Decrease Disk Partition Size

Sep 14, 2005

I have a single disk partitioned into a MBR then an extended partition in 3 logical disks. (hopefully that's the right terminology).But myboot drive is running out of space.How do I decrease one drive so that I can extend mz boot drive?

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Reallocate Hard Drive Partition Size VIA Disk Mgmt

Nov 20, 2006

I would like to reallocate my 2 partitions on my HDD, because I am running low on one of them . Can this reallocation be done in the Disk Management portion of XP? If so, how do I do it My C partiton has 17g and my F has 37 g. I'd like to even them out.

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Hard Disk Free Space Decrease Automatic

Jun 5, 2005

This morning when I woke up I noticed a very wierd and serious problem. I checked my C: drive and noticed that I only had 500mb left, I know for a fact that I had 700+/-mb left last night before going to bed. Thinking this was a mistake I left it and carried on normally. I was then chatting in IRC when the "Low Disk Space" warning popped up. I now had 100mb left.

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Partition Setup - Partition Size When Copying HD's

May 3, 2006

Over a year ago when I setup my new system and before installing most of my APPS, I backed it up to a small HD. My Win Xp Pro MCE 2004 has become a little buggy (MY FAULT).How would I copy or clone the smaller HD over to my 80GB drive AND maintain the larger partitions? I have Ghost 2003 but I'm not sure if it permits me to set the partition size when copying HD's.

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File Size - Size On Disk

May 1, 2006

When I right click a file to view it's properties there are two different values shown: one for file "size" and the other for "size on disk". The second value is always larger. Could someone please explain what the difference is because I'm in the process of allocating space for backed up user data on a network share and I need to multiply the average file size by the number of users to get an estimate of how much space to allocate to that share.

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How Can Re-size A Partition?

Oct 18, 2009

How can I re-size a partition in Windows 2000? Can you use Disk Management? If not, what options are available?

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Partition Size For PRO

Jul 20, 2005

Is there a maximim partition size for Windows XP PRO. I have a 232 gig hard drive (new) and am installing Windows XP PRO. Do I need to create smaller partitions?

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Size Of C:drive Partition

Aug 31, 2004

My hard drive is divided in 2 partitions. I need to
increase the size of C: partition. Is this possible with
out reinstalling XP pro?

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Strange Partition Size

Dec 18, 2008

I have an 300GB Maxtor drive with a 234GB partition (drive C and an unallocated unformatted partition covering the rest (after I accidentally deleted it).Windows XPSP3 shows the partition in explorer as drive E: but with no size and I can't access it.When I right click the partition and choose Format it shows as 257GB big so I backed out.Acronis shows the drive the correct size but won't let me format it.

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Optimal Partition Size For XP

May 27, 2008

I'm planning on doing a new install of WinXP and wouldlike to keep the operating system on its own partition.How much room should I allow. I understand that XP is ever-expanding and I worry about running out of room eventually.

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New Install Partition Size

Dec 26, 2005

I've just built my first PC using a WD 3200JD SATA hard drive. When I try to install XP Pro the biggest partition size is 131069MB. Is this the limit for XP? If so, will I be able to create a new partition after I install XP on the 131069MB partition. By BIOS recognizes the drive as 320GB. I don't want to loose the remaining space on the drive.

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Need To Expand Partition Size

Feb 5, 2005

I just got my Service Pack 2 and tried to install it, but don't have enough free space on my C partition (FAT32 File System type). I have 15.97GB allocated to this partition, but only 698MB is free. Somehow, I have a D: partition that has 39.89GB of which ALL of it is free! So, is there a way, withoutlosing my data and operating system, that I can increase the size of the C: partition and decrease the size of D: partition?

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Is 10GB Enough Partition Size For XP?

Apr 3, 2008

I just finished my new build. My main HDD is 250GB. I decided to partition 10 GB for windows XP SP2. The remaining I split into 2 extended partitions. Is 10 GB enough for windows xp. I would like only to have windows XP and nothing else on partition C:/ Redirection of special folders will be a valuable tool. One of my other partitions will be for programs, the third will be for documents and such. Will this help to keep my windows XP install healty, and what do I need to be aware of as far as registry entries.

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System Partition Size

Jan 8, 2007

I read the manual of Partition Magic v.6, it says that if the partition that contains system files is greater than 7.8 gig then it may not boot. Is it true or there is something I don't understand here? Since I like to run many applications I like to enlarge to about 10 gig but it scare me.

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Can Change Partition Size?

May 12, 2007

I did a re-install today and somehow screwed up on the partitions. The partition I was going to install XP on was supposed to be 10g, but for some reason it turned out to be 1.4g.Can I change this and add more space, without messing up the OS? Is there a free program out there that'll do this?

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Changing Size Of Partition

Jul 21, 2005

I am trying to increase the size of C drive (partition) while decreasing the D portion where I store music and photos. not sure where to make this adjustment?

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Increse Size Of Suspend Partition

Jan 24, 2006

utility supplied by Winbook to create a suspend partition on the hard drive. The utility apparently measures the memory capacity of the machine and creates a partition large enough to store the main and video memory and maybe a few other things. Now that I?ve got windows (2000) and office and all the updates installed, I want to increase physical memory but that?ll result in the suspend partition being too small.Is there a way to increase the size of the suspend partition without starting all over again?I know there is partition manager software out there but I?ve never used any.

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Hard Drive Partition Size

Apr 8, 2007

I'm not sure this belongs in this section so if its out of place, plz move it.Ok, I just bought a HITACHI HDT725032VLA360 320GB HDD. My OS is currently installed on my 80GB WD800JB. I was thinking of reinstalling windows on the HITACHI but I'm unsure of how to partition it to ensure my performance is as good as possible. So what are your recommendations for the partition size for the OS on the HITACHI ?

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Safely Change Partition Size

Jun 28, 2010

Well this issue is really simple, I have two operating systems: Windows XP Home Edition and Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx installed on my computer, both systems are installed into a single HD, each on its own partition.
My HD is 120 GB and I have 60 GB for Win and 60 GB for Ubuntu, my question is: Is there any way to safely change this partition size WITHOUT uninstall any of my OS? I've been using my computer for about 6 months with this partitions, which means that my two systems have some applications and programs installed and I feel really lazy about reinstalling Ubuntu and all my programs just because I want to change my partition size; of course if there is no other solution I'll have to do it, I know this works because I partitioned my Win 120 GB partition to accomodate Ubuntu when I installed it, using the partition wizard that comes with the Ubuntu installation program.

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Partition Size Reporting Error

Jul 26, 2005

I have a 40GB HDD. It was originally partitioned as C: (Windows - NTFS) 15GB and D: (Data - NTFS) 27GB. I decided to have one of my sporadic forays with Linux, and using a combination of Acronis partition manager and the Windows Computer Management snap-in, did the following: C: (Windows NTFS) 10GB,D: (Data - NTFS) 5GB, E: (Transfer - FAT) 2GB, the remaining free space (20GB) formatted for Linux.I then decided to bin Linux for a while and revert to my previous partition layout. Using Windows Disk management, I removed the Linux partition and created a new partition. Then using Acronis Partition Manager I resized the C: drive to 15GB. Unfortunately, I'd forgotten to repair the MBR from having GRUB on it before I did this, so when it rebooted, I had to then boot up with a W98 floppy and repair the MBR. After having done that, and all the rest of the partition management, I have a size reporting problem! Right-clicking on the C: drive in My Computer shows the previous size as 10GB, as does Acronis.However, if I use Acronis to resize a partition, when I get to allocate the additional space, it shows the correct size! Also in Disk Management, the graphical representation of the partitions shows correctly, but the statistical info in the box above shows the previous configuration.

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Partition Size Incorrect In Explorer

May 17, 2006

Using Partition Expert on a master HDD with two partitions I resized the second partiton down by about 8 GB, then resized the C partition from 10 to 18.25 GB. Committed Operation. Seemed to be doing fine, next time I looked at the screen it was blue and it said the system had encountered a problem and Windows was shut down to prevent damage. The PC rebooted fine and everything works OK. However, Explorer says the size of the two partitons is 10 GB and 20 GB, somewhere I lost 8.25 GB (which is the least of my worries anyway)Defrag says the same thing, however, Partition Expert says the partitions are 18.25 GB and 20GB. And this is what Windows Disk Manager says: In the top panel it says the partitons are 10 GB and 20 GB.

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Maximum Boot Partition Size?

Sep 14, 2006

I just got a new system with a 300 GB HD, and am trying to install Windows XP Pro. It seems to only 'see' a maximum of about 131 GB.Is there a limitation to the size of the boot partition for XP? Is it possible to make use of the complete 300 GB as my C: drive?

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Size Of Logical Disk - Reformat Existing Disk Drive

Nov 30, 2005

I use Windows XP Professional OS on an Intel Pentium 4 PC with 512 MB RAM. Presently I have a single disk drive of 40 MB which has been divided into three logical drives C, D and E with total sizes of 20, 10 and 10 MB respectively.
I now want to add a second disk of 80 MB capacity and would like to increase the total size of the three existing logical drives to 40 MB each.Is there a feature available in Windows XP that will permit me to do this without having to reformat the existing 40 MB disk drive ?I have certain software installed in the PC for which the setup files are not available. Reformatting the existing disk drive will result in the loss of these applications. I would also not like to add more logical drives i.e. F, G, H etc.

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Dual Boot / MS-DOS Install / Partition Size

Feb 24, 2007

I'm wiping my laptop HD and starting fresh. I want to install DOS and XP, and I've gotten a lot of tips through searching old posts, but I still have a few questions. There wasn't much out there for this particular combination.First, equipment. I've got a Toshiba Satellite M55 with a 75 GB HD. I'm installing HP Home. I have no floppy drive. I'm also using a 250 GB USB external hard drive for backups and such. Partitions: What size for each? I was thinking I'd have one for DOS, one for XP and applications, and one for data, although I'm planning to store most of my non-essential data on the external. Is it beneficial to also have a separate partition for the swap file? I read a recommendation in another thread for a 30 GB volume for XP/apps and a 2 GB volume for the swap file with the rest allocated for data, but I didn't find any recommendations for MS-DOS volume size.

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Decrease RAM Usage In Win XP?

Mar 31, 2006

limit my RAM usage in XP just like in 98/ME have? or any soft I can use to do this tweak
My system becomes unstable when using large memory (tested it with memory diagnostic tools and found out that there are random data loss when accessing large part of the memory

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50% Cpu Usage When Idle - Decrease In Performance

Dec 25, 2005

this doesnt happen to me very often, but sometimes (maybe 1 in 20 boots) i get 50% (or near enough) cpu usgae when my pc is idle, i normally notice it when im playing a game and obviously i can clearly notice a decrease in performance.If anyone knows why this is happening and if its meant to be happening could ya let me know :| and if needed could someone tell me how to fix it ps- if its norton im soon gonna remove it and get avg anyway!

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Screen Size Not More Increase 640*480 To After Reformat Disk

Oct 19, 2005

Last night I reformatted my laptop with my XP disk. it was just that time to clean out the hard drive something that I've done many times. But some weird things happened.1- It never asked me to type in my XP Key 2- when it finally installed some things seemed to be overlooked. Like the drivers. When windows restarted and came up normally the screen was set to 640x480 at 16 bit and wont let me make it larger. I went into the adv tab to see if i could update the driver but the properties button under the monitor type was grayed out. This along with other hardwares on my computer never installed. I tried the recovery cd after that to install the drivers but nothing helped. It seems like the plug-play never was activated.

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Large Directory To A Backup Drive - Disk Size

Feb 18, 2006

I copied a large directory to a backup drive, preparing to replace the HD on which the directory currently exists.After copying, the "size" of source and target both match:7.14 GB (7,673,318,222 bytes). The number of files and folders match as well. However, the "size on disk" does NOT match.On the source drive:7.24 GB (7,783,518,208 bytes)On the external (target) drive:8.21 GB (8,821,047,296 bytes) Is this a problem? Should I be concerned that the copy was not completed correctly?

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New Hard Disk Managment -Drive Size Is Displayed As Less

Dec 10, 2007

New HDD-Disk Managment -Drive size is displayed as less?Evening Guys, Just after a bit of help from you.Just been out and purchased a 250GB PATA HHD to use as a slave.Fitted the new drive as normal and booted the PC.Located the drive in Disk Management, Right clicked the DISK 0 which was the new unallocated drive, and clicked initialize, The drive is showing as 31.49GB Unallocated, As the drive has not been formatted as yet i thought this would be the reason why, Right clicked the 31.49GB Unallocated, selected new partition and the "wizard" will only allow a maximum of 31GB drive partition.As this is a 250 gb drive, i need this to be larger, ideally 250 GB before format.Please can you advise how i go about formatting the drive and increasing the size?

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Clone Hard Disks DVD - Restore Image Another Disk / Different Size / Brand

Jun 10, 2005

Im intrested in purchasing a product to clone hard disks in Windows but I have a question before hand If I clone a hard disk into some DVD´s and the I want to restore that image into another hard disk, a new, different size/brand hard disk. Is that possible? Is there a "correct" way to do it? Someone reccomendme either Norton Ghost or Acronis True Image, but Im not sure if itll help me. I hope your answers help me to decide weather to buy the software.

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Won't Let Me Partition It From Disk Management

Oct 2, 2005

Windows won't let me partition it from disk management. I'm at lost here. I'm trying to start fresh with a new install of win xp. Got to the setup part where i choose which parition to use, but it says I can't delete the partition because there are necessary files needed on it etc. etc... So I get a win98 boot disk to try to manually format and get to the A: prompt, and it wont recognize my C:

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