Weird Mouse Not Highligting Text

Nov 30, 2008

I'm having a strange problem with my mouse. When i click normally it doubleclicks, when i try to highlight texts it works rarely and when i try to move files they open themselves.

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File Text Names Look Weird

Oct 19, 2005

I noticed today that the icons in some of my folders (not the desktop icons) look strange. The text where the file name is--some of them have blue text and others have the usual black text.What the heck is this, and what do I need to do to fix it?

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Dos Software Show In Some Weird Scrable Text?

Jan 4, 2007

I have an old software that runs in DOS and graphs some results obtained by a tool that connects via a serial port. Now, this software works fine on many of my notebooks, but there is a particular model; IBM T30 or A30, that produce errors. The error is that on the screen when I graph the numbers and text (ie axis and points of ref.) show in some weird scrable text. it doesnt even look foreign, just scribble. Any ideas? I have IBM T41 and IBM 600 and it works fine....what does it mean that on IBM T30 or A30 it fails? is it a hardware? because I tried installing Win2000 and same problem....please any suggestions

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Weird Mouse Glitch - Sort By Name

Oct 30, 2006

here's one that has me stumped. My right click option on one particular thing doesn't work. That particular thing being when I choose All Programs and then try to access a program by right clicking on it nothing happens. How I found this was I was going to "Sort by name" and get the programs in alphabetical order but I can't. In every other aspect the right click option works fine.

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Weird Mouse Pointer - Restarting PC

Jul 16, 2006

I'm on a new installation of Windows (on a new hard drive), and I was messing around with the nVidia control program a bit ago... I'm not sure if this is what has caused this somewhat amusing "glitch," but at some point in time while using my PC (long after I'd finished playing with nVidia), I noticed that there is a stationary mouse pointer on the right side of my screen, midway between the top & bottom. I tried refreshing my desktop and doing some other stuff, but it's still there. Now, restarting the PC will probably get rid of it, but what is weird is, it's on top of everything! I move my mouse next to it, and the pointer goes under the stationary pointer. I even tried to take a screen capture to show that I have two mouse pointers, but it only showed my working pointer (I used irfanview so it would show it).

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Weird Slow Mouse - Not Picking Clicks

Sep 30, 2008

I have an older Dell with windows XP and lately when i double click on something either on the desktop or elsewhere, the computer won't pick up that the mouse is clicking on it.Then other times it's perfectly seems to be slow at "thinking" sometimes when i open firefox and clicking in Firefox web pages it doesn't notice that i'm clicking on there are times when i'm constantly clicking on an icon to open it!

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Sudden - Weird Keyboard - Mouse Behavior

Oct 10, 2008

Running WinXP Home edition (SP3)for years now with no problems. Recently I noticed weird behavior with my keyboard and mouse, mainly:1. When trying to type numbers the shifted characters for those buttons appear instead, for example, I type 123 but !@# appears in it's place. I try pressing on the Shift key hoping to get the opposite response but the unintended symbols keep appearing.1b. Sometimes the shift key automatically activates so I'm typing in caps "all of the sudden." Then I have to hit the Shift key to get the keyboard to type "normally" again.

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Weird Highlight - Copy - Paste Mouse Thing

Jun 3, 2008

When I hold down my left mouse button and drag across a word or words to copy and paste, the text "sporadically" highlights. This happens in Notepad, in a webbrowser (Firefox), bascially anywhere there is text you may want to copy.xFor emaple, if I want to copy the sentence above and I start at the beginning of the sentence, here's what happens:1) Sometimes it will "highlight" everything as I drag but then goes away once I let go of the left button2) Sometimes it skips letters or words. Eventhough I start at the "W" in When, it misses a few letters or words entirely.

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Weird Mouse Jumping All Over - Random Opening Programs

Aug 11, 2008

there my computer has developed this problem of the mouse leaping around and randomly opening and closing programs. It has only been a problem in the last couple of months or so.Someone suggested I had a virus but virus checker has not revealed anything. I have just changed to macafee virus in case the free one was missing something and the problem appears worse now. This is the third time I've started this message.

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Specific Text Over Desktop / User Change Wallpaper / Text Appearing At Same Position

Nov 20, 2006

I want to know if there is possible to put a specific text over the desktop and when the user change the wallpaper the text continues appearing at the same position (basically I want to do it on Windows XP).People says that an image worth more than thousands of words... Ok this is a screenshot of what I want to do

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Change Text Size Shows Small Text In Web Sites

Jun 26, 2006

Change the text size.I already change my text size by using view in tool bar,but it works on some websites and some are very small.

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Random Times Mouse Click Freeze-Mouse Move Works?

Mar 30, 2007

I got a new computer and I have been having problems with my mouse. I have a simple optical wired mouse. During random times, my mouse click freezes, although my mouse can move and I can use the key board at this time, I cannot click or focus anything. To fix the problem I can control alt delete and exit the Task Manager, this fixes the problem.

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IE 7.0 Acting Weird, Please Need Some Help

Jul 9, 2008

I have a machine with win xp pro spk 2 and IE 7.0, i always leaves this computer on(24x7)cause i run some backups and script files, i came back from vacation and my default webpage does not shows the images, when i click on yahoo email the emails are shown complete different that the text are readable but they are not as they use to be, some websites does not show as they suppose to be,if there are some dll files corrupted, something else i noticed is that under internet options advance there is not an option for Java, and i had that installed, i found some unwanted program like ASKTOOLBAR.DLL, THAT I REMOVED using Mcfee, I also ran spywares too, any ideas why Jave does not shows in the advance option, why the images does not show in yahoo website

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CPU Acting Weird

Mar 26, 2005

when i got home today my cpu was doing some weird things what should i remove from my pc

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Weird Stuff

Sep 21, 2006

It all started with my Firefox randomly crashing when it felt was necessary. now i just tried using my windows media player and got the message "wmp is not installed properly and must be reinstalled - do you want to go to the site and download it". and when i restarted after i thought WMP just closed incorrectly the last time, i had the windows XP theme loaded (i use, and prefer the classic look). ps. my WMP is still fungooed. posting a HJT log.

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Weird Spam

Dec 20, 2009

When I launch Internet Explorer 8 on my XP Pro machine, some crap starts loading, I see on the bottom of IE various sites (also clicking noise gives that away. The funny thing is, nothing pops up, does not re-direct.. And this is weird but all the sudden some gibberish sounds start playing... Sounds like multiple audio into one. I am in IT business, so I tried finding the source in Task manager, fully scanned for worms/trojans, you name it, and nothing was found!!This issue also locks up my IE, and I need to kill it... What the hell is it?? How do you troubleshoot something that only comes out from PC speakers??

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Weird Message?

Oct 25, 2007

on many sites, for some reason, the following dialog box/message pops up:
This web page is being redirected to a new location. Would you like to resend the form data you have typed to the new location?

and this means?? thanks all!!

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Multi Clicking Mouse: Mouse Clicking Many Times By Itself?

Jun 1, 2008

using windows xp media edition. when I click on things on my screen my computor sometimes works ok but sometimes doulbe clicks or triple clicks and sometimes clicks up to five times by itself I don't understand why this happens. Is it possible I have some type of virus that is causing this multi-clicking of the mouse when I only click once. I did a full system scan with Norton and nothing is found.

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Screensaver Acting Weird XP

Jul 16, 2005

My screensaver will not turn on after a period of inactivity like it is supposed to. If I go into properties>Screensaver and set the "Wait" time to 5 and press "OK", in 5 five minutes the screensaver will come on. However, if I move the mouse and wait another five minutes the screensaver does not activate. It will only activate once per time you set its properties.

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Weird Executes In Startup

Dec 4, 2006

I've got a machine that I'm working on that has the following executes in the startup which I've never seen before and get no matches whatsoever on when I google them: bxbxxfky.exe mmizv.exe qfadh.exe xmmzeztc.exe I feel that I should probably just delete them, but considering my problems with a Dell that I'm working on (see Dell keeps looping, Ron the Geek) I'm a little gunshy. Anyone know what these odd little files are?

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Weird! I Cannot Access Any Network On XP

Mar 9, 2007

Hey there,

I've got a Fijitsu Siemens Notebook,

I cannot access any wireless networks( The wireless is turned on),
I cannot access a network via a cat5 cable, but i do get assignes an ip address through dchp.
I cannot access the internet when using a usb wireless modem, even though it connects i cannot ping anything or surf any website.

The firewall is turned off

Please help!!

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Weird Midi Sound

May 27, 2007

I'm really at a loss for words. For some odd reason, every now and again, I hear what sounds like the first second of the Linkin Park song Crawling. No idea where it's coming from. All of my mp3 players could be running or not and I've heard it. I've checked to make sure that if I had any browsers open, that there wasn't any kind of annoying flash advertisement doing it. I've updated my AVG Anti-Virus and ran that as well as AVG-Anti Spyware but I still hear the midi.

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Weird Noise On Volume Bar

Nov 15, 2007

Recently after installing a new sound card after having problems with my previous on board card and when i use the volume slide bar i get a weird dong noise when adjusting the volume level.

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Weird GUI With Opertaing System

Aug 25, 2009

I've tried everything and cant get the windows gui to theme its buttons and apps correctly (see attachment). It causes alot of apps to look all messed up... and navigating them almost imposible

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Weird IE Error Message?

Jan 6, 2007

Thanks in advance for your help.The majority of the time when I close Internet Explorer, I get the following error message: "iexplore.exe Application errorThe instructions at "0x62304390" referenced memory at "0x62304390" . The memory could not be "read". Click on "ok" to terminate the problem" It doesn't seem to be affecting much although I experience some long waits for pages to load, especially in my Gmail account.I am running IE 6 and XP Pro SP2. I believe I am current with updates.Don't know if this is relevant, but it seemed to start appearing when I renewed my virus software (Trend PC-cillin).Another thing that may or may not be relevant. Recently defragged and still had quite a few fragmented files that could not be fixed. Redid the procedure and reduced the number of files but still seemed like a lot. It takes about 8 hours to completely defrag.My hard disk is about 6 months old.

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Weird Nero Image Drive Won't Die

Feb 26, 2010

I tried to install my old Nero w/full lic key but it wouldn't.

Giving up the idea... I proceeded to remove every file with Ahead Or Nero in it. Used jv 16 Power tools to remove left overs. Nothing now shows in jv16 or search of all files & folders (with hidden & system showing). Ran CCleaner including other MRUs etc.

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Computer Acting Weird Windows XP

Aug 6, 2009

I have a Windows XP and Comcast is my provider. Lately (started 2 weeks ago), while in the midst of doing a search or while viewing an internet news video, a BOX POPS UP and asks me if I want to WORK OFFLINE and I get automatically booted to WORKING OFFLINE. I know this is someone told me to CLICK ON "FILE" and there it is, a checkmark in front of WORK OFFLINE.

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Computer Acting Slower And Weird

Jan 22, 2006

I noticed today that my computer has been acting kind of strange. It moves a lot slower and locks up a lot. its the hijackthis log file i think see if something isn't right

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Acting VERY Weird Freezing, Hanging

Dec 15, 2004

I am getting hanging at any time, where the harddrive light is on continuously, but the monitor is on standby. I sometimes get the blue screen, and other times it just won't boot to the Windows start-up screen In all cases though, when I do have a problem, a simple pressing of the reset button does not do anything, as the monitor never does come back on, therefore no reboot. Only after powering off and on a few times, does it finally kick in. I am on the same computer right now...which leaves me to believe it isn't a software or Windows problem, but perhaps hardware, either memory or video card, I have not installed any new hardware though

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Hard Drive Acting Weird

Aug 29, 2005

After doing multiple virus scans and HiJack this checkups, I do not know what is wrong as you can. Here is my problem. I was checking out some web links when all of a sudden my internet firefox crashed and could not reopen Firefox. After I clicked ctrl+alt+delete I found a process running called msiexec.exe. or something like that. I of course terminated the process and firefox booted up just fine.I found out just right now actually that I believe it is a process for installing things on the operating system made by microsoft

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Double Quote Key Acting Weird

Sep 3, 2006

Newly installed copy of Windows XP SP2. Have installed most of my apps and games etc. Now noticing that my " key is not working very well. If i press it once - nothing. Press it again i get two " characters. Also works if i press it once and any other key. Its like the character is queing somewhere in the buffer. Now i thought it was the keyboard at first. So i swapped it out. Same problem. Weird. Thought it might be some strange interaction with loaded software but it happens on bootup at the login prompt when none of my apps are loading

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