Micorosoft Exchange 2003 & Outlook 2003

Mar 23, 2008

My office run XP, Outlook 2003 on the Exchange server no problem. I have bought a new machine with Vista and cannot access my mail. I am connected to the office domain and Outlook can find me on the domain but Outlook will not connect any further, keeps asking for a password

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Outlook Calendar 2003 To Import My Outlook File (outlook.pst

May 11, 2008

I'm learning to use Vista (new computer purchased yesterday) and my old PC as XP and Office 2003. I only use the calendar feature of Outlook and was wondering if there's a way to import my outlook file (outlook.pst) to Vista Calendar (seems to only import .ics files) as I don't yet have Outlook 2007 installed on my Vista PC.

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Outlook 2003, OS

Jun 30, 2008

I'm just setting up my Outlook now to pull in email from my various accounts and it's being a bear. I finally get it to connect with my AOL inbox, only instead of true inbox titles I'm getting all my deleted mail. To make matters worse, the deleted mail won't allow itself to be moved to the appropriate folder. It tells me: "Can't move the items. Unable to download item contents. You must be online to perform this operation." What the heck? How is it I'm not online when I open up my mailbox?

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Importing Outlook Data From Outlook 2003?

Jun 7, 2008

importing oulook.pst from outlook 2003 to windows mail, everytime I try it writted me ''Messages cannot be imported from MAPI client''- General error has occurred.

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Mail To Outlook 2003

Mar 23, 2008

I am using Windows mail and don't like the way it works, especially the autocomplete feature in the address bar. Can I move all my settings, email, etc. to Outlook 2003 and if so how? I am only doing this to hopefully access the auto complete feature that I expect is available in Outlook like it was in Outlook Express.

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Outlook 2003 Not Responding

May 18, 2009

i have outlook 2003 and running it in Vista and it constantly stops working and displays the Not Responding message i then restart outlook and it works for a while the repeats all day long.

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Outlook 2003 Hangs On Business

Mar 23, 2008

My problem is that Outlook 2003 on VISTA Business hangs when checking for incoming mail. It also somestimes takes a very long time (several minutes) to send an email - the email window remains open with the hourglass running, and while waiting to send or while receiving Outlook is completely hung, so you cannot use it - you cannot even minimize or get any response from any of the Outlook windows. The windows do not redraw.

If I cancel the application using Task Manager, it initially says "Outlook is not responding" and also "Checking for a solution to this problem" but then both Outlook and the "Checking for a solution" windows vanish without trace. On restart Outlook will sometimes work OK when pressing send/receive, other times it will hang as before. It does not come up with the message that Outlook was not closed properly and does not go through the file checking process.

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Transfer Mail To MS Outlook 2003

Sep 23, 2009

I have been using Windows Mail in the Vista OS for the past 2 years. I have built a new computer and will be running Windows 7. I want to run Office 2003 on the new machine with MS Outlook. Question: How do I transfer my addrerss book and messages from Windows Mail in Vista over to MS Outlook?

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E Mail Disabled Outlook 2003

Aug 30, 2009

I tried to add my son an e mail account on outlook 2003 and all seemed ok but then an error message from postmaster said that account is disabled. I am not very good at all with computers and I am afraid that if I experiement I may end up screwing things up. Does anyone know what to do or should I wait till monday and call microsoft?

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Transferred From Outlook 2003 To Windows Mail

Mar 23, 2008

I got everything transferred from Outlook 2003 to Windows Mail. Everything went very well. I set up my e-mail accounts with all the correct data. Even with this I do not seem to be able to send or receive mail.

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Backing Up Outlook 2003 Custom Settings

Aug 7, 2009

This is for XP more than for Vista. I have been using Outlook since as far as I can remember but, there are times that I want to ring its neck or tear it apart limb from limb...I guess is better I don't know who the creator is But I digress... Anyways, back to my original thought. I have been having some issues with Outlook (best to use a new thread for this) so I decided to change to Mozilla Thunderbird but it didn't work like I thought it would (again... new thread). Bottom line is ...I have to go back to Outlook 2003. My pet peeve is that, even though I back up my pst files, eveytime I need to do a clean Outlook 2003 install or simple migration of sorts, I loose my custom settings, rules & alerts, etc, Is there an easy way to back up all these custom settings as well so you can migrate Outlook painlessly? I have done the google 'till my eyes drew blood but all I am getting are mixed solutions or me having to install a 3rd party software...Right now I have 3 e-mail accounts being handled by Outlook, my Office Personal, Company's bulk e-mail and Company's g-mail so I use a lot of custom settings.

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How Does One Import Contacts And Messages From Outlook 2003

Apr 15, 2009

how does one import contacts and messages from Outlook 2003 (not OExpress) into Windows Vista Mail?

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Outlook 2003 Can Send But Not Receive Mail

Apr 19, 2008

I am running Vista SP0 and Outlook 2003. On the admiistrator account, I can send and receive mail in both Outlook 2003 and windows Mail. On the non-administrator account, windows mail sends and recieves, but Outlook 2003 can send but not receive. The "test accounts settings" responds properly. All settings look to be identical.

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How Can Outlook 2007 And Outlook.pst 2003

Aug 22, 2009

I bought a new computer running Vista Home Prem x64 SP1 and installed Outlook 2007. My older computer (XP x32 SP2) has Outlook 2003. Both computers are connected in a home network. All my emails and address book are in Outlook 2003 outlook.pst file. How do I bring that outlook.pst (2003) into Outlook 2007, so that I could have all my emails and address book in Outlook 2007? Right now in my Outlook 2007 my address book is practically blank.

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Can't Access Outlook 2003 And Can't Install / Remove Softwares

Jun 14, 2009

I have an HP7900 16GB memory using Vista 64. I have a big problem as I can't install / remove any software. Can't access outlook 2003 (it just hangs, just like when I try to install / remove software). I can't use the restore programmes either (Just hangs as above). This all stated when a red cross appeared on my networking icon in the bottom right of the screen.

I have tried to down load registry checkers but as above, they can't install. I can still access the internet and use all my adobe software, all office except outlook and use the internet. Has anyone else seen this?

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Deleted Recent Mail Contents, Lost Mails From Outlook 2003

Jul 15, 2009

I deleted my recent E-mail contents from the folder Recent E-mail. So i lost my mails from outlook 2003 also. How can i recover tha mails.

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, Outlook 07 And Exchange 03: Open Outlook It Says, Cannot Open The Default E-mail Folders

Mar 23, 2008

When I boot up in the morning, I have to wait 20 to 30 mins before Outlook 07 will connect to my Exchange 2003 server. Until then, when I try to open Outlook it says, cannot open the default e-mail folders. And it suggests there is a network issue or that the Exchange server is down. These are not the case. The Exchange server is up and there are no network issues. I have many other computers attached to the network and none of them have this issue. Some our XP Pro/Office 07, some are XP Pro/Office 2003. The big difference with my machine is that it is Vista.

After about 20 to 30 minutes, wow! it connects! And then it's good for the rest of the day. I usually only minimize Outlook after I actually get it open so the connection is maintained throughout the day. I'm not sure what would happen if I closed it completely. But one thing is for sure, every morning, it takes 20 to 30 minutes before it will connect. Eventually, it always connects.

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Office XP 2003 W Vista 64

Feb 23, 2009

I have Office XP disks and I bought a new laptop running Vista 64. Per Vista compatibility web - these do not play well together and it is suggested that I buy new software. I have free Office trial software on the laptop and I don't like the new Office product. I thought I saw a note when I searched this topic last week that the problem is with Outlook and Vista 64 (no details could be found from Microsoft web search). I don't need Outlook on this laptop.

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Front Page 2003

Jun 1, 2009

I have the old problem of the hyperlinks not working in preview mode.

I've done the reg fix found here
which always worked ok in XP but doesn't seem to cure the problem in Vista 64.

I'm wondering if it's caused by there being two versions of IE, 32 and 64 bit.

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Cannot Connect To 2003 Server

May 29, 2008

Hope this is the right newsgroup.

Have a weird situation. On my first Vista pc i cannot authenticate to a 2003
server. YET i can map drives, nslookup is fine, i can ping everything, and
XP pcs log on with no problem (and have been for years).

The actual error is that the DNS of the DC in the domain has failed. I don't
think this has anything to do with DNS based on what i said. Regardless, i
have deleted, reinstalled,,

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Trying To Install Office 2003

Aug 28, 2009

I'm trying to install Office 2003 as a precursor to installing an upgrade version of Office 2007. I previously installed it on another computer (now defunct) running XP Pro, and I had no trouble with it, but Vista Home Premium tells me I don't have the necessary permission to alter the registry. I have logged in as Administrator (at least I think I have) but I still run up against this brick wall. Looking at User Accounts in Control Panel, there is only one account - Administrator. Is there anything else I need to do to get complete access? It seems to me that Vista is trying to be extra-clever, and causing much weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth in the process.

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Office Suite 2003 And OS

Jul 23, 2008

I'm having trouble with my office assistant. I have an Office Suite 2003 product on my new Vista Home Premium OS PC. Anytime I try to fix my office assistant by using the gallery it gives me an error message that says there isn't enough memory to complete the operation. I'm only using about 22 GB out of a total 227 GB available, so I don't really believe that. Also, there are times when I'm using an application and it tries to automatically update my Word 2003 to 2007 - and ends up getting stuck. I close out of it, but what's going on?

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Cannot RDP Connect From To Server 2003

Feb 24, 2009

When I attempt to make an RDP connection from Vista to a remote machine running Windows Server 2003, it seems to partially connect. It displays a 'Log On To Windows Server' dialog window, but it is blank. the fields where I would normally type in my credentials are not displayed. After about a minute, I get the following message:, "Your Remote session has ended. The connection to the remote computer was lost, possiblly due to connectivity problems."

However, on other PCs running Windows XP, I can consistently RDP connect to this same remote machine which is running Windows Server 2003. Why is Windows Vista unable to make a RDP connection to Windows Server 2003? Is there something that needs to be configured differently on the Windows Server 2003 machine to allow Vista RDP connections? Also I can successfully make RDP connections from Vista to machines running Windows XP. It appears the problem is just when making a RDP connection from Vista to Server 2003

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Office 2003 Is Supposed

Apr 25, 2008

Does anyone know if Office 2003 is supposed to work on Vista business 32? I have installed offfice 2003. But when I create a Word document I get a word 2007 instead, and i can't write in it.

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Cant Transfer Office 2003 To New PC

Mar 26, 2008

when I try to install the Office 2003 disk used on my old pc to my new vista pc i get the error 'Windows installer could not be accessed'. I have looked in the erors and problems section system bit on the control panel - lots of problems but no solutions at all.

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Can't Transfer Office 2003 To New PC

Mar 23, 2008

when I try to install the Office 2003 disk used on my old pc to my new vista pc i get the error 'Windows installer could not be accessed'. I have looked in the erors and problems section system bit on the control panel - lots of problems but no solutions at all.

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Office 2003 Is Not Compatible With Vista

Mar 23, 2008

Can I down grade to XP if I do not have a recovery disk? I just bought a new laptop with Vista, I despreatly need the office programs, my Office 2003 disk is not compatible with Vista. I would rather down grad to XP than have to buy 2007 Office software.

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Porting Offfice 2003 To 2007

Sep 8, 2009

I am thinking of buying a laptop that has Vista on it. My current computer was died on me and it has Office 2003 on it. Can I port Office 2003 to a new Vista laptop? The salesman told me I needed to get Office 2007. DOn't know wheter to believe him or not

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Cannot Connect To Server 2003 Domain

Apr 1, 2008

I'm currently trying to connect my laptop which has Vista Business 32-bit to my Poweredge T105 which is running Server 2003 RC2. I get this error when running Network ID:

"Your computer could not be joined to the domain because the following error occured:
An attempt to resolve the DNS name of a DC in the domain being joined has failed. Please verify this client is configured to reach a DNS server thatcan resolve DNS names in the target domain."

The domain name I'm using is a live domain and worked fine when I connected my XP desktop to it. Not sure why it won't connect. Although it is on a different network (name) it can see the shared folder on the

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Cant Install Windows Server 2003 On

Jun 6, 2008

everytime i try and install windows server 2003 enterprise edition on vista. it gives me the error " setup cannot run in program compatibility mode". ive tried installing from the disk when booting but it wont work since i dont have hard disk drive every time i think i get anywhere i get the same error. is there a way to disablle compatibility mode cause even when i use it i stilll get errors.

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All Home Folder On Server 2003 With Same Name

Sep 29, 2008

I got a problem with a Server 2003 and computer with Vista Business 32bit. Situation: All user have a home folder on a Windows 2003 Server and I redirect the "My Documents" folder from Vista on this folder. Problem: When I look on the server the folder where the home folder are store, I see all folder for all user with the same name "Documents" and not the logon name from my user. Sample in the attached file. If I rename the folder "Documents" with something other all folder have after the same name again. All computer with Windows XP do not make this problem, the folder name stay with the user logon name.

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