Desktop.ini Larger One Shows

Mar 26, 2008

Two icons, with the same name, "desktop.ini" have appeared on my desktop and when I open it, this is what the larger one shows. The smaller one has only one entry. I assume they are shortcuts although there is no indication that they are.

Spider Solitaire.lnk=@%SystemRoot%system32gameux.dll,-10061
Windows Explorer.lnk=@%SystemRoot%system32shell32.dll,-22067
Windows Mail.lnk=@%ProgramFiles%Windows MailWinMail.exe,-225

What I think happened is that I put a number of programmes on the task bar, immediately to the right of the Windows logo, and perhaps this is the information as to the location of these programmes. Are these shortcuts and, if so, can I delete them? As I went back to check on the items, I also found another "desktop.ini" file in my Documents Folder - it is different from the above two. What is the proper location of these files?

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Desktop.ini Icon Shows Up On Desktop?

Feb 12, 2009

I was working on the computer today using several programs and when I went back to the desktop, I noticed a sort of ghosted out icon that looks like a gear on top of a sheet of lined paper and the words "desktop.ini" under it. I have no idea how it got there. Is it safe for me to delete it or is there a better way of getting rid of it.

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Welcome Screen Shows The Desktop

Jul 10, 2009

Recently, the welcome screen seems to be taking such a long time, before it shows the desktop? Is there anyway, in which I can make it load faster? Very annoying? I only have my antivirus as a start up program

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Sharing Desktop, Shows Up As Users

Mar 23, 2008

I have a mixed network of Vista (2) and XP (3). I was using Network magic reviously but had problems with printing. So I nixed the network magic. the one thing i did like was the ability to get to each of the computers Desktops directly. I can do that on the Windows XP computers, but when I share the desktop on the vista computers it shows up as users. You then have to navigate to the desktop, which is ok but not directly to the desktop. Is there away to make it go directly to desktop?

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Hdd Shows Up Folder Empty: Vistas Disk Manger Shows File

May 23, 2009

My buddy was bringing over some files for me on his laptop hdd running xp. I plugged it into my vista x64 computer via usb and I am having a few issues. The hdd shows up in My Computer and shows stuff in it but when I open it, it says that the folder is empty. I whent to Vistas disk manager and it shows everything is fine with the hdd but for some reason the files just wont show up.

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Make Print Larger?

Mar 23, 2008

We are new to windows vista and I can barely read the print on the desk top as well as mail or anything else. I have searched on how to make the print larger and it is not just like going into your email and changing the font size. Any tips on this issue from people who are familiar with vista.

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Resoultion Size Larger Works

Jul 5, 2008

I bought a new monitor with a native 1680x1050 resolution. It's works great and I'd like to continue using this resolution. I've set IE's view ext size to "larger" and that works OK. However, some sites set their text size in a text/css in a stylesheet. These text are often too small to read well and there seems to be no way of making them larger.

Is there anything I can do about this short of changing the screen resolution or getting reading glasses. If not, does anyone out there think there's a chance that the html site builders will wake up some day and realize that people are not reading their copy because it's too small on the screen?

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Enlarge To Larger Disk Size?

Jan 9, 2009

I want to migrate to a larger hard drive. I can copy the boot partition to the new hard drive successfully, but can not enlarge it to the larger disk size.

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Default Mail Text Size Larger

Mar 23, 2008

Using Windows mail 6.0.6000.16386 Before installing IE 9 Beta, the default size for reading my mail was "larger". Now it is "medium" and I have to change it manually to "larger" for every message I open. I want the default to always be "larger".

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File In Task Manager Show Larger

May 13, 2009

if i open say My Documents or My Computer to open a file a second explorer.exe decides to show up in task manager and is slightly larger in size compared to the original one. The first one currently sits there at roughly about 11,500k When the second one comes along its about 15,000k in size and the window takes about 2-4 seconds to load/display folders etc sometimes longer. It also becomes larger every window you open resulting in slower load times. From the task manager, if i close the smaller of the two explorer.exe's naturally the whole task bar at the bottom closes and you can't access the start menu etc.
But, if i close the other, slightly larger explorer.exe, it just closes that window.

I have run several anti-virus scans, spyware scans etc and have all returned nothing, so i am assuming that it might be somehting that has slipped through my scanners un-seen unless this is normal behaviour that i have not noticed before. Also lately my CPU usage had been fluxuating a lot between 0% and 20% when no windows are open, it can also shoot up to between 80% - 90% when opening a window and will then resume its fluxuating idle state until i open or close another window or file. If i click "Show process from all users" in the task manager another problem i see that might be related or compleetly seperate is displayed. I have 16 svchost.exe's, yes thats right, 16.... (screenshot available) they all range in size the largest being roughly 50,000k and the smallest being 200k. This can't be normal?

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How Do Make The Quick Launch Icons Larger?

Feb 16, 2009

How do I make the Quick Launch icons larger?

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Click On The Shortcut From The Desktop It Will Flicker A Black Screen And Just Return To Desktop

Apr 3, 2009

I can't get it to work. I tried running as administrator and no luck. I have a Asus G2 series gaming laptop-OS Vista Home premium 32 bit. The game installed great, but as soon as I click on the shortcut from the desktop it will flicker a black screen and just return me to my desktop. I tried putting my computer in a 800x600 resolustion and still didn't start it.

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Rename File: Desktop/Linux_Mag_Bugs.eml To /Desktop/Bugs.txt

Apr 24, 2008

I want to rename /Desktop/Linux_Mag_Bugs.eml to /Desktop/Bugs.txt A right click on the icon does not give me the opportunity to change the suffix. Question: How can you change a file suffix?

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Vista 64 Bit Shows 32 Bit

Oct 7, 2008

I just installed Vista Ultimate 64 bit on a new pc I just built. System properties shows 64-bit Operating system. But when I go to display settings the tab where it says "color" says Highest(32 bit). What does that mean? Does one have any thing to do with the other? My PC Specs:MoBo: Asus M3A32-MVP Deluxe/WiFi-AP, a MSI RX3870-T2D512E OCgraphics card. 2gig memory And a AMD Phenom X4 9600.

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Got 4gb Ram Windows Only Shows 2gb?

Jun 3, 2008

im a bit confused a got 4gb ram on my pc but windows vista only shows it as 2gb, does this mean my computers only using 2gb ram because im doing high render animations and i need the full potentional of the 4gb.I have an xps 730?

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SP1 Shows 8GB Memory Instead 1GB

Mar 19, 2008

Well, I did installed SP1 today. Everything (the installation) went fine! After it finished, I checked again the WU and got the update for my Realtek AC'97 which I was trying to avoid. Although, I ended up installing it because I read somewhere that it needed to be updated for the SP1. Now, this update (Realtek) doesn't fixed anything since now every time I right-click on the little speaker and select Playback/Recording Devices then I get a message with: "Windows has detected that audio enhancements for the following device are causing problems: Realtek blah, blah, blah..." Can anybody explain that?

But now, the real good one, I have only 1GB of memory but when I go into the properties of the computer, then it tells me that I have 8GB installed... Don't I wish!!! So, I thought, hmmm, maybe if I remove the 1GB and try only 512MB then Vista will recognize its mistake. Well, guess what, I got then instead 4GB available showing on the properties... Strange! Very strange, I thought to myself... Funny is that the task manager shows the correct amount of memory! Have any of you had such a situation too??? I did already an uninstall of the SP1 which came from the WU and installed the one from the download link in Microsoft website. But, as you guess, it made no difference...

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8GB USB Key Only Shows 6.43GB

Dec 19, 2008

I have an 8GB SanDisk Cruzer drive and when I plug it into Vista it only shows 6.43GB. Is this normal? If so where is the other 1.5GB'ish of space gone?

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Apr 14, 2008

I have a Lenovo X61 machine with Windows Vista. I have 3 GB RAM...1GB+2GB in the 2 memory slots. I got a new 2GB RAM and pulled upgraded the machine to 4GB by pulling out the 1GB. After the installation, the BIOS shows 4GB RAM, but Windows shows only 3GB. In computer properties, it shows 3062MB. In system information, it shows

Total Physical Memory - 3061.50 MB
Available Physical Memory - 1.32 GB
Total Virtual Memory - 6.16 GB
Available Virtual Memory - 4.36 GB
Page File Space - 3.28 GB

Why is it not detecting the 4GB Memory though it shows up in BIOS. Do I need to upgrade anything or change any settings?

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8 GB Shows As 4 GB With P5n32-e Mobo / X64

Mar 4, 2009

Ive had 8 GB in my machine for over a year, all is fine, runs no probs. But I recently installed Everest and noticed that it reported my 8GB being 4096 of physical RAM. Opening task manager confirms this also, yet the BIOS, and the Vista welcome screen says 8GB

I read that the nforcei 680 (?) chipset doesnt use more than 4GB, yet other articles state you need to have MIMO in operation.

Well, I have a quadcore QX6850 processor which supports 64bit computing, IM running Vista Ultimate X64 and have the ASUS P5n32-e Sli motherboard with a 9800 G2 SLI card. So which is true? Do I need to remap the memory? If so how, how? I looked in the BIOS and you can change volate, timings etc but without proper guidance on that IM dead in the water.

Why is Everest/Task manager reporting 8GB as 4GB, yet the BIOS at 8GB etc?

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800mhz Ram Shows As 400mhz

Oct 31, 2008

Okay, so I've had this HP Pavilion with Vista 64 bit less than a week (see specs below) and it's much much faster than my old Dell model [with XP] BUT today I was running a scheduled Hardware Diagnostic and it took like 30-40 min. and towards the end of it I tried to change the Power management so it would not go to Screen Saver mode (as it already had) and when I tried to do so, it took like 3 min. for it to open the Control Panel, 3 more minutes to open the Power Options dialogue, 2-3 more minutes to open the sub-menu there, and so forth - altogether about 8-9 minutes to do this simple task of changing Power Options while running hardware diagnostics.

I can understand that Hardware Diagnostics might take a lot of the computer's resources, but THIS is ridiculous! It was like going back to Windows 98 with 256MB RAM. Problem is, I have this*, so it shouldn't be this slow! Should it??? :

*Pavilion a6750y Desktop

AMD Phenom X4 9650 quad core processor

8gigs PC2 6400 DDR2 SDRAM

750 gig SATA Hard Drive (7200 rpm) (with about 650 gigs of space left!)

ATI Radeon HD 3200 graphics with 256mb memory

2MB L2 _ 2MB shared L3 Cache memory

Windows Vista Home Premium 64bit

Is there a way I can tweak my memory or ? to make this not happen? Or does my computer have a serious problem?

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Installed 8GB Only 3.08 Shows In System PO

Apr 28, 2008

I installed 8GB of memory and Vista only shows 3.08GB in the system print out. And the system acts like it only has 2GB. My system boot program shows that it sees all 8GB and there is no indication there is a problem with any of it. The motherboard will support even larger modules. Right now I have four modules of 2GB each. What am I doing wrong?

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Recycle Bin Shows Empty

Dec 2, 2009

when its not ...

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Index Shows As Graphics Gtx 275

Nov 4, 2009

My gtx 275 on windows experience index shows as graphics 5.9 and gaming graphics 5.8 WTF ARGGH I just bought this card and before i had a 9800gt which score 5.9 in both whatt? iv refreshed the score twice and i think u guys know which card is better a 9800gt or a gtx 275? Iv got the new beta 195.39 nvidia drivers!

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CPU 50% System Idle Shows 98%

May 9, 2008

I have Vista Home premium for 2 years. About a week ago it slowed to apoint where it may take 5 minutes to respond. Task manager Performance shows about 50% CPU usaage but Processes says 98% idle. If I start in safe mode Task Manager is the same but I seem to get a little better response. I use a free version of AVG.This problem seems to show up a lot in Google but each one seems to get resolved a different way. I tried some things others did but it has had no affect. The last time I started there were about 10 SVCHOST
processes. I ended a few but nothing changed.It takes a long time for one to end because the response is so slow.And it gets slower the longer I am up.

Where do I start to get to the bottom of ths?

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Can Watch TV And Record Shows

Mar 25, 2008

I have a Sony Vaio CR Series Notebook and was wounder how I can watch TV and record shows. I've looked and can't seem to find the right answer.

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4GB Ram Vista 32 Bios Shows 1GB

Jun 19, 2008

I know theres a problem with 4GB of ram under Vista 32 but...I've been running Vista 64 Business for a couple of months now, and I only recently noticed this (I believe it was OK before...):Does anyone have ANY idea how this is possible?Bios shows 4GB as well. I'm running an intel D975XBX2 mainboard, with an E6600 CPU @ 3.0Ghz. 4X 1GB Corsair twinX and an ATI HD3870X2 videocard.

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Upgraded To 64 Bit But Shows Running 32 Bit?

Sep 1, 2007

Have recently purchased the upgrade to 64 bit Vista, however, having installed the disc on boot up I expected some sort of instruction on the transfer to 64 Bit procedure. nothing. When I review the details of my PC in the System menu on the Control Panel it still shows me running with 32 Bit. I have even tried to run the set-up from the upgrade DVD but have been refused and told to run from boot-up.

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Gadget Shows A Bright Sun

Feb 22, 2009

The vista weather gadget shows a bright sun and says it's clear. I walk outside and it's completely overcast. My location is set to South El Monte CA ( 91733 ). It's about 4:00 pm ( local time ) 2/22/09.

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Virtualization Turned On Tvv Shows

May 22, 2009

I am running Vista x64 and would like to get the best out of the OS as I can, I only use it for gaming-downloading and watching film/TV shows, I have come across a setting in my Bios that is called Virtualization and it is turned on, have try'd to look it up and as far I can see it only needs to be on if you plan to run more than one OS ( witch I don't ) , So would it benefit me to turn it off?

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Desktop Icons Are Now Part Of The Desktop Wallpaper?

May 15, 2010

I just cleared my desktop because it was absolutely cluttered with icons and stuff, but now it's like the Icons are part of the wallpaper, because I can't click on them, can't drag them, and if I drag a different icon over it it's still there underneath the other one.

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Remote Desktop Connection From Desktop To Laptop?

Mar 26, 2009

I've been trying to set up a remote desktop connection between my laptop and my desktop both running on Vista Home Premium. Why does this error come up:

"This computer can't connect to the remote computer."

when they are both connected (wirelessly) via the same network.

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