedback into account when developing SP2. Specifically, we expect SP2 to continue the security benefits of both products and simplify deployment for our customers. For an outline of changes in SP2 for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, check out the notable changes document. We are planning to release SP2 for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 in the second quarter of 2009.

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Don’t Use Any ESET NOD32 V4.x Antivirus Product Together With Windows Vista SP2 Or Windows Server 2008 SP2 « Smokey’s Security Weblog

May 28, 2009

Warning: don’t use any ESET NOD32 V4.x Antivirus product together with Windows Vista SP2 or Windows Server 2008 SP2 « Smokey’s Security Weblog

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Incoming Mail Server (POP3): Server Error: 0x800CCC90

Mar 23, 2008

How do I pick up my yahoo mail, I have set up every thing that is required put I can neither send nor recieve any mail. The set up is :-Incoming Mail Server (POP3): Use SSL, port: 995 Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): Use SSL, port: 465, use authentication Error message is :- Pop3, Server Response: '-ERR popgate unknown command' Prt 995, Secure (SSL): Yes Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC18 ail.

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Is There A Complete Correct Way To Install Vista /windows 7 64bit And Keep All Of 32bit Installed Programs And Files In There Orginal Place

Sep 12, 2009

is there a complete correct way to install vista /windows 7 64bit and keep all of 32bit installed programs and files in there orginal place? Its taken more than a year to get all of the settings and programs to this condition and i now need to upgrade to 64bit so that i can use all of that extra RAM.! any ideas on the way ahead would be most

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Who My Outgoing Server And Incoming Server Is:craiglist Of Email

Sep 14, 2009

This computer is new to me and so is vista - I have had no problem with email because I have always gone to my own ISP via explorer. Today, however, I wanted to reply to a craigslist seller and found that my computer was trying to send the email with windows mail (and not sending!)- it was asking me questions like who my outgoing server and incoming server is - can anyone tell me what I need to do? Do I have to use windows mail or can my computer be set to default to yahoo email like my old one was?

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What Is The Server For Windows Mail?

Mar 3, 2009

I put in POP3 and SMTP for windows mail nothing will send and I don't know what the correct format is.

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Windows Mail Not Connecting To A Server

Apr 21, 2010

Unable to get Windows Mail working. Error message reading;

The connection to the server has failed. Account: '', Server:
'', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060,
Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

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