Reinstall With The Special Disk - Losing Everything On Storage Partition

Feb 16, 2006

You think if reinstall with the special xp disk that came with my toshiba a70 will it automatically think I want to reset everything, reformating my hard-drive and thereby losing everything on my storage partition?

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Partition Error Trying To Reinstall XP: No Valid System Partition?

Jul 7, 2010

Now I am having multiple new problems. I want to completely erase the hard drive and install a new version of XP Home, not Pro. At the beginning of the installation process, it gathers system info. Immediately it responds with "no valid system partition" and the only option is to exit from the process. How can I get past this to complete the installation?

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Hard Disk Is Losing Its Memory

Jun 18, 2010

My computer started to lose its memory. I have had to remove items just to keep it running. Even though i don't have any big games in the computer i only have 2% free space left. I don't add anything but I still lose memory. I have run 2 virus programs (trend and super anti spyware) and a lot of problems were deleted.

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Hard Disk Losing Memory?

Dec 17, 2004

I have a computer running Windows 2000 Professional and one running Windows 2000 Server. Both display the ram in kilobytes I'm trying to figure out if there losing memory or what. This could be perfectly normal for 2000 to display this, but I need to make sure.

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Local Disk C Is Dramatically Losing Space

Jun 14, 2006

I have a HDD that I partitioned into C:, and D:. I've noticed recently that C:'s capacity is dramatically going down. It's original capacity is 15GB, and now it's become 930MB. That was not all of a sudden of course, but it's just too much, especially that I do not install new programs in it.I used to open 'Properties > Disk Cleanup', where I would clear all System Restore points except the most recent one. Now Disk Cleanup loading process hangs, and I can't get into its menus. Is there other ways to manage System Restore other than 'Control Panel > System > System Restore'?

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Losing My Free Space - Fragmented The C Disk

Aug 8, 2008

I have an old laptop with only 4GB of memory between the two disks. The last time I fragmented the C disk, last week, it had 15% of space or about 700MB. Suddenly the next day it jumped to under 200MB. It did that the month before, as well. I have known for some time I have to get another hard disk, but I am trying to hang in there a little longer. I have taken off everything I can think off and have moved everything to the other drive. When it is so low, I can't even System Restore

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Hard Disk Is Slowly Losing Memory?

Aug 8, 2008

I've just started to notice that my Hard Disk has been losing 50-70mb a day. Like something hidden is slowly replicating or something. I have Norton Internet Security and Norton Anti-virus running always, and it shows nothing out of the ordinary.

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Losing Disk Space For No Reason - Deleted Several Files

Sep 5, 2006

My system had 52 GB a couple of weeks ago. I haven't download much of anything, however last week it was down to 7 GB. I have been deleting pictures and files to no avail. It keeps loses space and now it is down to 149 MB and I am getting error messages. I have deleted several music and video files, but there is no way I have 142 GB of files on my system

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Losing Hard Disk Space, 1gb/sec - No Viruses Found

Dec 9, 2005

I am losing disk space during the day. After 10 hours, my 10GB of space is emptied. After I reboot, the 10GB comes back and starts losing space again.No viruses or trojan horses or spyware found using several software applications. Emptied tmp files, recycle bin, cache, etc. using several cleaning applications.

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Create Third Partition Without Having To Reinstall

Mar 21, 2008

ive just dual booted win 98/xp and im hoping to install ubuntuis there any way i can create enother partition without having to reinstall either os

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Get Rid Of Dual Boot And Reinstall Old Partition?

Jun 29, 2005

I wanted to reinstall Xp Home Edition on my Sony Vaio because I felt that I wanted to start fresh again. I lost my cd so I went on another forum and they told me to run the program called winnt32.exe in the folder C:windowssystem32I386. I did that and I reinstalled xp. After it restarted, It asked me which system I wanted to boot: Windows Xp Home Edition or Windows XP Home edition. I clicked on the new one (which I presumed to be the top one) and found that I could not log in. It just took me to the desktop and there was nothing on it.I also found that I could not use the standby feature. It is pretty much like safe mode except for the fact that I can go on the internet. Now I am faced with two problems.1. How do i get rid of that new dual boot partition 2.How do I reinstall XP on my old partition?

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Reinstall Windows:unable To Start The Partition?

Sep 2, 2007

i tried to reinstall windows Xp and a error came up saying unable to start the partition . then when i press ok on the error it reboots my computer. i cant reinstall my computer

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Reinstall Without Using Disk?

Aug 15, 2007

I'm trying to reinstall XP (currently using Ubuntu) and I'm having trouble with my disk. To make it clear--I have an official XP disk, and a product key. However, for some reason my computer absolutely refuses to boot from the disk, and I can't run the disk in Ubuntu.So is there anyway I can install windows XP without the disk? Do those downloadable floppy boot disks do the trick?

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How To Reinstall Disk Defragment

Jul 21, 2005

When I tried open defragmenter, it says windows cannot open this file, dfrg.msc, and need to know what program created it. I used jv16 PowerTools to cleam registry couple weeks ago. I guess defragmenter's broken. But how can I reinstall it?

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Lost My Document Special Folders

Mar 2, 2006

All my folders in My Documents just display as a plain yellow folder (default folder), whereas the My Music, My Pictures folders had the personalised icons on them.

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We Apologize For The Inconvenience - Special Case

Oct 14, 2010

I was using my computer, and it froze completely. Only thing I could do is Alt + Tab, but it wouldnt bring up anything. So I restarted it, using the button on the computer itself. After that the "We apologize for the inconvenience, but Windows did not start successfully. A recent hardware or software change might have caused this." message came up. I have the options (Start in safe mode / Safe mode with networking / Safe mode with command prompt / Last known good configuration setting (most recent setting that worked) / Start Windows normally.) and everything, there is a countdown for starting windows normally, but for some reason my arrow keys dont work. I tried both num pads and the normal arrow keys and nothing works, including enter.

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Any Way To Disable Special Keyboard Buttons?

Jun 6, 2009

I have a keyboard with some of those "Extra" buttons on top like those shortcuts "Mail,home, favorites, forward, rewind, play, pause...etc" well you'know the buttons that no one in the world ever uses, now I don't know what happened, but my keyboard got a short-circuit apparently (maybe someone spelled something on it or something) and what happened was, the Up arrow had got shorted with the "My Computer" button, and the left arrow with the "Calculator" shortcut, so each time I press up it opens the My Computer window, and each time I press left it opens Windows Calculator, now you can imagine how annoying that could be when playing games, you press one arrow and poof, you'll be Alt-ctrl-deleting for the next hour, so is there a way to disable those buttons? as in make windows ignore the command once it receives it?...........

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Won't Let Me Partition It From Disk Management

Oct 2, 2005

Windows won't let me partition it from disk management. I'm at lost here. I'm trying to start fresh with a new install of win xp. Got to the setup part where i choose which parition to use, but it says I can't delete the partition because there are necessary files needed on it etc. etc... So I get a win98 boot disk to try to manually format and get to the A: prompt, and it wont recognize my C:

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My Disk Partition Vanished

Feb 27, 2007

I have an Acer laptop, this was originally partitioned as 50% (50gB) C: and 50% (50gB) D: and DVD E:I think the D: drive was completely empty.The first time I plugged in a memory stick it was assigned as E: and now after removing the stick my C: is 100 gB. and my DVD is D:Can I now get my original partitions back ... and how?And will this happen again if I plug in a memory stick

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Disk Partition In MSdos?

May 4, 2006

My computer cannot load windows because my "Windows" program is in my Hard Drive C:. The night before I accidently made E: Hard Drive my primary.
I have 2 Partitions Hard Drive C: and E:,I want to make C: drive to be my Primary,currently E: is my primary.
How do I make C: my primary with the "Active@ Partition Recovery" program or any other MS-DOS partition programs that loads from boot?

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Can Any Xp Home Disk And Product Key Be Used To Reinstall

Sep 1, 2006

If I lost the disk that came with my PC, can I use any XP home disk and the product key on the side of the PC to reinstall?With out getting in any trouble?

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Hard Disk Install Or Reinstall

Jun 17, 2005

I disconnected my harddrive from my Dell(DimensionL933r) computer and installed it into my Dell(Optiplex GX1) in an attempt to access the drive(which was not letting me in,Hanging at loading personal settings).I could not get the proper drivers or something so I did not get it installed.When I returned it to the computer it came from, its not coming up as installed. How do I install the hard disk with no windows or recovery console? Or the second question how do I get the hard disk connected to my good computer(Optiplex GX1) so I can fix it? Optiplex GX1 has Windows XP Pro and Dimension L933r has Windows 2000 pro. The hard disk is Seagate ST340213a

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Delete My EBooks And Other Special Folders In My Doucments

Aug 12, 2002

Click Start, then Run and type: regsvr32 /u mydocs.dllthen delete them.

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Need An Expert Advice On Special File Renaming

Sep 26, 2008

I need to remane a series of image files.Right now they are named from 1 to 800 (1.jpg, 2.jpg...800.jpg)I need to rename them to 0.001, 0.002, 0.003...0.800,Is there any way to do it?

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Boot Disk For An NTFS Or FAT Partition In XP

Sep 12, 2007

I am trying to create a Boot Disk for an NTFS or FAT Partition in Windows XP.So far i have formatted my floppy disk, but im stuck on the next step!Copy the Ntldr and the files from the I386 folder on the Windows XP Setup CD-ROM, Windows XP Setup floppy disk, or from a computer that is running the same version of Windows XP as the computer that you want to access with the boot floppy.I have found the Ntldr file and the file, but when i have copied them where do i paste them?? What do i do with them?

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Recovery Partition/Disk: Using Or Recovering As New?

Oct 15, 2009

The way my recovery partition works on my netbook is when it was first used (I didnt not use it first) is it creates an image of the system when all the system has been setup then when ever I have to use the recovery it used that image to just overwirte and replace everything.I have access to the partition where the Recovery is stored and I have my Recovery Disk but as its a netbook I have no Drive, I can copy the disk files onto my Pen drive (if my pen drive is big enough)

I want to know if there is anyway I can change it so I can use the recovery and do it from scratch like when it was first turned on (first use) because there are setting there and other items that I want to change. If I could do it by editing the files in the partition that would be easier but I can try and use the disk if needs be?

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Create Partition - Booting From Disk

Jul 25, 2010

every time i try to install xp pro by booting from disk it tells me to pick a partition from the list. but then the list says that there is nothing there and then when i hit c to create a partition like it says to do. it does nothing. now i dont know what is causing this.

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Recover Deleted Partition - OS On Disk

Jan 17, 2008

I accidentally started to install a new version of XP Home on an existing partition that had a good working XP home on it. I got to the point on the install where it highlighted the good partition and I hit "L" to erase it. At that point I stopped and tried a repair from the XP Home disk but no luck. Since it didn't overwrite it (probably just erased some pointers) is there any way to get back the good partition/OS that was on this disk?

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Decrease Disk Partition Size

Sep 14, 2005

I have a single disk partitioned into a MBR then an extended partition in 3 logical disks. (hopefully that's the right terminology).But myboot drive is running out of space.How do I decrease one drive so that I can extend mz boot drive?

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Running Out Disk Space, Re-allocate Partition?

May 4, 2006

Computer is running slow. The main systems files disk (C: drive) only has 8% remaining disk space. I ran a few diagnostic programs that stated the lack of disk space is slowing down my system considerably. I have another partition (F: drive) that has 50% space,Is there a way I can re-allocate that partition back into the C drive to allow my computer to function better

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Backup Problems - Partition Hard Disk

Nov 13, 2006

my plan was to format & partition hard disk, re-install windows xp sp2.but needed to back-up my stuff, isn't working though, doesn't matter what software i try and back-up with, first disk burns ok but second disk always say's read error back-up failed. (sorry i cant remember the read error number) can anyone help?

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