Downloading Itunes Occured Error

Nov 14, 2008

I need to download iTunes 8.0. When ever I try to, this error message says "System Administrator Has Set Policies To Prevent This Installation." How can I change those policies? I'm using the Administrator account. I'm using Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit.

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Installing ITunes On Windows Vista 32bit: Error 'itunes Setup Is Not A Valid Win 32 Application'

Dec 29, 2008

I am having trouble installing iTunes on windows vista 32bit. It downloads ok but when i try to run it error msg is 'itunes setup is not a valid win 32 application' i have checked and version 8 iTunes should be compatible with vista. I can't even install quicktime.

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Downloading Itunes Not A Valid Win32 Application

Mar 23, 2008

I've been trying to download Itunes to my laptop and the end results are always the same that it's "not a valid Win32 application." Now I made sure when I downloaded it that it was for a pc not mac. And I also downloaded it 3 different times just in case something went wrong with the installing process.

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Email From MS Word XP, 'The Message Could Not Be Sent; An Error Has Occured'

May 20, 2008

Until recently I have been able to send emails from MS Word XP. Now I receive a message in all MS Office applications: 'The Message could not be sent; An error has occured'. Nothing I do seems to solve the problem. Could it be a security issue?

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Can't Open The Message Or Delete It An Error Occured

Apr 4, 2008

Can't open the message or delete it an error occured

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Send And Recieve Button Error Occured

Apr 4, 2008

When I click on Send/Recieve button. I get a popup that states " Some errors occurred while processing the requested tasks. Please review the list of errors below for more details. " The tasks tab lists alll three email accounts But the Errors Tab is BLANK ! the bottom stats "0 of 3 tasks have completed successfully " Now when i do a recieve all or a send all it works fine. Any ideas on why the sen/recieve all does not ?

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File BootBCD : Error Occured Read The Boot

Apr 9, 2008

I ran windows update and the updates failed, I have sorted that out by stopping one update but now the computer wont boot without the vista disc being there. On start up everything is ok, it gets to verifying DMI datapool and I get a message something like File BootBCD - an error occured while attempting to read the boot config data ox000000f. I have run windows start up repair & this says it cant find a problem. I have used bootrec /scan and it returned 0 windows installs, /rebuild & Fixboot did nothing, I havent tried FixMbr cos I dont understand what that does and I dont want to make the problem worse - so long as I have the cd in I can ignore when it says press any key to boot from cd & it starts but why do I have to have the cd in? I tried one system restore but that made no difference, it seemed to say boot info wasnt part of the restore & I cant see anywhere to say I want that included but thats another question!

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Norton Uninstall "a Fatal Windows Error Has Occured"

Mar 10, 2008

I have tried Uninstalling it via add/remove programs. It says it was completely removed. I then tried to install Trend Micro, however when that runs we get an error message that says "a fatal windows error has occured please restart your computer and try again"

Then from searching thru this forum I found out about the Norton Removal tool. We downloaded and ran that and it found other things to remove. Once it was completed we tried to install Trend Micro again but still get the same error message. At this time we are running a full system restore to bring the Laptop back to out of the box condition. Has anyone had this happen before, and are there any steps I am missing?

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"error Occured While Configuring The Network Bridge."

May 15, 2010

Im sorry but I wasnt sure which section this post should go in. I have plugged my xbox 360 into my Toshiba Satellite laptop with a cross over cable. I am using a wireless connection with my laptop and I attempted to bridge my connection so i can play XBL on my 360. I recieved this message: "An unexpected error occured while configuring the network bridge." This started happening after i reinstalled windows. Before the reinstallation it worked completely fine absolutetly no problems. There are no more updates to install on windows updates. I am unsure if what im about to say has anything to do with this problem, but here goes. I went to device manager and went under network adapters clicked show hidden devices and then I tried to update my WAN miniport drivers(all of them) but everytime for all of them i get this message: " Windows found driver software for your device but encountered an error when trying to install it, the system cannot find the file specified. What is my next step?

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ITunes Has Stopped Wroking Error

Feb 6, 2009

I receive the following errors when attempting to synch my iPods or iPhones with iTunes. After synching just a handful of songs, I get an "iTunes has stoppoed working error". It does not happen with my AppleTV however. Also, note that I can keep it from happening if I simply start the iTunes Diagnostics tool and leave it on the screen while it updates the iPod. I came across this workaround by chance but it is obviously annoying. Before you ask me the obvious, I have completely uninstalled iTunes, Quicktime and anything that I could find relevant to iTunes including the iTunes database, music, everything! Something persists however because I cannot get rid of the error.

Problem signature
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: iTunes.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4925c4fe............

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ITunes Error 2131: Can Not Burn Cd.

Sep 16, 2008

I am running Vista Home Premium, my itunes is I WANT TO BURN Sigur Ros so I can chill out in the morning traffic but get that message that others are etting, iTunes Error 2131 and "Can not burn cd. An unknown error has occured". My computer is an ACER Aspire 5920.

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DRM Folder: Error "prevents IPlayer From Downloading And Playing Programmes."

Mar 23, 2008

I am trying to d/l a tv programe, but the Vista Media Player, says "Windows Media Player has a DRM error that prevents iPlayer from downloading and playing programmes." The help says "Either you are told that a "DRM reset is required" or else the Security Upgrade button is greyed out." Where is the Security Upgrade button, if it exists. As I have not seen a message saying DRM reset is required. Having said that if it does need resetting how do I do that.

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ITunes Install; "Registering ITunes Automation Server"

May 10, 2010

My PC locks up when trying to install iTUnes at the point where it is saying to me. "Registering iTunes automation server". Ive done everything that the iTunes help section has suggested still no luck.

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Until System Rebooted Freezes Occured

Apr 11, 2008

I bought a new dell vostro about a month ago, pre-installed with windows vista home premium 32bit. All has been going well with it until Wednesday night when for some reason whilst using messenger the program froze, went light grey and a timer came up in place of the pointer.(i have a vague recollection of seeing a pop up regarding the power supply to the computer - not sure what it was) nothing else would work on the comp, ctrl/alt/del did not work so I couldn't force application to quit. Eventually just held power button until system rebooted. Since this first happened the computer continually freezes with no way of closing down programs, have tried a system restore, but even that process stalls and doesn't complete. Have tried uninstalling McAfee in case that was causing it but to no avail. I loaded up windows in safe mode which seemed to work fine, although the system restore was unavailable in safe mode. At the time it was downloading an 80mb vista update, which is yet to finish, again in safe mode the vista update was not running. The freezes occur with random programs, not just one particular one Anyone got any ideas of what the problem is and how to fix it, got a lot of uni work needing done outside of work hours and not having use of this computer is really annoying.

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Pc Not Downloading Any More

May 1, 2009

I cannot download anything. everything looks to download correctly but the files are not to be found afterwards. the dialog box for "firefox downloads" has OPEN and OPEN CONTAINING FOLDER greyed out. last night i went into safe mode and ran avg, No virius found. went into IE and checked if downloads were disabled, they were not. I empied the private data in firefox, and ran disk clean up. even went as far as uninstalling firefox and checked the box to remove all user info (Lost all my bookmarks). nothing I have read about this problem has worked. please help. I cant even get pdf files, programs, pics, mp3. nothing at all comes through.

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Downloading While Partitioning

Oct 29, 2009

I have one drive which I want to partition. Can I partition while I am downloading things? Or should I stop all activity while the partitioning is taking place?

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Computer Not Downloading

Nov 4, 2009

After recovery and many updates my computer seems to be doing fairly well, except for downloading. It just will not download. What ever I am downloading starts out ok and looks like it is going to finish the job. Suddenly the downloading stops never to go again. Sometimes it shows 20% has downloaded and may even reach 80% and then stop dead.

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Downloading Off Internet

Jul 9, 2009

When I download a program or an update for some programs I have. It says the files have downloaded. But nothing is listed in the box. I have Windows Vista Home premium Service Pack 2. 64 bit. Where do I look for the files or what to change so I see the downloaded files? If need more info let me know. Can get around the computer OK, but no expert.

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Not Downloading Emails

May 5, 2010

I have had this same email account for years. Suddenly it isn't downloading emails. I hit send/recieve button and it acts like it is checking. A window pops up -It says recieving-then before it actually gets them it disconnects and there is nothing new since the 3rd of May. I haven't done anything new as far as I remeber. I have cable TV highspeed.

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Downloading File Off

Nov 26, 2009

when u spend ages downloading a file off say ares which you know is an exe file, when you open the file you see the dos box pop up for about 1 second then disappear and the programme hasnt installed at all.

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Downloading Games

Mar 23, 2008

I have a new computer and new to windows vista, I can search the web no problem but it will not let me download any games or videos. when I click Allow the download for the security after the download it will just dissapear, won't let anything download. Is there a secret I don't know or do I need software to allow me to download games.

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Downloading Service Packs

May 18, 2010

I recently received a response (in this forum) stating that it is possible
to download Windows Vista Service Packs 1 and 2 and have them available for
use by burning them to a CD. Sound great to me but I really need some
detailed help on how to do this. If I should be posting this to another
newsgroup, I would like to know which one.

(I amusing Windows Vista Home Premium.)

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Downloading Stuff But It Disappears

Oct 4, 2008

When I try to download something. It downloads but then I can't find the file.I save them to desktop and they just disappear.When I search for them it says it can't find the file?

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Downloading Stationery Unsucessful

Feb 16, 2009

I've downloaded several stationeries from Microsoft Windows Mail, but when I go to my stationery folder, none of the new stationery is there. Where is it and how to I find it?

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When Downloading - Limited Or No Connectivity

Jul 23, 2008

I'm on Vista Ultimate x32. I connect to my internet wirelessly using a Linksys USB adapter. When I'm downloading something my internet stops working, downloads top and it says limited or no connectivity - so I have to disconnect from the network, unplug the USB Adapter and then re-plug it in and then it connects.

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Stopping Downloading Other Programs

May 20, 2008

I have the problem that when I restored my computer to an earlier time I had uninstalled Threatfire but it is still there and I can't get rid of it now. It is stopping me from downloading other programs! When I try to delete the folder in programs it tells me that I can't as I do not have the rights to do it even though I am the administrator and sole user of the computer. I have used CCleaner to try to remove it but it does not work either. I have tried in safe mode also.

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Downloading A Zipfile Instead Of Opening

Feb 19, 2009

I had to click where i should not (somewhere on the dialog box !), so that now every time I click a link for a Download, the zip file opens and runs automatically instead of the dialog box normally opens to display the original choice of "Open" "Save" "Cancel". how to reset the dialog-box "Downloads "?

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E-mails Are Downloading Blank

Oct 17, 2008

I'm having a BLANK EMAIL problem with my Toshiba Satellite A135-S4417 Laptop with Vista Home 32 bit. I have my PC with XP also connected to my Embarqmail website that receives email just fine, but the laptop doesn't. Sometimes, almost daily, many of my emails download blank, no sender, no subject, nothing in the body of the email, just the time it was downloaded. I know they are supposed to be legitimate emails because I have downloaded them on my PC. I have it set up so the emails stay in the Webmail after they've been downloaded so I can pick them up later on my laptop. I've called Embarq and have searched online with Toshiba and now I'm here, with no success so far. I know a little about computers and can follow directions, but I'm not a whiz.

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Can Block ISPS Knowing What I Am Downloading

Oct 11, 2008

what software I can use so that I can block ISPS knowing what I am downloading. I tried peer guardian, but this did not work because I kept getting errors when trying to run it.

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Downloading Makes Beep Noise

Aug 20, 2008

Whenever i try to download anything it just make a little beeping noise when the downloading is done and then when i go to check where my program is it's gone,

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Downloading File Premission Denied

Aug 14, 2009

I m running Vista Home Premium 64bit.When Im start to downloading any file by download manager software, give me error"Premission Denied Plz Check firewall setting,..." i have added this program to exceptions list of windows firewall, already and Im running Kaspersky Anti Virus 2010 on my viao laptop.I connect to the internet via cable modem

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