System Been Slow - Virus Deduction

Aug 14, 2007

well i have notice my pc running a bit slow lately and i would like to know if i got any viruses.

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Extremely Slow System - Ran Virus Scan

Dec 3, 2005

hey, my computer have been acting up lately and its EXTREMELY slow right now, ive tried everything that i could think of, running virus scans and system cleaning scans..ive deleted/removed programs that i dont need but i still have this problem...also pop-up's come up all the time even when the computer is just sitting there at least 20 pops up and i do have panicware pop_up stopper but i quess it doesnt seem to work..i also have a problem with my computer just shutting down on me and then rebooting going to the screen where you sign in at.

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No Virus Or Spyware - Still Operating System Getting Slow

Nov 4, 2008

what do you do if you run say: kaspersky internet security pro 2009 and it doesnt find spyware or a virus...but the machine is still running slow.its got 1GB ram,dual core is this right?1 run a defrag 2 run a windows repair

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Worm / Virus Has Invaded The PC/ System Works Slow?

May 17, 2005

Microsoft Windows, SpyBot, and Norton all sent a deluge of windows saying they had detected changes. SpyBot sent 7-10 warnings, one of them saying "SpyBot. Search & Destroy has detected an important registry item entry that has been changed. Catagory: System Startup global entry; Change: Value deleted; Entry: elkfqxcj; Old data: c:windowselkfqxcj.exe; [allow change][Deny change].Each of these SpyBot notices had a different entry. Since then my computer is extremely slow, freezes up when left for any time. A window pops us when opening and when changing applications titled "16 bit Windows Subsystem", saying:
C:WindowsSystem32AutoExec.NT. The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Window's applications. Choose 'close' to terminate application. [close] [ignore]

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Slow Running Computer: Found No Virus In System?

Apr 7, 2008

I am having problems with my computer running slow. It does not seem to matter what I do it still runs to slow. I am running Windows xp, have no viruses that have been detected but all my programs run slowly. What can I do to fix this problem???

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Removing Virus Infected Files: Slow System And Freezes?

Jan 4, 2005

I did remove virus efeected files and my PC is behaving badly, it responds very slow to commands and freezes. Here is the log. Can anybody help me to resore my computer

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Spyware Anti Virus Showed Up No Viruses - System Still Slow

Aug 1, 2008

I tried to start it up and it takes forever to load. It takes a couple of minutes to open any of the icons on the desktop too (Mozilla, Word). I tried to clean up as best I could. I ran some spyware programs and antivirus and nothing too much showed up -- no viruses. It takes so long to run these programs that I go off and do other stuff and come back hours later and the scans are still running! Is there anything that you can recommend to get the laptop running as it should?

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Computer Is Slow, Slow, Doesn't Detect Virus

Oct 23, 2006

It can't even seem to keep up with my typing. Ugh. I use AVG free, and it is current and doesn't detect any problems.

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Very Slow Computer / Virus?

Aug 9, 2006

My computer is running very slowly. I can't help but think that something is running in the background that I can't see. Occasionally I get an error message saying my virtual memory is low. Below is a hijack this log.

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Computer Getting Slow Due T Virus

Jun 9, 2006

My computer used to run fast and now it doesnt... I have ran the defrag, disk cleanup, Ad-adware SE Personal, Spybot Search and destroy, and avg, cleaned up all problems I could find, and I am still unable to multitask... at any great speed... this may be normal, but just wondering if there are things going on I dont know about

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Pc Running Extremely Slow - Virus?

Jan 30, 2008

is it a virus or what?

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Slow Computer & Internet - Virus?

Jun 18, 2008

I have recently downloaded a free program and was going to install it. I ran it, and then my antivirus blocked it because it contained a virus. I have been looking for the program for a very long time, and I was angry that it didn't work. So I allowed the infected program and then the it disappeared. The icon disappeared. I knew I shouldn't have done it, but nothing bad happened to me for about a day. Then, my laptop was slower than normal, internet connection was slow (I'm right next to the router too), and I was getting pop-ups. I tried to do System Restore, but all my restore points were gone! I couldn't even switch months! Also, Automatic Updates was telling me that it was off, but when I checked my settings were the same when I first set them.

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Computer Running Very Slow: Having No Virus?

Feb 16, 2009

Ive been having troubles with my comp Programs are opening up slowly and generaly most thing are slow.The main thing that i notice is when trying to attached a item to a emil in outlook i will click insert/file/cdrive/this file/ that file, it takes somewhere between 1-2 min to open cdrive and each click.

Another thing that i noticed was that when i remove the usb keyboard and mouse 1-2 min later i will get the soud of being removed.I get alot of programs not responding but after a while they do, eg when shutting down a associated program with the printer almost allways pops up not resonding but does after a while.

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Really Slow Netbook - Virus Or Malware

Nov 9, 2009

Niece's netbook (Asus EeePC) running Windows XP has rather suddenly slowed to a real crawl. Think 5 minutes for a right-click menu to open, for example, instead of a split second. Last night I summoned the patience to start up the already-installed AVG virus scanner, and while it took hours and hours, it found zero problems. Ran CCleaner, no change.The desktop, icons, etc. etc. look correct and nothing seems awry except for the intolerable lack of speed. I realize it could still be a virus or malware, although I'm thinking of other explanations as well

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VIRUS Clean - Printer STILL Really SLOW

Oct 28, 2009

NeonFx, worked me through getting rid of a really nasty bug and now my machine has been proclaimed CLEAN! However, one of the really annoying side issues was that my printer was totally bogged down. I figured that getting rid of the virus would get my printer back. It spools up, starts to print, and then nothing....takes over 15 minutes to print a half page of word doc. I reinstalled the printer software and updated the drivers. It's still the change. I spent HOURS on the phone today with an HP tech from the Philippines. He basically redid what I did, and said I was running out of RAM. Not true...I've got nearly 50% of RAM available....

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Computer Too Slow After Virus Removed

Jul 8, 2010

Both of my teens have Windows XP and both computers are running extremely slow after virus/spyware removal. One gets a debugging pop up everytime you try to do anything. I've tried to run skndsk but can only run it in a read only mode. Can anyone advised what to do without having to run fdisk and reformat the hard drive?

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Trojan Vundo Virus - Slow Computer

Apr 15, 2007

I had this Trojan vundo virus about a month ago and you helped me remove it. My computer was running fine until all of the same things started happening again. Im pretty sure i still have the virus b/c my computer is running very slow and just plain bad. I ran VundoFix.exe (it found like 10 things), clicked remove vundo, and rebooted. I ran HijackThis and here is this log file.what i need to delete? ....

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Laptop Has Regsvr.exe Virus I Removed It But Still It Is Very Slow At

Apr 1, 2010

My win XP Laptop had regsvr.exe virus i removed the virus,

but still it is very slow at startup it takes around 5 minutes to load the icons

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Super Slow Virus Free Computer

Dec 9, 2006

Hey guys, I don't have the computer in front of me, but my mom's computer is working really slowly, and it's had the defragger ran on it, and according to Ad-Aware and AVG it's clean, so what could possibly be making it run so slowly? If you absolutely have no idea, I'll try to get a hijackthis log for it, but as I said, Ad-Aware and AVG didn't find anything wrong with it there, and I ran the defrag on it the other day and it didn't help at all. Plenty of space left on the HD, so I have no idea what is going on....except that maybe the computer is a lemon. They've had problems with it since pretty soon after they bought it, but it's just progressively gotten worse.

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Laptop Running Very Slow: Threat Of Virus In Log?

Dec 12, 2005

my laptop is running kinda slow and I just wanted to post a hijackthis log cause I think I've got some spyware that isn't showing up in spybot or somthing.

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Running Really Slow / It's Virus Or Spy Ware Related

Oct 3, 2005

My PC has started running really slow. I know this could be virus or spy ware related but I have Norton and have never had problems before. Just before it started I changed the desktop appearence on my display settings. It started running slow from this point.I then tried to start i-tunes and it crashed.The ususal whirring noise (hard disk?) now sounds like a ticking. Every so often it jumps into life and runs a t normal speed.My operating system is XP. 250GB HDD. Intel pentium four processor 540 (3.2ghz)

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Extreamly Slow Boot - Did A Virus Scan

Mar 2, 2008

Ok for the past month or so my computer has been booting EXTREAMLY slow. But once up runs pretty normal with a few exceptions. (videos you have to let buffer fully or they will jerk around and other minor things) But from the time you push the power button till the desk top appears and is ready to go is around 10 mins. I have tried many things

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CPU Geetting Slow - Virus Detected By Scaners

Feb 11, 2007

lately my CPU became slower and slower and sometimes get frozen por 2 or 3 mintues. No problems were detected by AVG Antivirus 7.5.441, by AVG anti-spyware, by ad-aware SE Personal 1.06r1, or by Spybot Search and Destroy 1.4My OS is windows XP Profesional 2002, Service Pack 2 (spanish version) and the processor is an AMD sempron 2800, 1.6GHz, 1GB RAM.Is there someone that could help to find the problem.

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Slow Connection / Virus Removed But It Comes Back

Dec 2, 2004

I suspect I have an infection on my PC (win2000) but none of my tools are finding anything. TO recap, I did have the msblast/sasser virus but removed it a while back. Since then, I've had the infamous lsass.exe shutdown. Luckily, I have zone alarm firewall so the shutdown only occurs if I disconnect the firewall.I want to fix this once and for all so I downloaded W2k Service Pack 4 and the 'RPC' MS fix (Kb823980-x8-enu.exe). I thought that would fix the problem but no.I've also run other tools like stinger, vcleaner, spybot, adware, antivirus software. I keep the versions/dat files updated.At this point I'm not sure where to start so I'm posting the log results from hijack this. One thing I noticed is that svchost.exe process occurs 3 times. I seem to recall seeing cmd.exe pop up for a second and a 3rd occurence of svchost.exe followed right after.

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Pc Is Acting Very Slow- Norton Anti Virus Scan

Apr 12, 2005

i was on the computer for a few minutes then suddenly my sound is gone and the cimputer is acting very very slow. I have ran Adaware, Spybot S and D, Norton Anti Virus scan and house call but none of em found anything, except Sybot S and D found a mybar intry and deleted it.

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Comp Running So Slow: Performed A Virus Scan?

Jun 26, 2005

I feel like I went back to a pentinum 1 486mh and 16 mb of ram....... I cant figure out what is wrong with my comp. I have run virus scan, spywear scan, done a defrag, and every thing is fine. There is nothing in the startup menu on msconfig screen. but yet my comp takes like 3 mins to restart. getting on the internet with Road Runner takes like 5 mins.

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Extremely Slow Start Up - Ran Ad-Aware And Scanned For Virus

Jan 23, 2006

Starting about two Sundays ago (1/15), I've noticed that my laptop is painfully slow to start up (whereas it had not been before). I hadn't installed anything new (but I have installed things since). Everything goes fine, Windows starts, I get the welcome screen, that dissapears and my desktop show up but it takes at least 3 to 4 minutes before my icons and start bar show up. I just restarted now to test and it took 6 minutes. I ran Ad-Aware and scanned for virus' last Wednesday. Still crawling, but otherwise, once it starts, performance has not declined.

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Computer Is Running Really Slow: Checked For Virus & Found Nothing?

May 10, 2006

I have run my adaware, spybot, and virus scan....nothing comes up...but my computer is running very slow....I need to know why pages aren't loading as fast as they were.

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Slow Computer - Ad-aware Sypbot 1.3 Virus Scanner

Mar 28, 2005

My Computer is running slow. I have Ad-Aware Se, Spybot 1.3, and for a virus Scanner, i have AVG. i need someone to help me to speed this computer.

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Computer Boots Really Slow / Checked For Virus Infection?

Mar 19, 2007

I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with my parents' PC. They have WinXP, 512MB RAM, and a 1.2 GHz cpu. They've had a problem wth spyware in the past and have had it cleaned up, but it still boots up extremely slow. Usually it's around ten minutes or so until you can finally do anything on it, and even then, applications seem to take a while to start up and run slow after they do. Is there something I can do to see what's the matter with it?

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Virus Hit Computer/ Slow Operating Speed/ Reinstall Windows?

Dec 12, 2005

laptop started operating very slow when I tried opening various MS office softwares. took my computer to a local computer store and they told me that because of a virus I needed to have the entire Windows XP reinstalled. However, due to a high price I haven't been able to have my computer fixed. I already have the Windows XP Pro server pack one on a CD. how i can go about reinstalling Windows XP Pro on my laptop? And is there anything i should be careful about while installing the software?

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