Hal.dll Error - Cannot Boot Disc To

Sep 22, 2007

I am running XP home on my Acer notebook. I installed 2 drivers from AMD website to update my Turion 2.0 processer. On restart I got the error message for Hal.dll. I been searching for a while now and can only find help that involve using the XP CD. I've been trying to boot the disc, but it won;t. I can't get past the hal.dll error.

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Boot Disc Error & Partmgr.sys Error

Oct 27, 2008

My machine shut down properly with no errors. Then when I tried to start it the next day I encountered the following errors. The first is a Boot Disc Error which is followed by a Boot from CD prompt.After copying files from the windows xp cd, a blue screen with a stop message appears with details of an error -
partmgr.sys PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA. At this point, I am able to reboot in safe mode and do a system restore. However, when I shut down and try to restart, I'm back to square one

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Disc Burned No Error - Will Not Boot The System

Dec 4, 2006

I am trying to slipstream XP Pro & SP2 I did it all according to plan, the disc burned with no errors but it will not boot the system. When I look at the disc it looks like an ordinary XP disc, but when I put it in system it says PRESS ANY KEY TO REBOOT. Am I missing something, I did it last year with no problems; also I can�t remember how to put the key in automatically.

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Recovery Disc Restore System - Boot Up Error

Jun 20, 2005

My computer crashed about a month ago and I had to use a recovery disc to restore my original system.. Everything works fine except when I boot up and following the Sony logo and Intel logo the following message appears "Press F11 for Acronis Startup Recovery Manager. Acronis fatal error Boot drive (partition) not found. Press Enter to try to boot your PC." Pressing enter boots up the PC fine but how can I eliminate the process? I had Acronis on both drives before the crash but it no longer exists.

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PC Wont Boot Up Error Message:missing File Repair The File Using The Install Disc?

May 7, 2006

PC wont boot up any more , it says there could be a currupt or missing file , it says its config system and says it might be able to repair the file using the install disc. i have a System Recovery CD-ROM

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Finding Boot Disc Having Required Data To Boot System?

Aug 12, 2005

hey anyone remember that boot disc that had everything and it also had a mouse function in it? it was like boot magic or something i cant really remember. I only remember it had 2 versions one was the floppy which was free and the other you had to pay for the cd version

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Disc Won't Boot - No Boot Sector On Hard Disk?

Jan 19, 2009

I have just recently gotten a new computer which came with Vista. Previously what I have done with any new operating system I got was installed it into my old computer. However, I came to find out you can only have one computer assigned to each cd, unless I wanna buy another one, which is unecessary. I wanted to get rid of Vista and return to XP but the XP disc would not install because of multiple errors, such as missing ntldr.

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Error, Probably Hard Drive Error, Recovery Disc Not Working

Oct 29, 2006

I uninstalled some preloaded Windows programs, I reinstalled some of them, but now my laptop's all funny. When I connect to The Internet, any program that I open freezes for like 10 minutes, after which it unfreezes. During this time I normally restart my computer, with no success. If I open Windows Live Messenger and Internet Explorer 7 together it freezes normally. Pinball, WordPad, Sound Recorder, and Volume Control cannot be restored. Also, I tried using my Toshiba Recovery DVD, with no success. It says Loading RAMDISK Image, then it reboots and loads the exact same system with no changes made.

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Apr 16, 2005

I have this problem with my pc and it keeps restarting after the windows loading screen so i want to format the hardrive the only problem is that there are important files on there and am wondering if i could make some of disc floopy or CD that i could boot to and move all my important files to my 2ndry hardrive installed in the machine

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Disc Space Error

Mar 21, 2006

I tried to google this problem, but entering not enough space into google comes up with a lot of random junk... e.g. zoo websites with not enough space for animals!When I install any programs they all report that i have my 23gb free, which windows and all hd space reporting programs say, but when they actually go to install they say not enough space.

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Clean Re-install, No Boot From Disc Option?

May 18, 2008

I'm sure this has been asked 100 times before but my computer randomly shuts itself down so I don't really have the time to look for it. I need to reinstall Windows XP. I want to do a clean install. I have the disc and the reg code. What I don't have is the BOOT FROM DISC option!! How do I get it or how do I do it?

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Unable To Boot/install Windows Off Disc?

Sep 30, 2008

i have a custom computer build, working fine for a year and a half, system crashed while online. inserted windows XP system/boot disc, goes to mobo screen, goest to a blank screen. shows press any key to boot from cd. then verifying/inspecting system components etc. then a blank screen, system wont do anything.

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CD Wont Boot Up With Windows Xp Installation Disc?

Apr 15, 2006

I was overclocking my cpu cause i replaced the stock fan with a cooling system and while i was overclocking i got a blue screen. So, i rebooted my comp and it says a file is missing or corrupt ( forgot what file something windows/system/config) and told me to repair it. and it wont let me use my windows xp disc. I set my cd-rom to 1st priority, im posititve my cd drives work, and the cd has only been used twice so im pretty sure it cant be that.

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Creat Boot Up Disc Of Me Operating System

Jun 22, 2005

I need to wipe clean the hard disc on a desktop. It currently has XP-Home installed, which was an upgrade from ME. The ME files were erased from the desktop after installation of XP. After formatting I assume I will need an MS-DOS bootup disc to install ME; install ME and then upgrade to XP-Home. If my assumptions are correct how can I create a bootup disc for ME? I am hoping that someone has a simpler method than I have outlined.

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Registry Error With Setup Disc

Sep 24, 2007

I can't login to my computer so I was doing a repair with the setup disc and got a registry error.I don't know what to do because I can't log in to fix the problem.

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Low Disc Space Registery Error?

Aug 28, 2009

From time to time I get a Windows error messages saying "Resource Error". Well today while Avast was upgrading I got this message - In the top of the message box it was titled "Windows-Low On Registry Space "The message read: "The system has reached the maximum size allowed for the system part of the registry. Additional storage requests will be ignored".
AMD XP2700+, MMX, 3DNow - 2.2 GHz
2 gig RAM
Windows XP Home Addition(5.1), Build 2600
BOIS - Pheonix - AwardBIOS v6.ooPG
System - Asus - A7N8X
Direct X - 9.0c
Display - Radeon 9800 Pro
Sound SB Audigy2 ZS

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VPR Matrix FT 9150 Won't Boot Windows, Asking For Recovery Disc?

Aug 18, 2006

I've got my whole life on this stupid computer and have not backed up my hd's at all. Anyone willing to send me copies of the restore discs

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Reinstalling Doesn't Boot From Disc - Video And Pic Included

Jul 25, 2008

Trying to fix my friends computer thought I would be done in an hour or so but I ran into a retarded problem when trying to boot from the windows cd. Here is some information I know off the top of my head. If you have any input please let me know, I'm trying to get this done before tonight since its Friday

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Error When Exploring Folder Or Disc Via Shortcut

Dec 3, 2003

Any time I right click on a SHORTCUT to a folder or disc and try to open it via the Explore option, I get the error message "Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close.We are sorry for the inconvenience" and then the Active Desktop Recovery screen.If I open, for instance, the folder "X" via the right click/Explore option, it opens the folder for me to view. But if I do the exact same thing with a SHORTCUT to folder "X", I get the error message above and then the Active Desktop Recovery screen.Note, however, that if I just double-click on a shortcut to a folder,it opens fine, as normal. It is ONLY when I right click and attempt to "Explore" the folder or disc that I get the error message! This is clearly a "exporer" problem. So basically any time I Explore a Folder via a shortcut, I get the above error message and then if I agree to report that problem to Microsoft, I then lose my desktop photo and get the Active Desktop Recovery screen. But if I click Dont Send on the MS Error Message, then it just closes the Window and leaves me with my (normal) desktop.

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Not Start Up - GRUB Hard Disc Error

Aug 15, 2009

My daughters computer is giving me a Grub hard disc error message everytime I try to boot up the pc, and now the pc will not start up past this error message. I tried rebooting a few times but it just kept giving me this error and then would not go further.

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Disc Read Error / Press CTRL-ALT-DEL To Restart

Jan 4, 2008

So i'm getting this error msg when I boot up Windows XP.Disc Read Error Press CTRL-ALT-DEL to restart. I do it but then it just comes up with that screen again.I have tried countless of times but it doesn't want to seem to work.This started happening after a game crash. Of artifacting and overheating and all that. So right now i'm using Ubuntu but it sucks. I hate it. I'm getting artifacts all over the screen. It's driving me insane. I can't seem to go into Windows Safe Mode either like trying to press F8 and all that. Otherwise, I would have tried to do a System Restore.

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Burning Dvd Shows Error Disc Was Wrong Media

Nov 4, 2006

My friend has a computer he bought 2 years ago which has a dvd player in it. He did not realize the player was also a dvd burner. I bought a blank dvd from Walgreens and tried to burn a dvd data disc. An error message came up which said the disc was the wrong media. Is it possible the disc is made for newer drives and I need a slower media or something? What do I look for?

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Bios Error: No Array Defined -no Hard Disc Detected ?

Apr 24, 2008

Dumped Vista and installed XPP. Went smoothly, except get this message on start-up. Adapter 1 -no array defined -no hard disc detected continues on and windows starts, no problem.

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Installation On New Build / Restart In Harddrive, It Is Giving Me Disc Error

Feb 4, 2009

I have recently built a gigabyte 770 modo with SATA harddrive. When I try to reboot with the XP cd to intall, everything went fine but when the system restart in harddrive, it is giving me disc error.

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Disc Read Error Occurred / Computer Did A Restart And Now It Will Not Open

Jul 24, 2005

I have had XP Home installed on a new Seagate hard drive for about 2 months. Suddenly, the computer did a restart and now it will not open Windows. It finds all my drives and then goes to a screen displaying "a disc read error has occured. Press control, alt, delete to restart." On restart, I receive the same message. I have tried checkdisc, fix boot and fix master boot record in the recovery console on my cd but nothing works. Is this a problem with the hard drive or Windows? Any suggestions would be helpful. I would hate to have to reinstall Windows.

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I Have A Labtec Web Cam With Disc But My Mini Doesn't Have A Place For The Disc

Nov 15, 2009

i have a labtec web cam with software but i have a dell mini and have no where to insert the disc, please help

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Not Enough Disc Space To Complete Disc Defragmenter: Something's Fishy Here

Sep 27, 2007

I'm running XP Home on a Sony VAIO. The PC has a partitioned HD: C (main), & D (storage). I defrag every night.

This evening, I got the dreaded "not enough disc space to complete disc defragmenter" message. Suddenly tonight I'm showing only 2% free space on drive C. I went in and changed my System Restore percentage from 12% to 6%. Now I'm showing 6% free space (but still can't defrag).

I shouldn't have had to change my System Restore percentage tho. I'm sure that's not the culprit. Up until last night the C drive was nowhere near this full. Something's there tonight that wasn't yesterday. ...A whole LOT of something. The Defrag graph is showing a nearly FULL C drive with a LOT of red "fragmented" files"

I've been doing a bit of downloading, but after it's on the desktop (part of C), I move it to the D storage drive (which has a LOT of free space remaining).

Something's fishy. I'm no expert, but I'm thinking I need to find some type of application to tell me what's suddenly on that drive taking up all this space. Anyone have any helpful suggestions?

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Cannot Burn Disc - Roxio Recognize Blank Disc

May 8, 2010

neither wmp 11 or roxio recognizes a blank disc. when i try to burn a disc (dvd or cd) both wmp 11 and roxio tells me to insert a blank disc. i have tried putting a disc in first, or wait for the program to tell me to insert disc but neither way works!:

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How Can I Reload From The Hardrive With No Recovery Disc Or Disc?

Nov 4, 2006

My packard bell notebook model (easynote) E-3242 running windows XP. After installing SP2, XP wont load, even in safe mode. I already used cd-bootable Knoppix to copy all documents i needed to rescue. At this point a complete Re-install would be great, but alas, no install disk came with this notebook, And i lost the recovery discs i made. I do NOT have any XP disc available.How can I begin a re-install or similiar from the Hardisk with no Discs?

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Bootable Disc/Recovery Disc Terminology

Jul 19, 2005

I get a little confused by terms like restore vs recovery, which are often interchanged incorrectly IMO -and then there are the terms bootable disc and startup disc, which can also get confusing - and I have seen other terms used also.

please explain exactly what you mean by the "bootable XP CD". I have a new XPsp2 home edition pc, and I had a millennium before that (which I made a "startup disc" for in add/remove programs - so I guess a startup disc is yet another term for boot disc - it was only a 3-1/2" diskette (less than a meg), and it would get my millennium to boot by typing "scanreg /restore" at a prompt that you eventually came to.

For my XP, I immediately made a Compaq "recovery dvd" (it took 2-dvd's) utilizing the "Compaq recovery cd-dvd creator" in start/programs/pc tools. This dvd (can also use cd's but it takes 8 or 9 cd's I believe) contains everything that is on the pc (from the factory), and which is also in the system recovery partition D:. There is also something called a "Recovery Tools CD", which I did not burn, since it did not seem necessary, after
reading about it in the "troubleshooting and system recovery guide" that came with my Compaq. I will burn that one to, if you can explain what it will do, that I can't ultimately achieve by using the "recovery dvd". The manual said that one of the things the "recovery tools cd" did was to remove the system recovery partition (drive D), so you could use it - but I'm sure there is another way of doing that from within the pc once you got it running using the recovery dvd - am I right - I've never messed around with partitioning, since I have no need to.

My new XP did not come with any "bootable CD" per se, and I made the "recovery dvd", as stated above. So please shed some light on what the "bootable XP CD" is that you refer to (because you said that a "restore Cd is really overkill" - I assume you mean the "recovery CD" that I mentioned). Also please provide your comments on the "recovery tools CD", and any other comments you have on the various terminologies I have mentioned above.

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Computer Tries To Reboot With Disc, But No Disc

Nov 28, 2007

After putting the windows XP CD in and rebooting, now whenever the computer is restarted I get the blue screen that says unable to find disc press F3 to exit setup. How do I stop this so computer will reboot normally?

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