Default Mail Text Size Larger

Mar 23, 2008

Using Windows mail 6.0.6000.16386 Before installing IE 9 Beta, the default size for reading my mail was "larger". Now it is "medium" and I have to change it manually to "larger" for every message I open. I want the default to always be "larger".

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Resoultion Size Larger Works

Jul 5, 2008

I bought a new monitor with a native 1680x1050 resolution. It's works great and I'd like to continue using this resolution. I've set IE's view ext size to "larger" and that works OK. However, some sites set their text size in a text/css in a stylesheet. These text are often too small to read well and there seems to be no way of making them larger.

Is there anything I can do about this short of changing the screen resolution or getting reading glasses. If not, does anyone out there think there's a chance that the html site builders will wake up some day and realize that people are not reading their copy because it's too small on the screen?

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Enlarge To Larger Disk Size?

Jan 9, 2009

I want to migrate to a larger hard drive. I can copy the boot partition to the new hard drive successfully, but can not enlarge it to the larger disk size.

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Default Font Size In Windows Mail

Mar 23, 2008

how to permanently set a default font size in Windows Mail? My Windows Mail default font is 10 but I would prefer it to be 12. However there does not seem to be an option to change it to 12 automatically, instead of remembering to reset it before starting to type an email.

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Text Size Will Not Change Using IE8

Jan 14, 2010

Windows Vista Home Premium X64, IE 8, dial-up internet

When downloading files I cannot get the text size to change using the

View text size.

My windows updates are up to date.

It used to work, I don't know if I have something set wrong on one of the updates has stopped it from working.

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Large Attachment Text Size

May 12, 2008

I scanned a newspaper article and attached it to an e-mail. The text was so large only half the article could be read. How do I shrink text size on a sent e-mail attachment?

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Properties To Reset The Window Text Size

Jun 3, 2009

My Windows dialog boxes are too small to display all the text they contain. And as we know, these verdammt boxes are not resizable. Up to now, this has been a minor annoyance, but now it's a major one: it's keeping me from completing the Vista x64 SP2 patch install.

As you can see in the attachments, the window text is just too big. It overflows the sides of the dialog. And because the SP2 EULA screen requires that you view all its text, and I can't, I never get an active "NEXT" button to proceed with the installation. Changing screen res does not help.

I've tried Personalize > Windows Color and Appearance > Open Classic Appearance Properties to reset the Window Text size, but the option to do this is grayed out. I've tried the registry hack found on this board to try and substitute a smaller font, but no go. I've tried several hackware proggies to try and force unresizeable windows to resize, but no joy there either. I've also tried Chris Pirillo's Vista Font Fix to no avail

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Windows Explorer Default Size

Apr 23, 2009

I have been trying, without success, to have Windows Explorer open as "Maximized". Yet, it continues to only open in a pre-set size. How do I get Windows Explorer to open as "Maximized"?

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Window Opens At Default Size, Not Maximized

Apr 6, 2009

I use Vista Home Premium. I have an open source app that I want to be maximized when launched. How can I do this?

I've tried maximizing in 2 ways:

- Using the small square at the top right.

- Dragging the corners of the window to fill the screen.

In both cases, if I close and then re-open, the window has its default size.

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Default System Restore Size Setting

May 7, 2009

I am getting ready to use Brink's tutorial on setting a scheduled System Restore point each day and I noted that he said that it was standard for Vista to make a Restore point each day at start up and one at midnight. Last time I looked I did not have these in my list of points, so I checked to see if the startup and midnight points were indeed enabled to be created. They were. But when I went to look at System Restore points available I had none of the startup or midnight points available. Further checking showed that 2 days ago when I installed Nero 9, it made 40 restore points in the 17 minutes it took to install! Why would it do that? Does it make any sense? I made one before I installed it, and okay, I could see it might make one itself before the install, but ... 40??!

So, am I correct in assuming that because of these 40 restore points the system is now not able to save the StartUp and Midnight points because I also manually have made one or two per day over the past few days, so it keeps the manual ones and the Nero ones and throws out the System-created ones because there is not enough room and they are the lower priority? Or what is going on here? I did not change my default system restore storage size or anything, it is set at default settings.

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Mail Print Size, Get Size 12

Feb 22, 2009

New to Windows mail. I type and view screen using Ariel size 10 but when I print out mail I get size 12. I can't find a way to change it and it's annoying.

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Default E-mail Client, To Go Back To Aol Default

Jan 16, 2010

i had remote help from incredimail ,now they have made themselves default e-mail client,i want to go back to aol default.

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How To Change Permanently The "Text Size" Under "View"?

Jun 2, 2008

Under the path > WM > View > Text Size, I can select four (4) different sizes from its default setting "Medium". Now, that works "just fine"...but ONLY while a session of WM remains active! Indeed, as soon as WM is being shut down and relaunched, this previously altered setting (eg. to "Larger") will have reverted back to its initial default (ie. in my case it's "Medium")! So can someone kindly advise me now how I could alter this specific setting to...permanent?

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Windows Mail HTML Small Text And Color

Nov 7, 2009

Some html emails I get are very small and hard to read with light blue text. I want HTML but .....

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Desktop.ini Larger One Shows

Mar 26, 2008

Two icons, with the same name, "desktop.ini" have appeared on my desktop and when I open it, this is what the larger one shows. The smaller one has only one entry. I assume they are shortcuts although there is no indication that they are.

Spider Solitaire.lnk=@%SystemRoot%system32gameux.dll,-10061
Windows Explorer.lnk=@%SystemRoot%system32shell32.dll,-22067
Windows Mail.lnk=@%ProgramFiles%Windows MailWinMail.exe,-225

What I think happened is that I put a number of programmes on the task bar, immediately to the right of the Windows logo, and perhaps this is the information as to the location of these programmes. Are these shortcuts and, if so, can I delete them? As I went back to check on the items, I also found another "desktop.ini" file in my Documents Folder - it is different from the above two. What is the proper location of these files?

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Make Print Larger?

Mar 23, 2008

We are new to windows vista and I can barely read the print on the desk top as well as mail or anything else. I have searched on how to make the print larger and it is not just like going into your email and changing the font size. Any tips on this issue from people who are familiar with vista.

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Can't Make Windows Mail My Default E-mail Handler

Aug 9, 2009

I've tried using Control Panel where I can't find Windows Mail as an option for default e-mail handler.

Tried changing by accessing Properties from Windows Mail but when I change to "Make this the defalut e-mail handler, apply and save then exit and return to Properties the setting has returned to Not the default e-mail handler.

I'm using Windows Vista Home Premium.


Control panel does show Windows mail as being the Default Newsgroup handler.

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Cant Make Windows Mail Default Mail Handler

Mar 29, 2009

every time it opens it says its not the default. I can go to options and click make default which it accepts but after presing OK and reopening options it says again it is not the default mail handler I had thought that this ptoblem was linked to have outlook installed I have uninstalled this now and rebnooted but the problem persists linked to this problem perhaps is the fact that internet options only sees windows mail as a news handler

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File In Task Manager Show Larger

May 13, 2009

if i open say My Documents or My Computer to open a file a second explorer.exe decides to show up in task manager and is slightly larger in size compared to the original one. The first one currently sits there at roughly about 11,500k When the second one comes along its about 15,000k in size and the window takes about 2-4 seconds to load/display folders etc sometimes longer. It also becomes larger every window you open resulting in slower load times. From the task manager, if i close the smaller of the two explorer.exe's naturally the whole task bar at the bottom closes and you can't access the start menu etc.
But, if i close the other, slightly larger explorer.exe, it just closes that window.

I have run several anti-virus scans, spyware scans etc and have all returned nothing, so i am assuming that it might be somehting that has slipped through my scanners un-seen unless this is normal behaviour that i have not noticed before. Also lately my CPU usage had been fluxuating a lot between 0% and 20% when no windows are open, it can also shoot up to between 80% - 90% when opening a window and will then resume its fluxuating idle state until i open or close another window or file. If i click "Show process from all users" in the task manager another problem i see that might be related or compleetly seperate is displayed. I have 16 svchost.exe's, yes thats right, 16.... (screenshot available) they all range in size the largest being roughly 50,000k and the smallest being 200k. This can't be normal?

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How Do Make The Quick Launch Icons Larger?

Feb 16, 2009

How do I make the Quick Launch icons larger?

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Font Size When Composing Mail

May 13, 2008

when i compose mail it has reverted to Arial size 12; when i change it to say,36, it has a size 36 cursor but immediately I type it reverts to 12 again. Have i got a default that is overriding my other settings?

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Max. Size Saving Windows Mail

Oct 10, 2009

I there any max. size for the Windows Mail? Presently I have 1.4 GB and around 11000 files and 400 folders in my Windows Mail and not surprising it's a little bit slow when starting. However it works fine and fast. Could I continue forever let's in a couple of years having 140 GB and 1000000 files and 10000 folders? Don't know how Windows Mail uses memory RAM and sidefiles when opened. Is that a limiting factor? I'm using Vista 32 bit with 2 GB RAM.

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Windows Mail Font Size

Apr 11, 2008

Is there a way to change the font size in Vista windows mail? I'd like the whole size of windows mail to be a little bigger.

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Increase Size Of Mailbox In Windows Mail

Mar 23, 2008

I have only had Vista for 10 days and already I'm getting messages that my mailbox is full and some messages are being blocked. I used Outlook Express for 6 years and never had this problem. A tiny mailbox is no use to anyone, how can I increase it's capacity ?

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Huge Photo Size In Received Mail

Jul 29, 2009

Whenever I receive photo attachments they are open in the email and are huge. Where do I set the size of received photo's and what is the best size to use?

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How To Change Font Size And Color Outgoing E-mail

Mar 23, 2008

I have Windows Mail thru Vista and have tried to change my font size and color on outgoing e-mails to somthing different than the default but everytime I go in to compose an e-mail it keeps going to the default font size and color. I went to TOOLS - OPTIONS - SEND and COMPOSE and have changed them there but that doesn't seem to work.

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Incoming File Size Limit With Windows Mail?

Mar 23, 2008

is there a file size limit with windows mail? i have been sent files and they do not make it through to my email account with windows mail, but they are viewable at the yahoo server? is there a place where i can change the size of the files to be allowed to be received?

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Default E-mail Program

Mar 14, 2009

When trying to send mail, I get an error message that reads--smtp,port25,server(ssl):no,socket error:10060,error number:0x800cccoe. Vista won't allow me to make Window my default e-mail program.

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Outlook The Mail Default In?

Aug 13, 2009

I can't seem to set Outlook as my default mail client. I've checked the default box in Outlook but it keeps reverting to Windows Mail. Outlook is NOT listed in the default programs section of the Vista control panel, nor is it listed as a program in "Program and Features." And yet it is on my computer and has been working just fine for 9 months. I need to make Outlook the default so I can sync it with my iPhone.

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Set Windows Mail As Default/

May 21, 2009

I am trying to get office to set windows mail as default and can not find out how. also when I try to use windows contacts it says that there is no data there. also I have tried to get contacts that I have made in access but it says it can not open it.

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Windows Default Mail And News Warning *Every* Time Open Windows Mail Up!

Mar 7, 2009

I've had a problem for a while now. Every time I open Windows Mail up, or the news groups, I get a message saying Windows mail isn't my default mail program, and asks if I want it to be. I click yes every time, but I will still get this message when I open Windows Mail again the next day. Everything's works OK after I click this message. No other errors or anything.

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