Large Directory To A Backup Drive - Disk Size

Feb 18, 2006

I copied a large directory to a backup drive, preparing to replace the HD on which the directory currently exists.After copying, the "size" of source and target both match:7.14 GB (7,673,318,222 bytes). The number of files and folders match as well. However, the "size on disk" does NOT match.On the source drive:7.24 GB (7,783,518,208 bytes)On the external (target) drive:8.21 GB (8,821,047,296 bytes) Is this a problem? Should I be concerned that the copy was not completed correctly?

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Size Of Logical Disk - Reformat Existing Disk Drive

Nov 30, 2005

I use Windows XP Professional OS on an Intel Pentium 4 PC with 512 MB RAM. Presently I have a single disk drive of 40 MB which has been divided into three logical drives C, D and E with total sizes of 20, 10 and 10 MB respectively.
I now want to add a second disk of 80 MB capacity and would like to increase the total size of the three existing logical drives to 40 MB each.Is there a feature available in Windows XP that will permit me to do this without having to reformat the existing 40 MB disk drive ?I have certain software installed in the PC for which the setup files are not available. Reformatting the existing disk drive will result in the loss of these applications. I would also not like to add more logical drives i.e. F, G, H etc.

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Zoom To Large Size On Own

Oct 1, 2010

Dell Latitude 810D probably about 4 years old running XP Pro SP3. The following has happened a few times in last 18 months but reboot has always solved problem - today it continues even after reboot. No new software has been added recently; anti-virus program runs in background all the time and full sys scan every night. Dell tech support says it is a software issue. I am not getting any error messages, just screen magnification that has not been asked for by user.

When opening Firefox or MSWord initially the web page (or word document) looks normal at a reasonable text point size, but within a few seconds it progressively zooms larger to over flow the screen. In Firefox it looks like 1,600% in Word it seems to go to 500%. In either application using the menu or keyboard shortcut to restore screen to a more readable text size only retains that for a few seconds before it zooms and over flows the screen. Usually clicking on the scroll bar to move vertically is erratic and even though you click to go down on the page the screen seems to jump downward but then back up on its own.

As I said, rebooting typical would solve things but not today. Using the computer of a friend as my laptop is impossible to work with. Typing text in browser search, or Word, or email program because of the magnification becomes nearly impossible to track. I have not tried other apps, but the magnification is consistent except that with Internet Explorer things automatically zoom out making things at about 12% size.
Not sure this is an operating system issue but was not sure which forum to post this in. I am currently running a full system scan (Kaspersky Internet Security 2010). Desktop looks normal (icons and text labels look the same size that they always do; Windows Explorer also looks normal. Thanks for any assistance.

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Can't Keep Icons And Font Size Large

Jul 1, 2010

We recently purchased a 22" widescreen Samsung EX2220 LCD monitor. Unfortunately the icons and labels on thedesktop and the teston the toolbars, taskbars, drop down menus are too small. I've changed the setting several times (Control Panel -display-Appearance-"Font Size" and all the "advanced" settings.) By doing this the fonts and text gets larger. However, every time we re-boot, all the settings go back to the way they were small. Does anyone know how to keep they large after a reboot?

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Large Text / Font Size For Some Apps Big

Nov 22, 2006

My font size for some apps is really big, to the point where it extends too far.I have been to display properties and my dpi is 96.

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Setting Up Extra Large Font Size

Feb 20, 2009

i have installed a new hard drive , with no problem , except , the font size from the windows home page. i want to select extra large [ properties ] but i only get small size . it doesn't matter if i select large either, it is still on small. oh , i can move it , but , it doesn't change . is there any place i can kick this up ? on the old hard drive , it was no problem . [ same computer . ] any hints will be welcome.

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New Hard Disk Managment -Drive Size Is Displayed As Less

Dec 10, 2007

New HDD-Disk Managment -Drive size is displayed as less?Evening Guys, Just after a bit of help from you.Just been out and purchased a 250GB PATA HHD to use as a slave.Fitted the new drive as normal and booted the PC.Located the drive in Disk Management, Right clicked the DISK 0 which was the new unallocated drive, and clicked initialize, The drive is showing as 31.49GB Unallocated, As the drive has not been formatted as yet i thought this would be the reason why, Right clicked the 31.49GB Unallocated, selected new partition and the "wizard" will only allow a maximum of 31GB drive partition.As this is a 250 gb drive, i need this to be larger, ideally 250 GB before format.Please can you advise how i go about formatting the drive and increasing the size?

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Backup Changed Files To 3rd Directory?

Feb 3, 2006

I'm trying to set up a backup system where I copy changed files to a zip file or directory outside of the regular backup set.In other words,And that would replace anything in D that had been changed in C. Great.But what if I want to save those changed files in C to echanged/%date%? I can't see a way to do this with Robocopy.And in case it isn't obvious, the advantage of using this method is you get redundant backups using much less space. In my experience backups are used more often to recover corrupted files than corrupted harddrives. And the problem with simply mirroring a drive is if the backup runs after the corruption, your backup is now corrupted too. And I know I could keep multiple sets of the whole backup, but that takes mucho space.

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Reallocate Hard Drive Partition Size VIA Disk Mgmt

Nov 20, 2006

I would like to reallocate my 2 partitions on my HDD, because I am running low on one of them . Can this reallocation be done in the Disk Management portion of XP? If so, how do I do it My C partiton has 17g and my F has 37 g. I'd like to even them out.

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Partitioned Drive - Disk Cleanup File Backup Instead Of System

Jul 10, 2005

I recently sent my computer for repair due to virus-related problems. Anyway, the repair person had to reinstall Win XP(Home) from scratch and told me that he had partitioned the drive (and without my permission!) in two: DBackup and CSystem (Backup consists of the files from the previous system). I notice that there is a duplication of files due to this partition. For example, song A would appear twice on Win Media PlayerCDocumentsandSettings/Owner/My Documents/MyMusic/SongA AND Dmydocbackup/MyMusic/SongA). I don't know if there are any duplication of other files yet. Plus, I realised during Disk Cleanup that the system's Temporary Internet Files is located in 'Backup drive' instead of 'System'. Shouldn't this folder be in the other drive i.e. system drive, since Backup is just,well, backup(of the old drive). The WINDOWS folder also appears in both drives.

I've never had partitioned drives so this is causing major headaches for me. If there is a need for me to un-partition my drives to clear the mess, can I do it without re-installing the whole system from the Cd? Sorry it's a long one How many times can you reinstall from the Cd before it cannot be used anymore (I hear there is a limit)

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All Icons / Windows Too Large / Cannot Reset Or Change Preferences To Smaller Size

Jul 10, 2008

I reinstalled Windows for my sister, who is visually impaired. I just installed Windows XP Pro. Just finished it, and then handed it over to her, to customize her settings. Since she has bad vision, she usually lowers the resolution down to 800x600 and has the font size and title bar sizes larger. Well as soon as I left her alone with her computer, she messed up the windows or icon settings so bad, so everything is HUGE. Everything is so huge, that (what should be) small menus now fill the whole screen. We can't get to the part of the preferences window to change the resolution to something higher, and we can't get to anywhere (that we know of) to change anything back to something resembling normal. Basically, we can't do anything anymore.I know I can reinstall Windows XP all over again, but since I JUST DID THAT I'd like to avoid having to do it all over again. Is there some way to reset the preferences, without having to reinstall the whole operating system for something so seemingly idiotic?

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Backup FOLDER On Drive D / Changed To Backup FILE?

May 28, 2006

I have two IDE hard disks one 40GB=C and the secondary 200GB=D,I have made a copy of documents and setting from C to a new folder backup in drive D.After that this operating finished I preformed format of C and installed from on drive C the MS WIN XP operating system.After the installation the backup FOLDER on drive D, changed to backup FILE without extension.How can I restore my DATA? anyone familiar with this phenomenon

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File Size - Size On Disk

May 1, 2006

When I right click a file to view it's properties there are two different values shown: one for file "size" and the other for "size on disk". The second value is always larger. Could someone please explain what the difference is because I'm in the process of allocating space for backed up user data on a network share and I need to multiply the average file size by the number of users to get an estimate of how much space to allocate to that share.

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Backup Copy To Disk Of An Installed The Same As Original Install Disk?

Jul 18, 2008

I have been looking on Ebay at used/refurbished computers for upgrading from my current and older P4 chip computer. One that I'm looking at says that it has a (legal and genuine version) of Windows XP Pro SP3 o/s installed on the custom built computer, but there's no disk. If I were to purchase a computer like this, and make a back up copy of that installed o/s on my own disk, will there be any difference than if I had received the original installation disk or manufacturer's restore disk?.....or would the installed (and backup) o/s be considered an "unlicensed" copy?

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Large Volume Sata Disk Not Fully Recognized

Jun 21, 2005

I am doing a new install with xp pro using a maxtor ultra sata 250gb hdd. XP
finds the drive okk, but only recognizes approx 130 mb of the drive.

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Quick Q Re Partitoning A Large Drive

Oct 28, 2007

finally got Windows to see my drive, now installing OS (happy days)just wanted to poll opinion on whether it's worth partitioning a large (500GB) drive and installing the OS on smaller slice?my understanding is that the current consensus view is doing this actually only slows things down as performance on modern 16MB cached drives is pretty good as is.

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Unable To Copy Large Files From External USB Drive?

Feb 13, 2007

I have an IDE drive housed in an external USB enclosure. When I connect it to my XP Pro (SP2) desktop it is recognised, and I can browse the folders and files. However when I try to copy a large number of files from the drive to a local hard drive on the desktop I get a "resource no longer available" error, and the external drive is no longer visible to the PC. I can then disconnect and reconnect the drive but only get back into the same loop.

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Dell Inspiron 6000 Won't Boot From CD With Large Drive

Jan 17, 2010

I have the a problem with my Dell Inspiron 6000. I wanted to change my 60 GB HD with a 320 GB Western Digital HD. I knew about the maximum 137 GB that the BIOS could recognoze, but when I booted from the XP CD it looked like it could recognize the entire 320 GB HD, so I thought OK and tried to make only one partition of 320 GB.
After doing this when I start my laptop I only get the blinking cursor in the upper left corner. So I pretty much knew that it was because I partioned my drive to large.

And this is where my REAL problem begins. I am trying to boot from the XP CD to make more partitions under the 137 GB limit. However my computer won't boot from the CD and let me delete the 320 GB partition. I jut get a black screen?! My computer just refuses to boot from the CD and it's also unable to boot from the hard drive (which never worked after the installation).

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Very Slow - No Backup Disk

Oct 14, 2007

I began having problems, very slow, not sure what she has installed on it, so I wanted to reinstall windows xp( hope this is what I need to do ,to kinda take junk off and fixes whatever the boot up problem is) I have Windows XP Home addition in the box, I bought for my other computer( but it died), there is no backup disk for this computer, I tried to put the disk in and reboot ( thought this would ,reinstall ) ....I am so lost, I didn't understand the instructions from the reinstall page. Can I put the copy of Windows Xp I have bought new on here? or do I have to take one version off ? I know I cam e to one part asking for administratoer password ( which I have no ideal)...What can I do to start this computer all over?

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Showing Hidden Files And Folders - Single Directory On Drive

Jul 10, 2006

No matter what I do, when I change the properties of a single directory to either show or not show hidden files and folders, that property then changes in every single directory on the whole drive. I do not click on "Apply to All Folders", I just go to the directory of interest and change the button in Folder Options>View and press "OK". Is there a trick here? Basically I want some folders to show hidden folders, and others to not show them. Right now it's either all or nothing! Again, I am NOT pressing apply to all, which I know will apply all view settings to every folder.

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Decrease Disk Partition Size

Sep 14, 2005

I have a single disk partitioned into a MBR then an extended partition in 3 logical disks. (hopefully that's the right terminology).But myboot drive is running out of space.How do I decrease one drive so that I can extend mz boot drive?

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Backup Error - There Is Not Enough Space On The Disk

Jun 25, 2005

I am trying to backup my two drives in windows XP. My media is Jaz. When I select the files to backup it gives me this message. " There is not enough space on the disk. Please insert a different disk" To backup these files it will take approximately 15 2gb disks. Is there a way that windows upon filling one disk will go to another?

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Burn Disk Image For Backup

Sep 16, 2010

I have three same laptops with same Windows XPs, and want to burn the one disk image for backup, if the laptop needs to reinstall, i can use the disk image to restore all of initial configurations. how to burn the disk image from Windows XP?

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Ghost Disk Backup With USB Keyboard

Dec 19, 2006

I have ghost 2003 and I have heard that it will not do a disk backup if I have a USB keyboard.

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Screen Size Not More Increase 640*480 To After Reformat Disk

Oct 19, 2005

Last night I reformatted my laptop with my XP disk. it was just that time to clean out the hard drive something that I've done many times. But some weird things happened.1- It never asked me to type in my XP Key 2- when it finally installed some things seemed to be overlooked. Like the drivers. When windows restarted and came up normally the screen was set to 640x480 at 16 bit and wont let me make it larger. I went into the adv tab to see if i could update the driver but the properties button under the monitor type was grayed out. This along with other hardwares on my computer never installed. I tried the recovery cd after that to install the drivers but nothing helped. It seems like the plug-play never was activated.

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Create A Backup Disk Before Start Using Computer?

Mar 14, 2010

i just had my satellite fixed and i want to create a disk to backup everything that i have on my has only the things that came with the computer on it."fresh installation" and i need to know what kind of disk, and how do i know exactly what to back-up? never backed up anything i use a dvd disk? and if i use a regular cd-r will it fit everything on one disk ?

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Backup Problems - Partition Hard Disk

Nov 13, 2006

my plan was to format & partition hard disk, re-install windows xp sp2.but needed to back-up my stuff, isn't working though, doesn't matter what software i try and back-up with, first disk burns ok but second disk always say's read error back-up failed. (sorry i cant remember the read error number) can anyone help?

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Create A Backup Disk For Operating System

Feb 21, 2010

Create a backup disk for WinXP SP3, my tower does not have a floppy. How do I do it?

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Backup Drive - Video Scratch Drive

Aug 18, 2007

My Windows XP Pro is starting to run slow as all Windows installations
do after time. I BackUp and format once a year to keep everything running
nice and fast. Here is my issue. Since my Last Format I have added two
more drives to my system. I use one as a Backup Drive and the other
as a Video Scratch drive. On the BackUp drive I have set Administrator "Write
Permissions only" on the whole drive because I don't want anything
to happen to it. ( I run myself as a Limited User for safety ).... Now Users can
read and Execute but just can't write to the drive.

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Backup-- Restore - Copy - Burn - Image A Disk

Sep 28, 2006

I have a problem with understanding the differences between these words (actions), when I use Retrospect,( a backup program,) I cannot read any files since the backup file turns into a huge something. When I backup, I mean I copy my files from one drive to an external drive and I can always restore them or copy them to another computer. These are for my files.
When I want to re-install a program, I take the original disk or the zip file I downloaded, stored on CD or another external hard drive.

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Clone Hard Disks DVD - Restore Image Another Disk / Different Size / Brand

Jun 10, 2005

Im intrested in purchasing a product to clone hard disks in Windows but I have a question before hand If I clone a hard disk into some DVD´s and the I want to restore that image into another hard disk, a new, different size/brand hard disk. Is that possible? Is there a "correct" way to do it? Someone reccomendme either Norton Ghost or Acronis True Image, but Im not sure if itll help me. I hope your answers help me to decide weather to buy the software.

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