Installation On New Build / Restart In Harddrive, It Is Giving Me Disc Error
Feb 4, 2009
I have recently built a gigabyte 770 modo with SATA harddrive. When I try to reboot with the XP cd to intall, everything went fine but when the system restart in harddrive, it is giving me disc error.
So i'm getting this error msg when I boot up Windows XP.Disc Read Error Press CTRL-ALT-DEL to restart. I do it but then it just comes up with that screen again.I have tried countless of times but it doesn't want to seem to work.This started happening after a game crash. Of artifacting and overheating and all that. So right now i'm using Ubuntu but it sucks. I hate it. I'm getting artifacts all over the screen. It's driving me insane. I can't seem to go into Windows Safe Mode either like trying to press F8 and all that. Otherwise, I would have tried to do a System Restore.
I have had XP Home installed on a new Seagate hard drive for about 2 months. Suddenly, the computer did a restart and now it will not open Windows. It finds all my drives and then goes to a screen displaying "a disc read error has occured. Press control, alt, delete to restart." On restart, I receive the same message. I have tried checkdisc, fix boot and fix master boot record in the recovery console on my cd but nothing works. Is this a problem with the hard drive or Windows? Any suggestions would be helpful. I would hate to have to reinstall Windows.
The recovery disk that came with my machine is now well out of date and I want to make my own, with all the latest drivers etc. I am running XP SP2 but XP came as an OEM inbuilt provision. The manufacturer (Tiny Computers) will not release a copy of the XP disk to me unless I pay the full XP price!
I reformat the drives and during the XP Home Discs process of copying files for the installation, the process freezes the system anywhere from 11% at to 54% at some random file (i didnt take note). I have tried 2 different XP home Discs (both legal etc.) and two different disk drives, though both are new. and still it is yielding the same result. I have also tried loosening the ram timings to 5-5-5-15 (they are rated at 4-4-4-12). No luck and this is beggining to wear me down.
1) While I originally started with XP SP2, now I have a XP SP3 CD, with the SATA drivers successfully incorporated via nLite. SAME PROBLEM, even with the BIOS and XP Setup recognizing the HDDs on SATA ports instead of IDE channels. 2) I downloaded the Windows 7 Beta 64 bit, got thru the install to the point of "Updating Registry" and then the system lost power as with XP and did a soft restart.I am currently downloading to Ubuntu Linux to see if that also fails, at which point I definitely know I have a hardware issue. The question is: Which component? I am leaning towards PSU, with mobo in second. Please any insight from the pros would help.
I'm building my first system from scratch, and have done fine up until the XP installation. This is by far the first XP installation I've done, so thought it would be a breeze. Not turning out that way.
It runs like normal until it gets to the part where it restarts and is supposed to resume/complete the installation. When it boots back up, it goes right back to the original Setup screen (Enter for setup, R for repair, etc). I've tried re-installing numerous times
i have xp pro sp2 on a disc and when i try to install it, i get to the partition screen and it shows i have only one drive, with 2gb on it, in FAT format, which is my USB drive i have plugged in,then below it, it says theres an unknown disk in there, no drive is plugged in (or something like that). So, it wont let me reformat my main drive and install xp on it. I have vista x64 already on it and i wanna go back to XP. When i use my Vista install disk, it can find the disk and format it easily. So would it be possible to format it using the vista disk, then restart with xp disk in and boot from there?
My computers motherboard got fried a while back so I got a new one installed from a pc shop. They also reinstalled xp for me. Been working fine up until recently when I had to update norton. Once I installed my new norton and tried updating its protection it completely collapsed my xp so I had to try and re install xp mysellf only to find the same symptoms that many other xp installers appear to be suffering from. On installation process my hard drive was not detected. I tried other routes such as changing the bios settings disable sata control in the peripheral settings and I also tried making my own xp install cd including the drivers needed for the xp installl to be able to detect the hard drive but was unsuccesssful.
I want to clean my computer and decided to install XP. After booting from cd I chose 'install XP' and enter. After a moment I got a blue screen saying windows failed to discover a hardrive. My computer works perfectly.When I go to my comp's bios my primary IDE master is my dvd drive. I have no primary slave, or secondary master/slave. I see no SATA options.I have a Maxtor 64160m0 SCSI hardrive.
Whenever I try to install something, the window that shows thats its installing closes and installation stops. I restart the install, but it keeps on closing and at different times.
My desktop cannot boot up. I tried to reinstall windows XP.My BIOS (setup) can recognize the hard drive. but when I use OS CD reinstall XP, after loading files, chose continue install XP, I got error message, cannot find hard drive. the only option is F3 to quit installation. and my hard drive had click sound now..I doubt hard drive had some problem. I had did chkdsk from recovery console, but only 52% complete, chkdsk utility exit with "some part cannot recovered" message. why BIOS can see hard drive, but installation software cannot find hard drive...
I'm running a Gateway 700GR with Windows XP service pack 2 and i'm having a pretty bad problem.last night when I turned on the computer and tried to log in, I get this error.Title bar says "Windows Product Activation Error" with the text "A problem is preventing Windows from accuratley checking the liscence for this computer" and the error code is 080090019.Any ideas on what to do? I restarted the computer in safe mode and ran Registry Cleaner (I tried to use System Restore but I just get a blank window) and fixed some stuff with that, but the problem persists.
I have tried to install a new xp pro sp3 disc on a new computer but have been getting errors in the installation. I have tried 3 different times but it says that the disc is missing some components and when it is final it does not work properly.
I finally talked to a tech person that asked me if I had another disc and I have an older sp2 disc. He said to install that but when I put in the key for my new disc it does not work with my older disc. I finally put in my old key and it worked fine. THe installation went off without a hitch but I won't be able to use my old key when I activate it. When I install the sp3 download will I be able to change my key to the new disc key?
When I finish using my PC and click on start then standby I get the following message: "The devise driver for the ATI technologies, inc 3D rage PROagp 2X" devise is preventing the machine from entering standby. Please close all applications and try again. If the problem persists, you may need to update the driver".
Clicking OK and trying again gets the same message.
I've been running win XP for a long time, than I started surfing a lot. I was told that I have a virus because I now get: This copy of Windows did not pass genuine validation. Is there a virus that can mess up your activation key.
I have the same problem with some programs that I want to install in my PC. I receive this problem error message:C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32AUTOEXEC.NT the system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows Applications. Choose Close to terminate the operation.There are several softwares that I would like to install on my PC but I cant because of this error One is a game, the other one is a program I need it to make programs and the last one is a typing software.Is there a way that I can install them on my PC? or do I need to kiss them goodbye?
I've been having this problem with my Dell Lattitude D505 Laptop where I put it on standby, and then about 10 seconds after taking it off standby, I get a blue error screen telling me the system crashed. It mentions on the screen something about BIOS memory. Looking through some other posts, I have seen mention of a correlation between this screen and BIOS. does anyone think that this BIOS memory thing is in fact the problem? How do I resolve anything that deals with this BIOS memory? The help section on my computer just defines what BIOS is, it doesn't state where I can find it on my comp.
I have a Toshiba USB flash drive. I have a problem when I using it on a win2000 sysem. It keeps poping up a warnning message saying I removed the drive. And then "This device is not working properly because Windows cannot load the drivers required for this device. (Code 31)". But it is just a standard drive so that does not make sense. Other USB drives have the same issue. I can sometimes get them to work for a bit before this happens. It is almost like I removed it. It also will just do this at random. It is working pops up the warning, then not, wait a few minutes and it is working and conencted again. I tried another ports and same issue. Other USB devices work fine though.
My computer keeps giving me this error when I start it up Stop: c0000218 Unknown Hard Error Unknown Hard Error I can boot it into safe mode, but I'm unable to really do anything with it. When I try to go on the internet I get directed to a Yahoo search of whatever I entered into the address bar... and any links clicked bring me to random pages. I also noticed that the address of the link in the search isn't showing up in the status bar.
I m now being told that setup does not find the hard drive. So following the instructions below: http://www.windowsxphome.windowsrein...exfullpage.htm I am trying to find the correct drivers for my system. I have a ASUS SK8V motherboard with a raid and SATA hard drives. So looking at the ASUS website I look for the correct driver but find it is 6.77Mb. How can I install this from a floppy disk?
My system was working fine until I installed XP SP2. I am having trouble with a Blue Screen Error "DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL" I believe NVGTS.SYS is the culprit ? I have had to boot in safe made with network to come here to try and get help. Can someone please give me a suggestion as to what might be the issue? I am trying to install this on a new system build, Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.4 GHz, EVGA NForce 780i SLI, 2 gigs of OCz DDR 2 800, Nvidia 8800GTS (G92) 512mb 256-bit GDDR3 PCI-E 2.0 x-16, WD 74 gig Raptor, Liteon 20X DVDR. Thank you~David
I want to uninstall it because I have windows 7 disc and I want to install windows 7 on my computer. I don't have installation disc for windows xp but I have for windows 7. Will there be an option to format xp on windows 7 disc? Or is there some software for uninstalling windows xp?
I was overclocking my cpu cause i replaced the stock fan with a cooling system and while i was overclocking i got a blue screen. So, i rebooted my comp and it says a file is missing or corrupt ( forgot what file something windows/system/config) and told me to repair it. and it wont let me use my windows xp disc. I set my cd-rom to 1st priority, im posititve my cd drives work, and the cd has only been used twice so im pretty sure it cant be that.
My Pc, Is Full Of Useless/Corrupt Stuff Now.It Crashes Regularly.I Have Formatted The Secondary Partition Without Problems, But To Format The Primary, You Need The Windows Disc. Is There A Way Of Formatting Without Windows Discs Or Expensive Third Party Programs?
I've got a computer which keeps restarting. It's rather annoying.I switch it on, and it starts normally. It then restarts after about 1 minute.When I open in it up in safe mode, however, nothing is wrong with it! So I decided to reinstall windows, and i formatted c:; installing windows and it restarts during the installation...Windows then says "restarting reinstallation, and starts the installation from the beginning. Then it restarts again.
Needed to repair XP from my XP Home CD which went well - however I now get "Please insert Compact Disc labeled 'Intel Corp Installation Disc #1 into your CD ROM drive (D), and then click Okay" as the system came preloaded with only the XP Home disc and searching the Web has not identified a site explaining what the file is or where I can download it, if at all possible.
I've got this old mobo Abit VT7. I want to install XP on it. However, the XP disc doesn't recognize SATA hard drives. So I downloaded official SATA driver from the Abit website and tries to slipstream my XP disc following the instructions set forth here . I am not too clear how to incorporate the drivers from the official drivers, but Nlite seems to be able to find the drivers once I pointed it to the top unzipped driver directory, and I selected the XP folder for it. However, the newly created XP disc still fails to recognize the SATA hard drives. Alternatively, I believe I could have a boot floppy which would load the drivers in, then I launch the setup in the XP installation CD via command line. But I don't know how to create a boot disc which has those SATA drivers in.
I uninstalled some preloaded Windows programs, I reinstalled some of them, but now my laptop's all funny. When I connect to The Internet, any program that I open freezes for like 10 minutes, after which it unfreezes. During this time I normally restart my computer, with no success. If I open Windows Live Messenger and Internet Explorer 7 together it freezes normally. Pinball, WordPad, Sound Recorder, and Volume Control cannot be restored. Also, I tried using my Toshiba Recovery DVD, with no success. It says Loading RAMDISK Image, then it reboots and loads the exact same system with no changes made.