Subsequent to doing a repair on my WinXP-SP2, I started getting this error message whenever Windows Media Player is open and I copy a file from my hard drive to a jump drive: "A null reference pointer was passed to the stub". Have never seen this message in 25 years of computing. What does it mean/why does it appear?
My Computer is on XPSP2 and Office2003,the promlem is that (null) is not a valid win32 application when try to open any office appliactions, Mozilla firefox. My PC has restore points but when try to restore, process the request and finally reply "Restoration Process Incomplete" or restoration fail.
Can I start a thread for everyones education.I've been browsing some threads about security and keeping yourself annonimous. In these threads there is loads of reference to 'Proxy'.
I have a dell laptop with windows media center installed, as you know they come with a seperate partition for the backup files. For me backup files are not necessary, so I deleted the contents then installed WOW in its spot. Then later on I decided to merge this partition using partition magic. While merging my computer crashed. My C: drive is saying that it has the contents of the old partition, but it is not accessible or visible. I tried using partition magics drive mapper to make these files go into c: but it did nothing.
I have got the following error on XP under a video editing app. The app is VirtualDubMod. I never got this error before. The error is below. The instruction "0x025397a8" referenced memory at "0x01bc39f0". The memory could not be read. What exactly does that mean? How do I fix it? Is it possible to fix it?
I need to use an old dos problem for reference only. My operating systems is windows XP. Everytime I do the .exe file I get an error message that says Cobol runtime library not installed.
when i start xp pro the log on screen appears with user name and password and ok. then when i click ok the message appears ..your account has been disabled please see your system administrator. before this problem i had been into administrative tools/computer management/local users and groups/users and then clicked on my user name and disabled it.
i was trying to stop the log on screen but found when i have restarted the computer i have the problem above. i dont have the original xp discs as they came with the computer but have just installed windows media centre which upgraded my system to pro. is there away of starting the computer to fix this setting because i cant even get to the desktop
I had a malware issue I used a clear and after that when i rebooted it went to my user login screen when i click on a user it says logging on the goes directly to the saving setting mode and goes back to the user log in screen any ideas on how to get passed that?
We have a hp with xp on it. It will not let me go passed this blue screen, it says that we have installed some new software or hardware that needs to be removed and we didn't. But it won't even let us look at the programs, it won't let us go to safe mode or anything.
I tried to install a web cam on my laptop but a box keeps appearing saying that the software has not passed the xp logo and the software will not be loaded any way round this.
someone installed xp on the computer and we now cannot do anything like get to control panel ie=t says we are not the adminstrators how can i get passed this
Recently I took unusual step of visiting Windows update. This was just to double check that the system I was working on was absolutely up to date.Automatic update was set to Auto. Windows update website informed me that a critical update was required. it turned out to be the Windows Bogus (Genuine) Advantage Authentication... I had no choice but to Activate the system before I was allowed to continue checking for updates. Bloody cheek! passing off this 'Genuine advantage authentication' as a critical update. One day I am bound to come across a system that does not pass this authentication. Will the system be usable or will they lock the system until I have made a groveling phone call or worse have to inform my customer/neighbour/friend of a friend that "Sorry I know you just wanted me to check your system was up to date but now you must pay £200 for an Operating system"
I have my friends laptop which after sorting malware problems and it working fine for 2 weeks it then would not allow him to get passed the Win XP Home Edition startup screen (where the scroll bar goes across the screen). I understand after reading some of the previous threads that loading up the boot disk and doing a repair may help; I want to give this a go but I do not have my friends boot up disk and he has gone on holiday however I do have an old Evaluation version of Win XP and Win XP Pro SP2, does anyone know if I can do the repair with one of these disks?
Current situation: 2 minutes remaining in a repair installation of WinXP Home, I get an error with a large X and the words "has not passed Windows Logo testing." Below that, it says "This software will not be installed...." If I click OK or turn off at this point, the pc reboots and restarts the setup program at 39 minutes remaining. If the CD is not in place, I get a blue screen asking for the CD.
I have been having a hellish time with our computer. When I start it it gives me the option of opening in safemode etc but regardless of my choice a blue screen comes on. It says. A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. If thi is the first time you've seen this Stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow these steps:
Disable or uninstall any anti-virus, disk defragmentation or backup utilities. Check your hard drive configuration, and check for any updated drivers. Run CHKSK /F to check for hard drive corruption, and then restart your computer. Technical information: *** STOP: 0x00000024 (0x00190203, 0x867670F0, 0xC0000102, 0x00000000)
I can't do anything else. I hit the F8 key when it was starting up but I didn't know what to do after that.
My was on the computer last week sometime and got a pop-up saying that there was a backdoor virus and that the computer needed to be scanned. He hit OK thinking that he was doing something good. Since the scan ran, we have not been able to log in to the computer at all except in safe mode. I have tried uninstalling McAfee and then reinstalling but that didn't work. McAfee keeps telling me that I am not protected but when I try to fix it then it says that there were errors that can't be fixed. I don't think I have the boot disk and really need to get this computer working.
Recently I had a BSOD problem 0x000007b after running ComboFix and so I ran a repair XP SP2/3 and the Blue Screen is gone but now during the Repair steps screen (The light blue screen with Step 1, Step2 and the Ads on the right for the various programs) I get lsass.exe Invalid Parameters Passed and a prompt "Ok" which reboots my computer.
I have recently installed a fresh copy of windows XP on my vaio VGN-SZ770N, everything was goin smooth untill i installed SP3, after installing SP3 and tried to restart my laptop, the laptop was on "Windows is shutting down" blue screen for like 30 mins, so i turned it off manually and turned it on again, now it stops on the black screen with windows XP logo and the loading animation and never get passed that, i can use it in safe mode only, the reason of me installing a win xp is that i had exactly the same problem when Vista was installed on the laptop, it wouldnt get passed the black loadin screen as well, im wondering if this is a hardware failure? Also before installing SP3 i had the Form1 window that pops whenever you start your computer
I created a folder with several files in windows XP. I then compressed and PASSWORD protected the files within th folder. Now i cannot remember the password for the files. How do I get passed the password protection program?
Everytime I turn my computer on Windows begins to boot but then an errormessage appears that reads as: Isass.exe system Error and it says "Aninvalid parameter was passed to a service or function." What does thatmean? After you click ok, Windows begins to boot all over again butthen the error message appears again. It just keeps going in circles. I have no idea how to fix this. What am I suppose to do?
I am having problems with Automatic Updates and I keep getting the following error: svchost.exe -- application error the instruction at "0x745f2780" reference memory at "0x00000000". the memory could not be 'read' I have tried numerous fixes and it will not work. I tried turning off AU and manually installing the updates but it just hangs up. It is only the Office 2003 updates that did not update.
You said that its a trojan. Doyouknow what I can do to get rid of it? if it is lsass do know whatthat is? im Wrote: > Are you sure it is isass and not lsass.exe? Isass.exe is a trojan. Everytime I turn my computer on Windows begins to boot but then an> error message appears that reads as: Isass.exe system Error and it says "An invalid parameter was passed to a service or function." What does> that mean? After you click ok, Windows begins to boot all over again but then the error message appears again. It just keeps going in> circles. I have no idea how to fix this. What am I suppose to do?
My Dell laptop has been periodically going into this phase where the mouse pointer will fill w/ a moving band of colors. It's as though a rainbow is flowing through it. When in this phase, it does this about once every 5 seconds. So, to be clear, it stays in its normal arrow shape, but fills w/ moving color bands rather than the standard white.
Just recently when I plug in the USB plug for my steering wheel, the cursor either vanishes or freezes. It never used to do that before.I was led to believe, some time ago, that you don't need to power down to insert a USB plug.Can anyone tell me why *all of a sudden* (last 3 - 4 weeks) this is happening? I'm running Windows XP home with a P4 speed 2.4 gHz and a healthy 1 GB RAM. I suppose this begs the question: what can I do about it? (besides leaving the USB plug in!
When I am going with the mouse around it hesitates and fgreezes and then works again.It even froze while trying to type this and worked again.what is going on?
My teenagers were on the computer Sunday night & they called me into the room to show me a black screen with a pointer & nothing else. I turned the computer off & restarted. A box pops up.The top of the box is lsass.exe.In the box is The instruction at 0x00401082 referenced memory at 0x00000000. The memory could not be written.Click OK to terminate the program.Click CANCEL to debug the program.I tried both & they both go to the black screen with just a pointer. Please let me know what to do. If it helps, I do have the recovery console installed from a previous problem & I'm also communicating to you from the problem computer. I've booted up on a linux disk & I can access the hard drive from here.
I goto control panel look under mouse and want to change the size of the pointer on the mouse since my eyesight is getting poor.When I click on the dropdown menu it says NONE.How can I get it back so I can change the size of the pointer on the mouse?