Enlarge To Larger Disk Size?

Jan 9, 2009

I want to migrate to a larger hard drive. I can copy the boot partition to the new hard drive successfully, but can not enlarge it to the larger disk size.

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2 Languages : How To Enlarge The Size Of 1 Of Them

Jul 5, 2008

If I compose an e-mail mostly in English, but one or two words in other language. How or can I enlarge the size of the words of " other language " while the English words remain in default size ?

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Enlarge Thumbnail Size In Photo Gallery

Mar 23, 2008

How do you enlarge the thumbnail size in Windows Photo Gallery? I currently have the view option set on thumbnail with text but the thumbnail is very small. I am not sure what option to use to restore it back to its normal size.

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Resoultion Size Larger Works

Jul 5, 2008

I bought a new monitor with a native 1680x1050 resolution. It's works great and I'd like to continue using this resolution. I've set IE's view ext size to "larger" and that works OK. However, some sites set their text size in a text/css in a stylesheet. These text are often too small to read well and there seems to be no way of making them larger.

Is there anything I can do about this short of changing the screen resolution or getting reading glasses. If not, does anyone out there think there's a chance that the html site builders will wake up some day and realize that people are not reading their copy because it's too small on the screen?

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Default Mail Text Size Larger

Mar 23, 2008

Using Windows mail 6.0.6000.16386 Before installing IE 9 Beta, the default size for reading my mail was "larger". Now it is "medium" and I have to change it manually to "larger" for every message I open. I want the default to always be "larger".

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Enlarge C & Decrease D Drives?

Jun 25, 2008

I ahve a new notebook that came with Vista Ultimate installed and the HD partitioned into C and D Drives. I want all my documents, Pictures etc to be stored on D drive because C is too small. I want to have one big C drive or a larger one. Can I do this using the Vista Disk management tools of deleting and expanding? There is no data in the D drive.

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Desktop.ini Larger One Shows

Mar 26, 2008

Two icons, with the same name, "desktop.ini" have appeared on my desktop and when I open it, this is what the larger one shows. The smaller one has only one entry. I assume they are shortcuts although there is no indication that they are.

Spider Solitaire.lnk=@%SystemRoot%system32gameux.dll,-10061
Windows Explorer.lnk=@%SystemRoot%system32shell32.dll,-22067
Windows Mail.lnk=@%ProgramFiles%Windows MailWinMail.exe,-225

What I think happened is that I put a number of programmes on the task bar, immediately to the right of the Windows logo, and perhaps this is the information as to the location of these programmes. Are these shortcuts and, if so, can I delete them? As I went back to check on the items, I also found another "desktop.ini" file in my Documents Folder - it is different from the above two. What is the proper location of these files?

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Make Print Larger?

Mar 23, 2008

We are new to windows vista and I can barely read the print on the desk top as well as mail or anything else. I have searched on how to make the print larger and it is not just like going into your email and changing the font size. Any tips on this issue from people who are familiar with vista.

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File In Task Manager Show Larger

May 13, 2009

if i open say My Documents or My Computer to open a file a second explorer.exe decides to show up in task manager and is slightly larger in size compared to the original one. The first one currently sits there at roughly about 11,500k When the second one comes along its about 15,000k in size and the window takes about 2-4 seconds to load/display folders etc sometimes longer. It also becomes larger every window you open resulting in slower load times. From the task manager, if i close the smaller of the two explorer.exe's naturally the whole task bar at the bottom closes and you can't access the start menu etc.
But, if i close the other, slightly larger explorer.exe, it just closes that window.

I have run several anti-virus scans, spyware scans etc and have all returned nothing, so i am assuming that it might be somehting that has slipped through my scanners un-seen unless this is normal behaviour that i have not noticed before. Also lately my CPU usage had been fluxuating a lot between 0% and 20% when no windows are open, it can also shoot up to between 80% - 90% when opening a window and will then resume its fluxuating idle state until i open or close another window or file. If i click "Show process from all users" in the task manager another problem i see that might be related or compleetly seperate is displayed. I have 16 svchost.exe's, yes thats right, 16.... (screenshot available) they all range in size the largest being roughly 50,000k and the smallest being 200k. This can't be normal?

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How Do Make The Quick Launch Icons Larger?

Feb 16, 2009

How do I make the Quick Launch icons larger?

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Mail Print Size, Get Size 12

Feb 22, 2009

New to Windows mail. I type and view screen using Ariel size 10 but when I print out mail I get size 12. I can't find a way to change it and it's annoying.

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Folder Size In Size Column

Mar 23, 2008

While browsing files and folders I've noticed something extreemly annoying. You can see the size of individual files in the Size column but you cant see the folder's contents size. This extreemly frustrating and I cant seem to find where I can enable that function. I know you can scroll your mouse over folders one at a time and a window will apear and you can see the size then, but thats just inconveniant for what Im doing. I need to be able to glance at multiple folder sizes constantly.

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Disk Defragmenter: Stopped Defragmenting And The Information Changed To 'Analyzing Disk

Nov 23, 2009

Is it normal for Disk Defragmenter to Analyze the disk AFTER it defragments? I know it does it before and then I click 'Defrag Now' and it proceeds to defrag my hard drive. But today I was watching it and noticed that all of a sudden it stopped defragmenting and the info changed to 'Analyzing disk...'.

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Safely Remove Hard Disk, Enable Write Cashing On The Disk?

Dec 28, 2008

I have four (4) hard disks C: D: E: F: all are connected with sata cable and power cable.(of course) The F: is outside from the pc and connected via external SATA and power cable (like usb NOT usb) I know,with USB external hard disk i can use the safely remove option.

Is there any option to safely remove SATA hard disk without Shut Down the pc?

1) Start-Control Panel-Device Manager-Disk Drives-Right Click on hard disk-Properties-Policies-UntikDisable the Enable write cashing on the disk??

2) Start-Control Panel-Device Manager-Disk Drives-Right Click on hard disk-Disable??

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Virtual Disk Programs Made 2 Disk Drives: Delete?

Mar 22, 2008

i was messing around with virtual disk programs and made 2 disk drives that are not really there. I can't seem to be able to delete them and its really getting annoying. How can i do this?

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Disk Cleanup Show Me 257gb Delete 80gb Disk

Apr 9, 2008

Is this normal? My disk cleanup shown me a 257GB of files to delete on my 80GB disk. I haven't local network and no external disk. I am using vista home premium with sp1, but this problem was without sp1 too. I attached link (for better understanding) to picture of cleanup.

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Windows Disk Fragmenter Easting A LOT Of Disk Space

Jun 17, 2008

I am a relatively unexperienced windows vista user using windows home premium at 32 bit on an acer aspire 6920 notebook. I noticed that occassionaly my disk space would drop dramatically without me doing anything. 100s of mbs would just disappear for no reason, so probably being stupid i decided to run the disk fragmenter to try and fix the problem. BUT to my horror i was shocked to find that the disk fragmenter began to eat up my hard disk space big style. I went from 79.7GB to 72.5GB in just over an hour. What the hell happened and can it be fixed? can i get my disk space back? i thought the disk fragmenter was supposed to help your computer not rob it. does anyone else have this problem and can someone please help me? im kinda desparate, i cant believe it.

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Re-partition Disk: Disk Is Split Into 2 Partitions, Vista (C:)

Mar 29, 2008

My Disk is split into 2 partitions, Vista (C: ) and Data (E, each is about 70 Gb. I do not use the Data partition. I want to delete it and allow Vista(C to use all 140 Gb. The Help pages suggest that if I delete (or reduce the size of) "Data", the free space becomes unallocated? Can I repartition the disk to allow Vista C: to acces all 140 Gb?

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When Try To Open A Disk The Driver Ejects & Askinsert A Disk

Jun 20, 2008

When I try to open a disk, the driver ejects it and it says please insert a disk into drive. I tried uninstalling and installing the CD RW DRIVER, but it still doesn't work.

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Stata Disk And Installed Vista Upgrade Top Xp Disk

Mar 13, 2009

I need to replace my wife's motherboard, and I am trying to minimize the amount of change. She is currently running XP, but the hardware is old enough that I cannot simply swap the MBs, because a new board will need a different HAL. I was thinking about installing XP and migrating applications. I was wondering what would happen if I cloned her disk to a SATA disk and installed a Vista upgrade on top of the XP disk. I would run setup and provide the appropriate drivers at the F6 prompt. She has used Vista on occasion when we are out-of-town. I have a separate userID on my laptop that is configured to look as much as possible like XP. The question is whether a Vista upgrade would work on top of an XP image that used a lot of older hardware.

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System Disk Automatically Bumped Disk O Position

Sep 21, 2009

I have an HP DV7 notebook that I recently added a second SATA 500 GB hard drive in the expansion bay. The purpose of the drive is to serve as a data drive. I also intend to store an image of my system disk on this internal expansion drive so that I can restore my system and apps when I am in the field. For most purposes the drive seems to be functioning normally. However, I recently noticed that, without my instructions, HP Updates were installing suipport files on my expansion disk rather than on my system disk and I have become concerned that Windows Updates may also end up on the expansion drive (so far they appear not to have done this). On further inspection in Computer Management - Disk Managment I discovered that when I put the expansion drive into the 2nd bay, my original system disk was automatically bumped from the Disk 0 position to the Disk 1 position and my expansion disk became the new Disk 0.

In Computer Managment - Disk Management the system currently looks like
Disk 0 - F: Expansion Drive - Healthy, Primary Partition
Disk 1 - C: - Healthy, System, Boot, Page File, Active, Crash Dump,Primary Partition.

If I physically pull out the F: drive from the machine the C: drive returns to the Disk 0 position. I am concerned that my system and application updates are going to get splattered across two drives when I want them to remain on the original C: drive. I can find no way in BIOS or Computer Management - Disk Management to assign the Disk and physically swapping the drives makes the system disk unbootable. Am I at risk of splattering my Window updates across two drives? Should I instruct Vista to regard my system disk C: as Disk 0 and how to I do this?

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Can 'cache' The System Disk In A RAM Disk?

Feb 17, 2008

I've persuaded my boss that I need 16 gig of RAM. The purpose being, of course, to make Vista fly. Is a RAM disk the best way to do this? Can I 'cache' the system disk in a RAM disk? Or is there a better way to make use of my new endownment.

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Disk Partitioning Via Disk Management?

Jun 19, 2009

I was under the impression that it was possible to partition a hard disk via Disk Management. I want to split the existing C drive into two drives but when I right click the drive in Disk Management there is no option to do this. Is this not possible in Vista?

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May 9, 2009

I changed the Boot sequence to CD first, then HDD. Everything ran fine and vista seemingly loaded perfectly. After moving some files from my backup drive back onto my main one and installing some drivers, I was asked to restart my computer (for the drivers) so I did. Remembering that the boot sequence was still set on CD first, and since my driver CD was still in the drive, I decided to set the boot sequence back to the way I had it with XP: HDD and then CD. After doing this I quit BIOS and tried to boot, but I kept getting a message saying: DISK BOOT FAILURE. INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER.

So I restarted the computer again, this time with my Vista CD in the drive, and again, the computer wouldn't boot and told me to enter a boot disk. Not knowing what to do, I went back into BIOS and changed the boot sequence back to CD first, then HD. After doing this, and restarting with the Vista CD in the drive, my computer booted up with no problems whatsoever. I tried reinstalling Vista (twice), reformatting the target hard drive, changing the boot sequence around, pretty much everything I could think of......

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Windows Size

Feb 6, 2009

In the past few weeks most of the windows will not keep either size and
position in the screen, nor will they keep the way they are suppose to be
viewed, they were keeping it since I installed Vista.

I can no longer use the restore system, since it has been too long since the
problem started, I thought that a simple rebooting as it used to work,
would this time around, but it did not. I even runed a CHKDSK /R on all of
my HDD

How could I fix that

BTW I did not installed any hardware or software around the time that the
problem began, and I rebooted when I installed the lastest Windows Update,
since it required it

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Font Size

Jul 29, 2009

I edited the registry and either modified or deleted a line
regarding font size.

Since then all my html messages use size 12 in Windows Mail, Live Mail, or
Yahoo Mail.

I can specify the use of a different size, but as soon as I type anything,
the size reverts to 12.

I can change any other attribute such as face, bold, etc. and they all

I would like to reinstall Windows Mail but I understand that's not possible
as it's inseparable from Vista.

I've run sfc /scannow and there are no problems.

The only solution that seems possible it to fix or replace that registry
line I screwed up.

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In Box Font Size

Sep 15, 2009

Incoming email is difficult to read because of age and font size. Have checked out ideas on Goggle and Windows "Help and Support". Either I'm too thick or the suggestions are no longer applicable. I'm using Vista, IE 8 and Windows mail.

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Font Size Vs DPI?

Jun 20, 2009

is there's an equivalent to XP's Display Font Size in Vista? In XP Display Properties, Appearance tab we can change Font size to Large or Extra Large. This is useful for people who want high resolution desktops but find it hard to read small text (without sitting really close which is bad for eyes). I know there's a DPI setting in Vista just as there is in XP, but it's not the same as Font size.

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Icon Size Big

Jun 10, 2008

Has anyone else noticed this or have a solution? I have seen this now on 2 different computers I own. After a while, for no apparent reason, the "large" desktop icons setting produces some smaller ones also. Specifically it seems to be web short cuts. Some are large but some are much smaller, ie 2 icons which are identical (both web shortcuts) are randomly different sizes.

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How Can Icon Size

Sep 11, 2006

I am currently running RC1 and i must say i love it. I have not found a single glitch yet. But I dont like the size of the desktop icons, They are massive. Is there something i could use to resize the icons.

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Ready Boost Size

May 31, 2009

I have a laptop with 2Gb, Vista Ultimate, and an SD slot I use for ReadyBoost. I currently have a fast 4Gb SD card, but noticed the price on 16Gb SD cards has gone way down. Would there be any benefit to replacing my 4Gb with a 16Gb, given that I only have 2Gb of RAM? Could ReadyBoost make use of it all? Would I notice any difference?

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