Weird Slow Mouse - Not Picking Clicks

Sep 30, 2008

I have an older Dell with windows XP and lately when i double click on something either on the desktop or elsewhere, the computer won't pick up that the mouse is clicking on it.Then other times it's perfectly seems to be slow at "thinking" sometimes when i open firefox and clicking in Firefox web pages it doesn't notice that i'm clicking on there are times when i'm constantly clicking on an icon to open it!

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Abnormally Slow System / Mouse Clicks Not Recognized

Jun 20, 2006

My system has been running very slow, mouse clicks are not being recognized. I've run all of my spyware/virus software, deleted all temp files, deleted all temp internet files and have run a defrag. I don't know what else to do.

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Mouse Automatically Double Clicks

Jul 28, 2008

I've used AVG Free 8.0, Spybot - Search and Destroy, Windows Defender, firewall on, all my anti-virus stuff updated, so I don't know what's wrong. I've physically checked my mouse, cleaned it etc., didn't find anything wrong. I also played with mouse settings, and did the little test thing to open and close the folder, and it still double clicked. I also play Call of Duty 4, and my weapon will like 'jam' up. I have found some suspicious things, like some 'Virtumonde' and 'DoubleClick' thing on my virus scans, and the DoubleClick one says it is like some tracking cookie. (No matter how many times I delete it, it comes back.) I can't tell you how annoying it is when I have a window behind a window and it exits them both out because my mouse suddenly double clicks. I also know I am not PHYSICALLY double clicking it instead of clicking it once.

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Clicks Of Mouse Are Not Working Properly

Mar 14, 2007

I need help with an XP desktop setting issue. I had a mouse issue and in the process,I clicked or right clicked on or near the task bar by the clock. Now I've got a colored box on the left quarter of the desktop which has "folder tasks"on top, "other places" in the middle and "details" on the bottom. This doesn't affect using any other program......its just on the desktop taking up space.

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Weird Mouse Glitch - Sort By Name

Oct 30, 2006

here's one that has me stumped. My right click option on one particular thing doesn't work. That particular thing being when I choose All Programs and then try to access a program by right clicking on it nothing happens. How I found this was I was going to "Sort by name" and get the programs in alphabetical order but I can't. In every other aspect the right click option works fine.

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Weird Mouse Not Highligting Text

Nov 30, 2008

I'm having a strange problem with my mouse. When i click normally it doubleclicks, when i try to highlight texts it works rarely and when i try to move files they open themselves.

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Weird Mouse Pointer - Restarting PC

Jul 16, 2006

I'm on a new installation of Windows (on a new hard drive), and I was messing around with the nVidia control program a bit ago... I'm not sure if this is what has caused this somewhat amusing "glitch," but at some point in time while using my PC (long after I'd finished playing with nVidia), I noticed that there is a stationary mouse pointer on the right side of my screen, midway between the top & bottom. I tried refreshing my desktop and doing some other stuff, but it's still there. Now, restarting the PC will probably get rid of it, but what is weird is, it's on top of everything! I move my mouse next to it, and the pointer goes under the stationary pointer. I even tried to take a screen capture to show that I have two mouse pointers, but it only showed my working pointer (I used irfanview so it would show it).

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Sudden - Weird Keyboard - Mouse Behavior

Oct 10, 2008

Running WinXP Home edition (SP3)for years now with no problems. Recently I noticed weird behavior with my keyboard and mouse, mainly:1. When trying to type numbers the shifted characters for those buttons appear instead, for example, I type 123 but !@# appears in it's place. I try pressing on the Shift key hoping to get the opposite response but the unintended symbols keep appearing.1b. Sometimes the shift key automatically activates so I'm typing in caps "all of the sudden." Then I have to hit the Shift key to get the keyboard to type "normally" again.

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Weird Highlight - Copy - Paste Mouse Thing

Jun 3, 2008

When I hold down my left mouse button and drag across a word or words to copy and paste, the text "sporadically" highlights. This happens in Notepad, in a webbrowser (Firefox), bascially anywhere there is text you may want to copy.xFor emaple, if I want to copy the sentence above and I start at the beginning of the sentence, here's what happens:1) Sometimes it will "highlight" everything as I drag but then goes away once I let go of the left button2) Sometimes it skips letters or words. Eventhough I start at the "W" in When, it misses a few letters or words entirely.

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Weird Mouse Jumping All Over - Random Opening Programs

Aug 11, 2008

there my computer has developed this problem of the mouse leaping around and randomly opening and closing programs. It has only been a problem in the last couple of months or so.Someone suggested I had a virus but virus checker has not revealed anything. I have just changed to macafee virus in case the free one was missing something and the problem appears worse now. This is the third time I've started this message.

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Weird Slow Startup / Bootup

Mar 12, 2009

the startup is VERY VERY slow. After the Welcome Screen, it shows your desktop and then you gain control and do whatever you want right? Well that's the part my PC lags or slows down a lot. I think the part it lags is when it's loading the icons on my taskbar, like the icons on the bottom right hand screen. I don't have a lot of icons, and they're not resource usage intensive AT ALL. My PC lags during that loading part for about 3 mins or more, and i can't do anything or else it'll make it lag more, i.e i can't open programs or games, i can't even open folders and even if i try to, it takes forever to show up.

The lagging part only shows everytime during startup, but after that it's all good, i can play hardcore games like Crysis etc on maxed setting and do multi-tasks, but i just don't get why it lags so much on startup. In fact, on my crappy Toshiba laptop, it's loads way way WAAAAY faster than my PC, but my PC is way better so i don't understand why. And they both have the same programs and settings, in fact my laptop has way more stuff running on startup and my PC has nothing but games, it's a full on gaming PC only with nothing else, so it shouldn't even lag..............

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Computer Running Very Slow / Mouse Runs Extremely Slow?

Sep 8, 2006

Pc taking for ever to load, mouse slow too...

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Slow PC/ Slow Mouse And Keyboard

Sep 11, 2007

First off i downloaded video ax object a few days ago and i then read up about it and realized it was a virus. From everything i read, it should show up in add/remove programs and in programfiles folder. It showed up in neither, the only thing i found was a folder named video ax access or something like that in programfiles folder but the folder was empty and no hidden files in it so i deleted it. When I downloaded setup.exe of the video ax object and double-clicked on it and agreed. Then it quickly installed without specifying where to save it?? Computer was totally fine for about 2-3 days no problems.

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Xsoft Picking Vundo

May 18, 2007

I downloaded vundo.exe and ran it . Says Ok
Then I run xsoft and says has vundo . ?

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Static Ip Address To DHCP - Not Picking Up

Jul 7, 2005

I have a xp & 2000 pc both have a static ip that I can't release. I am going DHCP and it is not picking up a dhcp ip and it holding the static ip. How do I get card to release and pick up a ip address?

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Mar 9, 2005

My speakers are picking up a mexican radio station and it's annoying as heck. What can I do?

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Picking / Selecting Program Opens A Web Link?

Aug 23, 2005

how do i pick which web browser opens web links because when i installed sbc yahoo web browser it took over links and now when i click a link it opens up
that browser i want it tom open up in internet explorer

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Start Navigation Clicks

Dec 26, 2005

I get random/frequent clicking any time that I'm logged on to my user name on our family computer. I'm running XP Media Center. I went to ''control panel/Sounds/change sound scheme'' and identified the clicking to be ''Start Navigation''. I know that I could just turn the click off, but I was hoping to figure out what was causing this anoying click. I ran Adaware and did a virus scan but neither fixed the problem.

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Very Sloe Syatem - Mouse Is Slow

Oct 4, 2007

My computer is being slow at whatever I do. Sometimes it works just fine but about 50% of the time it is slow in everything. even the mouse gets slow. opening folders, deleting, copying, everything. its also starting to affect my games and making them glitch its so slow. any ideas. I have a AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4400+. I also have the latest drivers for my Nvidia 8600 GT video card and directx 9.0c. Can anyone help me. I have thought of everything that I know of. Which in this catagory isn't much.

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PC Is Running Slow / Mouse Is Really Laggy

May 17, 2006

My computer is running really slow for some reason, the CPU Usage is always like 55%, and the mouse is really laggy.

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Blue Screen - Java VM - Clicks On His AOL Icon

Jan 1, 2005

I'm posting this for a friend so please bear with me.My friend was online last night with no problems. Then when trying to go to a game room he was told to update his Java VM. When he clicked ok, he received a message "error has occured, click ignore to continue or close".He closed and everything turned off.Since then, he gets a blue screen each time he starts the computer up, or he gets as far as the Desktop and gets the error as soon as he clicks on his AOL icon.

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Computer Freezes - Moving Mouse Slow

Dec 25, 2004

My computer freezes up. No keyboard, mouse, ect. The mouse arrow disappears. I have to "power off" the computer to get things working. Now here is the strange thing, if i move the mouse around "quickly" the computer will work OK. This is on a new install of Windows XP + sp1. If I am moving the mouse slowing as in solitare the system will lock up in about 10 mn

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Setting Mouse Speed At Maximum Results In Slow Running?

May 10, 2006

I set mouse pointer speed (speed cursor moves over the screen) set to max (in control panel)This was fine until I upgraded from a 19" screen to a DELL 2405, this being a 24" widescreen. Now the screen is massive (I run at 1920 res) and the mouse is just too slow when in XP. Is there any way I can tweak XP to speed my mouse pointer up even more.

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Laptop Won't Boot / Can't Change Boot Order / Cd Drive Just Clicks

Nov 5, 2007

I have a HP ze5568cl laptop (Windows XP SP2). For a few years we've had trouble with the power connector. We've just wiggled the power cable to keep it connected and lived with the problem. It also gets very hot and the fan runs constantly. Yesterday when I powered it on there was no power, absolutely nothing. My husband has some electronic knowledge so we took the laptop apart and he soldered the loose part of the power connector. While he was doing that I cleaned the fan (couldn't believe how much dust was in there.When we plugged in the power cable the orange light came on so we were excited. When we powered it on all the keyboard lights lit up so we thought we had fixed the problem but.that's all it did. It went no further except that the fan kicked on.There is a clicking noise coming from the cd drive about every second with the green light flashing. I suppose it is checking to see if there is a bootable cd in the cd drive. I have attempted to change the boot order by holding F1, then F2 but it still continues to try to read the cd drive. I can't get to the screen that will allow me to change the boot order.

I also put the OS disk in the cd drive, hoping that it would start with the disk but it just clicks. Hubby removed the cover of the cd drive and I could see that the cd is spinning.There were no problems with this laptop prior to the power problem. It was really working very well especially considering the age of it.
The information in my sig is not for the computer with the problem. It's actually for an old computer which my son now has at college.

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Random Times Mouse Click Freeze-Mouse Move Works?

Mar 30, 2007

I got a new computer and I have been having problems with my mouse. I have a simple optical wired mouse. During random times, my mouse click freezes, although my mouse can move and I can use the key board at this time, I cannot click or focus anything. To fix the problem I can control alt delete and exit the Task Manager, this fixes the problem.

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IE 7.0 Acting Weird, Please Need Some Help

Jul 9, 2008

I have a machine with win xp pro spk 2 and IE 7.0, i always leaves this computer on(24x7)cause i run some backups and script files, i came back from vacation and my default webpage does not shows the images, when i click on yahoo email the emails are shown complete different that the text are readable but they are not as they use to be, some websites does not show as they suppose to be,if there are some dll files corrupted, something else i noticed is that under internet options advance there is not an option for Java, and i had that installed, i found some unwanted program like ASKTOOLBAR.DLL, THAT I REMOVED using Mcfee, I also ran spywares too, any ideas why Jave does not shows in the advance option, why the images does not show in yahoo website

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CPU Acting Weird

Mar 26, 2005

when i got home today my cpu was doing some weird things what should i remove from my pc

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Weird Stuff

Sep 21, 2006

It all started with my Firefox randomly crashing when it felt was necessary. now i just tried using my windows media player and got the message "wmp is not installed properly and must be reinstalled - do you want to go to the site and download it". and when i restarted after i thought WMP just closed incorrectly the last time, i had the windows XP theme loaded (i use, and prefer the classic look). ps. my WMP is still fungooed. posting a HJT log.

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Weird Spam

Dec 20, 2009

When I launch Internet Explorer 8 on my XP Pro machine, some crap starts loading, I see on the bottom of IE various sites (also clicking noise gives that away. The funny thing is, nothing pops up, does not re-direct.. And this is weird but all the sudden some gibberish sounds start playing... Sounds like multiple audio into one. I am in IT business, so I tried finding the source in Task manager, fully scanned for worms/trojans, you name it, and nothing was found!!This issue also locks up my IE, and I need to kill it... What the hell is it?? How do you troubleshoot something that only comes out from PC speakers??

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Weird Message?

Oct 25, 2007

on many sites, for some reason, the following dialog box/message pops up:
This web page is being redirected to a new location. Would you like to resend the form data you have typed to the new location?

and this means?? thanks all!!

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Multi Clicking Mouse: Mouse Clicking Many Times By Itself?

Jun 1, 2008

using windows xp media edition. when I click on things on my screen my computor sometimes works ok but sometimes doulbe clicks or triple clicks and sometimes clicks up to five times by itself I don't understand why this happens. Is it possible I have some type of virus that is causing this multi-clicking of the mouse when I only click once. I did a full system scan with Norton and nothing is found.

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