Windows Marketplace, 64bit Disk

Mar 23, 2008

I purchased the business version of vista from Windows marketplace, then I performed an anytime upgrade to Ultimate, now I would like to change to vista 64 but I don't have a disk and I am not sure that my current key will work. I called Microsoft about obtaining alternate media (64 bit disk) however they informed me that I couldn't get a dish through the alternate media plan because I bought from marketplace and not a retail canter. This is nuts to me. There must be some reasonable way to get a 64 bit disk in which my key will work without purchasing an entirely new version of vista. I mean dang I paid a ton for this, and now with me still playing fair they won't send me a 64 bit disk or let me purchase one for a minimal fee.

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Upgrade Windows 64bit From XP 64bit Trial Error: 0x8007000D

Mar 26, 2008

I purchased a digital update of Windows Vista Premium upgrade and the download won't load. I am useing a trial version of Windows XP 64-bit. I first used the digital locker a few times and it would stop at 99 percent and give a validation error. I figured it the locker was having a problem so i manual downloaded the three files through my internet browser. They downloaded fine without problems, but when I tried to run the Vista setup I ran into another error: 0x8007000D Windows was unable to create a required installation folder.

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Dual Boot 32 & 64bit, OEM Disk

Jul 25, 2008

I recently purchased a new Dell with Vista 32 Home Premium (OEM). I would really like to try out 64bit Home Premim. If I purchased a 64bit OEM disk could I install it on a partition on Drive C and still retain a fully functional 32bit Vista.

Note : My system has 2 x 640 gb Sata Drives, but the way it has been configured, in windows explorer I see only a c: drive (1.15Tb) and a d: drive which is only 10gb, this is a recovery drive.

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File Autounattend.xml Of Vista 64bit Not Partitions The Disk

Feb 6, 2009

Using WAIK, I created the autounattend.xml file by putting it on a DVD of Vista Ultimate SP1 64 bit.




When, however, I do the boot from the DVD, Vista does not erase the disk and does not create the two partitions indicated by my file.

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64bit Disk: Get Dish Through The Alternate Media Plan?

Mar 26, 2008

I purchased the business version of vista from Windows marketplace, then I performed an anytime upgrade to Ultimate, now I would like to change to vista 64 but I don???t have a disk and I am not sure that my current key will work. I called Microsoft about obtaining alternate media (64 bit disk) however they informed me that I couldn???t get a dish through the alternate media plan because I bought from marketplace and not a retail canter. This is nuts to me. There must be some reasonable way to get a 64 bit disk in which my key will work without purchasing an entirely new version of vista. I mean dang I paid a ton for this, and now with me still playing fair they won't send me a 64 bit disk or let me purchase one for a minimal fee. Surely there must be some avenue I have over looked.

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Windows Disk Fragmenter Easting A LOT Of Disk Space

Jun 17, 2008

I am a relatively unexperienced windows vista user using windows home premium at 32 bit on an acer aspire 6920 notebook. I noticed that occassionaly my disk space would drop dramatically without me doing anything. 100s of mbs would just disappear for no reason, so probably being stupid i decided to run the disk fragmenter to try and fix the problem. BUT to my horror i was shocked to find that the disk fragmenter began to eat up my hard disk space big style. I went from 79.7GB to 72.5GB in just over an hour. What the hell happened and can it be fixed? can i get my disk space back? i thought the disk fragmenter was supposed to help your computer not rob it. does anyone else have this problem and can someone please help me? im kinda desparate, i cant believe it.

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Upgrade To 64bit, Hardware Does Support 64bit?

Mar 23, 2008

I'm running vista ultimate 32bit. Given that the hardware I have does support 64bit can I upgrade my installation with vista ultimate 64bit?

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How To Run Windows 2003 Server 64bit:

Jun 28, 2009

How to run windows 2003 server 64bit: everytime i try and install windows server 2003 enterprise edition on vista through any vmware. How to run windows 2003 server 64bit: I am having OS vista home edition 32 bit. I want to run windows 2003 server 64bit edition through any VMware. is there any way?? it gives me the error " setup cannot run on 32 bit system". that is because Vista is 32 bit.

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Windows 64bit SP2 Beta Into An Eval Copy?

Feb 26, 2009

in the bottom right hand corner. on my desktop, it says. Windows Vista (TM) Evaluation Copy. Build 6002 Did SP2 beta just turn my owned vista ultimate 64bit into an eval copy?

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Sixaxis On Windows Haven't Found In 64Bit?

Aug 8, 2008

I want to use my PS3 controller, aka my Sixaxis, on my computer. I know there are drivers for it, but I haven't found any for Vista x64.

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Windows 7 Retail Vs OEM: Run 64bit If I Fromat And Fresh Inatall

Nov 6, 2009

im hving sever isues with my pc and thinking about geting Winows 7 to see if it helps. what is the difrnce between OEM 64bit And retail??? also is ultimate worth the money for it??? or is home preum good. i used the compatabilty tool and say i can run 64bit if i fromat and fresh inatall.

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Play (avi) Movies On Windows Media Center (64bit)

Aug 14, 2007

will trying to play (avi) movies on Windows Media Center (64bit) i get a error that one or more codes are missing to play the video? now today i tryed it and i get the audio but still no video?

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Blue Screens: Windows Home Premium 64bit

Dec 31, 2008

I was having constant blue screens in my new Gateway comp. Its a laptop, M Series, 15.4 inch screen. It brought along the Windows Vista Home Premium 64bit OS with SP1. Dual processors, 4GB of memory. After countless of blue screens, they seemed to come and go, I figured the comp was just being dumb. I unistalled all the things I had placed on it [which really wasn't much] so the laptop was running with all the things it brought from scratch only. Blue screens disappeared for a day or so, and then came again, though with less frequency. I was using it today, left it for a few minutes, and when I returned it had gone to the usual stand by mode.

Moved the cursor so it would restore, but after twenty minutes of a blank black screen I decided to turn it off and on again. And that's when it started to refuse to boot. Whenever it tries the bar appears for a minute or so, and afterwards it's replaced by the BSOD. To my disdain they always disappear quickly, so the most I can read on it is something about a driver malfunction, or whatever, and the error code 0x0000007E. So yeah, if anyone has a clue as to why it won't boot, and how to fix it, I'd be grateful. Of course, I could just re-format it -- but I want to leave that option as a last case scenario.

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Is There A Complete Correct Way To Install Vista /windows 7 64bit And Keep All Of 32bit Installed Programs And Files In There Orginal Place

Sep 12, 2009

is there a complete correct way to install vista /windows 7 64bit and keep all of 32bit installed programs and files in there orginal place? Its taken more than a year to get all of the settings and programs to this condition and i now need to upgrade to 64bit so that i can use all of that extra RAM.! any ideas on the way ahead would be most

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Windows: No Disk

Jan 20, 2008

im getting the windows error message but no one has anything on this one. My friend saw the message and had a screen shot and showed me it was a 75a...something message and only comes up every once and while i ran a hijack this and have the log file............

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Popup Box Says Windows No Disk

Apr 25, 2009

Hi, can anybody advise,i get this popup box only when i plug in a flash drive, or external hard drive, it doesent seem to bother the programs and i cant remove it from the screen untill i remove the external hardrives and then restart the computer i have widows vista premium 32-bit.

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Windows Must Format Disk Drive X Before You Can Use It

Feb 8, 2010

It's my new Sony ebook reader. It works fine on my old XP pc but not my Vista Home Premium laptop. I don't know how reformatting an actual reader would affect the device since every one at the Sony forum has only reformat their memory from the actual reader that has a reformat memory, you lose your books but all the Sony applications that runs the reader are still intact. Since I got this error, I've reformatted via the actual reader and still every time I plug my reader in my USB port, I get this error. I'm scared if I say yes that all the applications that makes the reader works will be wiped out. Here is the thread in the Sony Reader Forum of them trying to help me. I come on on #8 post as Sandyn Sony Reader Forum - Sony PRS300

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Insert Windows Disk And Reboot

Jul 30, 2008

I'm running Vista home premium 64 bit with the latest SP. I just installed an old game (Sniper Elite) and after installation it asked for a reboot. I did this and got the message that windows couldn't start, this could be down to a change recently made etc etc. It then said to fix it

1- insert windows disk and reboot
2- select language and click next
3- Choose repair my computer

I did this but when I clicked repair my computer it didn't show any OS in the box to repair! It just says "If you did not see your OS in the list, click load drivers to load drivers for your hard disk"

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Low Disk Space, Install Windows?

Apr 1, 2008

I have Vista Home Basic, and i have decided to reinstall windows, start with a clean slate so to speak. However when it reinstalled, it just installed another version of vista in the same drive. How do i clean the drive and then install windows? Giving major problems as my computer is now running on low disk space!

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Windows Unable To Format Disk

Jun 21, 2008

I'm trying to format some CD-RW disks to make my backup disks and only once out of about 10 tries have I been successful. I keep getting a message that says "windows is unable to format disk"

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Disk Cleanup In Windows Vists

Apr 19, 2008

In Msft that would xp I used a utility that would clean out un needed files, how do I find similar utilities in Windows Vista? In XP under programs, there was a category called ACCESSORIES. Is there one in Vista?

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Windows Recovery Disk Lost

Sep 11, 2009

the problem is with the compaq presario F500 which i gave as a gift to my cousin, unfortunately neither of made a recovery disk in the begining, later on his computer crashed and he brought it to me, now i dont have recovery disk neither have a recovery partion, i intalled a new windows and also activated it, is there anyway i can create a recovery disk or somehow i can use the windows data to create a recovery partition so in future we dont need to find the drivers and everything from scratch.

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How Can Windows Recovery Disk Making

May 19, 2010

The wife has a box with 64bit Vista and someone ran a registery cleaner on it and cleaned the registery so clean that the system would not start windows. It went through the screen that gave the choices for set-up, recovery, etc then the safe, normal, etc start screen and regardless of what chose it would go dark and windows would never start but the activity light would keep flickering showing it was trying to do something. I took it in and repair used the recovery disk to set it back to factory setup!! :-(Is it possible to make a to make a recovery disk (as the factory labeled it) of the way I get it set that would be like the factory recovery disk which has a rcd.dat file and an image directory on disk 1 and a rcd2.dat file and an image directory on disk 2 so if the thing crashed again at the startup options screen that has the recovery option I could just use my home made recovery disk instead of the factory ones??

I know I can make a backup but if the system will not get past the screen with the recovery option what good are they. Will accept any comments on backups as long as I can also get an answer to the original recovery disk question also. Would be nice if I could do this on wife Vista box AND my XP box.

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Windows Can't Read The Disk Drive

Mar 23, 2008

I have Home Premium 64-bits, installed one month ago and never tried this until now. When I insert a blank DVD or CD, it doesn't show anything and then I got to My Computer and double click the DVD icon and I get the message that "Windows can not read the disk on drive D:" or something like that. So I went to the manufacturer site and downloaded firmware, updated, rebooted and still having the same issue. However I can read used disks, and I can burn perfectly using third party burning software. What is going on?

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Windows No Disk Dialog Hex Numbers

Apr 9, 2008

just for future reference. I got the 'Windows - No Disk' dialog with hex numbers yesterday. It happened with CodeBlocks whenever I would open a project. I cleared my 'recent items' list and that fixed it. There was a file in the list that was on a memory card. The memory card was removed. I guess that was the problem... weirdness

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Disk Defragmenter: Stopped Defragmenting And The Information Changed To 'Analyzing Disk

Nov 23, 2009

Is it normal for Disk Defragmenter to Analyze the disk AFTER it defragments? I know it does it before and then I click 'Defrag Now' and it proceeds to defrag my hard drive. But today I was watching it and noticed that all of a sudden it stopped defragmenting and the info changed to 'Analyzing disk...'.

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Safely Remove Hard Disk, Enable Write Cashing On The Disk?

Dec 28, 2008

I have four (4) hard disks C: D: E: F: all are connected with sata cable and power cable.(of course) The F: is outside from the pc and connected via external SATA and power cable (like usb NOT usb) I know,with USB external hard disk i can use the safely remove option.

Is there any option to safely remove SATA hard disk without Shut Down the pc?

1) Start-Control Panel-Device Manager-Disk Drives-Right Click on hard disk-Properties-Policies-UntikDisable the Enable write cashing on the disk??

2) Start-Control Panel-Device Manager-Disk Drives-Right Click on hard disk-Disable??

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Virtual Disk Programs Made 2 Disk Drives: Delete?

Mar 22, 2008

i was messing around with virtual disk programs and made 2 disk drives that are not really there. I can't seem to be able to delete them and its really getting annoying. How can i do this?

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Disk Cleanup Show Me 257gb Delete 80gb Disk

Apr 9, 2008

Is this normal? My disk cleanup shown me a 257GB of files to delete on my 80GB disk. I haven't local network and no external disk. I am using vista home premium with sp1, but this problem was without sp1 too. I attached link (for better understanding) to picture of cleanup.

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Is "64bit Compatible" The Same As 64bit For HW?

Nov 24, 2009

I'm struggling to find a clear answer on this. Within our environment, we've been ordering Dell PCs for quite some time. I've been told that about midway through the ordering of Dell GX620 Optiplexes that the cores went from single to dual. In effect, I've been advised that these machines and, subsequently everything we've ordered since, are considered 64bit compatible because they have two 32bit cores. Does that sound accurate? What I truly need to know is whether or not any of our PCs (Dell 745, 755 and 760 E8400 Core 2 Duo for desktop; P8400 for laptop) have 64bit hardware. If two 32bit cores mean that they're 64bit compatible, is that the same as being true 64bit? And, last but not least, will 64bit compatible hardware (assuming it's different than 64bit hardware) run a 64bit OS like Windows 7?

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64 HDD: Install Windows, Disk 0 Unallocated Space

Feb 23, 2008

When I am installing Vista 64... "Where do you want to install Windows?" - Window heading Both the HDDs come up on the screen and under 'name' heading its says.... "Disk 0 Unallocated Space" and "Disk 1 Unallocated Space". There is an option "format" but its greyed out When I select either of the HDDs there is a warning message at bottom of screen saying:"This computer's hardware may not support booting to this disk. Ensure that the disk's controller is enabled in the computer's BIOS menu.". Then when I ignore this warning and click "next" it says... "Windows is unable to find a system volume that meets its criteria for installation" Neither of my HDDs will work? Both brand new... there is something subtley wrong but I cant see it.

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