File BootBCD : Error Occured Read The Boot

Apr 9, 2008

I ran windows update and the updates failed, I have sorted that out by stopping one update but now the computer wont boot without the vista disc being there. On start up everything is ok, it gets to verifying DMI datapool and I get a message something like File BootBCD - an error occured while attempting to read the boot config data ox000000f. I have run windows start up repair & this says it cant find a problem. I have used bootrec /scan and it returned 0 windows installs, /rebuild & Fixboot did nothing, I havent tried FixMbr cos I dont understand what that does and I dont want to make the problem worse - so long as I have the cd in I can ignore when it says press any key to boot from cd & it starts but why do I have to have the cd in? I tried one system restore but that made no difference, it seemed to say boot info wasnt part of the restore & I cant see anywhere to say I want that included but thats another question!

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Install, File: BootBCD

May 21, 2009

A few days ago I got the following error....File: BootBCD. I found how to fix the problem from MS. It tells me to put the Windows Vista Disk in and restart computer. Now when I put the Vista Disk in it starts loading files and then I get a BSOD. I am able to boot a bootable CD and a floppy and even a copy of Windows XP which will start loading. I even brought a new hard thinking the one I had was bad. I have disconnected all my devices from the computer except for the montior.

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System Recovery Getting File: BootBCD Status: 0xc000000f

Sep 29, 2009

I got a brand new Hp pavillion laptop, and 4 days after i got it it gave me the : File: BootBCD Status: 0xc000000f. so i needed to wait 6days because i didnt burn the System recovery discs so needed to order it. In the system recovery kit it had 2 system recovery dics 1 and 2, and a application and driver disc.

Now i cant turn off and on my laptop before i get the : File: BootBCD Status: 0xc000000f and this is the 3 time i'm doing system recovery. but i think it didnt work because i didnt use both Discs of the system recovery. i just dont know what could be worng. and i dont know how to get the second disc started when it's finaly up. So if somebody could tell me how i can get my laptop started again step by step with both disc's and maybe tell me how i can make this not happen again. I'ts a windows vista home premium SP1 64bit

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Downloading Itunes Occured Error

Nov 14, 2008

I need to download iTunes 8.0. When ever I try to, this error message says "System Administrator Has Set Policies To Prevent This Installation." How can I change those policies? I'm using the Administrator account. I'm using Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit.

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Email From MS Word XP, 'The Message Could Not Be Sent; An Error Has Occured'

May 20, 2008

Until recently I have been able to send emails from MS Word XP. Now I receive a message in all MS Office applications: 'The Message could not be sent; An error has occured'. Nothing I do seems to solve the problem. Could it be a security issue?

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Can't Open The Message Or Delete It An Error Occured

Apr 4, 2008

Can't open the message or delete it an error occured

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Send And Recieve Button Error Occured

Apr 4, 2008

When I click on Send/Recieve button. I get a popup that states " Some errors occurred while processing the requested tasks. Please review the list of errors below for more details. " The tasks tab lists alll three email accounts But the Errors Tab is BLANK ! the bottom stats "0 of 3 tasks have completed successfully " Now when i do a recieve all or a send all it works fine. Any ideas on why the sen/recieve all does not ?

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Norton Uninstall "a Fatal Windows Error Has Occured"

Mar 10, 2008

I have tried Uninstalling it via add/remove programs. It says it was completely removed. I then tried to install Trend Micro, however when that runs we get an error message that says "a fatal windows error has occured please restart your computer and try again"

Then from searching thru this forum I found out about the Norton Removal tool. We downloaded and ran that and it found other things to remove. Once it was completed we tried to install Trend Micro again but still get the same error message. At this time we are running a full system restore to bring the Laptop back to out of the box condition. Has anyone had this happen before, and are there any steps I am missing?

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"error Occured While Configuring The Network Bridge."

May 15, 2010

Im sorry but I wasnt sure which section this post should go in. I have plugged my xbox 360 into my Toshiba Satellite laptop with a cross over cable. I am using a wireless connection with my laptop and I attempted to bridge my connection so i can play XBL on my 360. I recieved this message: "An unexpected error occured while configuring the network bridge." This started happening after i reinstalled windows. Before the reinstallation it worked completely fine absolutetly no problems. There are no more updates to install on windows updates. I am unsure if what im about to say has anything to do with this problem, but here goes. I went to device manager and went under network adapters clicked show hidden devices and then I tried to update my WAN miniport drivers(all of them) but everytime for all of them i get this message: " Windows found driver software for your device but encountered an error when trying to install it, the system cannot find the file specified. What is my next step?

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Disk Read Error ..

Aug 22, 2008

I built my computer about 8 months ago now, and all has been running well up until two days ago. When I went to start my computer I received a "Disk Read Error". After doing much research I managed to restore the MBR and Boot Loader, and Vista booted fine. It also ran fine for about an hour, then I shut it off and went to bed.

I go to start my machine today to find out that it will start, however when it does I see my desktop for a fraction of a second before receiving a black screen. For whatever reason, explorer refuses to stay open, and constantly keeps crashing. If I'm quick enough, I can launch my browser (it's one of my quick launch icons), however I can do nothing else on the computer really. I tried using the start bar, which will stay on top of the black screen, to no avail.

I then went to the command prompt and tried to access my HDD's to see if they may be failing, although it seems I can browse them fine. I restarted into safe mode, only to have the computer freeze when loading the basic drivers, and go no further.

Now comes the really oddball part. I stick my Vista disk in so I can run its startup check, and it takes forever to load. By forever, I mean a good 20-30 minutes of time just hanging. Even when doing operations on the disk GUI, the computer hangs. This makes no sense to me at all since nothing is loaded into memory, and it's just reading off the disk.

I checked my temperatures and nothing goes above 40C, so my processor isn't overheating like I thought it may be. Unfortunately I have no restore points to go back to (I thought Vista automatically created these every once and a while, I guess not), so I'm stuck troubleshooting what I have.

What I do not want to do is restore my computer. I have far too many programs on the system to be willing to go that far, unless I really had to.

EDIT: Some more info. I have two physical hard drives, partitioned into three logical drives. I can browse one of the drives fine (it's partitioned into two logical parts, both function fine), but if I attempt to do it to the other drive, the computer hangs. Even if I go into the console and try to access the drive, or if I try to scan the drive with my anti-virus, they all hang. I assume this drive is bad.

Would that really cause every other part of my computer to hang? I've always thought if you left the bad drive alone it wouldn't do anything to performance, but I may be finding out otherwise now.

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Disk Read Error Use Ctrl/alt/del

Jun 27, 2009

I have a Dell XPS M1530 Laptop, running Vista Home Premium 64bit. I have support from Dell but they have been unable/unwilling to save my data in the past so I'm exploring my options before calling them. My computer threw an error and then froze so that I couldn't close any open programs or access task manager or shutdown/restart. I was forced shutdown by holding the power button. On turning the computer back on, I got a "disk read error, use ctrl/alt/del to restart" response. Using ctrl/alt/del simply causes the same error to repeat.

I can access F2 and F12, but not F8. I have tried both my Dell Vista Reinstallation CD and a Recovery CD made using the tutorial on this site (found here: Create a Recovery Disc). In both cases, I have to use F12 to get it to boot from the disk. It says "loading Windows files" and then shows the little bar with Microsoft below it. Afterwards, however, it never gets to the system recovery/repair options screen...or indeed any request for input at all. It simply shows a black screen and the CPU seems to be working at something but never does anything. Occasionally, I will hear a little blip sound. Like most folks, I'm desperately hoping to retrieve data I haven't backed up in a week or two, some of it absolutely irreplaceable! If anyone has any suggestions for getting in to backup data in any way, I'd be immensely grateful!

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Won't Even Read Boot Disc...

Apr 4, 2009

when i first got my windows vista home premium 32-bit with SP! i was stoked i was able to watch DVDs, play video games and do whatever i wanted but now suddenly my E drive won't read a thing no, the discs are not at fault, please do not suggest this is the problem i have read 100+ threads on the internet from people who are having the same problem as me so now i want to reboot my computer with the operating system disc which came with the laptop, but my disc drive can't even read that to fix the problem!

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Note Pad: Can Not Read A File

Apr 27, 2008

i have received an e-mail with an attachment. When I open it, it opens with Note pad. All I see is pc jargon. (letters and symbols)

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Cannot Read The File Backup Cd

May 5, 2009

I burned data from my XP installation prior to installing Vista Home 32bit. I checked that the data on my backups were readable using Nero. Now I have 2 programs I want to intall on my Vista, but Vista says it cannot read the files on the backup CD. I am able to see that the files are there as I can get their size.

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Visual C++ Installation - Cannot Read Data File

May 10, 2009

I am having installation problems with a Polish/English Multimedia dictionary. At the start of install I get a pop-up advising that the program needs to install MS Visual C++ 2005 SP1 to run properly. When I click OK it commences the installation of Visual C++ but does not complete the configuration stage before the installation of the dictionary software starts.

The dictionary installation then continues without problem ok but when I try to run it I get an error message that the program cannot read the data file and that I should reinstall again. Also, I note that Visual C++ has failed to install.

The software is Vista compatable and does install ok (including the Visual C++) when I tried it on a on a Vista x86 latop. I have tried installation with UAC disabled, Norton Internet security disabled, even tried installing it in safe mode with a hack to run Windows installer. I have run all installations as Administrator.

Also tried a separate install of Visual C++ 2005 SP1 and also the 2008 version but the dictionary software does not recognise either. To get the 2005 version installed I had to first install the base pack and then the SP1 version, but then I have no idea if it has installed properly.

My laptop is an HP Pavilion dv 3510nr and OS is Vista Home Premium x64 and I bought it about 4 weeks ago in the US. Maybe there is a running service that is conflicting with the software installation, I have no idea.

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Reloaded Vista Can Read File Bad Hard Drive

Mar 1, 2009

Hard drive died, replaced, reloaded Vista Premium x64. I can read the files on the bad hard drive, have attached as an external drive and want to transfer all Windows Mail files to the new hard drive and then restart Windows Mail. Is this possible? Can all files be transferred? The files and folders are in (user name)/App Data/Local/Microsoft/Windows Mail. Can I just replace the Windows Mail folder with the folder from the old drive? Are there additional files that will need to be copied?

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Longer Boot Up Computer As The Boot/bcd File Is Miising Or Corrupt

Apr 7, 2008

i can no longer boot up my computer as the boot/bcd file is miising or corrupt i found a windows artical on how to fix it and it didnt work ive also tryedd googleing the problem and got many results but none that seem to fit the problem or are helpful what can i do to solve this

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Windows Failed To Start: ERROR "cannot Create A File When That File Already Exists" (0x800700b7)

Mar 23, 2008

My elderly Mother's Vista PC isn't working, and as she relies on this for shopping etc I need to get it working (I am several hundred miles from her). The PC tried to install the latest Vista updates (20/2/2008) but upon restart she gets the message "Windows failed to restart - a recent hardware/software change may be the cause - File windowssystem32winload.exe "The selected file could not be loaded". She doesn't have a start in "normal mode" option. I have walked her through trying system repair/restore using the Vista installation Cd, but after trying to restore she gets the message; "system restore failed due to an unspecified error; "cannot create a file when that file already exists" (0x800700b7) We have tried 3 different restore points with the same result.

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Until System Rebooted Freezes Occured

Apr 11, 2008

I bought a new dell vostro about a month ago, pre-installed with windows vista home premium 32bit. All has been going well with it until Wednesday night when for some reason whilst using messenger the program froze, went light grey and a timer came up in place of the pointer.(i have a vague recollection of seeing a pop up regarding the power supply to the computer - not sure what it was) nothing else would work on the comp, ctrl/alt/del did not work so I couldn't force application to quit. Eventually just held power button until system rebooted. Since this first happened the computer continually freezes with no way of closing down programs, have tried a system restore, but even that process stalls and doesn't complete. Have tried uninstalling McAfee in case that was causing it but to no avail. I loaded up windows in safe mode which seemed to work fine, although the system restore was unavailable in safe mode. At the time it was downloading an 80mb vista update, which is yet to finish, again in safe mode the vista update was not running. The freezes occur with random programs, not just one particular one Anyone got any ideas of what the problem is and how to fix it, got a lot of uni work needing done outside of work hours and not having use of this computer is really annoying.

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What A "failed To Read From VOB File" Means When Backing Up A Bought Dvd

Mar 23, 2008

what a "failed to read from VOB file" means when backing up a bought dvd and how to get around it? I am using DVD43 with Nero, but it does the same thing with shrink, just takes longer.

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Boot Disk Error

Aug 22, 2008

Specs: HP Pavillion m8100 n.

System: 32 bit

OS: Windows Vista Home Premium

AMD Athlon 64x2 Dual Core Processor 5600*

Welll I have an HP Pavillion m8100n TV PC and a couple of months ago the computer froze and I restarted it but it gave me an error saying there was a boot disk error and I had no idea what to do about itI recovered the computer but a week later same results and now I tried to install Home Premium again and it's giving me errors like:

DRIVE_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL, and I have NOOO idea, what it means..and at the bottom with techincal information it says: *** STOP: 0X000000D1 (0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000, 0xFFFFFA60012FC23E)

*nvstor.sys - Address FFFFFA60012FC23E base at FFFFFA60012F6000, DateStamp 46671a38, and I have no idea what to do. And when I tried installing Vista it worked the first time...for like one day than it get all those errors I just mentioned..and in addition to all those bad problems, my recovery partition of the computer was deleted.

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Boot Error Pfn_boot_corrupt

Jun 26, 2008

I put together a new pc, and when I try to boot from my vista cd I get the error pfn_boot_corrupt right when it is done loading files and is ready to start setup. I did not reformat my old hdd before trying it on my new system. Could this be the cause of my error, even though I am booting from a cd? If so, is there a way to reformat from the bios, as I do not have windows or dos or anything else installed and working.

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Boot Order: PXE-E61 Error

Aug 27, 2009

Well, I get the PXE-E61 error on my computer every once in a while; maybe 1/5 times I start it up, and when it does happen I usually have to restart about two or three times to get it to start up correctly. I 'm not sure if it's a huge problem, but I would really like to get rid of it altogether because it is kind of annoying. Nothing else is wrong with my computer. I know changing the boot order is supposed to get rid of this, and I was given a link and a suggestion, but my options are slightly different than the ones I found in the link. I just want to be completely sure I'm doing this right. This is the link How do I resolve and PXE-E61 error message and crash?....

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Can Not Startup Repair:boot Error

May 10, 2009

i'm using Vista Ultimate x64. But i have the bootcd error, The problem is: I can't do startup repair there are no OS listed! I click laod drivers than windows explorer thing comes, but what than? I must choose a Setup Information File or something, I accendentally deleted the Boot/bcd map, i just wan't repair, just no OS listed, i can't find it! (i can see my hard drivers)

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Start With Slow Boot And Error

Mar 21, 2010

i recently formatted and reinstalled windows on my computer and for some reason i have had nothing but trouble since. a run down of my problems, i had 4gb of ram now she will only run on 2gb, she used to be really fast at booting up and shuting down and now i can flick her on and have my breakfast before she has even thought about doing anything. I had a nosey in the event logger and amongst the hundred of errors daily, the one mark BOOT ERROR, is this one.

no viruses, hard drives are defragged and check disked. for the record when she is on she is fine, no problems, just booting up and shutting down it starts playing up

Windows has started up:.............

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Widows Is Running Gives Boot Error

Feb 19, 2008

I have just reinstalled Vista Ultimate64 and for some very strange reason the D drive is listed as the system drive and the C drive is where Windows is isntalled (obviously). If I unplug the D drive while Windows is running it has no problems but if I restart it gives the boot error, please insert system disc. Plug D back in and it boots fine. My question is, is there anyway to fix this without having to reinstall Windows again?

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Read "UDF" File System?

Nov 18, 2009

i have dowloaded the photo from digital camera and burn to a CD. I realised it is in "UDF" File system. The CD can be access from Windows XP PC but not accessable on Windows Vista PC, it shows blank content. Anybody for the Vista to read "UDF" file system?

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Reinstalling Home Premium Gives Boot Error

Jan 15, 2010

I have an Emachine T3642 and I want to reinstall Vista on a seperate hard drive that what it originally came with. Windows was preinstalled and I've made the recovery disk. After I hooked up the second hard drive (new), I tried booting with the recovery disk as well as a Vista upgrade disk that I borrowed from a relative. The upgrade disk is 32-bit, which is what I need. It just gives me a boot error. I went to the emachine website and the only information I found to reinstall was use the disk it supposedly came with.

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Dual Boot, Corrupt Disc Error

Oct 27, 2009

I have a toshiba laptop. It is running Vista Home Premium 32bit. I did a dual boot and installed windows 7 premium 32bit on a second partition. It installed fine but I ran into driver problems as well as a corrupt disc error. I decided to go back to vista and formatted the 7 partition. When I restart my pc I still get the option to boot into 7. How do I remove this option?

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Getting Error Code 0x80004005 When Boot From Installation Disc

Jun 6, 2009

I have a virus and am trying to do a fresh clean install of vista home premium. When I boot from the install disc and run the install program it give me error code 0x80004005 and says that my computer does not have enough free space. It advises me to free up enough space in order to copy files. Problem is I have tons of free space on my hardrive. I have two partitions and both have plenty of free space.

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64 & 32 Duel Boot Gives Error Message : Winload.exe Could Not Find

Mar 23, 2008

I had an Vista 32 bit version installed and which was used fine.3 days before I had upgrade my PC's memory to 4G, then I find Vista 32 Bit version can not recognize all the memory.So I try to install an Vista 64 Bit version for the test to check if the 64 bit system is ok for me.

The problem is, Vista 32 was installed on to the 3rd partition of the harddisk,usually the drive letter will be E in Windows XP and previous version windows, although it in Vista it display as C drive. I tried to install the 64 Bit Vista in to the 4th partiton. After all the drivers and applications install completed,that seems so far so good. Then I find my previous F drive now names C. The Drive C in Vista 32 Bit names E now. When
I try to boot into Vista 32, the error message : winload.exe could not find.

I used bcdedit try to redirect the device and osdevice to E drive, Vista 32 still could not start normally, the system will hang up in the blue desktop background,seems can not load user profile or sth like that.

I have check the E drive, all the files of Vista 32 are still there.

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