Properties To Reset The Window Text Size

Jun 3, 2009

My Windows dialog boxes are too small to display all the text they contain. And as we know, these verdammt boxes are not resizable. Up to now, this has been a minor annoyance, but now it's a major one: it's keeping me from completing the Vista x64 SP2 patch install.

As you can see in the attachments, the window text is just too big. It overflows the sides of the dialog. And because the SP2 EULA screen requires that you view all its text, and I can't, I never get an active "NEXT" button to proceed with the installation. Changing screen res does not help.

I've tried Personalize > Windows Color and Appearance > Open Classic Appearance Properties to reset the Window Text size, but the option to do this is grayed out. I've tried the registry hack found on this board to try and substitute a smaller font, but no go. I've tried several hackware proggies to try and force unresizeable windows to resize, but no joy there either. I've also tried Chris Pirillo's Vista Font Fix to no avail

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How Can Reset App To Allow Insert Text

Feb 4, 2010

In Hotmail, when I try to go back to an previous spot in the message and insert additional words, every letter I add deletes a letter from the text that follows.What causes this and how can I reset the app to allow me to insert text without deleting a chararter for every character I insert?

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Print Properties Dialog Not Show Paper Size

Mar 23, 2008

I am using an Epson Lq-300+ dot matrix printer in Windows Vista. I am trying to print bills sized 12in by 6in. I added the custom paper size in the print server and it is saved correctly, however, when I try to print, the print properties dialog does not show the paper size. In fact, there are many paper sizes in the print manager that do not show up in the list of available paper sizes.

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Text Size Will Not Change Using IE8

Jan 14, 2010

Windows Vista Home Premium X64, IE 8, dial-up internet

When downloading files I cannot get the text size to change using the

View text size.

My windows updates are up to date.

It used to work, I don't know if I have something set wrong on one of the updates has stopped it from working.

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How Reset Limit On Size Of E-mails Receiving?

Aug 30, 2009

I am running vista 64 bits on a desktop. How do I reset the limit on size of e-mails that I can receive?

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Large Attachment Text Size

May 12, 2008

I scanned a newspaper article and attached it to an e-mail. The text was so large only half the article could be read. How do I shrink text size on a sent e-mail attachment?

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Window Switcher Not Option Properties

Sep 9, 2008

Issue: the 'Winder Switcher' Location: lower left corner of the bottom tool bar In the past: you can scroll though the open windows, as they appear on your screen visually, at a nice 45º angle, and you pick the window you wish to return to. Today: This scrolling is no longer there... just a a box comes up and shows you via a 'flat screen look' what apps are open by name and box, no view of the application itself. What changed - I had Speedup my PC and their Tweaker program ( this is offered Uniblue) on my system. I removed it as it caused more grief then good. How to: Now, where can I find the 'switch' that allows for this scrolling to work as it did out of the box? It is not an option that I see in the Winder Switcher Properties section of the app.

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Default Mail Text Size Larger

Mar 23, 2008

Using Windows mail 6.0.6000.16386 Before installing IE 9 Beta, the default size for reading my mail was "larger". Now it is "medium" and I have to change it manually to "larger" for every message I open. I want the default to always be "larger".

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Trouble Resetting Active Window Text Font

Jun 25, 2008

Somehow my basic active windows text font changed. I think newly installed software may be to blame. Anyway, following the help suggestions of going to "Appearance Settings" and clicking on "Advanced" looks promising. However, for Windows Vista Basic, Standard, & Classic clicking on the Active Text within the Active Windows only get item Windows which does not allow me to set a font. Only a general color and a font color. I can't figure out how to reset the font. The font drop down list is empty and inactive.

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Windows Games: Hint Window Text Too Large

May 6, 2008

I'm running vista 64 home premium and I have noticed that on a number of windows games the hint windows are dispalying over large fonts so you cant read the entire hint. for example in freecell when you try to move a stack of cards thats too large the hint window is supposed to tell you how many cards you are able to move at that moment, but that part of the message is off the egde of the window. Ive noticed this with all the card games the mahjong game even the kids game Purble place. Ive tried adjusting the fonts dpi setting and even the advanced setting from personalizations.

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Saving Window Size

Apr 15, 2008

I use 'Computer' (use to be called Windows Explorer) a lot in Windows Vista Home Premium to manage my hard drive. It's a nuisance that it starts up as a too small window and I have to stretch it each time to see more. Is there a way to force it to memorize the previous state and restore?

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Increasing Window Size?

Dec 23, 2009

When I go from my desktop to my internet homepage (yahoo), I sometimes get a small window , and sometimes get a whole-page size window. I prefer the whole-page size without having to click that middle restore button on the upper right-hand corner of my screen everytime I go to my homepage. First, what are the names that describe the smaller size window, and the larger one? Is that what a thumbnail is? Second, I must presume there's a setting somewhere, where I can toggle the whole-page size preference when I go from my desktop to homepage. Can you tell me if there is, and how do I get to it?

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Open Window Size 1/4

Nov 12, 2009

Running Windows Vista and Internet Explorer. Don't know what I did, but now when I open a new window with a link off of my homepage it will open a new window at only about 1/4 size. How do I fix it to open a full page?

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Window Opens At Default Size, Not Maximized

Apr 6, 2009

I use Vista Home Premium. I have an open source app that I want to be maximized when launched. How can I do this?

I've tried maximizing in 2 ways:

- Using the small square at the top right.

- Dragging the corners of the window to fill the screen.

In both cases, if I close and then re-open, the window has its default size.

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Wordpad Alternative That Stores Window Size?

Mar 16, 2009

Is there an app similar to wordpad that can store window size and position for each file. I'm using it like a stick-it note. One file may contain to do list, which I size to a small window since each line is very short, another file may contain rebates status which would have a wider window, etc.

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Explorer Window Not Remembering The Size When It Was Last Closed

Mar 25, 2009

When I open windows explorer menu it opens at a smaller window size then I'd like it to, so I resize it and close it but the next time that I open it from right clicking on the start menu and choosing explore, it opens at the same position and small size and isn't holding the window resizing that I did... What I've tried so far to make the window size "stick":

1. Use the Windows Explorer "ALT" key to bring up the File menu at the top of the explorer and choose "close" after resizing my Explorer window.
2. Made sure that the "Remember each folder's view settings" is checked. I've also unchecked it, chose apply, then recheck marked it and chose apply just in case it needed refreshing.
3. Used the "X" button at the top right of the window to close it after resizing it to the size that I want. And finally
4. Chose the upper left corner menu (the one with Restore, Minimize, Move, Close in it) and chosen Close...............

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Scaling Remote Desktop To The Client Window Size?

Mar 23, 2008

Isn't there a way to scale the 'Remote Desktop' host desktop to the window size on the remote client? We would like the host desktop to automatically shrink-to-fit the window on our remote client computer, much like the option available in 'Remote Assistance'. So far, our only option is to view the host desktop at full-size in a smaller remote client window with scroll bars that allow us to scroll to different areas of the host desktop. Is there not an option that forces the host desktop to shrink-to-fit the clent 'Remote Desktop' window?

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How To Change Permanently The "Text Size" Under "View"?

Jun 2, 2008

Under the path > WM > View > Text Size, I can select four (4) different sizes from its default setting "Medium". Now, that works "just fine"...but ONLY while a session of WM remains active! Indeed, as soon as WM is being shut down and relaunched, this previously altered setting (eg. to "Larger") will have reverted back to its initial default (ie. in my case it's "Medium")! So can someone kindly advise me now how I could alter this specific setting to...permanent?

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WRT54GS Wireless Linksys Router: Reset Button On The Back Of The Wireless Router But Will This Reset My Wireless Network

Dec 11, 2009

I have forgotten the Username and Password for the Login ID... and it is not the default (Username: *blank* Password: admin). I have heard you can hold the reset button on the back of the wireless router but will this reset my wireless network? By that i mean... will i be able to connect with my laptop still through that wireless network or will i have to set it up again?

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Scroll Up Or Down Then Blurry Text Goes Clear And Text Above It Goes Blurry

Jan 13, 2008

For some weird reason the fonts in vista 64 are blurry when in the middle of my screen. if i scroll up or down then the blurry text goes clear and the text above it goes blurry. i have tried.. turning on and off clertype.. i just bought a brand new lcd.

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Mail Print Size, Get Size 12

Feb 22, 2009

New to Windows mail. I type and view screen using Ariel size 10 but when I print out mail I get size 12. I can't find a way to change it and it's annoying.

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Folder Size In Size Column

Mar 23, 2008

While browsing files and folders I've noticed something extreemly annoying. You can see the size of individual files in the Size column but you cant see the folder's contents size. This extreemly frustrating and I cant seem to find where I can enable that function. I know you can scroll your mouse over folders one at a time and a window will apear and you can see the size then, but thats just inconveniant for what Im doing. I need to be able to glance at multiple folder sizes constantly.

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Drive Properties

Nov 12, 2009

In Windows Vista, when right-click the drive, Properties, the "Explore' and "Open" show "????(X)" and "??(O)" repectively.

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Picture Properties

Sep 1, 2009

i was using a tweak guide to help speed up my computer running Vista Ultimate 64bit. I must have unchecked a box that turns off the display of picture properties as you hover the pointer over the picture. I don't even remember what it is called anymore so it makes it hard to find out where i must have unchecked it at. If anyone knows where in my OS i could find this and get it back i would truly appreciate it. Didn't think i would miss it, but i do.

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Explorer Window Showing Different Filenames Than The Command Line Window

Mar 25, 2008

Can anyone explain this: 3219. The screenshot shows the folder view (in Windows Explorer), and a directory listing (in a Command Line window). Why is the Explorer window showing different filenames than the command line window? It's not so much of an issue, as I'm currently completing a scheduled backup of this drive using Nero Burning ROM, and will be formatting it soon.

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Display Properties Of Drive C:

Apr 5, 2008

When I display the properties of Drive C: it reports 59.1 gb. I just did a full backup of drive C: (non-compressed) and it reports: Folders Created: 17173; Files Copied: 143024 (26949973990 bytes) A command window DIR /s command reports:
Total Files Listed:
143602 File(s) 27,910,122,018 bytes
50788 Dir(s) 177,102,209,024 bytes free

A command window DIR /ah /s command reports:
Total Files Listed:
610 File(s) 4,401,421,364 bytes
354 Dir(s) 177,102,209,024 bytes free
The total of the two above is about 30 gb Where is the other approx 33 gb?

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File Has Properties That Cannot Be Copies

Apr 19, 2008

I wanted to copy my Favorites to a flash drive to put on another computer. Some of the files showed a message saying: Property Loss. The File has properties that cannot be copied to the new location. Are you sure you want to copy the file without its properties? It gave me the choices = Yes, Skip, Cancel.

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Printer's Properties Grayed Out

Mar 23, 2008

I just noticed that everything under the HP printer's properties is grayed out and so I cannot change anything. I thought ownership/privileges could be the cause of my not being able to print from this test VISTA machine over my LAN to the HP AIO printer which is connected directly via USB on my XP machine. But I can't change anything - I notice other things (e.g. share name) are grayed out also preventing change. At the very least I want to be able to regain control of all this. Remember - I can print in reverse over my LAN (using another printer). That is, from my XP machine to the EPSON printer connected to this test VISTA machine. I seem to be able to access and change files/folders at will from each machine to the other - so I feel I must have my LAN set up at least nearly correctly. Yes, I have turned User Account Control off.

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No Sharing Tap In The Connection Properties

Jun 7, 2008

I'm connecting two PCs one of which is connected to the inet through a USB ADSL modem and both are connected through an Ethernet switch, the properties of the LAN Card connection on the first PC (which is running Windows Vista) has No Sharing Tap for sharing the internet to apply ICS (Internet Connection Sharing).

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Can't Disable Read Only Properties

May 24, 2009

I am trying to delete files from my Sansa Express which I use as an external USB drive. When I try to delete at the folder level, Vista tells me the "storage is write-protected" and that I should remove write-protection and try again. I am able to delete the files individually, however, with no problem at all. When I go to Properties, the folders are read-only. The individual files are not read-only, and they delete fine individually. The problem is only encountered when I select a folder and try to delete it. I can not disable read-only from Properties, because it is grayed out. It may or may not be relevant that most of these folders were loaded onto the drive from my other computer, which runs XP. However, not all those folders are running into this problem: only the ones which say "read-only" in Properties.

Things I've already tried: There is no write-protection switch on the device. There is a hold switch, and that is definitely in the off position. So a switch is not the issue here. I've gone through the lengthy and confusing process of taking ownership of files before, but there is no way to do that here. The only tab in the Properties screen is "General" and there's nothing in there I can click on or change. I've also tried running Windows Explorer as Administrator, but that doesn't help either. Formatting the drive is not a practical solution for me, because I can't just format it every time I encounter this problem.

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External Usb Properties Not Transferrable

Aug 11, 2009

I'm trying to export messages so I can import to another computer. Everytime I select an external drive (USB, HD, etc) I get an export error indicating the drive may be full or sometihng is wrong with the files. If I export to same PC, it works but when I try to copy and paste on external USB/HD I am asked if I want to go ahead when all properties are not transferrable. When I go ahead and import messages on othr PC, I get mail entries in the various boxes but no mail info.

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