Plug In A USB And Goodbye Pointer

May 5, 2008

Just recently when I plug in the USB plug for my steering wheel, the cursor either vanishes or freezes. It never used to do that before.I was led to believe, some time ago, that you don't need to power down to insert a USB plug.Can anyone tell me why *all of a sudden* (last 3 - 4 weeks) this is happening? I'm running Windows XP home with a P4 speed 2.4 gHz and a healthy 1 GB RAM. I suppose this begs the question: what can I do about it? (besides leaving the USB plug in!

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Internet Goodbye - Computer's Ethernet Card

Sep 16, 2007

I just reformatted my comptuer/reinstalled windwos, and when I went to get online, I couldn't. Turns out the drivers to my computer's ethernet card were not installed. Kind of confused me a bit, since the card is exactly the same since we bough the computer about 3 years ago. I'm wondering were to get these drivers, since I cannot connect to the internet, none of the installation cd's drivers work, and the device manager is so vague about what specific hardware it is.

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No Plug And Play?

Oct 5, 2009

When I was installing Windows XP SP3 on this computer, I received a notice that the installer couldn't find a specific file, but I was able to skip over it and resume installation. I received this notice when I installed Windows on another machine but this time looked it up and was able to find the file on the CD (don't remember the file name.). On the first computer, it seems like a lot of plug and play functionality doesn't work..specifically when I hook up my Creative Zen (MP3 player) or even Blackberry. I am unable to transfer files to or from these devices through Explorer like I can the other computer in which I did a thorough installation of Windows. I am also unable to update Windows Media Player, which could or could not be related. Is it possible the file I skipped over is what's causing this issue? Is there any way I can repair Windows or do I have to re-install?

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WMP And Plug In Devices

Jan 22, 2009

My WMP (v11) has strated toc crash whenever I plug a memory stick or my MP3 player.I have loaded a Hotfix that's supposed to address this problem but it's still there.

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Plug Device Into USB Port Don't Get Pop Up

May 23, 2005

I recently installed windows Xp and SP2. But now when I plug a device into a USB port I don't get the pop up saying "detected new hardware". Also the new device (I pluged in a flash memory drive) doesn't show up when I open "my computer". I think the ports are working cause when I pluged in my iPod and then went into the BIOS the iPOd was listed as an option on the Boot configuration.

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Plug N Play Won't Recognize HP All In One

Sep 5, 2008

I recently had to uninstall my HP Officejet 5610. When I reinstalled my USB connection, an error screen tells me "the required section was not found in the INF." HP's diagnostic confirmed that the usb.inf file was in place but that the system was not accessing it, probably due to a digital signature issue. They said to reformat and reinstall WIN! I'm not techno savy to proceed, but a Windows reinstall seems extreme.

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Possible NTDLR - Plug Other Devices

Jul 2, 2006

his roomate completey ruined the OS it wouldnt even boot to windows, It had a missing NTDLR, using a windows bootdisk I was able to reformat it and reload windows. Here is the odd part, the and the NTDLR files are all in the root directory, andit still doesnt boot to windows without the startup disk, when I boot it up it says non bootable disk or non system disk then trys the CD roms then the floppy, yet i put the floppy disk in there and it magically works, and the files on the boot disk are the same as the files in the HD's root directory. So now I'm thinking something is wrong with the HardDrive not the NTDLR. I plugged another Hard Drive I had lying around with windows on it and made it the slave drive, and it worked fine, i could select both versions of windows(each 1 installation per disc) and the would both load, so Is there something before the NTDLR.

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Subscription To Sirius Missing Plug Ins?

Mar 4, 2006

i have a subscriptction to sirius sat radio and when i go to their web site and click the listen will open and polay with no problems. the problem i am having is at the top it tell me missing plug ins. it will not show the song i am listning to or show the song i have already listened to like it is suppose to. i have clicked the button that says install missing plug ins but then it says nothing found.

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Pc Hang Up - Have To Pull The Plug To Shutdown

Nov 23, 2006

I'm running on a e-machine T6520 MediaCenter PC. The system hangs up almost everyday.I have to pull the plug to shutdown just like the old days. Is their a methos for me to use to search out the problem cause?

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AMI BIOS Plug And Play Settings?

Mar 14, 2008

I would like to understand some of the settings on my AMI BIOS v02.58 plus get suggestions on the recommended settings for my XP Home SP2 system (ASUS P5K3 mobo with INTEL Core 2 Duo E6850/3.0/4MB, RAM 2GB/DDR3/PC3-8500):1. Advanced / PCIPnP / Plug And Play O/S: Settings are NO (default) and YES
NO = Lets the BIOS configure all the devices in the system. YES = Lets the OS configure PnP devices not required for boot if your system has a PnP OS.Should I leave the default NO setting or change it to YES and why?

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Can Plug In Second Hard Drive As Slave?

Aug 22, 2005

I'm currently running windows XP Pro on one Hard drive. I also have second hard drive which has some data in it but not plug in to my system right now. Is it possible that i can plug in my second hard drive as slave (by jumper setting) without turning off my computer, and beable to see and transfer data from my second hard drive to my first hard drive. Is it safe and possible to do that?

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Computer Not Booting Unless Plug And Unplug

Sep 27, 2005

monitor stays yellow.I have to plug and unplug to actually boot and it is slow. Last week I couldn't shut off computer, because spysweeper and other programs were not responding, I had to cancel programs for computer to shut off.I thought it was virus because 1 month ago I allowed communication when prompted from Norton that suspicious malicous activity possible if I continue , I was trying to download my picture onto a website. I ran a scan and it was clean. I called Norton and they said to deactivate spysweeper and it would take care of the boot problem.

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Missing 1 Plug In On Firefox 1.5, A Scroller On The Right Side?

Dec 25, 2005

'm looking ( been looking for it since I updated to Fairfax 1.5 ) for the plug in that gives Firefox the ability to have: a scroller on the Right side ( to drag up & down when searching a long listed page

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Plug Phone Line To Connect Two Computers

Dec 11, 2005

i have a computer with DSL and i was wondering if i can plug a phone line into a phone and into my other computer and still get internet access. or run a wire from my other computer to this one and get it. i dont know. it's probrably illegal or you cant do it at all.

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How To Free DVD Decoder Plug In Media Player 9

Aug 15, 2006

does anyone know any links to get a free DVD decoder plag in for Windows Media Player 9?

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Rainbow For Mouse Pointer

Apr 15, 2009

My Dell laptop has been periodically going into this phase where the mouse pointer will fill w/ a moving band of colors. It's as though a rainbow is flowing through it. When in this phase, it does this about once every 5 seconds. So, to be clear, it stays in its normal arrow shape, but fills w/ moving color bands rather than the standard white.

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Keep Mouse Pointer In Screenshot

Aug 2, 2005

Is there a way to take a screenshot with the mouse pointer?

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My Pointer Keeps Hesitating And Freezing

Mar 12, 2005

When I am going with the mouse around it hesitates and fgreezes and then works again.It even froze while trying to type this and worked again.what is going on?

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Black Screen With Just A Pointer

Dec 15, 2008

My teenagers were on the computer Sunday night & they called me into the room to show me a black screen with a pointer & nothing else. I turned the computer off & restarted. A box pops up.The top of the box is lsass.exe.In the box is The instruction at 0x00401082 referenced memory at 0x00000000. The memory could not be written.Click OK to terminate the program.Click CANCEL to debug the program.I tried both & they both go to the black screen with just a pointer. Please let me know what to do. If it helps, I do have the recovery console installed from a previous problem & I'm also communicating to you from the problem computer. I've booted up on a linux disk & I can access the hard drive from here.

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Plug In A Usb/external Hard Drives Not Recognized By Computer?

Jul 25, 2009

everytime i plug in a usb/external hardrive, it isnt recognized in my computer, its not too do with any hardware, im 100% its a software issue, and i was running a program and it seemed to do something nothing comes up in my computer but you hear the connected sound, ive tried assignign a manual drive letter but it comes up with an error. and seeing as i cant back anything up because nothings regonized

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Sound / USB Ports / Plug And Play Dont Work

Nov 18, 2008

After a recent automatic software update, the sound on my computer stopped working. When I go to the device manager, it's telling me that no audio device is installed and I can't seem to find it or how to reinstall it (I do not have the disk that came with the computer). However, my main concerns are the USB ports and the Plug and Play feature. These were working fine, but now nothing happens when I plug in a USB device. There is power going to the USB ports, however, the system doesn't seem to recognize that I have plugged something in. I've tried uninstalling the drivers and restarting the system, and the drivers were correctly reinstalled but it is still not finding any new device that I plug in. System restore isn't working either.

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Toshiba Recovery Dvd - Blue Screen About Plug And Play?

Sep 4, 2007

I'm currently on the phone with my sister. She has a Toshiba laptop that only once in a blue moon will boot into windows so she decided to reformat it.She put in the Toshiba recovery DVD and its definitely booting up from the DVD but shortly after the loading message comes up she says she gets a blue screen saying something about plug and play.I tried searching goggle for errors about the recovery DVD but nothing that seems to connect to her problem. there is nothing connected to it.

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Mouse Pointer Size Increase

Mar 9, 2006

I goto control panel look under mouse and want to change the size of the pointer on the mouse since my eyesight is getting poor.When I click on the dropdown menu it says NONE.How can I get it back so I can change the size of the pointer on the mouse?

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Weird Mouse Pointer - Restarting PC

Jul 16, 2006

I'm on a new installation of Windows (on a new hard drive), and I was messing around with the nVidia control program a bit ago... I'm not sure if this is what has caused this somewhat amusing "glitch," but at some point in time while using my PC (long after I'd finished playing with nVidia), I noticed that there is a stationary mouse pointer on the right side of my screen, midway between the top & bottom. I tried refreshing my desktop and doing some other stuff, but it's still there. Now, restarting the PC will probably get rid of it, but what is weird is, it's on top of everything! I move my mouse next to it, and the pointer goes under the stationary pointer. I even tried to take a screen capture to show that I have two mouse pointers, but it only showed my working pointer (I used irfanview so it would show it).

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Mouse More Sensitive - Pointer Speed Id Max

Aug 17, 2010

I would like to make my mouse more sensitive in xp pro. I have the pointer speed turned up to the max. I have also looked into changing the smooth mouse curve x and y in the regedit; however, it looks like this only has to do with how fast the pointer accelerates not with how much territory it covers. I would like to change mine so that a smaller movement of the mouse covers more of the display. would changing these values do that?

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Mouse Pointer Becomes I Icon / Cant Click On

Apr 7, 2007

On my wife's user account there is this Blubster thing that keeps cropping up and I can't seem to get rid of it. Sometimes I think its using the whole cpu as nothing else opens.The second thing is and it may be connected to the above is that I have just downloaded the updates from windows and it upgraded explorer to, I think its version 7 which looks quite a bit different. Now on my user account it opened with a couple of question boxes etc and appears to work fine. But, when I opened my wife's user account it does very strange things. It open a screen that looks like the new version of windows explorer but nothing further happens. The mouse pointer becomes an I icon and I cant click on anything except the Start button to get out of it.What does it all mean?

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Mouse Pointer - Error Message

Jun 11, 2005

I tried to change the mouse pointer, but when I clicked on the 'pointers' tab
in control panel, I got an error message that read "Cwindows/system32/windows default file is missing or corrupt" I tried to click ok, but the window won't close. What can I do?

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Mouse Pointer Hangs Then Freezes My PC.

Mar 5, 2006

All of a sudden recently, my mouse pointer hangs then freezes my PC. I have to reboot and everything is fine until the next time. I have run all my spyware/ anti-virus and it shows nothing. Is it time for a new mouse or is there a setting I am not familiar with?

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Error Messages - Shockware Flash The Plug-in - Illegal Operation

Sep 28, 2006

i am getting 2 error messages that necessitate me having to close and restart the computer - 1) illegal operation inplug-in ? shockware flash the plug-in performed an illegal operation. you are strongly advised to restart firefox and 2) firefox.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. i am at wits end and have no skills to resolve this.

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Mouse Pointer Freeze:on Using Internet / No Error?

Dec 3, 2004

Starts/loads fine. Will run fine for days w/ I.E. open, O.E. open=no activity. Upon visiting different internet sites, using, after about 15+ minutes the pointer freezes/no error message/Cont-Alt-Delete provides nothing-can not shut down computer w/ button on CPU , must unplug/restart Several times I have been searching MS for downloads for I.E. -6 (Updates/patches/info) (as in my little mind this is problem) but C. freezes at that point as I click on a link.

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Pointer Is Always Beeing Working In Background Mode

Jul 7, 2010

I don't understand why the pointer stays all the time in working in background mode(Pointer with a sand clock on its right)untill I turn off the computer.

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