Transferred From Outlook 2003 To Windows Mail

Mar 23, 2008

I got everything transferred from Outlook 2003 to Windows Mail. Everything went very well. I set up my e-mail accounts with all the correct data. Even with this I do not seem to be able to send or receive mail.

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Mail To Outlook 2003

Mar 23, 2008

I am using Windows mail and don't like the way it works, especially the autocomplete feature in the address bar. Can I move all my settings, email, etc. to Outlook 2003 and if so how? I am only doing this to hopefully access the auto complete feature that I expect is available in Outlook like it was in Outlook Express.

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Transfer Mail To MS Outlook 2003

Sep 23, 2009

I have been using Windows Mail in the Vista OS for the past 2 years. I have built a new computer and will be running Windows 7. I want to run Office 2003 on the new machine with MS Outlook. Question: How do I transfer my addrerss book and messages from Windows Mail in Vista over to MS Outlook?

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E Mail Disabled Outlook 2003

Aug 30, 2009

I tried to add my son an e mail account on outlook 2003 and all seemed ok but then an error message from postmaster said that account is disabled. I am not very good at all with computers and I am afraid that if I experiement I may end up screwing things up. Does anyone know what to do or should I wait till monday and call microsoft?

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Outlook 2003 Can Send But Not Receive Mail

Apr 19, 2008

I am running Vista SP0 and Outlook 2003. On the admiistrator account, I can send and receive mail in both Outlook 2003 and windows Mail. On the non-administrator account, windows mail sends and recieves, but Outlook 2003 can send but not receive. The "test accounts settings" responds properly. All settings look to be identical.

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Deleted Recent Mail Contents, Lost Mails From Outlook 2003

Jul 15, 2009

I deleted my recent E-mail contents from the folder Recent E-mail. So i lost my mails from outlook 2003 also. How can i recover tha mails.

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Outlook Calendar 2003 To Import My Outlook File (outlook.pst

May 11, 2008

I'm learning to use Vista (new computer purchased yesterday) and my old PC as XP and Office 2003. I only use the calendar feature of Outlook and was wondering if there's a way to import my outlook file (outlook.pst) to Vista Calendar (seems to only import .ics files) as I don't yet have Outlook 2007 installed on my Vista PC.

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Micorosoft Exchange 2003 & Outlook 2003

Mar 23, 2008

My office run XP, Outlook 2003 on the Exchange server no problem. I have bought a new machine with Vista and cannot access my mail. I am connected to the office domain and Outlook can find me on the domain but Outlook will not connect any further, keeps asking for a password

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Importing Outlook Data From Outlook 2003?

Jun 7, 2008

importing oulook.pst from outlook 2003 to windows mail, everytime I try it writted me ''Messages cannot be imported from MAPI client''- General error has occurred.

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How Can Outlook 2007 And Outlook.pst 2003

Aug 22, 2009

I bought a new computer running Vista Home Prem x64 SP1 and installed Outlook 2007. My older computer (XP x32 SP2) has Outlook 2003. Both computers are connected in a home network. All my emails and address book are in Outlook 2003 outlook.pst file. How do I bring that outlook.pst (2003) into Outlook 2007, so that I could have all my emails and address book in Outlook 2007? Right now in my Outlook 2007 my address book is practically blank.

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Windows Messenger: Not Transferred Hotmail Addresses

Jan 22, 2010

I'm using Windows Vista Home, downloaded the new Windows Live Mail as wanted to use msn hotmail messenger which i used to use on this laptop before i had factory re set on it. However,although it has downloaded, it has not transferred any of my hotmail addresses across and when i have been on messenger i can only see sent and received messages no emoticoms or addreeses and who else is online on left hand side.

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Outlook 2003, OS

Jun 30, 2008

I'm just setting up my Outlook now to pull in email from my various accounts and it's being a bear. I finally get it to connect with my AOL inbox, only instead of true inbox titles I'm getting all my deleted mail. To make matters worse, the deleted mail won't allow itself to be moved to the appropriate folder. It tells me: "Can't move the items. Unable to download item contents. You must be online to perform this operation." What the heck? How is it I'm not online when I open up my mailbox?

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Outlook 2003 Not Responding

May 18, 2009

i have outlook 2003 and running it in Vista and it constantly stops working and displays the Not Responding message i then restart outlook and it works for a while the repeats all day long.

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Outlook 2003 Hangs On Business

Mar 23, 2008

My problem is that Outlook 2003 on VISTA Business hangs when checking for incoming mail. It also somestimes takes a very long time (several minutes) to send an email - the email window remains open with the hourglass running, and while waiting to send or while receiving Outlook is completely hung, so you cannot use it - you cannot even minimize or get any response from any of the Outlook windows. The windows do not redraw.

If I cancel the application using Task Manager, it initially says "Outlook is not responding" and also "Checking for a solution to this problem" but then both Outlook and the "Checking for a solution" windows vanish without trace. On restart Outlook will sometimes work OK when pressing send/receive, other times it will hang as before. It does not come up with the message that Outlook was not closed properly and does not go through the file checking process.

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Backing Up Outlook 2003 Custom Settings

Aug 7, 2009

This is for XP more than for Vista. I have been using Outlook since as far as I can remember but, there are times that I want to ring its neck or tear it apart limb from limb...I guess is better I don't know who the creator is But I digress... Anyways, back to my original thought. I have been having some issues with Outlook (best to use a new thread for this) so I decided to change to Mozilla Thunderbird but it didn't work like I thought it would (again... new thread). Bottom line is ...I have to go back to Outlook 2003. My pet peeve is that, even though I back up my pst files, eveytime I need to do a clean Outlook 2003 install or simple migration of sorts, I loose my custom settings, rules & alerts, etc, Is there an easy way to back up all these custom settings as well so you can migrate Outlook painlessly? I have done the google 'till my eyes drew blood but all I am getting are mixed solutions or me having to install a 3rd party software...Right now I have 3 e-mail accounts being handled by Outlook, my Office Personal, Company's bulk e-mail and Company's g-mail so I use a lot of custom settings.

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How Does One Import Contacts And Messages From Outlook 2003

Apr 15, 2009

how does one import contacts and messages from Outlook 2003 (not OExpress) into Windows Vista Mail?

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Can't Access Outlook 2003 And Can't Install / Remove Softwares

Jun 14, 2009

I have an HP7900 16GB memory using Vista 64. I have a big problem as I can't install / remove any software. Can't access outlook 2003 (it just hangs, just like when I try to install / remove software). I can't use the restore programmes either (Just hangs as above). This all stated when a red cross appeared on my networking icon in the bottom right of the screen.

I have tried to down load registry checkers but as above, they can't install. I can still access the internet and use all my adobe software, all office except outlook and use the internet. Has anyone else seen this?

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How To Export Mail Rules From Outlook Expres V6 Into Windows Mail

Mar 22, 2009

Windows Mail v6.0.6000.16386 Windows Vista Home Premium. how to export mail rules from Outlook Expres v6 into Windows Mail?

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Set Up Windows Mail (outlook)

Jul 29, 2009

my ISP is Charter, but I do not use charter for my email. I use AOL. My parents have AOL and I have a screen name that I use b/c I have had that email for years. I am trying to set up my Windows Mail (I think this is basically outlook???) I typed in my pop3/smtp and so on. It then prompted me to log in so windows could verify and proceed on. Well, I did my AOL screenname and password and it is not working. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I just can't seem to get my AOL mail into outlook so I can use just outlook.

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Windows Mail Does In Outlook

May 6, 2008

How do I get the autocomplete feature to work on WMail like it does in Outlook? When I create email using Send To and start typing in the TO block, it will recognize two or three of the addresses in my address book but not the whole list of A's, B's, or whatever. When I do same in Outlook, it autocompletes until the correct address comes up.

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Outlook V Windows Mail

Mar 23, 2008

I understand that Outlook has been replace by Windows Mail. I have a new computer and it has WM. The old computer had Outlook, I copied folders with messages onto an external hard drive. How do I get the old messages and contacts into the new WM on the new computer?

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Windows Mail Vs Outlook

Apr 22, 2008

I have been trying to setup Outlook as my default mail client. (Why is this so hard?) Anyway, before doing so I was wondering if there is any value to keeping and using Windows mail. I really want to transfere all my information over to my new PC. I have been an Outlook guy for a while and have alot of information that I don't want to loose. Is there any benifit with windows mail?

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Windows Easy Transfer :: Outlook Express To Windows Mail

Jun 13, 2008

I've just upgraded to a new pc with vista and windows mail from Xp & outlook express (with virgin). To save my files and emails etc I used windows easy transfer software and copied the files to an external hard drive and then loaded it to the new PC. I initially had problems as my modem didn't install but virgin sent me a wireless connector and all seemed OK. However, when I click on send/receive mail I get an error message 'some errors occured while processing the requsted tasks - please see details below.' But there are no details! I have 3 email addresses.

If I click on the little arrow next to send/rec and then click on each email separately there is no problem. Equally, if I click on 'receive all' there is no problem. When I click on send/rec the first time I open windows mail there is no problem, but thereafter always the error message. I've had Virgin remotely controlling the pc for 90 minutes and they can't suss it!

Also, bizarrely at the top of the page it says inbox - outlook express provided by virgin net even though I appear to be running windows mail (it certainly isn't the usual outlook I have on my old pc). Did I inadvertently load outlook as well as my emails on top of windows mail and they've kind of merged?

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Windows Mail Vs. Outlook Missing

Jun 6, 2008

I've been getting by with Windows Mail for a while, but miss Outlook from when I last had it. Windows Mail just seems so slow and klugy by comparison--and the Calendar is also usable, but annoying. What do you all think? Outlook worth the investment for someone who is a heavy user with their own business?

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Replaced Outlook With Windows Mail

Aug 30, 2009

When my laptop updated yesturday it replaced my outlook with windows mail. It did not ask me if I wanted this. ALL my contacts are gone, as well as ALL the appointments on my calander. Why did this happen, and more important how do I get my contacts back.

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Import In Windows Mail To Outlook 07

Jul 29, 2009

Im trying to import my mail folders/messages from Window Mail to Outlook. In Outlook, I choose, File, Import, Import from another file/program, Windows mail. Outlook finds old mail files (from Outlook express) and imports them perfectly. Problem is they are not my windows mail files. I dont know where outlook is looking for the files or how to find the outlook files to delete them and move the windows mail files to where Outlook is looking.

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Windows Mail Co-exist With Outlook

Mar 23, 2008

I use Outlook, (not Outlook Express) and am gearing up to send a work-related HTML newsletter from my personal PC. It looks like I need to do this through Windows Mail. My question: after I configure the ingoing and outgoing mail servers for Windows Mail, will this disable my Outlook functionability? In other words, I'd like to know before I go any further whether or not I can use both Windows Mail and Outlook on my PC (using Vista, Home Premium). I want to keep all my personal emailing intact in Outlook, and only use Windows Mail to send the work-related newsletter.

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Windows Mail - Outlook Express

Mar 23, 2008

MSN 9 - (I use this as my main email - waiting for live and hotmail to get stable) to windows mail - will not allow me to do this - message pops up stating that outlook express could not be found - I looked all over for outlook express to download it and can not find it anywhere, or would not let me download - went to Office Depot trying to buy but could not....I have only found problems with windows mail - does not function like outlook express.

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Windows Mail Upgrade To Outlook

Mar 26, 2008

Has anyone had any issues installing outlook to upgrade from windows mail? Does it capture and transfer contacts etc from mail to outlook?

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Transfer .pst From Outlook On XP To Windows Mail

Mar 23, 2008

I just got a new laptop that doens't have MS Outlook. I want to transfer my .pst files from my old computer to my new one but it doesn't seem to work. If Windows Mail won't accept any .pst files - is there another Mail program that might (for free or affordable price)?

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Windows Mail And Outlook Express

Mar 23, 2008

I am quite amazed that you have not been able to make a better product than Windows Mail as a replacement for Outlook Express. On 7/3/2007 6:10 PM PST Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM" wrote in a related discussion: Why do you have to make life difficult for the users? When I check the box "Automatically complete e-mail addresses when composing, I'd expect more than just the 29 last addresses.

Furthermore, Windows Mail has got a lot worse search feature than Outlook express. When searching for emails, it will not find all the emails. For instants, when I'm searching for parts of an email address, it finds only the messages for 2008. I would like to have Outlook Express on my Vista Home Premium system.

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