Pointer Is Always Beeing Working In Background Mode

Jul 7, 2010

I don't understand why the pointer stays all the time in working in background mode(Pointer with a sand clock on its right)untill I turn off the computer.

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Place Pointer In Icons - Running Background

Sep 21, 2005

RE: desktop ikons: when I place my pointer on an ikon, I don't get the description anymore. How can I get them back Also; There is something that starts automatically running @ 8:00A.M.; but have not scheduled anything for that time. How can I find out what's running in the background??

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Stuck In Safe Mode - Pointer Won't Move

Mar 23, 2010

I have a Sony Vaio BZ-570, I had some malware to remove so I went to try and boot in safe mode. When I get to the blue login screen the mouse is just stuck in the middle of the screen and won't move. I can't click anything to get to msconfig to reset it and even if I push F8 in the beginning and select "Normal Mode" it still goes into safe mode.

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Only Works In Safe Mode / Otherwise Just Desktop Background

Aug 4, 2005

My computer starts but the only thing that appears is my desktop background. No start menu or anything. The last thing I did was install and run Avast anti-virus scan and AdAware.It works in start mode and I tried to restore to an earlier point a few times and to different checkpoints but they failed and "no changes were made."

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Background Colours Weren't Working

Jun 29, 2008

so I got on the computer, started up the Internet, and noticed the backgrounds weren't working. The text colours (like active links etc.) and normal images were working, but not any colours. Same with folders on the Desktop. So I tried to fix it, on the main Desktop I right clicked and went to properties, and changed the modified theme to Windows XP. Before I did that, the Folders looked something like this.

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Modem Is Beeing Used By Another Program

Sep 17, 2005

I had this problem before and solved it. However could not remember how !!!I use a broad band for most tasks. Rarely I use my modem to send faxes via computer.Today I tried to send a fax, using my modem Zoom 56K datafax dual mode PnP.I did not manage to do it and all times computer shows a box with a standard
note advising me that "Your modem is being used by another program. Please the other program and tru again. if error persists re-start yourcomputer".There is no other program running as I have rebooted my computer several times.Diagnostics does not work at all.Eventually there is a startup program taking the modem but I do not know what it could be.Sure this situation has been occurred with some of you

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Can't Install Antivirus After Beeing Hijacked

Oct 5, 2007

Well I installed a program called snagit which i thought was totaly safe in the begining but out of nowhere
my taskmanager shut down button etc disappeared or i didnt have acces to itafter reading some on the internet i found a way to work around thisI fixed most of the things but there is still the darn antivirus that is missingfiles but when i look at the map its there

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Harddrive Is Beeing Shown As Removeble Hardware?

Sep 30, 2006

I just installed all the components of my system amd 64 3700+ and installed windows xp pro the problem is that the harddrive is beeing shown as removeble hardware icon down the desktop just like a usb stick or a camera!!!!! beside the volym control!!! I have there the option to "remove saftely the hardware" wtf!!

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MSDOS Command Mode Not Working

Jun 15, 2005

Using WinXP-Pro-SP2 on a Dell XPS Gen2 running at 3.4GHz with 2GB RAM. Ever since I upgraded to SP2, command mode hasn't worked properly and it's driving me bonkers. Symptoms:

(1) Many of my BAT files no longer function properly. E.g. a simple BY.BAT with only EXIT in it does nothing.
(2) Every command entered, other than DOS built-ins, gets the response: 'C:Documents' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file... and then sometimes the command executes and sometimes it doesn't.
(3) Good old 'DOSKEY' no longer works at all. I cannot get DOS to repeat the last entered command.....

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Computer Only Working In Safe Mode

Feb 20, 2009

When I try to boot up Windows XP, when its at the windows loading screen with the Windows logo, the bar under it the blue thing will move for about 6 or 7 times and then just freeze and stop. Then I restart the computer and choose to boot in safe mode which is the only mode that works.This is the second time this has happened,the first time it happened through safe mode I got the Windows Xp.iso image from microsoft.com, and then used a product key locator to find it on my pc because I do not have the windows xp boot discs but my original copy of XP is legit.

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Two Program Not Working In Safe Mode?

Jul 6, 2005

A couple of programs have stopped working on my PC i.e they don't launch when I select them from the START menu.Help & Support does not launch at all - I have searched the web and tried numerous fixes none of which work.Paint Shop Pro 9 does not launch at all but an entry does appear in the Task Manager list of processes.Nothing adverse is listed in Event Viewer and I have tried rebooting into XP Pro with minimal services started.For what it's worth both programs do work in Safe Mode.

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Safe Mode Not Working - Infected By Virus ?

Jul 10, 2005

My cousin's XP was infected by virus, and it was not able to start in any mode(including safe mode, command prompt,last configuration and etc). I took and move the harddisk to my PC and scaned it using trend micro
housceall. The virus scanner detected and removed several virus. But it is still not able to get into any mode. Once i get into the xp, the XP reboots and it happens to any mode. I also did the repair installation and scandisk, and it did not work.

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Standby Mode Not Working - Computer Shuts Down

Nov 2, 2008

I have WINXP, Service pack 3. On SHUTDOWN I press STANDBY, computer shuts down, same for HIBERNATE. I checked the settings in POWER OPTIONS. No new programs installed recently.

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Keyboard Not Working And Don't Work In Safe Mode

May 3, 2007

In device manage it has exclamation by it i uninstalled but if i do add hardware its located w/ exclamation by itif i uninstall an restart its back with exclamation dont work in safe mode works be4 boot when i type in password its disabled on boot.

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Internet Connection Working Only In Safe Mode

Mar 11, 2007

My computer is in really bad shape. I have XP version 2002 service pack2.My internet connexion only working in safe mode with networking My anti-virus doesn't work anymore and the others I tried to install either. I've already run in safemode Super Anti-spyware and Bitdeffender, they quarantine and delete a lot of.

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Keyboard & Mouse Not Working To Enter Safe Mode?

May 30, 2005

I have a standard PS/2 keyboard and mouse which do not work as I try to enter Safe mode. As I am on Windows 2000 Pro, I need to log on as administrator. I am not password protected, but have no way of clicking the Log in button.There are no settings for Keyboard or Mouse in my BIOS setup

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Can't Boot Past Log In Safe Mode Mouse Not Working?

Sep 5, 2006

I am trying to get my computer to boot but having problems. It gets to the title page of windows xp and stays there...I wanted to do a system restore but when I go onto log on page my mouse isn't working either.....what should I do?

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Can't Boot / Recovery Console - Safe Mode Not Working

Mar 31, 2006

i did a previous thread of my computer being slow, ignore that one... i got a much serious problem. Someone told me to go into safemode so i just tried to reboot in safe mode. It wouldn't reboot all i saw was a black screen with a mouse cursor so i press the reset button, but this computer is not stable i always haev to press the reset button. Now when i try to restart it jsut reboots again and again. It brings me this blue screen saying STOP:c0000218 {registry file failure} the hive file or sumthing like that and systemrootsystem32configdefault and then it restarts. When i try to go to safe mode i see all these .sys files loading or sumthing and then it gets stuck after like the 20th one. Im on windows 2000, i installed 2000 in cases like these. i found help on a different site. It told me to go to recovery mode, i instert my XP CD and boot it from taht but that doesn't work for sum reason. SO i got my XP boot disks and it works!! BUTTT i go to recovery mode and it restarts and nothing happens! just a plain restart! what can i do!!!

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Computer Not Booting Up Error C0000218/ Safe Mode Not Working?

Aug 13, 2007

I cannot bootup the computer. It gives me the following error STOP:- c0000218 Registry file failure. The registry cannot load the hive (file) or systemrootsystem32configsecurity or the log or alternate. It is corrupt, absent, or not writeable. Cannot boot to safemode, also tried last known good configuration without success. I have also tried the microsoft KB 307545 fix but could not copy or delete the security file.

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Cannot Boot Pro - Safe Mode - Black Screen With Working Cursor

Dec 15, 2004

I cannot boot my XP machine. In safe mode it also says safe mode in white text in each corner and shows windows build details at the top. I have trying going back to previous good config - same problem. A normal boot just leads to a black screen with a movable mouse arrow - no sign of a login screen. I have tried a recovery reinstall from a an XP pro CD from another computer - this took about 40 minutes and went through all the steps normally (with normal graphics displayed duting the reinstall) but after finishing the same problem is still there.

Only now the windows build info in sfae mode reports SP1 (originally didi not as the computer was supplied with XP before SP1) I am at a loss to know what to do to get the machine wordking without a refomat of the hard disk, whcih will destroy all my data, and my partners stuff too - mostly not backed up, as usual.

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System Restore Stops Working - Enter Save Mode

Feb 5, 2010

The operating System is Windows XP with SP3. The system restore stops working at any point. To run the system restore has to enter the save mode. Do you know what the problem looks like and how to fix the problem?

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Standby Mode Not Working - Microsoft Natural PS2 Keyboard Device Driver

Jan 5, 2006

Since installing Windows XP SP2 (upgrade from SP1) I noticed that Standby does not function. When I manually go to Standby, or if my laptop tries to go into Standby as per the power management settings I have set, I get the following message: "Standby has been prevented by the Standard 101/102-Key or Microsoft Natural PS/2 Keyboard device driver. You may need to install an updated driver."

Any ideas on what I can try. I have tried uninstalling the keyboard in safe mode and rebooting to reinstall the keyboard drivers. I have also checked my BIOS settings, and tried resetting the power management settings. I have even updated my ATI video adapter drivers. I noticed the problem shortly after installing SP2. There are no updated drivers available from Gateway for the keyboard.

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Background Button Gone: Wont Change Desktop Background?

Aug 24, 2008

the Background button is gone and i can't change it it is flat blue Help

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Rainbow For Mouse Pointer

Apr 15, 2009

My Dell laptop has been periodically going into this phase where the mouse pointer will fill w/ a moving band of colors. It's as though a rainbow is flowing through it. When in this phase, it does this about once every 5 seconds. So, to be clear, it stays in its normal arrow shape, but fills w/ moving color bands rather than the standard white.

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Keep Mouse Pointer In Screenshot

Aug 2, 2005

Is there a way to take a screenshot with the mouse pointer?

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Plug In A USB And Goodbye Pointer

May 5, 2008

Just recently when I plug in the USB plug for my steering wheel, the cursor either vanishes or freezes. It never used to do that before.I was led to believe, some time ago, that you don't need to power down to insert a USB plug.Can anyone tell me why *all of a sudden* (last 3 - 4 weeks) this is happening? I'm running Windows XP home with a P4 speed 2.4 gHz and a healthy 1 GB RAM. I suppose this begs the question: what can I do about it? (besides leaving the USB plug in!

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My Pointer Keeps Hesitating And Freezing

Mar 12, 2005

When I am going with the mouse around it hesitates and fgreezes and then works again.It even froze while trying to type this and worked again.what is going on?

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Black Screen With Just A Pointer

Dec 15, 2008

My teenagers were on the computer Sunday night & they called me into the room to show me a black screen with a pointer & nothing else. I turned the computer off & restarted. A box pops up.The top of the box is lsass.exe.In the box is The instruction at 0x00401082 referenced memory at 0x00000000. The memory could not be written.Click OK to terminate the program.Click CANCEL to debug the program.I tried both & they both go to the black screen with just a pointer. Please let me know what to do. If it helps, I do have the recovery console installed from a previous problem & I'm also communicating to you from the problem computer. I've booted up on a linux disk & I can access the hard drive from here.

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Mouse Pointer Size Increase

Mar 9, 2006

I goto control panel look under mouse and want to change the size of the pointer on the mouse since my eyesight is getting poor.When I click on the dropdown menu it says NONE.How can I get it back so I can change the size of the pointer on the mouse?

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Weird Mouse Pointer - Restarting PC

Jul 16, 2006

I'm on a new installation of Windows (on a new hard drive), and I was messing around with the nVidia control program a bit ago... I'm not sure if this is what has caused this somewhat amusing "glitch," but at some point in time while using my PC (long after I'd finished playing with nVidia), I noticed that there is a stationary mouse pointer on the right side of my screen, midway between the top & bottom. I tried refreshing my desktop and doing some other stuff, but it's still there. Now, restarting the PC will probably get rid of it, but what is weird is, it's on top of everything! I move my mouse next to it, and the pointer goes under the stationary pointer. I even tried to take a screen capture to show that I have two mouse pointers, but it only showed my working pointer (I used irfanview so it would show it).

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Mouse More Sensitive - Pointer Speed Id Max

Aug 17, 2010

I would like to make my mouse more sensitive in xp pro. I have the pointer speed turned up to the max. I have also looked into changing the smooth mouse curve x and y in the regedit; however, it looks like this only has to do with how fast the pointer accelerates not with how much territory it covers. I would like to change mine so that a smaller movement of the mouse covers more of the display. would changing these values do that?

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