Weird Mouse Pointer - Restarting PC

Jul 16, 2006

I'm on a new installation of Windows (on a new hard drive), and I was messing around with the nVidia control program a bit ago... I'm not sure if this is what has caused this somewhat amusing "glitch," but at some point in time while using my PC (long after I'd finished playing with nVidia), I noticed that there is a stationary mouse pointer on the right side of my screen, midway between the top & bottom. I tried refreshing my desktop and doing some other stuff, but it's still there. Now, restarting the PC will probably get rid of it, but what is weird is, it's on top of everything! I move my mouse next to it, and the pointer goes under the stationary pointer. I even tried to take a screen capture to show that I have two mouse pointers, but it only showed my working pointer (I used irfanview so it would show it).

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Rainbow For Mouse Pointer

Apr 15, 2009

My Dell laptop has been periodically going into this phase where the mouse pointer will fill w/ a moving band of colors. It's as though a rainbow is flowing through it. When in this phase, it does this about once every 5 seconds. So, to be clear, it stays in its normal arrow shape, but fills w/ moving color bands rather than the standard white.

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Keep Mouse Pointer In Screenshot

Aug 2, 2005

Is there a way to take a screenshot with the mouse pointer?

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Mouse Pointer Size Increase

Mar 9, 2006

I goto control panel look under mouse and want to change the size of the pointer on the mouse since my eyesight is getting poor.When I click on the dropdown menu it says NONE.How can I get it back so I can change the size of the pointer on the mouse?

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Mouse More Sensitive - Pointer Speed Id Max

Aug 17, 2010

I would like to make my mouse more sensitive in xp pro. I have the pointer speed turned up to the max. I have also looked into changing the smooth mouse curve x and y in the regedit; however, it looks like this only has to do with how fast the pointer accelerates not with how much territory it covers. I would like to change mine so that a smaller movement of the mouse covers more of the display. would changing these values do that?

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Mouse Pointer Becomes I Icon / Cant Click On

Apr 7, 2007

On my wife's user account there is this Blubster thing that keeps cropping up and I can't seem to get rid of it. Sometimes I think its using the whole cpu as nothing else opens.The second thing is and it may be connected to the above is that I have just downloaded the updates from windows and it upgraded explorer to, I think its version 7 which looks quite a bit different. Now on my user account it opened with a couple of question boxes etc and appears to work fine. But, when I opened my wife's user account it does very strange things. It open a screen that looks like the new version of windows explorer but nothing further happens. The mouse pointer becomes an I icon and I cant click on anything except the Start button to get out of it.What does it all mean?

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Mouse Pointer - Error Message

Jun 11, 2005

I tried to change the mouse pointer, but when I clicked on the 'pointers' tab
in control panel, I got an error message that read "Cwindows/system32/windows default file is missing or corrupt" I tried to click ok, but the window won't close. What can I do?

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Mouse Pointer Hangs Then Freezes My PC.

Mar 5, 2006

All of a sudden recently, my mouse pointer hangs then freezes my PC. I have to reboot and everything is fine until the next time. I have run all my spyware/ anti-virus and it shows nothing. Is it time for a new mouse or is there a setting I am not familiar with?

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Mouse Pointer Freeze:on Using Internet / No Error?

Dec 3, 2004

Starts/loads fine. Will run fine for days w/ I.E. open, O.E. open=no activity. Upon visiting different internet sites, using, after about 15+ minutes the pointer freezes/no error message/Cont-Alt-Delete provides nothing-can not shut down computer w/ button on CPU , must unplug/restart Several times I have been searching MS for downloads for I.E. -6 (Updates/patches/info) (as in my little mind this is problem) but C. freezes at that point as I click on a link.

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Mouse Pointer Speed Settings Keep Reseting?

Jan 12, 2005

I'm finding that every time I restart my computer, and changes I had previously made to the mouse pointer speed in the control panel are lost (reset to default values). I've now set them a couple dozen times, but they always return to the default values after the system is restarted.

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Computer Hangs Randomly - Mouse Pointer

Oct 17, 2008

All of a sudden, since yesterday, my comp hangs ramdomly. It freezes completely except for the mouse pointer I have noticed that sqmdata and sqmnoopt files appear on my root dir. These are apparently related to the MSN messenger, only I don't use that thingAnyone knows what they are? And if they may be connected to my computer hanging so frequently now?

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Splash To Black Screen With Mouse Pointer

May 8, 2010

My computer (Dell Dimension 2350 running Windows XP SP2, no new hardware or software added in years) turns on, asks me if I want to 'Start Windows Normally', 'Last Known Good Config' and 3 different Safe Modes. It doesn't matter which one I pick, it always starts the Windows splash screen, then goes to a black screen with my mouse pointer (which I can move, but cannot right or left click). Also, the keyboard controls don't seem to work, no ctrl+alt+del, nothing (though if I press shift 5 times it gives me the beep atleast letting me know the keyboard is working). Safe Modes do something a little different, but end up in the same place as the other modes. Safe mode will hang on Mup.sys for a long while before it goes to the black screen with the mouse pointer.

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Annoying Cd Icon Flashes At The Mouse Pointer

Aug 12, 2004

Whenever I take a CD out of the burner and close the tray, an annoying cd icon flashes at the mouse pointer.This will happen if I just use a CD or burn a CD. I have windows XP Pro and am using a Cyber Drive CW079D CD R/RW.

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Add Or Remove Programs Disappeared But Mouse Pointer Is Visible

Feb 16, 2005

I've just taken my brand new desktop system out of the box and there's no Start menu or icons appearing on the desktop. The monitor automatically initiated a startup wizard to select the correct resolution but once that was complete, the desktop was blank (except for the Windows default rolling green hills wallpaper). Not even the mouse pointer is visible. I restarted but after startup it went to the blank picture again. I tried pressing the Windows key on the keyboard,and also tried Ctrl+Alt+delete to get the Task manager but both times nothing happened. All components are plugged in correctly, and I haven't installed any software other than what came installed from the manufacturer (please see specs in my profile); I literally plugged it all in and switched it on.

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No Desktop, Taskbar, Login Screen, Task Manager, Only Mouse Pointer?

May 26, 2007

I consider myself at least a bit competent when it comes to XP and computers... but this problem has me puzzled. I've done tons of searches on google, various forums, microsoft database, etc... and have found some similar problems except that I can't get my taskmanager to become visible. It's there, I know it because I get the resize pointers around the taskmanager's box.

Also, when I start-up WinXP. It gets to the login screen but I can't see my login picture or buttons. I can click on them and enter my password, but when it logs in (the windows start sound plays) the whole screen is black except for the mouse cursor (I don't have a wallpaper, just a black background, so I can't really tell you if my "wallpaper" is still there).

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Weird Mouse Glitch - Sort By Name

Oct 30, 2006

here's one that has me stumped. My right click option on one particular thing doesn't work. That particular thing being when I choose All Programs and then try to access a program by right clicking on it nothing happens. How I found this was I was going to "Sort by name" and get the programs in alphabetical order but I can't. In every other aspect the right click option works fine.

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Weird Mouse Not Highligting Text

Nov 30, 2008

I'm having a strange problem with my mouse. When i click normally it doubleclicks, when i try to highlight texts it works rarely and when i try to move files they open themselves.

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Weird Slow Mouse - Not Picking Clicks

Sep 30, 2008

I have an older Dell with windows XP and lately when i double click on something either on the desktop or elsewhere, the computer won't pick up that the mouse is clicking on it.Then other times it's perfectly seems to be slow at "thinking" sometimes when i open firefox and clicking in Firefox web pages it doesn't notice that i'm clicking on there are times when i'm constantly clicking on an icon to open it!

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Sudden - Weird Keyboard - Mouse Behavior

Oct 10, 2008

Running WinXP Home edition (SP3)for years now with no problems. Recently I noticed weird behavior with my keyboard and mouse, mainly:1. When trying to type numbers the shifted characters for those buttons appear instead, for example, I type 123 but !@# appears in it's place. I try pressing on the Shift key hoping to get the opposite response but the unintended symbols keep appearing.1b. Sometimes the shift key automatically activates so I'm typing in caps "all of the sudden." Then I have to hit the Shift key to get the keyboard to type "normally" again.

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Weird Highlight - Copy - Paste Mouse Thing

Jun 3, 2008

When I hold down my left mouse button and drag across a word or words to copy and paste, the text "sporadically" highlights. This happens in Notepad, in a webbrowser (Firefox), bascially anywhere there is text you may want to copy.xFor emaple, if I want to copy the sentence above and I start at the beginning of the sentence, here's what happens:1) Sometimes it will "highlight" everything as I drag but then goes away once I let go of the left button2) Sometimes it skips letters or words. Eventhough I start at the "W" in When, it misses a few letters or words entirely.

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Weird Mouse Jumping All Over - Random Opening Programs

Aug 11, 2008

there my computer has developed this problem of the mouse leaping around and randomly opening and closing programs. It has only been a problem in the last couple of months or so.Someone suggested I had a virus but virus checker has not revealed anything. I have just changed to macafee virus in case the free one was missing something and the problem appears worse now. This is the third time I've started this message.

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Chk Dsk Keeping Restarting & Computer Keeps Restarting?

May 19, 2008

After I used Fix-it Utlilies the program erased essential system folders. So now when I do check disk it reboots, flashes a blue screen real fast (so fast I can't even read it) then restarts the computer, restarts check disk, restarts the computer, and on & on. It won't stop doing this till I interrupt check disk at the start by hitting any key but then I end up with a black screen with instructions which include safe mode, safe mode with networking, start windows normally & last known configuration

I can't boot from an installation CD to do a "repair" since Windows was preinstalled in the drive so I have NO CD. Does system recovery work?, who knows, I'm a noob and have no idea how to use it. The only thing I've tried to fix it was 2 things : 1) use system restore which failed; 2) use run> sfc /scannow but this file checker is also broken and will barely start before it errors and stops. I don't know what else to do besides reformat

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Won't Stop Restarting. Gives 1 Min Before Restarting?

Oct 31, 2009

When I turn the computer on as soon as the welcome screen comes up to sign in, a window pops up saying "The system is shutting down. Please save all work in progress and log off. Any unsaved changes will be lost. This shutdown was initiated by NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM. Time before shutdown: [counts down from 1 min] Message: the system process 'C:WINDOWSsystem32services.exe' terminated unexpectedly with status code -1073741482. The system will now shut down and restart."
I have tried system restore which is unsuccessful, I have done "last known good configuration" which also doesn't work. I'm in grad school and need my computer

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2000 Pro-keeps Restarting And Restarting After Sp4?

Sep 18, 2005

the computer boots up and goes to the windows 2000 screen but then the next screen would be the desktop but instead it reboots and goes to the same spot the 2000 screen but never makes it to the desktop, this happens over and over. I tried to go into safe mode but does the same thing tried command prompt only so I could type in SCANREG but it just reboots again I can't get anywhere to do anything.

The last thing I tried was last known good configuration. I clicked on it and a page comes up with all the writing I hardly got a chance to read it when it reboot again. but under the first paragraph wher it says something about last know good configuration it has a space and the it says project 1 like I could have click on that if I would have been fast enough.

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Random Times Mouse Click Freeze-Mouse Move Works?

Mar 30, 2007

I got a new computer and I have been having problems with my mouse. I have a simple optical wired mouse. During random times, my mouse click freezes, although my mouse can move and I can use the key board at this time, I cannot click or focus anything. To fix the problem I can control alt delete and exit the Task Manager, this fixes the problem.

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Plug In A USB And Goodbye Pointer

May 5, 2008

Just recently when I plug in the USB plug for my steering wheel, the cursor either vanishes or freezes. It never used to do that before.I was led to believe, some time ago, that you don't need to power down to insert a USB plug.Can anyone tell me why *all of a sudden* (last 3 - 4 weeks) this is happening? I'm running Windows XP home with a P4 speed 2.4 gHz and a healthy 1 GB RAM. I suppose this begs the question: what can I do about it? (besides leaving the USB plug in!

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My Pointer Keeps Hesitating And Freezing

Mar 12, 2005

When I am going with the mouse around it hesitates and fgreezes and then works again.It even froze while trying to type this and worked again.what is going on?

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Black Screen With Just A Pointer

Dec 15, 2008

My teenagers were on the computer Sunday night & they called me into the room to show me a black screen with a pointer & nothing else. I turned the computer off & restarted. A box pops up.The top of the box is lsass.exe.In the box is The instruction at 0x00401082 referenced memory at 0x00000000. The memory could not be written.Click OK to terminate the program.Click CANCEL to debug the program.I tried both & they both go to the black screen with just a pointer. Please let me know what to do. If it helps, I do have the recovery console installed from a previous problem & I'm also communicating to you from the problem computer. I've booted up on a linux disk & I can access the hard drive from here.

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Pointer Is Always Beeing Working In Background Mode

Jul 7, 2010

I don't understand why the pointer stays all the time in working in background mode(Pointer with a sand clock on its right)untill I turn off the computer.

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Null Reference Pointer Passed To The Stub?

Apr 19, 2006

Subsequent to doing a repair on my WinXP-SP2, I started getting this error message whenever Windows Media Player is open and I copy a file from my hard drive to a jump drive: "A null reference pointer was passed to the stub". Have never seen this message in 25 years of computing. What does it mean/why does it appear?

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Place Pointer In Icons - Running Background

Sep 21, 2005

RE: desktop ikons: when I place my pointer on an ikon, I don't get the description anymore. How can I get them back Also; There is something that starts automatically running @ 8:00A.M.; but have not scheduled anything for that time. How can I find out what's running in the background??

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