Boot Order: PXE-E61 Error

Aug 27, 2009

Well, I get the PXE-E61 error on my computer every once in a while; maybe 1/5 times I start it up, and when it does happen I usually have to restart about two or three times to get it to start up correctly. I 'm not sure if it's a huge problem, but I would really like to get rid of it altogether because it is kind of annoying. Nothing else is wrong with my computer. I know changing the boot order is supposed to get rid of this, and I was given a link and a suggestion, but my options are slightly different than the ones I found in the link. I just want to be completely sure I'm doing this right. This is the link How do I resolve and PXE-E61 error message and crash?....

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Why Does Ubuntu Require An ISP Connection In Order 2 Boot Up?

Apr 9, 2008

Why Does Ubuntu 8.04 Long Term Support Official Beta Refresh Require An Internet Service Provider Connection In Order 2 Boot Up?

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Locked Out Of Bios: Boot From CD But I Cannot Get In To Change The Order

Oct 30, 2009

The problem is there is a password on the bios (where this came out of i don't know) and I need to boot from CD but I cannot get in to change the order, also this means I cannot use bios clearing password tools as they are off a cd. I think the laptop holds the bios password in the eeprom and not the bios battery.I have striped down the laptop a far bit but could not find the bios battery. The problem is I am on holiday at the moment and I don't really want to strip it totally as I am in a hotel, but I really need to get this going.asap

I have tryed some default password for the bios manufacturer, but nothing. I wiped my laptop before and put on vista 64, but when I redownloaded the acer empowering support wiget(that would let me change the order their) that does not work and I cannot find anything on google about the issue. Is there any programs that can do this from windows?

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Bios Password: Cant Change Boot Order

Jun 24, 2009

I forgot my bios password so i cant change my boot order. Is there any way to change this. Or any backdoor passwords I can use. I want to remove vista and pus xp back.

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Boot Disk Error

Aug 22, 2008

Specs: HP Pavillion m8100 n.

System: 32 bit

OS: Windows Vista Home Premium

AMD Athlon 64x2 Dual Core Processor 5600*

Welll I have an HP Pavillion m8100n TV PC and a couple of months ago the computer froze and I restarted it but it gave me an error saying there was a boot disk error and I had no idea what to do about itI recovered the computer but a week later same results and now I tried to install Home Premium again and it's giving me errors like:

DRIVE_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL, and I have NOOO idea, what it means..and at the bottom with techincal information it says: *** STOP: 0X000000D1 (0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000, 0xFFFFFA60012FC23E)

*nvstor.sys - Address FFFFFA60012FC23E base at FFFFFA60012F6000, DateStamp 46671a38, and I have no idea what to do. And when I tried installing Vista it worked the first time...for like one day than it get all those errors I just mentioned..and in addition to all those bad problems, my recovery partition of the computer was deleted.

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Boot Error Pfn_boot_corrupt

Jun 26, 2008

I put together a new pc, and when I try to boot from my vista cd I get the error pfn_boot_corrupt right when it is done loading files and is ready to start setup. I did not reformat my old hdd before trying it on my new system. Could this be the cause of my error, even though I am booting from a cd? If so, is there a way to reformat from the bios, as I do not have windows or dos or anything else installed and working.

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Can Not Startup Repair:boot Error

May 10, 2009

i'm using Vista Ultimate x64. But i have the bootcd error, The problem is: I can't do startup repair there are no OS listed! I click laod drivers than windows explorer thing comes, but what than? I must choose a Setup Information File or something, I accendentally deleted the Boot/bcd map, i just wan't repair, just no OS listed, i can't find it! (i can see my hard drivers)

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Start With Slow Boot And Error

Mar 21, 2010

i recently formatted and reinstalled windows on my computer and for some reason i have had nothing but trouble since. a run down of my problems, i had 4gb of ram now she will only run on 2gb, she used to be really fast at booting up and shuting down and now i can flick her on and have my breakfast before she has even thought about doing anything. I had a nosey in the event logger and amongst the hundred of errors daily, the one mark BOOT ERROR, is this one.

no viruses, hard drives are defragged and check disked. for the record when she is on she is fine, no problems, just booting up and shutting down it starts playing up

Windows has started up:.............

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Widows Is Running Gives Boot Error

Feb 19, 2008

I have just reinstalled Vista Ultimate64 and for some very strange reason the D drive is listed as the system drive and the C drive is where Windows is isntalled (obviously). If I unplug the D drive while Windows is running it has no problems but if I restart it gives the boot error, please insert system disc. Plug D back in and it boots fine. My question is, is there anyway to fix this without having to reinstall Windows again?

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Reinstalling Home Premium Gives Boot Error

Jan 15, 2010

I have an Emachine T3642 and I want to reinstall Vista on a seperate hard drive that what it originally came with. Windows was preinstalled and I've made the recovery disk. After I hooked up the second hard drive (new), I tried booting with the recovery disk as well as a Vista upgrade disk that I borrowed from a relative. The upgrade disk is 32-bit, which is what I need. It just gives me a boot error. I went to the emachine website and the only information I found to reinstall was use the disk it supposedly came with.

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Dual Boot, Corrupt Disc Error

Oct 27, 2009

I have a toshiba laptop. It is running Vista Home Premium 32bit. I did a dual boot and installed windows 7 premium 32bit on a second partition. It installed fine but I ran into driver problems as well as a corrupt disc error. I decided to go back to vista and formatted the 7 partition. When I restart my pc I still get the option to boot into 7. How do I remove this option?

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Getting Error Code 0x80004005 When Boot From Installation Disc

Jun 6, 2009

I have a virus and am trying to do a fresh clean install of vista home premium. When I boot from the install disc and run the install program it give me error code 0x80004005 and says that my computer does not have enough free space. It advises me to free up enough space in order to copy files. Problem is I have tons of free space on my hardrive. I have two partitions and both have plenty of free space.

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64 & 32 Duel Boot Gives Error Message : Winload.exe Could Not Find

Mar 23, 2008

I had an Vista 32 bit version installed and which was used fine.3 days before I had upgrade my PC's memory to 4G, then I find Vista 32 Bit version can not recognize all the memory.So I try to install an Vista 64 Bit version for the test to check if the 64 bit system is ok for me.

The problem is, Vista 32 was installed on to the 3rd partition of the harddisk,usually the drive letter will be E in Windows XP and previous version windows, although it in Vista it display as C drive. I tried to install the 64 Bit Vista in to the 4th partiton. After all the drivers and applications install completed,that seems so far so good. Then I find my previous F drive now names C. The Drive C in Vista 32 Bit names E now. When
I try to boot into Vista 32, the error message : winload.exe could not find.

I used bcdedit try to redirect the device and osdevice to E drive, Vista 32 still could not start normally, the system will hang up in the blue desktop background,seems can not load user profile or sth like that.

I have check the E drive, all the files of Vista 32 are still there.

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File BootBCD : Error Occured Read The Boot

Apr 9, 2008

I ran windows update and the updates failed, I have sorted that out by stopping one update but now the computer wont boot without the vista disc being there. On start up everything is ok, it gets to verifying DMI datapool and I get a message something like File BootBCD - an error occured while attempting to read the boot config data ox000000f. I have run windows start up repair & this says it cant find a problem. I have used bootrec /scan and it returned 0 windows installs, /rebuild & Fixboot did nothing, I havent tried FixMbr cos I dont understand what that does and I dont want to make the problem worse - so long as I have the cd in I can ignore when it says press any key to boot from cd & it starts but why do I have to have the cd in? I tried one system restore but that made no difference, it seemed to say boot info wasnt part of the restore & I cant see anywhere to say I want that included but thats another question!

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Instal SP1, Not Boot, Error Message On Black Screen

Dec 5, 2009

I am getting an error message on a black screen !!OxcOOOOO34!! 252/90268(program_files_windows_calendar_49985597510...)..................

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Index Drive Faster Seaching Off Error Boot

Feb 5, 2009

Yes me again with another puzzle I right clicked my C: Drive with the intention of turning "index drive for faster searching" off, but I get error boot/memtest etc........and therefore cannot do this, first of all is it wise for me to try and do this, and secondly how do I get around this error? Btw I have UAC turned off for this, but before I get that error above it also says I need Administrator permissions etc........which I have, so what is this all about

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Dual Boot XP And Re-booted Got "Missing MBR" Error Message

Apr 19, 2008

Have XP on larger partition, then installed Vista on too small partition (single hard drive), able to dual boot. Kept getting Low Disk Space error message in Vista. From Computer Management, Storage (in Vista) wanted to extend the Vista partition by creating a third partition from the XP partition, thought I could extend the Vista partition but couldn't. Then decided to put the unallocated partition back in XP partition (same session). When I re-booted got "Missing MBR" error message. Able to get Vista to boot again from off the install CD. But no more dual boot possible. AM able to see XP partition in Vista. How can I get back to being able to have the dual boot option?

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Do I Have Everything In Order

Dec 6, 2008

This is what my system has and I would like to ask you guys if everything works to the maximum. Why do I only have 2.12 available of physical memory?

I would love to hear what you say guys. Tnx.

OS Name Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Ultimate
Version 6.0.6001 Service Pack 1 Build 6001
Other OS Description Not Available
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Name SASHA
System Manufacturer TOSHIBA
System Model Satellite A300D
System Type x64-based PC
Processor AMD Turion(tm) X2 Ultra Dual-Core Mobile ZM-80, 2100 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 2 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/Date TOSHIBA V2.20, 11/08/2008
SMBIOS Version 2.4
Windows Directory C:Windows
System Directory C:Windowssystem32
Boot Device DeviceHarddiskVolume2
Locale United Kingdom
Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "6.0.6001.18000"
User Name SASHASash
Time Zone GMT Standard Time
Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 4.00 GB
Total Physical Memory 4.00 GB
Available Physical Memory 2.12 GB
Total Virtual Memory 8.20 GB
Available Virtual Memory 6.33 GB
Page File Space 4.29 GB
Page File C:pagefile.sys

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Out Of Alphabetical Order

May 22, 2009

On one of my computers a newly created Folder In my Documents does not find its correct space in alphabetical order when the name is inserted but stays at the bottom of the list of Folders in My Documents, requiring it to be placed in the correct place by hand incurring all the difficulties of merging Folders at the same time - all time consuming. Is there a way of correcting this? The Technical Assistance for HP Compaq failed to find a solution - maybe you readers are better equipped with the grey matter than they are?

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Order 5001722279?

Feb 21, 2009

I ordered and paid for a "windows Vista after market" 32 bit CD. Part 660-02694. Order 5001722279. Can you tell me where this order is.

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Put Lists Into Alphabeical Order

Dec 2, 2009

I need to be able to put lists into alphabeical order, such an easy task on windows XP. Surely this useful device has not been omitted on my new Vista......but I cannot find it.

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Custom Order Of My 'All Programs'

Apr 23, 2008

I've got it set up to my tastes. That said, one MAJOR annoyance I've come across is that no matter what I do, I cant keep the custom order of my 'All Programs' and 'Favorites' menus. I'm allowed to drag and drop in the order that I like, but every time I restart it's always put back in alphabetical order. I've unchecked the 'sort by alphabetical' in the 'customize start menu' panel, and I've made sure none of the folders are sorted by name... but
nothing seems to do it.

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Shutdown Window Order

Nov 26, 2008

Am running windows vista enter. 32 bit on my machine.

When i use the turn-off short key (Alt F4), the shutdown window appears and the first option in the drop down list is " Sleep ".

I want to change the order of these commands, like: i want the first option to be LogOff

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Order Of Software Installation

Mar 23, 2008

I purchased a new computer that came with Vista Home Premium pre-installed. I purchased the Any Time Upgrade for Vista Ultimate. MS had to mail me the Any Time Disc, which is taking a long time coming. I haven't installed any software, including my anti virus, thinking it would be best to do the system upgrade first. Is this correct, or can I just go ahead and load the other software (Office 2007, QuickBooks 2008) and Trend Micro Internet Security?

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Chronilogical Order In Alphabetically

Apr 20, 2010

when I look at all my e mails from one sender--by clicking on sender--I want them to appear chronilogically, so I can scan what I need to, usually within the ten most recent. But they will only appear organized alphabetically by subject! Who cares about alphabetical by subject! Is there a way to rearrange?

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Sort Order Not Saving

Mar 2, 2009

I want my new messages to come in at the bottom but everytime I open my email box it is back at the top again. It is most annoying. This just started happening since I replaced my hard drive. Is there some setting I am missing?

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DNS Server Order For PPP Connections

Jun 5, 2008

It appears that in Vista, the DNS server(s) for a PPP connection are always favored over those from other connection regardless of the service provider order defined. This can be verified by using the nslookup command without any arguments and looking at the Default Server that is displayed. This is different than XP. Is there any way to change this?

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32 To 64: Through Alternate Media Order

Mar 5, 2008

A bit ago a person on here said they were able to upgrade their academic vista ultimate 32bit from their school to the 64bit version through the alternate media order. HOW? I have tried and it says offer not found. I have a copy now of 32bit vista that is doing me no good at all since I have 4gigs of ram and a 64bit processor.

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Sidebar & Gadgets Getting Out Of Order

Jan 7, 2010

Initially, I had a problem with my sidebar gadgets getting out of order each time I turned on or restarted my computer. I hacked the registry, which enabled me to keep my sidebar gadgets in order, but now I can't add any new gadgets except for the ones that either I already had downloaded and installed (WoW Explorer and App Launcher), or that came with WinVsta Ultimate.....................

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Want To Re-order Pictures In A Folder

Feb 6, 2009

I wish to order image files in a folder in a certain way (ie not alphabetic or chronologic). I can drag and drop pictures into the preferred order, but I am not sure how to ensure the permanence of that re-ordering. Also, I would like to be able to copy these images (in there new order) to either a new folder or to a CD.

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Internet Favorites Into Alphabetical Order

Mar 25, 2008

How do I put my internet favorites into alphabetical order when I click Favorites? They are in order in my C:UsernameFavorites folder, but not when I click Favorites in Internet Explorer.

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