Firewall Wont Turn On The System

May 30, 2010

Hi there,I am having problems with a few PC issues.

I am running XP media edition,service pack 3 and since Friday have been unable to turn on the firewall. (I get an error message saying the ICS is not running)

Also my theme has changed to windows classic from windows XP (modified) and when I trid to reset it the windows modified theme has vanished from my machine.

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SP2 - Firewall Won't Turn On

Sep 25, 2005

I recently ran my windows update and downloaded all necisary files but when I finally got to actually getting SP2 an so on . For some reason the firewall for it won't turn on and I've done what's told me to do but nothing I can't get it up and going

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Turn On - Firewall Restart No Registers

Jun 24, 2008

I don't have any other Firewalls installed or any other Antivirus apart from AVG 8, but did have an infection with Anti Virus XP 2008. I can turn on the XP Firewall, but when I restart, it registers that no firewall

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Configure Of Circle To Turn Firewall On Or Off

Aug 20, 2005

when i go into control panel then firewall , the circle to turn firewall on or off are in shadows and it wont let me do anything and i want to turn firewall on . do i have to play witht the firewall settings first or is there a problem?

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Unable To Turn Of Windows Firewall

Jul 29, 2007

im using windows Xp home and i need to turn of the firewall so i can file share between 2 computers but when i go onto windows firewall settings i can not turn it off it only allows the default (on). hear is a picture.

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Cant Turn On Firewall And Other Security Settings

Nov 23, 2008

My home computer hard drive died. Critical data was backed up, so I didnt lose anything important, but Im having trouble with my replacement computer.I had another serviceable WinXP computer, two years old, that had never been connected to the internet, so job one after putting it on my desk was to download AVG antivirus. I did that.But when I tried to update the virus database, AVG Control Panel said the connection failed, and I couldnt download the updates. (I can access the internet via IE7 just fine, which of course I dont want to do without adequate virus and spyware protection.) And when I checked my Security Settings, it says that the firewall is turned OFF. When I try to turn the firewall ON, the first error message says:

Windows Firewall settings cannot be displayed because the associated service is not running. Do you want to start the Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) service?When I click Yes, the next error message says:Windows cannot start the Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) service.Obviously I need instructions from a print or online manual to fix more than just the firewall problem. But Im not sure where to start looking, and what questions to ask when I get there. Some Windows users forum? This forum here? Where do I start?

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Unable To Turn Off The Group Policy And Firewall?

Aug 30, 2006

It seem's i can't turn on my Windows Firewall because of this and im not forsure what else it is effecting

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Turn Off Internet Firewall Before Service Pack 2 Is Installed?

Aug 8, 2004

Should I turn off the Internet Firewall before Service Pack 2 is installed? After it is downloaded, then am I protected or do I have to go back and turn on Internet Firewall? Thanks! I don't quite understand what I should do about the Internet Firewall.

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Turn On Firewall Grayed Out Even Uninstall Zone Alarm

Jul 11, 2005

I've tried everything. After download of SP2 I tried several things to no avail. I uninstalled ZoneAlarm. I uninstalled Norton 2003. But the options to turn on XP firewall are still grayed out.

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System Not Turn On After Turn Off Automatic

Jan 13, 2009

Okay so I usually leave my computer on all the time. I went to bed and when I got up it was off and couldn't get it to turn on. So I assumed it might be the power supply so I went and bought a new one from stamples. He turned on for maybe 5 seconds then turned off. so I took it back thinking maybe I didn't have enough watts. The higher watts didn't doanything. I am lost without my computer can anyone help? I have Win XP..Could it be the fan? Even though the fan worked when i plugged in first PS...Second didnt do anything. Could it be something to do with motherboard?

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System Security Alert Firewall Not On

Sep 12, 2005

im am getting a windows security alert that says windows firewall is not on ,but when i goto turn it on in the control panel it says its already on???

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Firewall Acting Weird - Using ETRust EZ Firewall

Apr 27, 2006

I am using eTRust EZ firewall and just recently started having problems with it and the effect on my pc. First, it wouldn't let me select allow or ask under the access internet or trusted column under the program control. Now, it won't let me access the internet if the program control is turned to low, medium, or high. The only way for anything to get to the internet is if the setting is turned off

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Security Center: System Restore For Firewall?

Aug 18, 2008

I recently installed Comodo Firewall and once again, it was too much for me to handle, so I uninstalled it and went back to Windows Firewall until I can find something else. However, as most people experience, it is still listed as my running firewall in the security center. I googled the problem and I have tried everything that I have found to get rid of it and it will not go away! I followed the instructions on the Comodo page and when it comes to deleting the repository file, it won't allow me to. I hit delete and it comes up that a file is still in use. I tried again and again, went under safe mode, and nothing. I tried to run the Command tells me the repository file is not empty and Command will not let me proceed any further.

I tried System Restore, which solved the firewall problem but brought on antivirus problems (I have the Avira free edition). The AV guard will not work. I click "Antivir Guard Enable"....nothing. The definitions remain at the day I restored back to and when I try to update, it says my program is up to date. I go to the Service program under Administrative tools to start it, same problem. I have restored back a couple times and have never had this problem. So I ended up undoing both system restores and am back to the firewall problem. I can't get rid of it no matter what I do.

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Need Security Firewall And Antivirus / Don't Want To Slow Down System

Aug 8, 2006

my sister is going to college with one of our old laptops. It has a 1.6 GHz Celeron and about 180 MB of RAM. I need security (firewall, antivirus), but I don't want it to slow down the system a lot. All she needs to do is use the web and Microsoft Office. Do you have recommendations on what free software to use?

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Dont Have Windows XP SP2 Secutity System And Firewall

Jan 4, 2006

I had a virus and now I dont have windows XP SP2 secutity system and firewall.

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System Restore - Install Firewall No Start Up

Aug 24, 2005

download from msn and in 2 days 8 viruis and many registery problems have got rid of all by running spydoctor . registy meachine ,avg .ntl netguard. the main viruis was backdoor jcb but now my windows firewall turns off after every restart and so dose system restore i have tryed to install a new firewall spygate but this will not start up after i download it i did put in a new cd-rw drive a couple of weeks ago but thats been fine

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McAfee Off System - Occurred Error Firewall

Sep 10, 2007

I've got Windows XP and when I try and remove McAfee using the 'add/remove programs' Uninstaller, it comes up with an error message (no number - just 'an error has occured while trying to uninstall McAfee Security System'). I have succesfully uninstalled other components of McAfee, like the spamkiller and firewall, but can't get rid of this last bit, which I need to do to install my new software. I've also tried uninstalling from the start menu but no option comes up under the programme list.

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Downloaded Some Windows Updates / Go To Turn Off Computer / Turn Off Button Has Changed

Apr 6, 2007

I downloaded some windows updates but not all of them installed. When I go to Turn Off Computer, the "Turn Off" button has changed, indicating that when I hit it, it will install the updates. There's also a field I can click which will Turn Off without installing the updates. When I click the Turn Off buttion, it attempts to install two updates. It doesn't appear to be successful. Every time I Turn Off Computer it apparently tries to install the same two updates. I can reboot and do this over and over and they don't "take".There's nothing in Event Viewer to indicate what's going on. I couldn't find any installation logs though I'm not sure where to look.

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Can't Turn Off System - Restore SP2

Nov 8, 2004

Ever since I installed SP2 I am not able to turn off System Restore - i.e. the option to change the settings is there but when clicked nothing happens.

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System Can't Restart - Turn Off

May 5, 2007

I clean my computer with many programs and still doesn't turn is my HJT.. I infected ??Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.Scan saved at 12:15:56 AM, on 5/5/2007
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16414)Running processes:C:WINDOWSSystem32smss.ex

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System Turn On Automatically

Jul 28, 2008

I need a way to get my PC to turn on after 5 minutes if it's turned off accidentally. I have an FTP server running, and everything works once it's turned on ie it's configured to work upon startup, but the problem is, it's in my office, and people keep turning it off. How annoying. How can I get it to turn back on if anyone turns it off.

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Uninstalled Zone Alarm Firewall - System Become Very Slow

Dec 8, 2007

when i updated my Zone Alarm firewall, I uninstalled it cos I was getting severe problems with the computer completely hanging, after uninstalling and reboot chkdsk ran and on the first 5% or so of checking the index it found problems then ran thru chkdsk pretty fast until fixing unreadable security description datastreams. windows works absolutely fine no problems whatsoever, then next time i reboot it does the same, this time problems are non-stop until about 10% then fine from there on in, then when it finishes repairing the drive it gets stuck at repairing unreadable security descriptions date stream , says unable to read and boots straight into windows, again windows works fine except a little hanging.

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Can't Turn Off System - Restore Points

Feb 22, 2007

I had a problem with my computer running slowly but I solved it.I was told to turn off restore points,then turn them back on.Tried that but I get the following message.System restore encountered an error trying to enable/disable one or more drives.Please restart your machine and try again.

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Turn Off System Speaker - Not Detecting HD

Jul 13, 2005

windows doesnt detect that i have a HD but its on and im using it right now so it beeps so how do i turn it off?

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Turn On Computer To Log In Operating System

Dec 5, 2007

I was having issues with spyware, and got those taken care of. But now, when I turn on the computer to log into windows, i get to the welcome and it starts to load windows. it loads the wallpaper, and then nothing. it'll just sit there. Short of reformatting,

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Turn On Bluetooth On Operating System

Jun 13, 2010

How can I turn on Bluetooth on Windows XP?

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Sp2 And Firewall - Firewall Settings Are Greyed Out

Jul 14, 2005

My firewall settings are greyed out and a banner says some functions controlled by group policy but I have a home computer and no network administrator. I tried resetting the firewall setting and it didnt seem to work

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Router Firewall OR Comodo Firewall??

Mar 6, 2010

I connect to the internet thru a router with a built in firewall.(turned on) I am also running a software firewall with comodo. Do I need the comodo firewall Every new update version of the comodo firewall seems to mess one thing or another up on my old winXP machine.

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Security Center Says Firewall Off, Firewall Says On?

Jul 1, 2005

Windows XP Home running McAfee Security Center, which is not managing Security Center, and McAfee Personal Firewall is not installed.All Windows Critical Updates are applied.Windows Security Center says the Windows Firewall is off, Windows Firewall says it is on.

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Turn Off System Restore - Group Policy

Jan 8, 2007

i'm running win xp pro...i got a couple of viruses and need to turn off system restore! i went to try to turn it off and it wont give me the option of doing so!something about group policy? I never turned that on ! how do you turn off system restore like this?

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Turn On System Restore - Updating Computer

Jan 7, 2007

Before updating anying thing on your PC I would set a turn on system restore and set a restore point saved my butt many times.

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