CPU OC Wall, Manually Adjusting The Timings To 5-5-5-18?

Aug 6, 2008

It seems I have hit a wall on my particular CPU. I can easily get it dead stable at 3.2 GHz, with the RAM running at 1066 (rated specs) and manually adjusting the timings to 5-5-5-18, also spec. But if i start going any higher the system starts getting quirky - particularly when I resume from standby - it goes south with a BSOD. Gunter, I know you wanted pics, but let's keep it all consolidated in here and start keep it to a relative few people.

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Uninstalled Antivuirus, Swiched Off Windows Fire Wall

Jun 17, 2009

I am unable to open a particular https site. I have uninstalled antivirus,swiched off windows firewall, Changed internet settings etc.,,,

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How To Creat Backup Copies Of Dark Knight And Wall-e DVDs 32 Bit

Mar 11, 2009

I am trying to make two backup copies of the Dark Knight and Wall-E DVDs, but they end with an error saying that the DVD might be protected. I am using Windows Vista 32 bit.

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Adjusting Brightness

Sep 13, 2009

Well i've read couple of threads about adjusting LCD brightness in windows vista. I've a vista retail CD so before instaling it, i have a question.

My laptop is TOshiba Portege M700 (nothing to do with my question but anyways)I've problems adjusting the brightness. I've tried couple of things but nothing so i came to a decision of installing windows vista.

I also have a sticker next to my touch pad saying Windows Vista certified something. So i wa wondering if i install it, will i be able to adjust my LCD brightness through a program in vista?

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Adjusting Video Slider Controls In WMP11

Jun 10, 2008

Have Vista HP on a Dell 1525. When I play a WMA file, adjusting any of the video settings slider controls has no affect on the quality of the video playing, not even if I adjust the settings before clicking 'Play'. When I play mpg files, however, adjusting the settings DOES result in the video quality being changed corresponding to the whichever setting is changed. What I can I do to solve this problem when playing WMA files? Is there some setting I need to amend or do I need to download a file/codec?

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Adjusting The Window(includes Maximising And Minimising) The Cpu Usuage Just Bursts Up To Roughly 45%

Apr 19, 2009

i've been trying the windows 7 (x32/x64) and other flavours of vista (x32/x64) for the last 6 months while gaming at HD res all the time and there was never an issue. So the problem is that anytime i open up windows task manager or any other adjustable window and i try adjusting the window(includes maximising and minimising) the Cpu usuage just bursts up to roughly 45%. Like in many previous threads i'm already familiar with the red line showing kernel times in task manager and i did notice that 3/4 of the cpu usage bar (when it rises is red: meaning more kernel usage). Also i hear a funny noise near the cpu area. It is definitely the CPU. For some it might be that i'm too fussy or something but this did catch my attention specially while playing games like Racedriver GRID for example where it started to run slower specially at HD resolutions when it wasn't few months ago.

Here's what i've been trying:

1)I've re-installed windows(tried XP Pro x32,Vista Ultimate x32/64, 7 x32/64) and after each installation even before installing any drivers whatso ever the problem was there by going to task manager and trying the thing(ie holding corner of task manager and scrolling and seeing cpu/kernel usage go upto 40 % for nothing)

2)Reformatted and doing the above.
3) Used another power supply in case mine went wrong or something( Used HIPERPOWER | Type M | HPU-4M880)
4)Took all hardware out one by one in order of less importance and booting up to see if problem was still there. (took out DVD DRIVE since there were threads reporting it as the culprit, did also remove sound card etc..)...........

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No "Ding" Sound When Adjusting Volume In Tray

Jun 2, 2009

When adjusting my volume by clicking the speaker in the tray it used to give me a sample ding after I moved the slider and let go of it. Now it's silent.

It had me thinking I had a no audio problem until I played a music file.

I went into sounds and looked for a reference to the conmand to see if there was no sound assigned but cannot figure it out.

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IP Address: Manually Changes

May 12, 2009

We have some new Visat pc's added to our network and all of them are showing the same problem. What happens is when the users start the pc's they get a message saying the IP address is in use and they have to go and manually change the address to get working. All the pc's are configured with static ip addresses and have been checked to make sure they are on different addresses. Has anyone got any ideas on what is causing this? I have seen one workaround which involved adding some batch files to the startup routine to swap between static and DHCP but I do not want to go down tis route.

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Manually Creating A New User

Aug 21, 2009

I’ve had problems with my Windows Vista Ultimate computer when attempting to turn on the Guest account. It’s gotten to the point where I cannot create any standard user account. Which leads me to the question: How do you manually create a new user in Vista? (Since it has been failing to create a new user through User Accounts).

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Connect To The Network Manually

Sep 12, 2009

i have a different case. I have a wireless modem that is capable of wl and wired. i am fine with the wl part, but when whenever i just plug in the lan cable, it connects me to the internet without asking for the user name and password. can anybody give me the steps on how to change the settings for me so that the com will request for a password and username before connecting to the internet.

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Manually Or Auto Defragment?

Sep 17, 2009

I am using Smart Defrag 1.20. The thing I would like to know is

1. Is it worth having your hard drive auto defragged?, or,

2. To manually defrag the hard drive, once a week?

As I think that running the auto defrag is using a bit to much in resources?

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How Can Manually Clear The Cache?

May 17, 2008

Windows Vista Ultimate. In Windows XP, I used to manually clear Cookies, Temp files and Internet Temp files from the Local Settings (after enabling the file extension views from Tools > Properties > View tab). How can I do this in Windows Vista Ultimate ? I found only Temp folder under Local in the Explorer but not the Cookies folder and Internet Temp folder.

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After Upgrade Not Able To Manually Dim The Screen

Mar 27, 2007

Since my upgrade to Vista Ultimate (RC1 build 5600) from XP, I haven't been able to manually dim the screen on my laptop. In XP, I could hold the Fn button, and hit F5 to dim, or hit F6 to brighten the screen. This doesn't work on Vista. I have a Vaio FE770G notebook, 1gb ram, 128mb graphics card.

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Freezing And Turn Off Manually

Sep 24, 2009

My computer (Vista 32 SP2) freezes and I turn it off manually and start again and all is OK for a while. It seems to freeze at any time even when I am not doing anything. This has been happening for 8-9 months but the problem went away in winter so I seem to think this might be the fan. I have done a clean boot and still it happens. I have uninstalled Vista and reinstalled and still the same so it is not any programs that I might have. As summer is not far away (Australia) I would like to fix this problem as it has started to happen again. I have taken the unit to Acer but they seem to think it's OK they said it was a memory conflict but that is not the case. What else can I do?

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System Can Go Into Sleep Manually, But Not Automatically

May 31, 2009

I have a home-built computer running Vista Home Premium x64. Curious problem. I can put the computer to sleep from from the shut-down menu manually--i.e., where you see "restart," "shut down," "sleep," etc. with no problem. But for some reason from my power plan option, which I set at control panel, it won't go into sleep automatically. The monitor will shut off, but everything else--hard drive, fan, etc.--keeps going.

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File Types Tab And Modify Manually

Jun 22, 2008

Using WinXP, you could go to File Types tab and modify them manually. The tab is missing in Vista. Problem: In XP, I had my sound recorder associated with my .wav files. I modified the properties of the file extension so it would open, play the sound, the close. In Vista, I can't seem to be able to edit the Open or the Play aspect. How can I do this in Vista. Please don't ask me why...we all have our own personal reasons for doing what we do...I just want to be able to do it in Vista...if it's possible.

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Shutdown And Power Back Manually?

May 14, 2008

I have a problem since a month before SP1 came out. I never installed the beta. I have Vista Ultimate 64bits all updates done. When i shutdown my computer turn off correctly. Then within 10 to 60 second the computer turn on. First time i thought i hit restart or hibernate by mistake. I never use these 2 usually because hibernate scrap a hardisk and restart never sure memory cleared (i'm a programmer so i play with memory alot) so i prefer shutdown and power back manually.

So i tough next that Wake on Lan was my problem. I check by bios and it's fine it's off. I updated my bios and same result the problem still there. I searched the net without any result. What's weird is if i shutdown my computer and when i saw it power back on i hold right away my power button so it shutdown before windows even think of starting it turn off and never ever power back on by itself..............

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Windows Defender & Manually Scan

Mar 23, 2008

I continue to have a problem with Defender on my computer. Have auto scans set for daily and even if I manually scan, within 30 minutes I get the yellow exclamation mark that it has been 'blank' days since I scanned and need to do so!!

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Starting Without Explorer.exe, Have To Run Manually From Start Menu

Oct 15, 2009

vista starting without explorer.exe, so have to run explorer.exe manually from the task manager to get start menu and everything running normally.... I am not sure of the right category, because this may be is related to virus, driver and system restore issues, please move in the right section, following is the system configuration and the history: also sorry for the long message, but I am really stuck here and if you could spare some time to look into this issue, I tried to provide as much history and details on the issue not just to help you understand my problem but also as a warning for other users who may run into this issue in the future.. it may be a known issue and I just happen to run into it still I would like to provide details and history of what happened, if you help me I will be in your dept for sure!! and you may ask my help anytime if you need something System configuration: my friend has a toshiba satellite latop, with vista premuim. it can preloaded on the laptop. I am not sure of the exact system model and processor but if it's relevant I can provide that info, but I suspect there is some ASUS components/drivers in the system, later I will explain why I think so, as I said I can provide system model or CPU or hardisk space but at this point I feel it's not relivant, cause it's an issue with explorer.exe right now but if you think it's required I will ask for that info, please understand I am giving support over seas from this user but we are in touch via msn and phone so if you want any additional info, even screen shots I will try to provide. History: the Problem started when she called me, and showed me a screen shot of AVG anti-virus free edition trying to remove some virususes off her computer. she said the virus came from a USB driver she borrowed from a friend. and AVG was complaining that it is not able to remove the virus because she has to buy the full AVG version. this sounded wierd, I tried to verify she is using the free AVG but I am not sure, so I ask her to uninstall AVG and try another anti-virus, first thing came to mind is avast, so I asked her to install the latest free version I think it's 4.8, but it turns out it's not compatabile with vista or her system and after some searching on the net I discover a known issue with avast/vista conflicting with some asus drivers and I suspect it is the same case, because she is also like the others reported, getting a blank screen and not able to logon. but before uninstalling avast from safe mode, I tried another suggestion ( I was not aware that avast was responsible at that point in time yet ) so I suggested she try last known good configuration. did that, but still she got blank screen again ( because avast was still there ) so I suggested she go to safe mode and try to uninstall avast ( this is after I found the issue with avast conflicing with asus drivers on some machines with vista ), after going into safe mode, she gets a view of her documents and no start button, after some questions on the phone I figured out that explorer.exe is not running, so asked her to try to run explorer.exe from the task manager, when she did that she got the start button, and was able to goto control panel and uninstall avast and then she rebooted vista. after reboot she was able to go into vista, but explorer.exe again won't run, unless she goto task manager and run it manualy everytime she reboots. I thought I'd do some research why is explorer.exe not running when the system is restarting, I thought maybe I could add it to the system startup or something, but not sure where would be the best place do to that, msconfig? or startup folder for that user? if someone can give me some advice that would be great. she already backed up her files now and ready for a re-format but I am really embarased would like to find a solution to this problem anyway, as now she think I might be an idiot for my poor selection of antivurs software, It's strange I never heard of this compatability issues and I installed avast on vista on other toshiba latops and many systems and I never had this issue ever, I suggested she try another anti-virus but she is afraid now and wants to re-format... and take her time which I understand, but in the mean time I want to try and fix this explorer.exe not runing.

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Restart The Computer Manually But Crashes Before Login

May 3, 2010

We tried to restart the computer manually, but to no avail. Vista loaded Windows, but before prompting me with a login screen, it dumbed again. We then tried to boot it in safe mode. Everything works fine there, so we tried to reboot normally again. Another dumb. We tried yet again, after removing the disc. Nothing. Since then we've tried system recovery to set it back a few days, we've tried to let it repair itself, we've tried to unplug everything (everything - mouse, keyboard, sound - everything but the monitor). The monitor, by the way, have some weird lines running down the screen, which notably aren't there when booting in safe mode.

The error code that appears on the dumb is as follows: STOP: 0x000000050 (0x8F875370,0x00000001,0x8EB5AB0A,0x00000000)

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Extend Swap Memoy Size Manually

Oct 16, 2008

Excessive memory and cpu use when loading ‘heavy’ internetsites like runescape, stardoll, etc (my children are experiencing most of the problem…). Event viewer indicates ‘excessive page swapping’ and I tried to extend the swap memory size manually, this did not help either. It does not matter which browser is in use (tries IEXPL en FIREFOX). JAVA runs with the latest edition. No memory problems found with memory scan...,System is defragmented on a regular base,No malware found,Tried to start up without virusscan (sophos),Problem started a couple of weeks ago, system run normal before Memory use running heavy java appr 200MB ,Memory use homepage only 2 MB,PC performance index 3. MSINFO.exeinfo: 1G installed; 767 total phys mem; 116 available I wonder why there is only 116 MB physical memory available What causes the degradation: 1GB -> installed memory to 767MB total physical memory -> 116MB available memory? (and this is just after start up, no browsre loaded) Number and 'weight' and weight of boot programs is very low.

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Manually Organize MS Communities In Left Pane

Aug 9, 2009

I only use Windows Mail to handle my MS newsgroups (it does an excellent job of this). I have now subscribed to 10 newsgroups, and am finding it harder to find the few I usually go to, compared to the ones that I only go to once or twice, whenever I have a rare question. Is there a way I can manually change the order in which they appear (in the left pane--I see "Local Folders" and "Microsoft Communities" as the two major sections)? It looks like Windows Main arranges them in alphabetical order. Is there any way I can drag-n-drop, or change them in any other way?

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Manually Install Vista Service Pack 2 32 Bit

Jan 27, 2010

I want to manually install Vista Service Pack 2 32 bit. My installation disk is Vista Basic with SP1. Is the only prerequisite to install SP2 is to have Vista Service Pack 1 installed?

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Installed Os Registry Patch Manually Copy

Mar 23, 2008

I'm having trouble enabling AHCI under Windows Vista Business x64. I initially installed the OS with AHCI enabled in the BIOS, but I receive stop code 7B upon reboot. The only way to get the OS to boot is to disable AHCI in the BIOS. The last time I installed the OS, I was able to apply a registry patch and manually copy IaStor.sys (from the Intel Matrix Storage Manager driver) into the WindowsSystem32drivers folder. This would allow me to boot and run the system with AHCI enabled, and utilize the Intel Turbo Memory flash cache module I installed. I also made sure that Msahci.sys was set to start on boot as per the instructions at

Now, for some reason, this procedure no longer works. I still receive stop code 7B upon reboot. (Note that I am not able to install the Intel Matrix Storage Manager driver or the Intel Turbo Memory driver until after AHCI is working. Attempting to do so results in an error message that my system "does not meet the minimum requirements".)I'm trying this on a Dell Vostro 1500 with a PM965 chipset and ICH8 I/O controller hub. This is the contents of the registry file I'm using:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesiaStor]"Type"=dword:00000001"Start"=dword:00000000"Group"="SCSI miniport" "ErrorControl"=dword:00000001"ImagePath"="system32\drivers\IaStor.sys""tag"=dword:00000019"DisplayName"="Intel AHCI Controller"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesiaStorParameters]"queuePriorityEnable"=dword:00000000HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesiaStorEnum]"0"="PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2922&SUBSYS_B0051458&REV_02\3&13c0b0c5&0&FA""Count"=dword:00000001 "NextInstance"=dword:00000001

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Windows Firewall Cannot Back On Manually Auto

Mar 9, 2009

all of a sudden my windows firewall has gone off and I cannot put it back on manually or auto. I have scanned my system with 3 virus programs and spyware programs and all is clear. I do not have any Norton software on my pc but the only thing I have done recently is put a new netgear wireless router on my system. running vista home premium all up to date

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Backing Up Manually Move Was Slower Copy

Feb 10, 2009

when i was backing up...manually. i saw that move was slower than copy. it sound funny but yes,, that true. is it normal. can u tell me ur ideas? on why

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Install SP1 On Vista Home Premium System Manually?

Jun 3, 2008

Windows Update has not yet installed SP1 on my Vista Home Premium system. Should I install it manually?

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When Manually Receive Emails Initiated: Not Retrieve The Email.

Mar 23, 2008

I have 2 user accounts on my pc, both running WinMail with identical options set on both. They are set to check for emails every 5 minutes and at startup. One works fine on both options. The other will not automatically retrieve emails every 5 minutes. It does retrieve when it is started or when manually receive emails is initiated. Every 5 minutes, I hear the tone that is set, but it will not retrieve the email.

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Vista Does Not Offer PSK Manually Config Wireless Network.

Mar 23, 2008

I have a Vista laptop with Home Basic. My other 3 XP laptops can connect to my wireless network ok. I use a Vigor 2600 with firmware v1. with wpa/psk 64 bit, mac enabled and hidden ssid. On my Vista laptop from the control panel, network & sharing centre, if i select connect to a network, the following shows; Unamed network - security enabled (there are no other networks round about me). If I select"manage networks" I can see my own named network. I cannot conect to this unless i remove my encrtptionand as numerous forums have reported Vista does not offer PSK when manually configuring a wireless network.

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User Acct Running Manually Doesn't Work

Mar 4, 2010

I have a windows Vista machine at home and I got one of those viruses that imitate the MS virus scanning tool. I logged off my acct and ran the malware tool I have and the virus scanner and cleaned everything up. But when I logged back into my user acct I could not open any icons or run any programs it seems that they are not recognizing the .exe files as valid. I get the error saying there is no program associated with this shortcut. But even when I try to run it manually it doesn't work. I can go into my other user acct and run all the programs fine. So my question is if I can't fix my user acct what do I need to do to create a new one but duplicate what I have now? I'm especially concerned about my email files, contacts etc. I can easily move my important personal files over I'm just really concerned about the mail and other programs I run now. Let me know if you need more info. BTW I do not have a valid restore point to work with. I have since created one in case I mess something else up while I try to fix this problem.

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Difficult Issue: Audio In Safe Mode: How To Manually Install If Possible

Jun 29, 2009

Vista Home premium, SP2. HP Pavilion Notebook. Have to run in -SAFE mode with networking- for next week till new hard drive arrives.

I will then install it as my computer will not boot in normal mode. HP Warranty is replacing hard drive.

But as an aside, I can access my hard drive and copy files to my external HDD.

In the meantime, I wish to use the Internet to access audio via HULU or other sites.

How can I manually access my audio while in safe mode?

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