Disk Partition In MSdos?

May 4, 2006

My computer cannot load windows because my "Windows" program is in my Hard Drive C:. The night before I accidently made E: Hard Drive my primary.
I have 2 Partitions Hard Drive C: and E:,I want to make C: drive to be my Primary,currently E: is my primary.
How do I make C: my primary with the "Active@ Partition Recovery" program or any other MS-DOS partition programs that loads from boot?

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Reformatting Hard Drive Msdos Boot Disk - Error NTLDR Missing

Jun 16, 2005

I recently tried to reinstall windows xp, but the installation was interrupted and left me with a partially installed windows on my hard drive. Now, whenever I try to install again, it gives me the error: NTLDR is missing. I made a msdos boot disc to reformat my drive such that I can try installing windows again. However, I have two hard drive (one for windows and programs and one for storage) and I don't know which one is which letter. How can I find this information, so that I don't accidentally wipe my storage drive?

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Won't Let Me Partition It From Disk Management

Oct 2, 2005

Windows won't let me partition it from disk management. I'm at lost here. I'm trying to start fresh with a new install of win xp. Got to the setup part where i choose which parition to use, but it says I can't delete the partition because there are necessary files needed on it etc. etc... So I get a win98 boot disk to try to manually format and get to the A: prompt, and it wont recognize my C:

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My Disk Partition Vanished

Feb 27, 2007

I have an Acer laptop, this was originally partitioned as 50% (50gB) C: and 50% (50gB) D: and DVD E:I think the D: drive was completely empty.The first time I plugged in a memory stick it was assigned as E: and now after removing the stick my C: is 100 gB. and my DVD is D:Can I now get my original partitions back ... and how?And will this happen again if I plug in a memory stick

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Msdos Application Not Running

Apr 12, 2005

i have windowsxp pro edition , my system was attacted by the virus called win32/villa.plsma virus ,after cleaing it from mcafee antivirus ,i have problem wile running dos programs ie., it prompt has 16-bit ms dos program is not a vilid win32 program and it gives option as retry and close ,what should i suposse to do wintouting reinstall the windows,pls sugges me revilent answer to my problems.

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Quick Q - Changing Dir In Msdos

Aug 3, 2005

I need to flash my router but to do so I have to be in 'pure dos'. This means using an msdos disk and using it when system starts up. It all goes fine....however....The directory it starts on is A: and I want to get to C: I have tried using commands such as 'chdir C:' but still no luck. Goes anyone have a clue how to change the directory?

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How To Get Msdos Prompt In Win2000

Feb 4, 2006

I have win2000 which i installed as upgrade over win98, now i want to get rid of it all and just do fresh install of 2000, could someone please give me step by step instructions to do full install and how to get to the msdos prompt. I havent done a fresh reinstall for years so pretty rusty on it all.

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Boot Disk For An NTFS Or FAT Partition In XP

Sep 12, 2007

I am trying to create a Boot Disk for an NTFS or FAT Partition in Windows XP.So far i have formatted my floppy disk, but im stuck on the next step!Copy the Ntldr and the Ntdetect.com files from the I386 folder on the Windows XP Setup CD-ROM, Windows XP Setup floppy disk, or from a computer that is running the same version of Windows XP as the computer that you want to access with the boot floppy.I have found the Ntldr file and the Ntdetect.com file, but when i have copied them where do i paste them?? What do i do with them?

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Recovery Partition/Disk: Using Or Recovering As New?

Oct 15, 2009

The way my recovery partition works on my netbook is when it was first used (I didnt not use it first) is it creates an image of the system when all the system has been setup then when ever I have to use the recovery it used that image to just overwirte and replace everything.I have access to the partition where the Recovery is stored and I have my Recovery Disk but as its a netbook I have no Drive, I can copy the disk files onto my Pen drive (if my pen drive is big enough)

I want to know if there is anyway I can change it so I can use the recovery and do it from scratch like when it was first turned on (first use) because there are setting there and other items that I want to change. If I could do it by editing the files in the partition that would be easier but I can try and use the disk if needs be?

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Create Partition - Booting From Disk

Jul 25, 2010

every time i try to install xp pro by booting from disk it tells me to pick a partition from the list. but then the list says that there is nothing there and then when i hit c to create a partition like it says to do. it does nothing. now i dont know what is causing this.

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Recover Deleted Partition - OS On Disk

Jan 17, 2008

I accidentally started to install a new version of XP Home on an existing partition that had a good working XP home on it. I got to the point on the install where it highlighted the good partition and I hit "L" to erase it. At that point I stopped and tried a repair from the XP Home disk but no luck. Since it didn't overwrite it (probably just erased some pointers) is there any way to get back the good partition/OS that was on this disk?

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Decrease Disk Partition Size

Sep 14, 2005

I have a single disk partitioned into a MBR then an extended partition in 3 logical disks. (hopefully that's the right terminology).But myboot drive is running out of space.How do I decrease one drive so that I can extend mz boot drive?

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Msdos.system - Config.sys Files

Jun 25, 2008

I have my folder options set to show hidden files, but I cannot locate the msdos.sys or config.sys files, and I use Windows XP Home. How do I locate these files?

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16 Bit Subsystem - MSDOS - Terminate Application

Jan 5, 2005

Recently installed XP Pro. Since then a couple of older programs won't open and I can't load anything from the A drive without getting this er16 BIT WINDOWS SUBSYSTEM
C:WindowsSystem32Autoexe.nt The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsft Window applications.Chose "Close" to teminate the applicationI found an earlier post that suggested going to

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MSDos / Command Prompt Did Not Work

Feb 10, 2006

Im not actually gonna do it, but I have a Windows 95 install CD Rom and I put it in my computer (XP operating system). It said something like "run with MS DOS" which I tried using the "command prompt" thingie and it did NOT work. How would I go about running MS DOS to get 95 to install [if i choose to]?

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MSDOS Application Prints After 20 Seconds

Jul 17, 2007

I have an MSDOS application (point of sale) which works well in XP, except when it prints the ticket. It lasts approx 20 seconds before it decides (XP) to print the rest of it. If I close the application, it prints it immediately. Does anybody know how to force it to print immediately?

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MSDOS Command Mode Not Working

Jun 15, 2005

Using WinXP-Pro-SP2 on a Dell XPS Gen2 running at 3.4GHz with 2GB RAM. Ever since I upgraded to SP2, command mode hasn't worked properly and it's driving me bonkers. Symptoms:

(1) Many of my BAT files no longer function properly. E.g. a simple BY.BAT with only EXIT in it does nothing.
(2) Every command entered, other than DOS built-ins, gets the response: 'C:Documents' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file... and then sometimes the command executes and sometimes it doesn't.
(3) Good old 'DOSKEY' no longer works at all. I cannot get DOS to repeat the last entered command.....

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Running Out Disk Space, Re-allocate Partition?

May 4, 2006

Computer is running slow. The main systems files disk (C: drive) only has 8% remaining disk space. I ran a few diagnostic programs that stated the lack of disk space is slowing down my system considerably. I have another partition (F: drive) that has 50% space,Is there a way I can re-allocate that partition back into the C drive to allow my computer to function better

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Backup Problems - Partition Hard Disk

Nov 13, 2006

my plan was to format & partition hard disk, re-install windows xp sp2.but needed to back-up my stuff, isn't working though, doesn't matter what software i try and back-up with, first disk burns ok but second disk always say's read error back-up failed. (sorry i cant remember the read error number) can anyone help?

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Invalid System Disk Following A Partition Deletion

Oct 4, 2007

Until recently, my computer's single 120GB hard drive has been partitioned like so:
C: - ~5GB, active partition with boot.ini etc, used as a recovery partition D: - ~110GB, extended partition with Windows Last night I finally took the plunge and, using Paragon Partition Manager, got rid of the C: partition seeing as I never used its contents, and extended the D: patition to take up the free space created. I then made the D: partition PRIMARY and ACTIVE.To boot into XP, I then used a boot disk from here.windows started fine, and everything was dandy. I copied the BOOT.ini, NTLDR, NTDETECT.COM files across to D:, removed the boot disk and rebooted.'Invalid System Disk'. I'm still unable to boot without a boot CD.

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How To HD Partition Using On Install Unallocated Disk Space?

May 6, 2010

I just installed XP on a new 106GB HD. Somehow I created a primary partition of 7.81GB letter I. That left me 141.23 GB of unallocated disk space. I've already installed my OS and most of my software and other peripherals. That's obviously used most of the 8GB of the primary. The unallocated part of the drive isn't assigned a drive letter so I'm hoping that helps me. I don't need a partition or if I have to have one a small one is fine. I thought the 8GB would be good for the OS with some extra, but I'm real concerned about all that unused space. I did a google and did learn about right clicking on the unallocated side and selecting new partition and taking it from there. I was just a little concerned about making a 2nd mistake. A little frazzled as this is all within 3 hours.

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Unable To Get Option To Add A Partition In Disk Management?

Jul 5, 2005

When I go to disk management and right click on the c drive,I do not get the option to add a partition.I disconnected from the wireless network same negative result. Started in safe mode and signed on as administrator and still could not create another partition.

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Reinstall With The Special Disk - Losing Everything On Storage Partition

Feb 16, 2006

You think if reinstall with the special xp disk that came with my toshiba a70 will it automatically think I want to reset everything, reformating my hard-drive and thereby losing everything on my storage partition?

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Partition Maxtor One Touch External Hard Disk

Jul 2, 2005

I have two computers (a PC and a Mac) and a Maxtor One Touch External Hard disk 250 GB. I would like to back up these two machines using a single external hard disk. So I have partitioned the hard disk into two and have NTFS and FAT32 as the file systems. The NTFS partition is around 163 GB and the FAT32 is around 75GB. I could successfully back up the PC into the NTFS part but have problems with the Mac.

When the hard disk is mounted on to the Mac, both the partitions appear on the desktop. The Mac OS is 10.3 and it identifies both partition correctly. It recognises the NTFS part as readonly and FAT32 part as "readable and writable". But when I tried to backup for the first time there was an error saying "insert a new disk". I tried to overwrite the contents of the FAT32 part as I didn’t need them any longer hence asked to proceed with the backup. The Mac started erasing. I thought it was erasing the files previously present in the FAT32 part but it continued erasing for some time and finally erased the FAT32 file system itself. So the icon representing the FAT32 part of the partition of the external hard disk disappeared from the Mac’s desktop......

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Recovery Data From Hard Disk After Deleting Partition?

Oct 15, 2010

i have found that my little bro has accidentally formated my hdd and deleted partitions also then he created new partitions and installed XP. now is there any hope or a way that i can recover my previous data ????

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Undo Deleting A Partition Using Window's Disk Management?

Apr 25, 2007

Hi, does anyone know of a method to undo the deletion of a parittion that was deleted using Disk Management in XP? Partition Magic wasn't opening correctly, so I used Disk Management to delete a 1 GB swap (logical partition, about in the middle of the physical disk) I searched around the Disk Management tool bar and didn't see anything about "undo"it deleted instantly. No down time to process...

all located within ONE primary partition at the end of physical drive, there were 3 logical partitions: one swap, two NTFS.The two logical NTFS partitions were physically behind the swap partition on the drive. (One 12 GB NTFS partition immediately behind the swap, and a 30 GB NTFS partition behind that) When the swap was instantly deleted, it also *instantly* deleted the 30 GB partition ( < 1 GB free) It left the 12 GB NTFS partition (also < 1 GB free) alone.

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Partition Shows As System In Disk Management Console

Mar 25, 2008

Yesterday, I had to perform a new installation of Windows XP because I somehow corrupted some system files beyond repair. Now I have everything up and running anew and have made all the Windows updates and it's all honky dory. However, I just went to the Disk Managent Console with the intention of re-assigning drive letter for my storage partitions (not the one that contains Windows) and ran into a problem.I have a partition set up on my main hard disk to use exclusively for Window's pagefile. I have not yet set up Windows to put the pagefile there. This is the next partition after the primary partition that contains the OS. I wanted to set the drive letter of this partition to Z: to get it out of the way in Windows Explorer.

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Hide Hard Disk Partition In Operating System

Apr 3, 2005

Hide any of hard disk partition from being seen in My Computer.

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Hard Disk Fully Recovered - All Data In The First Partition Will Be Destroyed?

Sep 14, 2007

If i run fully recovered (all data in the first partition will be destroyed), can i have get my files back, because my computer keep restart with "registry file failure"?

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Reallocate Hard Drive Partition Size VIA Disk Mgmt

Nov 20, 2006

I would like to reallocate my 2 partitions on my HDD, because I am running low on one of them . Can this reallocation be done in the Disk Management portion of XP? If so, how do I do it My C partiton has 17g and my F has 37 g. I'd like to even them out.

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Couldn't Open Drive Multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1) On Fresh Installation

Jul 9, 2005

I'm trying to install xp home on my bros comp. he used to have win 2000 pro. I backed everything up and formatted the hard drive. (75 gig ntfs). This worked great. I pulled his hard drive out and put it in my comp (secondary) I then installed xp on it. This went fine, I was even able to boot all the way to xp. The problem comes in when I tried to move the hard drive back to his comp. I could not boot past the compaq screen. I got the error message
"couldn't open drive multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)"
"ntldr: Couldn't open drive multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)"

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