Weird! I Cannot Access Any Network On XP

Mar 9, 2007

Hey there,

I've got a Fijitsu Siemens Notebook,

I cannot access any wireless networks( The wireless is turned on),
I cannot access a network via a cat5 cable, but i do get assignes an ip address through dchp.
I cannot access the internet when using a usb wireless modem, even though it connects i cannot ping anything or surf any website.

The firewall is turned off

Please help!!

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Unable To Access Network Connections In Network Folder?

Feb 2, 2006

i have a problem with my network folder.It seems that I can't see my existing network connections in the folder! I first noticed this when i click on my dial-up connection the connection window won't come up.When i open the network connections folder in the control panel, an error message comes up with this message:The Network Connections Folder was unable to retrieve the lsit of Network adapters on your machine. Please make sure that the Network Connections service is enabled and running.

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Weird With Alcohol 120% - Access Denied

Nov 14, 2007

Ok so I have the installation file for Alcohol 120% v1965529 on a DVD, so when I try copy pasting it to my E: drive I get an Access Denied - Make sure the file is not in use or write protected error.However, I can copy it with no problem to my C: drive. Once I do that, if I try to run the installation, I get the "Windows cannot find the specified path, device or file. Make sure you have the appropriate permissions to access the item." error.Trying to copy it from C: to E: gives me the access denied error again, and I've already removed all atributes, like read-only. What the hell is going on here? I'm system administrator, and in the 4+ years I've been using WinXP, I have never seen this problem! The file isn't corrupt, it works on other computers.

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Weird Pause To Access Hard Drive

Sep 9, 2006

Every once in a while when viewing an HTML email or some web pages, upon accessing the page the program (IE or Outlook 2003) will pause while there is vigorous access of the hard disk for 5 to 10 seconds, then the HTML file will be displayed. It is as if the computer is loading a viewer or pagefile or something.

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Weird Lines On Screen / Can't Boot Or Access BIOS

Jun 28, 2010

A few days ago strange lines started appearing on my computer screen. It has progressed and I could barely see anything. Then monitor kept going into "power saver" mode and back when I booted Windows in normal mode. I booted Windows in "safe mode". Monitor wasn't shutting off anymore but the screen was barely readable.I managed to save my data on external drive. I put in my Windows installation disk and restarted computer wanting to format the hard disk and reinstall Windows.When I would restart I would see black screen and hear DVD drive spinning but nothing was happening. Now when I restart I see this .This screen just stands there. I cannot access the BIOS, load Windows or boot from CD/DVD. All 3 fans in my comp work fine when computer is on. I tried removing this battery and putting it back later but it didn't help. My computer has 2 gigs RAM, runs Win XP Professional SP2 and this is my motherboard .At this point I have no idea what to do or even what caused this. I was hoping to format and reinstall Windows but I'm unable to boot.

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No Internet Access - No Network Access In Wrkgroup

Aug 6, 2008

a pc with windows xp pro suddenly started not to access the internet or the workgroup it normally worked on.
ethernet card is present in hardware devices, network connection says it "is there", the IP numbers etc. are all as they were.I have even tried a rollback to the time it worked fine, but no net

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No Network Access

Jun 6, 2005

My Winxp machine cannot access my home network or the internet. If I boot up in Safe mode I have network and internet access, but in regular mode my Nic card shows a limited connection error. The last thing I installed before the nic card stopped working was Symantec Antivirus corporate edtion over the network.

I have tried to remove it, but it needs the network to access the uninstall file. I also tried copying the uninstall file onto the computer and this did not work. And system restore will not work for whatever reason.

Anyone seen this before or have any ideas?

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Network Access

Jul 31, 2005

I have a wireless network with wep encryption yet my b-i-l waltzed in with
his sony and used my network to collect his emails.How is this possible.

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Network Access

Oct 18, 2007


Why would windows xp not find a computer-name, but it does find the ip address ?

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Can Not Access Network Or Internet

Nov 26, 2004


I am running a computer with Windows XP, sp 1 and norton antivirus 2004. I had some bugs on the system Coolweb search or look to 2. Ran hijack and adaware. Went one step to far. I can not access the network or the internet. It worked till I messed with the lsp. Ran lsp fix and what is there is suppose to be. Any ideas, I ran system restore and deleted the network card, no luck, short of reloading windows xp, I am at a loss?

Thanks for any help, buddy is not very happy with me...


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Slow Network Access

Sep 27, 2005

Afternoon all,

I am having a problem with my network connection. I have a computer on our corporate network that is attached to a gigabit backbone. When I try browse my network neighborhood, the refresh rate is extremely low. It takes 30 seconds just to expand the workgroup. Internet access is fine, I can surf the net with no problems at all.

I am going to try a new ethernet cable and check the drivers for my built in nic on my MOBO. Does anyone have anything else that they think I should check?


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Access To Other Workstations On A Network

Mar 9, 2006

I have some difficulty when trying to access some computers on the network ( I have administrator privileges).

For example I can connect to the C drive on computer LRC-Q11 by clicking start -----> Run - typing \LRC-Q11c$ and pressing OK.

However when tring to access another computer even with a similar name eg LRC-Q012 I receive the message :

"LRC-Q012 is unavailable . You may not have sufficient rights to access this resource. LRC-Q012 path cannot be found"

Identical results are obtained using network neighbourhood.

I cannot understand this.

Suggestions please ?

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Network Access Problem

Feb 15, 2008

I have 2 computers running Win XP. both of them on the same workgroup. From desktop computer i can access the laptop. but not the other way. if ping the desktop from the laptop i will get Request timed out. Any suggestion to solve the problem thanx

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Network Access Problems

Jun 6, 2008

I am running WinXP on 4 computers connected together via a LAN using a LinkSys Cable Modem/Router. Each computer was set up to run on the same LAN. Each computer can "see" the Internet. 3 or the 4 computers can see each other and all shared drives and printer on each computer. But one computer, an IBMT40 laptop, consistently has trouble see other computers on the LAN and vice versa. This is a relatively recent problem. For more than a year the T40 ran across this network without any problems; then "network not available" started appearing once a week than once a day and now all the time. The T40 has no trouble seeing specific mapped drives on other computers (mapped before these problems started), but when I navigate through My Network Places | Entire Network | Microsoft Windows Network | LocalLAN, the T40 can see the network name (LOCALLAN) , but when I attempt to navigate further, I get an error message indicating that the LAN is not accessible and I probably do not have access permissions. I have rerun the Network setup wizard on the T40 several times. Everything seems to work, but when I attempt to access the LAN, same problem.

Also, the other 3 computers can see all shared drives on the T40.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Network Audio Access

Jan 4, 2009

Hey guys,

Here is my problem

I have two PCs. One is having Win XP and another Win server 2003.
Now when i access any audio files from the server through XP it playbacks corrupted. It gets scrambled and gives weired high pitch sound....
How can i solve this problem? All other files i can access problem...


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Cannot Access Network Printers

Sep 1, 2005

After upgrading from NT 2000 to XP Pro and SP2 connot access network printers
.. They can be pinged so no connectivity problem.Tried deleting them then
cannot add.Search they show up but when try to add error says wrong printer
name or printer not online.One thread said to uninstall network card and
wireless card,but this is not a network problem.Local printer is O K.

Need help

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Cannot Access Computers On The Network

Jul 27, 2005

I have a network running XP Home on 3 laptops and 1 desktop. All computers
can use the internet and printers fine. One laptop (IBM) can share files with
the desktop but the other 2 laptops (both the same make etc) give the error
"The user has not been granted the required login type at this computer" when
I try to access them from the desktop or the IBM laptop.
All the references to this error message say to go to Control
Panel>Administrative Tools>Local Settings but XP Home does not have this
option on any of my computers.

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No Access To Network / Internet For Programs Except IE

Jun 30, 2005

My system specs: Win XP Home with SP1.I am having problems connecting to the internet from programs such as msn messenger, mozilla firefox,various ftp programs and updates.Only IE (6.0) and WindowsUpdate are the programs with internet access.When I try to ping on any IP address (except, I am getting the error 65:"PING: transmit failed, error code 65." At the time this problem started:
1. the computer had quite a few viruses on it (like DerBiz/
2. we tried to install SP2, but it caused problems with ZoneAlarm and system became very slow. So we uninstalled it.

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No IP Address - Cannot Access Wireless Network

Oct 19, 2008

I now cannot access my wireless network in the house. I have a Linksys WRT54G router. The Int, WLAN & Ethernet lights are on. When I get into the home internet connections "details" on my HP, it states "acquiring IP address" and list all 0 (zeros.)

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ATM Network Controller For Access Internet

Jun 9, 2010

Loaded a fresh install of Win 7 SP3 in a Compaq 5205us desktop. The net interface is recognized, the network connected symbol is there, but I get no access. The 5205us says it needs the ATM network controller.

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Internet Access On Wireless Network

Mar 1, 2008

I'm trying to gain internet access on a wireless network from a PC without a wireless card through a laptop that has a wireless card using an ethernet cable in Windows XP but keep getting limited or no connectivity. It wont let me turn on internet connection sharing on the laptop because is being used by the gateway, what can i do?

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Able To Access Network Resources But Can't Be Ping'd

Jan 25, 2006

I have a laptop here running XP Pro that can login to the network, process/run login scripts, access the internet, mail servers, shared drives and other various network resources however the laptop in question cannot be pinged, accessed or otherwise be seen on the network (i.e.: \LaptopShare$, \IP.ADD.RE.SSShare$; ping IP or host = request timed out) The routing tables look fine, it is authenticating as it should, we've tried two different subnets, releasing and renewing the IP, even used a hard coded IP but the machine could not be pinged or otherwise accessed. I thought maybe the TCP/IP stack might've been corrupted some how so I removed all of the protocols and clients for that NIC however TCP/IP would not disappear from the list. I removed the device from device manager and upon Windows reinstalling the device, after a reboot of course, there was no change. Aside from reimaging the machine, what else do you suggest I try.

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Cant Access Network Cons InXP

Jun 3, 2006

1. There is no icon that says the internet is connected in my system tray, even though it is.

2. I can access the Network Connections folder, but there is no connections displayed.

3. When i got to click 'change windows firewall settings' i get an error : Due to an unidentified problem, Windows cannot display Windows Firewall Settings'.

4. I cant access services.msc, get the following error message: Unable to open service control manager database on.

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Pc Wont Use The Network System For Internet Access

Jan 10, 2005

I am experiencing an odd problem. I have added my pc via a network card and cable to my son's computer. He has broadband access to the internet and the intention was for my pc to be able to share this access. However, I frequently find that my pc will not use the network system to connect to the internet but can only do it via dial up even though my sons's pc is permenantly on and connected. When it does use the network broadband works well.

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Do Not Access Permissions To Network - Desktop From Laptop

Jun 25, 2005

When I try to access my desktop from my laptop and desktop to laptop, I keep getting a message that says that I do not have access permissions to network resources. I set up my network, enabled file/printer sharing, and configured firewalls to allow the network. My network has been working fine for about a year now until just recently. (I didn't install anything new, and I keep both computers updated everyday.)

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Network Shared Folders Access - Net View

Jul 3, 2008

this problem is a little tricky to explain.I have 2 computers (A and B) on a home network, connected through a router and hard-wired with Cat5 cable. They are both running Windows XP Pro SP3 and file/print sharing is turned on. Simple file sharing is turned on.Both computers can Ping each other successfully. Both computers can "Net View" each other successfully.Both computers can see the other's shared folders in My Network Places.Computer A can access the shared folders on Computer B and transfer files, etc.

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Unable To Access Shared HD - Folders On Network.

Jul 24, 2009

I have a new pc freshly installed with XP SP3. I used it as a server, I shared the two harddrives and mapped them as drive F and G on the network. The sharing and mapping is successfull, however, after a few minutes of being started (or after the pc has been restarted), the sahred folders and harddrives were self-disconnected for unknown reasons. My colleage timed it, and the sharing lasts only 15 minutes after restart then it is disonnected from the network. When i say disconnected - i mean i can't be seen from other PC's connected to the network, i need to restart the pc (again and again) in order for the harddrive and folder sharing is restored. I can say it is disconnected because the sharing icon (a hand with a disk drive on the palm) disappears and other PC's cannot access it.

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Wireless Network - Internet & Files Access

Dec 25, 2008

I recently discovered that something is wrong with my wireless network in my home. Let me start by saying I am not real good with computers, just enough to be dangerous. It's been at least a year ago, but somehow I was able to get my network set up after I got help getting my wireless router (Linksys WRT54GS) set up. I have a desktop and a laptop. First off, I can get internet access on both machines, so I'm good there. The router is wired to the desktop and I connect to the internet wirelessly with the laptop. In layman's terms, here is how I would access my files on one machine from the other when things worked. Once I had the network set up I created a MY NETWORK PLACES shortcut on each machine.

Once opened I somehow created an icon for the folders on the other machine. How I did this I cannot remember. Now, the only tabs showing on the desktop for example are an tab for my router and everything I chose to share on the desktop; nothing for folders to be shared on the laptop like there was. However, right now that's the least of my problems because when I click the tab for VIEW WORKGROUP COMPUTERS I get an error message saying "Jonsnet (my network name) is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions. The network path was not found." However, when I click MY NETWORK PLACES on the laptop and then VIEW WORKGROUP COMPUTERS I do see a tab for the laptop as well as the desktop, but when I click on the desktop tab I get said error as well.

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Delay Network Access On Starting Up Laptop

Jan 31, 2007

This applies to a relatively new laptop (Portable1 UX520), with Core Duo Processor 2.0GHZ, Windows XP with frequent and regular system updates (using Windows Updated). I also have Notebook Hardware Control installed, but this problem did not seem to correlate with the install of NHC.

XP boots up totally normally, and I have very few startup applications booting to minimize battery usage. Everything gets booted, and the harddrive stops spinning, applications are accessible...all seems totally normal, except the networking options don't pop up on the system tray, and I can't access the internet with either wireless or wired connections. It takes several minutes (like 3-5) before these icons pop up and I can access the network which, on a laptop that I frequently use for wifi connections, is totall unacceptable.

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System Error When Access Any Computer In Network

Dec 20, 2005

I have 3 Windows 2000 computers in a network.When I try and access another computer in my network I get this Windows error:(Name of Computer) is not accessible Not enough server storage is available to process this command.All computers in the network have 1GB or more in memory and even after removing all firewalls I get this error.Sometimes after re-starting each computer several times I can connect... but most of the time this error occurs.I'd appreciate it if anyone can give me an idea how to solve this problem.

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Asks For A Network Password / Able To See The Shared Folders But Can/t Access

Jul 14, 2010

I have this problem trying to connect to my laptop or desktop (both ways).I am able to see the shared folders, but if I want to access them I get a password prompt. It asks me for a password and nothing works, I've tried enable/disable guest account.

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