Boot Error Pfn_boot_corrupt

Jun 26, 2008

I put together a new pc, and when I try to boot from my vista cd I get the error pfn_boot_corrupt right when it is done loading files and is ready to start setup. I did not reformat my old hdd before trying it on my new system. Could this be the cause of my error, even though I am booting from a cd? If so, is there a way to reformat from the bios, as I do not have windows or dos or anything else installed and working.

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Boot Disk Error

Aug 22, 2008

Specs: HP Pavillion m8100 n.

System: 32 bit

OS: Windows Vista Home Premium

AMD Athlon 64x2 Dual Core Processor 5600*

Welll I have an HP Pavillion m8100n TV PC and a couple of months ago the computer froze and I restarted it but it gave me an error saying there was a boot disk error and I had no idea what to do about itI recovered the computer but a week later same results and now I tried to install Home Premium again and it's giving me errors like:

DRIVE_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL, and I have NOOO idea, what it means..and at the bottom with techincal information it says: *** STOP: 0X000000D1 (0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000, 0xFFFFFA60012FC23E)

*nvstor.sys - Address FFFFFA60012FC23E base at FFFFFA60012F6000, DateStamp 46671a38, and I have no idea what to do. And when I tried installing Vista it worked the first time...for like one day than it get all those errors I just mentioned..and in addition to all those bad problems, my recovery partition of the computer was deleted.

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Boot Order: PXE-E61 Error

Aug 27, 2009

Well, I get the PXE-E61 error on my computer every once in a while; maybe 1/5 times I start it up, and when it does happen I usually have to restart about two or three times to get it to start up correctly. I 'm not sure if it's a huge problem, but I would really like to get rid of it altogether because it is kind of annoying. Nothing else is wrong with my computer. I know changing the boot order is supposed to get rid of this, and I was given a link and a suggestion, but my options are slightly different than the ones I found in the link. I just want to be completely sure I'm doing this right. This is the link How do I resolve and PXE-E61 error message and crash?....

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Can Not Startup Repair:boot Error

May 10, 2009

i'm using Vista Ultimate x64. But i have the bootcd error, The problem is: I can't do startup repair there are no OS listed! I click laod drivers than windows explorer thing comes, but what than? I must choose a Setup Information File or something, I accendentally deleted the Boot/bcd map, i just wan't repair, just no OS listed, i can't find it! (i can see my hard drivers)

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Start With Slow Boot And Error

Mar 21, 2010

i recently formatted and reinstalled windows on my computer and for some reason i have had nothing but trouble since. a run down of my problems, i had 4gb of ram now she will only run on 2gb, she used to be really fast at booting up and shuting down and now i can flick her on and have my breakfast before she has even thought about doing anything. I had a nosey in the event logger and amongst the hundred of errors daily, the one mark BOOT ERROR, is this one.

no viruses, hard drives are defragged and check disked. for the record when she is on she is fine, no problems, just booting up and shutting down it starts playing up

Windows has started up:.............

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Widows Is Running Gives Boot Error

Feb 19, 2008

I have just reinstalled Vista Ultimate64 and for some very strange reason the D drive is listed as the system drive and the C drive is where Windows is isntalled (obviously). If I unplug the D drive while Windows is running it has no problems but if I restart it gives the boot error, please insert system disc. Plug D back in and it boots fine. My question is, is there anyway to fix this without having to reinstall Windows again?

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Reinstalling Home Premium Gives Boot Error

Jan 15, 2010

I have an Emachine T3642 and I want to reinstall Vista on a seperate hard drive that what it originally came with. Windows was preinstalled and I've made the recovery disk. After I hooked up the second hard drive (new), I tried booting with the recovery disk as well as a Vista upgrade disk that I borrowed from a relative. The upgrade disk is 32-bit, which is what I need. It just gives me a boot error. I went to the emachine website and the only information I found to reinstall was use the disk it supposedly came with.

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Dual Boot, Corrupt Disc Error

Oct 27, 2009

I have a toshiba laptop. It is running Vista Home Premium 32bit. I did a dual boot and installed windows 7 premium 32bit on a second partition. It installed fine but I ran into driver problems as well as a corrupt disc error. I decided to go back to vista and formatted the 7 partition. When I restart my pc I still get the option to boot into 7. How do I remove this option?

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Getting Error Code 0x80004005 When Boot From Installation Disc

Jun 6, 2009

I have a virus and am trying to do a fresh clean install of vista home premium. When I boot from the install disc and run the install program it give me error code 0x80004005 and says that my computer does not have enough free space. It advises me to free up enough space in order to copy files. Problem is I have tons of free space on my hardrive. I have two partitions and both have plenty of free space.

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64 & 32 Duel Boot Gives Error Message : Winload.exe Could Not Find

Mar 23, 2008

I had an Vista 32 bit version installed and which was used fine.3 days before I had upgrade my PC's memory to 4G, then I find Vista 32 Bit version can not recognize all the memory.So I try to install an Vista 64 Bit version for the test to check if the 64 bit system is ok for me.

The problem is, Vista 32 was installed on to the 3rd partition of the harddisk,usually the drive letter will be E in Windows XP and previous version windows, although it in Vista it display as C drive. I tried to install the 64 Bit Vista in to the 4th partiton. After all the drivers and applications install completed,that seems so far so good. Then I find my previous F drive now names C. The Drive C in Vista 32 Bit names E now. When
I try to boot into Vista 32, the error message : winload.exe could not find.

I used bcdedit try to redirect the device and osdevice to E drive, Vista 32 still could not start normally, the system will hang up in the blue desktop background,seems can not load user profile or sth like that.

I have check the E drive, all the files of Vista 32 are still there.

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File BootBCD : Error Occured Read The Boot

Apr 9, 2008

I ran windows update and the updates failed, I have sorted that out by stopping one update but now the computer wont boot without the vista disc being there. On start up everything is ok, it gets to verifying DMI datapool and I get a message something like File BootBCD - an error occured while attempting to read the boot config data ox000000f. I have run windows start up repair & this says it cant find a problem. I have used bootrec /scan and it returned 0 windows installs, /rebuild & Fixboot did nothing, I havent tried FixMbr cos I dont understand what that does and I dont want to make the problem worse - so long as I have the cd in I can ignore when it says press any key to boot from cd & it starts but why do I have to have the cd in? I tried one system restore but that made no difference, it seemed to say boot info wasnt part of the restore & I cant see anywhere to say I want that included but thats another question!

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Instal SP1, Not Boot, Error Message On Black Screen

Dec 5, 2009

I am getting an error message on a black screen !!OxcOOOOO34!! 252/90268(program_files_windows_calendar_49985597510...)..................

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Index Drive Faster Seaching Off Error Boot

Feb 5, 2009

Yes me again with another puzzle I right clicked my C: Drive with the intention of turning "index drive for faster searching" off, but I get error boot/memtest etc........and therefore cannot do this, first of all is it wise for me to try and do this, and secondly how do I get around this error? Btw I have UAC turned off for this, but before I get that error above it also says I need Administrator permissions etc........which I have, so what is this all about

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Dual Boot XP And Re-booted Got "Missing MBR" Error Message

Apr 19, 2008

Have XP on larger partition, then installed Vista on too small partition (single hard drive), able to dual boot. Kept getting Low Disk Space error message in Vista. From Computer Management, Storage (in Vista) wanted to extend the Vista partition by creating a third partition from the XP partition, thought I could extend the Vista partition but couldn't. Then decided to put the unallocated partition back in XP partition (same session). When I re-booted got "Missing MBR" error message. Able to get Vista to boot again from off the install CD. But no more dual boot possible. AM able to see XP partition in Vista. How can I get back to being able to have the dual boot option?

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Booting Up: Reboot And Select Proper Boot Device Or Insert Boot Media In Selected Boot Device And Press A Key

Jan 1, 2009

I went to turn it on this morning, I just had a black screen showing the following words;

Press F2 to run
Press F11 to boot menu
Auto detecting PRI Master Atapai CDROM.

It then went to reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key. I went into the BIOS to change the boot order and inserted my Vista home premium 32bit. I then got windows is loading in files. After a short while I got the black start up screen with Microsoft Corporation but after a few seconds it just froze. Moments later it went to a blue screen with white writing part of which said the following; A PROBLEM HAS BEEN DETECTED AND WINDOWS HAS BEEN SHUT DOWN TO PREVENT DAMAGE TI YOUR COMPUTER.

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Physx Instalation: Error 1935. Error When Installing Assembly. OR "Error When Trying To Install Assembly"

Aug 14, 2008

When I begin installng physx every thing goes ok, but when it is about to finish. Translating things that is not in english: Error 1935. Error when installing assembly. OR "Error when trying to install assembly" Last LINE: "Contact help and suport for more information"

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Connection To The Server Has Failed Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E?

Aug 20, 2009

After months of working fine, suddenly received the following messages: The connection to the server has failed. Subject 'Balance due on account', Account: 'Windows Mail', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): Yes, Socket Error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

The connection to the server has failed. Account: 'Windows Mail', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Port: 995, Secure(SSL): Yes, Socket
Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

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Cannot Send Email :: Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

Mar 23, 2008

I get this message when sending email. The connection to the server has failed. Subject '', Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

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No, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D

Nov 2, 2009

The host '' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly.

Account: 'brendan', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D and The host '' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly.

Subject 'brendan paper', Account: 'brendan', Server: '',
Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number:

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Install Update An Error: Error Code 57A

May 16, 2008

A few days ago I saw I had 11 updates ready to be installed. 3 of them were successful 7 were not. The unsuccessful were Office 2007:

KB946974 (Excel)
KB946691 (Office)
KB947801 (Office)
KB950378 (Office)
KB951808 (Office)
KB950114 (Publisher)
KB950113 (Word)

I received an error: Error details: Code 57A. I tried multiple times to install, all with the same error. I did try downloading the update to my desktop, and install with the option "run as luck. I am running Windows Vista Home Premium.

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Longer Boot Up Computer As The Boot/bcd File Is Miising Or Corrupt

Apr 7, 2008

i can no longer boot up my computer as the boot/bcd file is miising or corrupt i found a windows artical on how to fix it and it didnt work ive also tryedd googleing the problem and got many results but none that seem to fit the problem or are helpful what can i do to solve this

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Boot 32bit: Black Screen With 'Windows Boot Manager'

Oct 8, 2009

I have a Dell Inspiron 530 Desktop and every now and then it won't boot up. I get a black screen with 'Windows Boot Manager' ," Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause."

File: BootBCD
Status: 0xc000000f
Info: An error occurred while attemping to read the boot config data.

When I boot the PC with the Installation disc, it repairs it and it works until the next time. When I click on the details to see what is to be repaired, this come up:.......

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Dual Boot And XP:stuck With The Windows Vista Boot Loader

Mar 23, 2008

I have windows xp installed right now and I dual booted with vista by re-partitioning my hard drive. After encountering problems with vista I delted the vista partition and resized the xp partition back to it's original size. I am now stuck with the windows vista boot loader which persistantly telling me that the windows vista files are not present etc. etc. Is there any way that I can delted the vista bootloader and go back to using the xp bootloader?

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Boot Slow, Check Disk At Boot

Jun 3, 2008

Vista used to boot up very quickly. Now it spends ages on the page with the "loading" bar. Is it performing some sort of CHKDSK during this time? I only have sidebar and rocket dock starting up, and it's fast again when it gets to the desktop, it's just that loading bit takes quite an ages, and it didn't used to. Virus/spyware/malware free. How do i find out if it's doing some sort of chkdsk at boot?

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Dual Boot :: Need Boot Loader Application?

Oct 12, 2009

I built a new machine.Running Vista Home premium,8GB of Ram,Phenom11 3.2MHz.

I have 2 hard drives.First one portioned to C: and D:

Second HD portioned into D: and E: I have Vista on C drive.I would like to Dual Boot Vista with Windows7.

My question is do I need a Boot loader application or does vista have the ability to dual boot?

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Boot Failure - Dual Boot Situation

Mar 23, 2008

I have more or less completed all the driver upgrades and windows updates but I keep getting repeated boot failures of Vista. I can always get into Safe mode but in Normal mode the boot fails just after the first spash screen at the point when the screen goes blank to be replaced by the small circular Vista logo. After 2 or 3 attempts it succeeds to load but then the problem seems to reoccur, particularly when I have been back to XP for a while.

I had a similar problem with XP but that seems to have sorted itself out. I have tired looking in the logs for faults and failures but no clues there. I am running an ASUS P5E MB with Intel Quad 6600, 4Gig RAM, GeForce 8800GT and 2x250Gig HDs.

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Fix Boot Logo, BOOT Screen No Works

Apr 16, 2008

This is the best install I have ever done (or was)…I did a fresh install and followed a tweak which was to very enlightening, to say the least. From there I have been to a few other sites and moved on to fully customizing my desktop/login and……well…this is where I stuffed up…My BOOT screen no longer works properly, even with the original “winload.exe.mui” file replaced.

I downloaded and used “Vista Boot Logo Generator” I loved the results on my last install…It worked well. Upon deciding to do a fresh install with Tweaking in mind, I simply coppied over a Boot logo I made previously after allowing permissions and all that as well as changing the NO GUI in msconfig…ect….BUT......

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Boot Up: System Takes Too Long To Boot

Jul 29, 2009

i am new to this forum but i have problem with my system bootup. my system takes too long to boot and it started 3days ago. it takes about 120secs at bootscreen alone. i believe it is not my start up programs as it takes about 3 secs to start up from login page. i donot use any third party bootscreen. normally, my system boots in 30 secs but now i am facing a lot of problem which i do not understand. i have tried all the tutorials in this forum relating to bootup problems but found no luck.

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Change From Dual Boot To Single Boot ?

Mar 24, 2008

XP is on 1st primary partition [active] and is old. Vista is on 2nd Primary partition and is new. Dual boot info, I believe, is all on the XP partition. Soon I will want to go to Vista only. Do I just delete the XP partition (after imaging it, of course!) and set
Vista partition to active? (Paragon Partition Manager). Will it then automatically boot into Vista (which has no boot.ini)?

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Boot Time And Boot Drive (not Listed)

Jul 1, 2008

I've had Vista x64 installed for about 2 full months now and I've recently begun having a lot of problems. One being: 187 seconds. What the hell? Before you ask, here are my specs. Lots of fast memory, a fast processor, 7200RPM boot drive (not listed), and ****ing awful performance. What gets me is that the delayed boot time is before I even see the "Welcome" screen.

My current boot time distribution:
1. BIOS does all its fancy stuff very quickly (about 6-7 seconds or so)
2. I get to my boot loader and it defaults to Vista after 5 seconds (dual-booting Vista/Ubuntu).
3. I then see the Vista loading screen (black screen with green loading bar) for about 4-5 seconds................

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CD/DVD Boot ; No Option In BIOS Boot Menu

May 21, 2008

I need to do a CD/DVD Boot and I cannot find the option in the BIOS Boot Menu.

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