Huge Photo Size In Received Mail

Jul 29, 2009

Whenever I receive photo attachments they are open in the email and are huge. Where do I set the size of received photo's and what is the best size to use?

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WINSXS Folder Is HUGE, Reducing The Size Of It

May 10, 2009

It has about 25 GB! I know that the HDD drives are cheap, but come on, it's huge!! Is there any tool available for reducing the size of it?

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Enlarge Thumbnail Size In Photo Gallery

Mar 23, 2008

How do you enlarge the thumbnail size in Windows Photo Gallery? I currently have the view option set on thumbnail with text but the thumbnail is very small. I am not sure what option to use to restore it back to its normal size.

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The Mail That I Received In Home Vista System Windows Mail Then I No Longer Can Receive In Office Mail Client

Feb 6, 2009

My main mail client is my office XP system, I also receive mail in home. So I select the 'Leave mail on Server' in my home XP system and it work fine. But after I upgrade my home PC to Vista system (I export my mail account for XP outlook express then inport it to my Vista system.) then it have problem - when the mail that I received in home Vista system Windows Mail then i no longer can receive in office mail client. Does anyone know is it the bug of Vista Windows Mail?

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Mail Print Size, Get Size 12

Feb 22, 2009

New to Windows mail. I type and view screen using Ariel size 10 but when I print out mail I get size 12. I can't find a way to change it and it's annoying.

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Emails Received And Sent To Be Sorted Based On Date Received And/or Sent

Dec 16, 2009

My Microsoft Mail in Vista moves received and sent emails in a very odd manner. Rather than keep emails sorted strictly by date received and/or sent, the emails are moved. For example, if I reply to an email received and it had a subject line, a return email may be buried deep based on who sent the original and the subject. This makes finding the emails very difficult. I would like all emails received and sent to be sorted based on date received and/or sent, similar to Outlook.

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Sent Mail Not Received

Mar 23, 2008

I am running Vista and Windows Mail.I have 3 contacts that does not receive mail sent from Windows mail. I can send from Web Mail using my same address and they receive. Embarq and Road Runner have not found the problem. They say there is no blocks on either end. I do not get any bounce backs or errow messages when mail is sent. I have sent test to all of 35 contacts and all receive except the contacts. I have corresponded with these Embarq contacts for 1-2 years with no problem until mid February. Then something closed the gate. Road Runner has traced the mail and it appears as if the contact received the mail but he didn't.

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Can't Received E-mail

Aug 28, 2009

i have windows vista with windows mail.using hotmail i cannot receive any e-mail i have tried eveything

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Windows Mail Can't Received

May 28, 2009

i could not receive emails to windows mail but i managed to view them via yahoo. got error code 0x800CC0F. i looked up possible problems and downloaded live mail. now the opposite is happening and i keep receiving the same emails over and over again. error code now is 0x800CCC19. i have avg antivirus and have turned off email scanner without any effect. is this an issue with the server? can i do anything else to stop these emails?

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XP To Mail Can Not Send And Received

May 10, 2008

I recently bought a new (actually a 2 or 3 yr. old Compaq) computer and it has Vista Home OS. I used the Microsoft transfer program and successfully moved most data to new PC. (Old PC was XP), However, I am having problems with mail. I use an older Outlook and I cannot send now but I can receive emails. I tried Windows mail and it will not open. I also used Outlook Express on my old computer. I think the problem is related to having some outlook express and Outlook data files hat tranferred over to the new PC and now the PC (amd I) is confusd as to what email, adress book, etc, to use.

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E-mail Sent But Not Received By Receipient

Apr 24, 2008

My e-mail is working and I send and receive with others successfully, and this other individual sends and receives to others successfully, but she does not receive my e-mail (although I do receive hers). I don't get any error messages on this end. She has added me to her "contacts" list, but that hasn't helped.

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Can't Send And Received Windows Mail

Aug 8, 2009

Without an error message I no longer receive email through windows mail. I have a new account, checked everything, called my new provider's helpdesk, checked again and was told that it has to be a problem in windows mail. They have had more customers with this problem and could not help them because it is no known problem. I get no error messages from windows,test emails just vanish in deep internetspace.. Strange thing is that it did work properly for a few days with this new provider until this problem came up and there were no problems at all with my old email account.

I tried to download IE8 but installation was not accepted because there should be a newer verion on my pc. Maybe there is someone who knows to trigger this issue the right way? I think about contacting Acer about this oem version or to instaal an other emailprogram. On my old laptop and the same account options with XP-pro there is no problem with receiving emails, so it has to be something gone wrong on my new pc with Vista Home Premium (64 bits) with SP-2 and Windows Mail.

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Mail Delivery Failure Received Email Again

Mar 23, 2008

This keeps happening. Let me note that I never have missed paying a bill to Comcast. Why do people keep getting the messages they write to me back again? Here is what the most recent one said. "Sorry, we were unable to deliver your message to the following address.

< my email address>:
Mail server for "" unreachable for too long" I collect my email numerous times a day. Is there something I can do to receive email again? I do get some email but many times people are getting them back again.

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Windows Mail Duplicate Received Email

Sep 30, 2008

For some odd reason, I seem to get duplicates of every email received. Usually I get two copies, on rare occasions three or four, and last weekend I got more than 30 copies of a single email. I have already turned off the anti-spam feature of my anti-virus program. Is there any way to change the settings so I get only one copy of each email? I am running Vista Home Premium, 32 bit, with 3GB of memory on Dual CPU E2180 @ 2 GHz.

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Windows Inbox Canot Send And Received Mail

Dec 18, 2009

Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of inactivity. Subject 'Re: Inquiry', Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10053, Error Number: 0x800CCC0F

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Windows Photo Gallery: Change The View Back To Only Showing One Photo

Apr 2, 2008

when I first started with Vista, Photo Gallery would show only the photo i clicked on. Now when i click on any photo it shows all the photos i created since I was born. how to change the view back to only showing one photo?

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Windows Mail: Unable To Open Email Attachments Received In .pdf Or .jpg Format

Apr 14, 2008

Since migrating to Windows Mail a year ago on a new PC running Vista, I've been unable to open, or to save and open, email attachments received in .pdf or .jpg format. When I try to open .pdf attachments, I get an error message reading, "This
file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the Set Associations control panel." If I save a .pdf attachment in Adobe Reader and then try to open it, I get a message saying, "Adobe Reader could not open [file] because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged (for example, it was sent as an email attachment and wasn't correctly decoded)." I run Adobe Reader 8. Where do I look to find a solution to this problem? Is it related to the similar problem with JPEG's?

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Attach Photo To E-mail

Mar 23, 2008

Using right click on photo then selecting send to and mail recipient the following appears in the body of the e-mail: "Your message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments: (Photo file name) Note: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments. Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled." Photo is attached to the e-mail and the photo file name appears in the subject line. Any way to eliminate the above from showing in the e-mail?

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Possible To Re-arrange Order Of Photo Files In Photo Gallery?

Mar 23, 2008

Is it possible when viewing photos in Vista photo gallery to display my picture files in an order other than by name, date taken or file size etc.. ie the options offered under 'the sort by' feature. I would like to customise each folder to display the photos in an order of my choosing but this does not appear possible for the photo gallery in vista or the live photo library i have just downloaded and installed.

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To E-mail, Photo Facility Not Available

Nov 25, 2009

Why is it that when I sign-in to my e-mail I don't have the "Photo" facility while my buddy has it. What can I do to get it?

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Arranging Attachments Photo E-mail:

Sep 29, 2009

I have Windows Vista Premium Home and Windows Mail. I was wondering if anybody can tell me how to arrange my photo attachments in an e-mail in such a way that the "before" photos are seen first and then the "after" photos next(alternatively). Like this:

1 Before Judy
1 After Judy
2 Before Lucy
2 After Lucy
3 Before Bianca
3 After Bianca... and so on.

It also doesn't help if I attach the photos in the specific order one by one. I am a make-up artist and whenever I attach the photos in a specific order, then it still comes up scrambled. Please tell me what to do to be able to arrange my e-mail attachments the way I want them to be arranged. My other question is this: I have a relatively new computer and the typing went well for the first few months, then suddenly typing became weird, (letters are either left out or repeated or the spacebar leaves too many spaces,..............

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Photo Gallery Can't Open This File Or Photo?

Mar 29, 2009

I recently bought a new Vista, and saved a few pictures off of the internet, and saved them to my 'Downloads' folder. I went to preview them(in Windows Photo Gallery, Windows Live Photo Gallery, Paint, and Picture Manager), and they would not show up.

there were 27 files: 11 PNG, 2 GIF, and 14 JPEG. 3 JPEG and2 PNG will work,but the rest won't. I attempted to upload them to photobucket, with the same results.

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Copy Contact List From Windows Mail To Photo Program

Jul 29, 2009

I use Vista 64 bit. How do I copy my contact list from Windows Mail to my Photo program, Photo Explosion? I really don't want to have to enter each address individually.

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Font Size When Composing Mail

May 13, 2008

when i compose mail it has reverted to Arial size 12; when i change it to say,36, it has a size 36 cursor but immediately I type it reverts to 12 again. Have i got a default that is overriding my other settings?

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Max. Size Saving Windows Mail

Oct 10, 2009

I there any max. size for the Windows Mail? Presently I have 1.4 GB and around 11000 files and 400 folders in my Windows Mail and not surprising it's a little bit slow when starting. However it works fine and fast. Could I continue forever let's in a couple of years having 140 GB and 1000000 files and 10000 folders? Don't know how Windows Mail uses memory RAM and sidefiles when opened. Is that a limiting factor? I'm using Vista 32 bit with 2 GB RAM.

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Windows Mail Font Size

Apr 11, 2008

Is there a way to change the font size in Vista windows mail? I'd like the whole size of windows mail to be a little bigger.

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Increase Size Of Mailbox In Windows Mail

Mar 23, 2008

I have only had Vista for 10 days and already I'm getting messages that my mailbox is full and some messages are being blocked. I used Outlook Express for 6 years and never had this problem. A tiny mailbox is no use to anyone, how can I increase it's capacity ?

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Default Mail Text Size Larger

Mar 23, 2008

Using Windows mail 6.0.6000.16386 Before installing IE 9 Beta, the default size for reading my mail was "larger". Now it is "medium" and I have to change it manually to "larger" for every message I open. I want the default to always be "larger".

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Default Font Size In Windows Mail

Mar 23, 2008

how to permanently set a default font size in Windows Mail? My Windows Mail default font is 10 but I would prefer it to be 12. However there does not seem to be an option to change it to 12 automatically, instead of remembering to reset it before starting to type an email.

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How To Change Font Size And Color Outgoing E-mail

Mar 23, 2008

I have Windows Mail thru Vista and have tried to change my font size and color on outgoing e-mails to somthing different than the default but everytime I go in to compose an e-mail it keeps going to the default font size and color. I went to TOOLS - OPTIONS - SEND and COMPOSE and have changed them there but that doesn't seem to work.

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Incoming File Size Limit With Windows Mail?

Mar 23, 2008

is there a file size limit with windows mail? i have been sent files and they do not make it through to my email account with windows mail, but they are viewable at the yahoo server? is there a place where i can change the size of the files to be allowed to be received?

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