Dual Boot, Corrupt Disc Error

Oct 27, 2009

I have a toshiba laptop. It is running Vista Home Premium 32bit. I did a dual boot and installed windows 7 premium 32bit on a second partition. It installed fine but I ran into driver problems as well as a corrupt disc error. I decided to go back to vista and formatted the 7 partition. When I restart my pc I still get the option to boot into 7. How do I remove this option?

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Dual Boot: Could Not Be Loaded As The Application Is Missing Or Corrupt

Jul 29, 2008

wanting to add XP as an addl os using dual boot. I managed to get XP installed along with Vista home basic, but apparently messed up the boot sequence. I can can boot Vista, but not XP ...error window says file: tldr status: 0xc000000f the selected entry could not be loaded as the application is missing or corrupt

I used Vista Boot Pro 3.3 to set the booting. If I set VPR to install legacy booting, it will boot up with XP (no dual boot choice), but not Vista. If I select use legacy boot for selected drive E (XP), it says it is set, but a reboot brings me back to the error above. If I use VBR and set booting for Vista, only Vista boots. I have tried using the XP CD to do a repair install, but it asks for a password, which I never have set. When I hit enter, it keeps asking for password, then times out after the 3rd failed attempt. I only have the Vista backup CD (2 actually) from Dell, not an install Vista CD. My hd is a SATA, and I see that may be a problem by reading other threads here, but I have no floppy drive, only the cd/dvd. If I need another file which may be missing, can someone point me in the right direction ?

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Getting Error Code 0x80004005 When Boot From Installation Disc

Jun 6, 2009

I have a virus and am trying to do a fresh clean install of vista home premium. When I boot from the install disc and run the install program it give me error code 0x80004005 and says that my computer does not have enough free space. It advises me to free up enough space in order to copy files. Problem is I have tons of free space on my hardrive. I have two partitions and both have plenty of free space.

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Dual Boot XP And Re-booted Got "Missing MBR" Error Message

Apr 19, 2008

Have XP on larger partition, then installed Vista on too small partition (single hard drive), able to dual boot. Kept getting Low Disk Space error message in Vista. From Computer Management, Storage (in Vista) wanted to extend the Vista partition by creating a third partition from the XP partition, thought I could extend the Vista partition but couldn't. Then decided to put the unallocated partition back in XP partition (same session). When I re-booted got "Missing MBR" error message. Able to get Vista to boot again from off the install CD. But no more dual boot possible. AM able to see XP partition in Vista. How can I get back to being able to have the dual boot option?

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Longer Boot Up Computer As The Boot/bcd File Is Miising Or Corrupt

Apr 7, 2008

i can no longer boot up my computer as the boot/bcd file is miising or corrupt i found a windows artical on how to fix it and it didnt work ive also tryedd googleing the problem and got many results but none that seem to fit the problem or are helpful what can i do to solve this

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Vista & Windows 7 Dual Booting & Then Installed Xp Pro & Lost My Dual Boot

May 9, 2009

Had vista & windows 7 dual booting & then i installed xp pro & lost my dual boot. How can i get it back?

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Dual-boot Vista X64 On A Dual-core, External Drive

Mar 23, 2008

is it unheard of to dual-boot Vista x64 on a dual-core computer with x32 on an external drive (same software package)?

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Dual Boot And XP:stuck With The Windows Vista Boot Loader

Mar 23, 2008

I have windows xp installed right now and I dual booted with vista by re-partitioning my hard drive. After encountering problems with vista I delted the vista partition and resized the xp partition back to it's original size. I am now stuck with the windows vista boot loader which persistantly telling me that the windows vista files are not present etc. etc. Is there any way that I can delted the vista bootloader and go back to using the xp bootloader?

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Corrupt Boot Sector

Apr 1, 2008

Vista SP1, 500GB disk, 3 partitions: system, data & other Used Paragon Parition Manager 8.5 to resize partitions (shrink system, expand data), rebooted and now can't boot. In System Recovery options get "Operating System: Unknown on (Unknown) Local disk". Open a command prompt and can only see the data partition. If I run Startup Repair, I get the following output:

Problem Event Name:StartupRepairV2
Problem Signature 01:System Disk
Problem Signature 02:6.0.6000.16386.
Problem Signature 03:1
Problem Signature 04:65537
Problem Signature 05:unknown
Problem Signature 06:CorruptBootSector
Problem Signature 07:0
Problem Signature 08:1
Problem Signature 09:FixBootSector
Problem Signature 10:1168
OS Version:6.0.6000.
Locale ID:1033

Looking at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/927392/en-us, if I try 'bootrec /scanos' I get 'Total Identified Windows Installations: 0'. Should I try the /FixMBR or /Fixboot options? If not, what else can I try?

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My Boot Critical File Is Corrupt

Dec 14, 2008

Hi my inspiron 1525 dell laptop keeps on shutting down . When restart repairs scans it comes up with the following errors

Root cause

Bugcheck C000021A

Boot Critical file is corrupt

Repair action :file repair

Result Failed error code=0x2

My Norton security is now not working due to the error.

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XP 7 Triple Boot: System32hal.dll Is Corrupt Or Missing

Jun 12, 2009

I had a perfectly good dual boot Vista and XP system until I installed Windows 7 RC. I installed Windows 7 RC to a new partition on the Vista (slave drive) with XP installed on the master drive. Vista and Windows 7 booted okay but despite there being 3 options in the boot menu - Earlier Version of Windows (XP), Vista and Windows 7, XP would not (and will not) boot. The error message when selecting XP from the boot menu was that the boot.ini file is invalid; I then get a message saying that the system32hal.dll is corrupt or missing.

I used EasyBCD to restore a backup of the previous Vista boot loader which worked with XP. Windows 7 disappeared from the boot options but I still cannot boot in to XP - I get the same error message (boot.ini and hal.dll). I can boot in to Vista. EasyBCD tells me that there are 2 entries in the Vista bootloader:.....

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Dual Boot :: Need Boot Loader Application?

Oct 12, 2009

I built a new machine.Running Vista Home premium,8GB of Ram,Phenom11 3.2MHz.

I have 2 hard drives.First one portioned to C: and D:

Second HD portioned into D: and E: I have Vista on C drive.I would like to Dual Boot Vista with Windows7.

My question is do I need a Boot loader application or does vista have the ability to dual boot?

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Boot Failure - Dual Boot Situation

Mar 23, 2008

I have more or less completed all the driver upgrades and windows updates but I keep getting repeated boot failures of Vista. I can always get into Safe mode but in Normal mode the boot fails just after the first spash screen at the point when the screen goes blank to be replaced by the small circular Vista logo. After 2 or 3 attempts it succeeds to load but then the problem seems to reoccur, particularly when I have been back to XP for a while.

I had a similar problem with XP but that seems to have sorted itself out. I have tired looking in the logs for faults and failures but no clues there. I am running an ASUS P5E MB with Intel Quad 6600, 4Gig RAM, GeForce 8800GT and 2x250Gig HDs.

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Change From Dual Boot To Single Boot ?

Mar 24, 2008

XP is on 1st primary partition [active] and is old. Vista is on 2nd Primary partition and is new. Dual boot info, I believe, is all on the XP partition. Soon I will want to go to Vista only. Do I just delete the XP partition (after imaging it, of course!) and set
Vista partition to active? (Paragon Partition Manager). Will it then automatically boot into Vista (which has no boot.ini)?

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Cannot Get The Disc To Boot

Sep 25, 2009

I have a new PC in which I installed Vista Ultimate x64 OS...everything is OK with that OS apart from one thing, ME...I do not like Vista Ultimate at all. I now have a XP Pro x64 CD which I would like to install and use as my ONLY OS. Trouble is that I cannot get the disc to boot. I have tried (in vain) to change my boot sequence in Vista Ultimate x64 and, no matter what I do I cannot get the CD/DVD drive as my 1st boot. If I use f2 (set-up) I cannot even move CD/DVD drive from it's bottom position in the boot sequence list and when I go to f11 to select and enter boot device my optical drive is listed but if I select that my PC seems to ignore this and boots from hdd giving me Vista Ultimate again. I have been with this problem for a couple of weeks now and I decided that it was time to turn to the experts for advice :-)

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Error Insert System Disc

May 3, 2010

i installed windows xp first on my 1tb hard drive on a partition that worked fine, then i installed vista 64bit on a second partition and that was fine i got the option to dual boot and everything was fine. Now i decided to get rid of the xp partition because i wasnt using it so i copied all the files i wanted from it and put it in my vista partition then i used geparted (3rd party partition tool) to format my xp partition.

I then restarted my pc and get a error please insert system disc, now i think the problem is because the xp was first to install that has all the boot records on it so when i formatte dthe partition i deleted the boot files etc etc. I used my vista recovery disc and used the command prompt to try and re write the mbr using bootrec.exe/fixmbr and /fixboot and a few pther option but nothing worked. I had a similar problem a while ago i wrote a simialr command using the recover console to re write the whole mbr but cant remember what it was.Now i have reinstalled vista on the xp partition and can get access to my other vista partition but really want to make the other partition bootable again..........

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Won't Even Read Boot Disc...

Apr 4, 2009

when i first got my windows vista home premium 32-bit with SP! i was stoked i was able to watch DVDs, play video games and do whatever i wanted but now suddenly my E drive won't read a thing no, the discs are not at fault, please do not suggest this is the problem i have read 100+ threads on the internet from people who are having the same problem as me so now i want to reboot my computer with the operating system disc which came with the laptop, but my disc drive can't even read that to fix the problem!

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Install Disc Will Not Boot Up

Oct 7, 2009

I've done a search and can't find a possible solution, so I'm reaching out to the group. I am trying to upgrade from XP Prof x32 toVista Ultimate x64. Disc is full OEM (from NewEgg), and I was hoping to do an in-place upgrade, but just figured out that, that ain't happening,so I need to do a clean install. So, changed boot order in bios and
tried to boot from DVD. Screen comes up asking to press any key to boot from DVD, so I press it, and nothing happens, it just proceeds to hard-drive and boots up in XP.

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How To Creat A Boot Disc?

Mar 23, 2008

Ive just had a strange one where my pc wouldn't boot up, it stayed flashing stating "boot from cd". I managed to sort it out but its worrying me incase it happens again as i don't have a windows disc (it wasn't supplied with pc when originally purchased) I upgraded my pc to vista with disc but i dont' have a boot disc, i know you can create them yourself but i haven't a clue how to do it.

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Disc Boot Failure

May 10, 2008

i use vista premium and facing a problem when i start my comp. a message popps: "boot from cd: disc boot failure insert system disc and try"

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Dual-boot XP, Can't Boot Vista

Mar 23, 2008

I have installed Vista on my C: disk. After that I installed XP on D: disk. Now I can't boot Vista anymore.
I tried with boot.ini. I've read that there's a program called bcdedit.exe. I tried to make that one work on XP, but I failed. I don't have Vista's DVD, and I'm trying to avoid installing XP again. If there's any way around...I would be gratefull! (Is there any way I can edit bcdedit.exe in XP?)

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Dual Boot: No Boot Options

Mar 8, 2009

I was running dual boot fine between XP and Vista now im running both Vista it only reads my newly installed drive on boot and i have no boot options as you do in XP/Vista installs, im a newbie to dual drives and was wondering how to set it to have boot options now!

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Dual-boot XP - Can't Boot Vista

Mar 26, 2008

I searched all over the internet for this simple (I think) problem, but I couldn't find any solutions. I have installed Vista on my C: disk. After that I installed XP on D: disk. Now I can't boot Vista anymore. I tried with boot.ini. I've read that there's a program called bcdedit.exe. I tried to make that one work on XP, but I failed.

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Disc Boot X64, Black Screen

Nov 17, 2009

I have a boot issue since I got a Samsung SyncMaster 2233RZ, I have a black screen the first 30 second on startup, that is until I get to the login screen. I tried hitting the F11-F12 keys but I still just get a regular startup instead of boot from disc. How do I get to boot from the vista disc and what is wrong with my monitor, it can't be right it has to stand around and blink for 30 seconds..?

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Need A Clue To Creat A Boot Disc

Mar 26, 2008

Ive just had a strange one where my pc wouldn't boot up, it stayed flashing stating "boot from cd". I managed to sort it out but its worrying me incase it happens again as i don't have a windows disc (it wasn't supplied with pc when originally purchased) I upgraded my pc to vista with disc but i dont' have a boot disc, i know you can create them yourself but i haven't a clue how to do it. Any ideas would be much appreciated.

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Wouldnt Boot, Disc To Repair

Nov 15, 2008

I start or restart my computer I have to insert my OS disc to repair it because Vista wouldnt boot. Its Vista 64 premium. I have been trying to figure out why and I am at a loss. I uninstalled and removed my tv tuner and driver. I restored it to an earlier point. Is this a common problem?

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Shows A Blank Screen, Disc Reading Error

Oct 29, 2009

System shows a blank screen saying disc reading error, press ctlr-alt and delete to restart, when I do, it ust goes back to the same screen

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Disc Cleanup: Per User Archived Windows Error Report

Feb 6, 2009

Running Vista Home Prem32bit. Ran Disc Cleanup....several entries displayed that I have never seen in the

1) Per User Archived Windows error report...
2) Per user Queued Windows Error Report....
3) System Archived Windows Error reporting....
4) System Queued Windows error Reporting....

What are these entries? The total data of all 4 almost are a full GIG of drive space. Does this data at some point automatically get deleted? Can they "all" be safely deleted? Some and if so, which ones.

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Not Boot: Download: Windows Vista X64 Recovery Disc

Apr 4, 2009

I've read just about every thread about vista not booting and am completely at a loss. I am running Windows VISTA Ultimate x64, do not have the original disk with me as i brought this computer to work on to my vacation spot to do some work. After running a botched program, I got a msg saying the computer would restart automaticly. Having extensive windows knowledge I know this is never a good situation to be in. I am using a windows x64 boot disk that i found from neosmart as I do not have access to the original disk.

Download: Windows Vista x64 Recovery Disc — The NeoSmart Files

I have tried every option in recovery options. Just to clarify, after everything posts, without errors, I get a black screen with a white cursor that moves down a few lines and doesn't do anything after that.......

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Boot Manager Issue: Dual Boot 64 Ultimate / Windows 7 Ultimate

Feb 6, 2009

I have a HP pavilion laptop which came with 64 bit vista ultimate pre-installed. I shrinked the OS partition (160 GB), created new partition (40 GB) for 64 bit windows 7 ultimate. After installation of Windows 7, I cannot see the vista ultimate boot option when I boot my PC. When I boot into Windows 7, I still can see the vista partition. But instead of C: it is now displayed as E: I used the HP Recovery Disc to repair windows vista but I can only see a blank blue screen with the mouse pointer. How can I recover the vista?

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Dual-Boot With XP ..

Sep 16, 2008

I wanted my computer do dual-boot with XP, so i made a new partition called F, and then i ran the XP CD and installed in F the CD. But now, when booting, it only shows Windows XP Professional. Have i accidentally formatted my VIsta? Because my programs from Vista are still there.

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